Motorcycle Travellers' News Report - December 2016, 105th Edition

Are you a TRAVELLER? Are you interested in an iceberg graveyard, minke whales, paddle boarding and avalanches in Antarctica, noise, chaos, spectacular scenery and crazy roads, delicious food and the most diverse mix of people in India, bug-eyed in a tidal wave in Alaska, bicycling to Ushuaia, 300 million crazy bus drivers in Peru... and much more? Then you're reading the right newsletter!

Introduction to this issue.

Welcome to the 106th Edition of the overland travellers' e-zine! 2017 is very nearly over - what a year it has been! Weather has been in the news a lot - fires, floods, hurricanes, blizzards, with catastrophic impacts, especially on vulnerable populations. It seems much worse than it used to be, but we're also more aware of what happens on the other side of the world now, whereas in the past we didn't hear about it. Our little corner of Canada recently made headlines for a major ice storm that knocked out power to over 100,000 households, including us for a couple of days! We can't complain too much, though, as our temperatures are just below freezing, much of North America and Europe has it way worse!

Ice covered tree in front yard.

Ice covered tree in our front yard

What have we been doing with ourselves?

We're hard at work helping our local volunteers to organize 20+ overland adventure travellers meetings and events for 2018. These include major meetings in Virginia, Germany, Ontario, Russia, HUBB UK, Switzerland, BC (CanWest), Montenegro, North Carolina, France, California, South Africa, Indonesia, and the Australian Snowy Mountains! NEW this year are Chile, Ecuador and Italy and a Mini Meeting in Sweden. Bolivia is doing their Mini again too. Highlights below and all the details on these and other events are on the website.

HUMM Granite Mountain Arizona will be Apr 13-15, 2018.

What else? HUMMs! For 2018, we're planning 3 HUMMs - the Monashees in BC, the Appalachians in West Virginia and new this year in Granite Mountain, Arizona! What is a HUMM? The most fun you can have on 2 wheels! More info here!

We're well stuck into the major upgrade of the website, and we've launched the new blogging system with many new features for travellers, and also the terrific new resource for travellers, Destinations! More details on the new features below!

2017 is the 30th anniversary of us starting our travels as Horizons Unlimited and the 20th anniversary of the website (yeah, it's a bit confusing!). To mark the occasion, Jim and Liz Martin at Adventure Rider Radio asked us some questions about how we met, our RTW travels, the origins of Horizons Unlimited and what it looks like today, and also asked some folks about how HU has influenced them. Where Do You Go When You Have Motorcycle Travel Questions? is the resulting podcast! (Be warned, it's long-ish!)

As we reflect on the past few years and look forward to 2018, we know that changes are needed to keep Horizons Unlimited going strong on a sustainable path. Unfortunately, income from events does not cover expenses for the website, much less pay us a living wage, so we need new sponsors and advertisers for events and the website. If you know anyone who should be advertising with us (anyone who sells motorcycles or motorcycle accessories, overland vehicles or accessories, riding gear, camping equipment and clothing; transports motorcycles; organizes motorcycle tours; or has motorcycles to rent), please send us contact details or recommend that they contact us directly. Thanks for your help!

Where are our intrepid travellers this issue?

We've got great stories from Antarctica, Kyrgyzstan, Peru, Australia, India, Indonesia, Alaska, China, Tibet, Argentina, Ireland, Chile and many more!

...And those are just the ones we tracked down! What about you? Get out there on the road and make your own adventure, and don't forget to write! Seriously, there are so many travellers out there now that it's hard for me to keep up with them all. If you send me a couple of paragraphs and pics every month you'll have a much better chance of making it into the e-zine! We try to link to your blog/website if you have one. If you don't have a blog, we can help!

This newsletter is provided as a complimentary service for travellers everywhere, both on the road and (temporarily ;-) off. Your support is greatly appreciated.

your editors, Susan and Grant Johnson, (about us, contact us)

Travellers on the Road

Ekke Kok and Audrey Allenspach-Kok, Canada, highlights of Antarctica

"...Cheli gave the wake up call over the loudspeaker the next morning, March 1st, to inform us that the Ocean Endeavour was travelling through Lemaire Channel, and that if we weren't out on deck right now, then we should be. Ekke went up to the top deck at the front and stood there for ages, watching as the ship broke through the ice. It was cold, so I joined him a bit later, cozy in my yellow parka. The bow of the boat, usually closed to passengers, was opened up and offered more beautiful views with icebergs and glaciers all around. Just as we were going into a narrow part of the channel, people started pointing and getting excited. We looked and saw a wall of snow and ice falling into the sea about 500 metres in front of the ship - avalanche! So the ship slowed down and waited for the waves, caused by the falling ice chunks, to subside, before continuing through the channel. Some minke whales swam by in the distance, a magical sight in picturesque Lemaire Channel.

Antarctica - avalanche.

...After breakfast the Zodiacs cruised out to an iceberg graveyard, Iceberg Alley, a bay where icebergs would get stuck for years. The shapes and colours were stunning, deep blues and greens when the sun hit them just right. Fellow passengers on kayaks and paddle boards could be seen enjoying the calm waters and bright sunshine while paddling about among the bobbing icebergs. After a wet landing on Peterman Island, the furthest south that we would reach on the cruise, we hiked over to a group of gentoo penguins who again displayed their playful penguin antics such as waddling, pecking and chasing. One of the ornithologists, Jim, pointed out a new species of penguin to us, a lone Adelie penguin, identifiable by the white circles around its eyes. It was great to finally see a different species of penguin after seeing thousands of gentoos.

Adelie penguins in Antarctica.

Jonathan Shackleton was also there on the pathway, and he warned us about the fur seals and how they could suddenly turn aggressive, so to give them a wide berth. They were really playful, and we watched as a couple of younger ones wrestled enthusiastically. Jonathan also pointed out Shackleton Mountain, named after the famous explorer, who was also his cousin, so I asked if I could take his photo with the mountain. Further along, another guide, Noah, warned us of a precarious cornice overhang of snow and sent us around it. Ekke stayed and chatted with Noah, watching a drone, brought with prior permission by a couple of passengers, fly around the island, taking videos. I walked up to a viewpoint, and it was so warm that people had shed their parkas and sweaters, with one fellow posing for photos with his shirt off. Global warming?

Paddleboarding in Antarctica.
I'm not sure that the Antarctic is the place to learn stand-up paddle boarding

After lunch, our afternoon excursion to Half Moon Island started with a walk up some rocky slopes, past some beautiful glaciers lit up by the spectacular sunshine. On our guide's walkie-talkie we had heard someone excitedly reporting that 'Kevin' had been spotted further up on the cliffs, and we wondered who Kevin was. It turns out that living among a colony of thousands of chinstrap penguins was a single macaroni penguin, christened with the name, 'Kevin' by the staff. We walked in the direction of a crowd of people that had formed on the hill, past some lazy Weddell seals to where they were gathered, all trying to get a glimpse of the special penguin. Jim, an ornithologist, gave instructions as to how to find Kevin, in his hilarious Irish brogue. He gave me some binoculars and eventually I saw the distinctive yellow tufts of feathers of the crested macaroni penguin sticking up among all the penguin heads. I officially declared it the cutest penguin species of them all. And the super zoom camera came in handy once again."

Macaroni penguins in Antarctica.
There he is! Spot the lone macaroni penguin amidst the chinstraps!

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Ed. Ekke and Audrey are safely home in Canada, will be helping to organize HU CanWest and telling stories about their adventures in South America!

Maria and Alistair Robinson, Franglais Riders, UK and France, travels through Kyrgyzstan

Blocked by a landslide
Road blocked by a landslide

"...By 3am that morning, Alistair woke up rather sick with food poisoning. At 6am ! He was feeling so bad, I went down, to the hotel reception to get a doctor. Soon after, two medics arrived and gave him an injection after checking him. One of the hotel staff was helping with translation.

At 7:30 / 8am, Alistair got much worse and was having severe abdominal pain. I walked to reception again and asked them to help as we needed to go to hospital. It was a different crew at reception. They called an ambulance. Traffic was bad at that time and it took some time to arrive.

Alistair was then examined by the paramedics in the couch of the hotel reception! The verdict was that he had to go to hospital. A common occurrence in Kyrgyzstan. One week earlier, our friend Howard was also taken to hospital, for food poisoning, and put on a drip!

The ambulance was UAZ 4 wheel drive, with rustic engine and nothing much inside to lay down. It stank of diesel inside, but did the job.

Siberia ambulance and yurt camp
Siberia ambulance and yurt camp

One of the receptionists at the hotel came with us, as we needed help with translation. Not many people speak English around here! That was very kind of the staff. At the hospital, we were taken to a consultation room, where a doctor was already working with a patient. We waited a bit and he examined Alistair. He was then taken upstairs where I was not allowed to follow!

What happened then is what he described to me later. Basically he had his stomach washed in the inside, in a rather crude but effective way! He was given a lot of warm water to drink, then had to make himself throw up in a bucket, by inserting his fingers down his throat, while Erlan, the hotel receptionist, was holding his head! After being repeatedly made to do so, he was then taken to a small room that had three small beds. The doctor then gave us a piece of paper with a list of stuff to buy.

Erlan took me to one of the many pharmacies in site, and we came back with two bottles to be used as a drip, and lots of old fashioned ampoules containing different liquids ( no idea what it was!).

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Help support the Horizons Unlimited E-zine - visit our sponsors!
Please be sure to tell them how you heard about Ride-Chile. Thanks!

At we have everything you need to start your adventure, whether you are looking to experience the open roads of South America with a group of fellow motorcycle enthusiasts or you are looking to blaze the trails on your own, Ride-Chile has the perfect guided or self-ride motorcycle adventure ready to take you there.

Visit the breathtaking landscapes of Chile, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and much more! Founded by former RTW motorcycle adventurer, Tomás (Chile) offer personalized expeditions and rentals of Kawasaki KLR 650 & BMW motorcycles. Based in Santiago, Tomás supplies motorcycle adventurers with a wide range of expeditions to the highlights of South America: Patagonia, Ushuaia, Perito Moreno, Atacama, Machu Picchu, Iguazu, Uyuni, Death Road, Amazonas and Dakar Rally. They also provide short tours to the Andes Mountains, vineyards and national parks.

Laura Pattara, Australia, riding around Australia,

"Riding the last year through Australia has highlighted what I already knew: your mode of transport, when overlanding the globe, affects every aspect of your life and should never be considered a separate entity. Just because you love riding a bike it doesn't mean that you'd love travelling long-term on two wheels.

Motorbike overlanding fiercely dictates your life's luggage, and I don't mean the kind of panniers you can attach to your steed. It means having to live in a tent if you can't always afford accommodation and, most importantly for me, it means being highly restricted on how much time you can spend 'in the bush', as the Aussies call it. This, for me, has been the biggest sacrifice of all.

In 2009, we spent a month crossing the Somali desert and then three weeks again crossing the Sudanese desert. On Matilda, our less-than-trusty-Landy, a month was our stock-up pile timeline. The luxury of long-term self-sufficiency gifts the most remarkable experiences but you need some room to afford yourself that luxury. A motorbike side-box just doesn't cut it. When you disconnect from the world, from phone reception, from everything, it has a soothing effect on the soul that few can even imagine. The one aspect of overlanding I love, more than anything else, is heading out into nature for weeks at a time. In Australia specifically, this would have to be the most priceless experience of all. And the bikes are stopping us dead in our tracks from doing that. Even if you must re-emerge for only a short refuelling and restocking stop, it is a break in the solitude nonetheless. It breaks the spell.

Bush Camping Australia
DAY 1807, bush camping along the Gibb River Road, Australia

On the bikes, we can't go past a whole week without having to make some kind of contact and, more importantly, it won't be a relaxing week either. Water must be rationed and fuel too, especially if wanting to move around a bit. Sure, you can stretch it to 2 weeks if you don't ride much and are happy with 2-minute noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner to have the privilege of solitude. But those days, at least for me, are long gone. Yep. I want my cake and eat it too.

I simply crave more freedom and comforts than the bike can offer me. ...And don't even get me started on tent life. That ain't no way for a princess to live, damn it!

I love camping, I always have, but after 5 years I am just a teeny tiny bit over having to live in a tent. Pull it up, take it down, scorching heat, bone-numbing cold, soul-dampening rain and acrobatics to get changed. Every day, in and out. Meh. And while it's somewhat true that a bike (and its corresponding tent) can get you places even a 4WD can't reach, it can't keep you there for very long in the kind of comfort and luxury I wish to now become accustomed... and that's my primary gripe."

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Ed. Read the rest of Laura's musings at Laura's Travel Tales.

Rucka Travels the world, in India

"India, that's a wrap! Just the most amazing adventure destination possible. India has something for everyone, and no shortage of colour, noise, chaos, spectacular scenery and crazy roads, delicious food and the most diverse mix of people.

Feeling a little sad as I filled up with my last tank of fuel for this wonderful trip of 9 months, and 20,000 km's across incredible! India and Nepal. I'm going to miss this amazing country and this wonderful REH machine that has served me so well without any faults or mechanical breakdowns.

The north east states have been just stunning and an amazing adventure on wild roads, especially out to Longwa, Nagaland, and catching the ferry over to Majuli island in the middle of the Brahmaputra... highly recommended destinations!

Happy travels and safe riding to all the Himalayan brothers out there. Look after your machine and it will reward you back!

Thank you India and Nepal"

Rucka near Shillong, India

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HU Events

Why Come to a Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers Meeting?

You can meet people who don't think you're crazy for wanting to ride your bike to South America or Africa or across Asia! People who will encourage you, share their experiences and advice on how to do it!

Also, the meetings help to make HU more than just a website - a community of motorcycle travellers - real people, not just e-mail addresses ;-) And very importantly, they are the main source of HU revenue, thus helping us to keep the HUBB and website going and a roof over our heads! So thanks to everyone who comes!

Meetings and Events, 2018. Mark your calendars and sign up now!

2018 is shaping up to be a fantastic year, with 2+ new events! We're in South America, North America, Europe, Australia, Africa and Asia! Registration is open for most events already!

South America

Chile New! March 8-11. The 1st HU Chile Travellers Meeting is happening! Cristian Maragaño will host this event at his fabulous MotoCamp Pucón. Registration open now, early bird rates extended to Jan 7.

Bolivia, March 16-18. Mika Kuhn is hosting this event in Samaipata, Bolivia! Registration is open.

Ecuador New! July 13-15. Raúl Guarderas will host the 1st HU Ecuador Travellers Meeting at Hacienda Sierra Alisos in Tambillo, Mejía, Ecuador. Mark your calendar, details to come soon!

Argentina, Dec 8-9 2018 (TBC). To all travelling friends who are planning to go to Ushuaia this year, Oscar Knecht will again be hosting a Horizons Unlimited mini-meeting in Balneario El Cóndor, near Viedma.

North America

HUMM Navigation Challenges / Off-road Scavenger Hunt

What's a HUMM, you say? The most fun you can have on two wheels! Check out the HUMM event trailer! Get your buddies together and form a team or two! Don't have a team? No worries, we can team you up - in fact we've teamed up the winners - twice!

New! HUMM Granite Mountain Arizona, April 13-15. Fantastic new location for riding awesomeness, this event is organized by JD Smith and Don Hood, and they're promising some of the best riding in the world! High in the mountains above Prescott, this is the perfect time of year to ride Arizona. Sign up now, early bird rates extended to Jan 7!

HUMM Monashees, July 20-22. Nakusp, BC. Numbers are limited, so form your teams and get registered, it's going to be awesome - we've doubled the riding area this year! Strategy wins the game! Sign up now!

HUMM Monashees, Nakusp, BC.

HUMM Appalachians, September 14-16. New! location at Canaan Valley in West Virginia. We've teamed up with Mark Carrera and Zacker Adventures to make this event happen! Online registration is open now, with early bird rates!

Travellers Meetings

Virginia, April 26-29, in Appomattox, Virginia! Fantastic location, and we've been promised a brand new high speed internet connection! :) Online registration is open now, with early bird rates until January 31!

Ontario, May 24-27, New! location at Golden Beach Resort on Rice Lake, right between Toronto and Quebec, and closer to Ottawa. Note the NEW EARLY date. Online registration is open now, early bird rates extended until Jan 7!

Canada West, August 23-26. Nakusp, BC. Super riding in the area and very friendly town, a great campground, and excellent facilities for a jam-packed weekend. Online registration is open now, early bird rates!

North Carolina, September 20-23. Ironhorse Motorcycle Lodge, Stecoah, NC. This is the 15th Anniversary at Ironhorse, our longest at one venue - why? Because it's awesome! See you there! Online registration is open now, early bird rates until Jan 31.

California, Sept. 27-30 in Mariposa, on the doorstep of Yosemite! Online registration is open now, early bird rates extended until Jan 7!

Bike lineup at HU California.


Germany, May 31-June 3 at Campingplatz Pfrimmtal, just at the entrance of the Pfälzer Wald! Online registration is open now, with early bird rates until 31 January!

HUBB UK, June 14-17. HUBB UK is back in our great new location - Baskerville Hall Hotel, on the edge of the Brecon Beacons and Black Mountain National Park! See the HUBB UK trailer! for a taster! Online registration is open now with early bird rates extended until Jan 7!

HUBB UK 2016 Entrance - pic by Martina Zürcher.

Russia, June 21-24. Valday Eco Club Hotel, Valday National Park, Korotsko. Conveniently located not far from the border and M-10 Highway (Moscow – Saint-Petersburg) right between two major Russian capitals. The hotel is in a beautiful old forest, with excellent riding and a great atmosphere. Alex Nikonov and his team invite you to some real Russian hospitality! Online registration open now!

Switzerland, August 16-19. Campingplatz Erlebnisbauernhof Gerbe, Meierskappel. There are great motorcycling roads nearby and the Alps at your doorstep. Online registration is open now, with early bird rates until 28 February!

"Thanks everyone for a wonderful weekend, from the the organisers, to presenters to attendees. What a super bunch of people. I will certainly be attending again. Some of the speakers were truly inspirational"

Montenegro, Aug 30 - Sep 2. At Eko katun Vranjak on Bjelasica Mountain, in the Biogradska Gora National Park near Kolasin. For a taster, check out this amazing video from HU Montenegro 2017, by Online registration is open now!

New! Italy, September 14-16. Located at a beautiful old monastery in Tuscany, you're going to love this one. Fantastic riding in a beautiful part of the world, it's motorcycle heaven. Mark your calendar, details coming soon.

France, September 21-23. Great location - Camping Les Hirondelles, Al'Pech, Loupiac. Thierry Floreck will be organising this 6th HU event in France, ably assisted by a hard working team. Mark your calendars, online registration will open soon!

Germany Autumn, November 1-4. Campingplatz Pfrimmtal. Mark your calendars!


Australia Snowy Mountains, November 15-18. Jindabyne, NSW. This great location offers a range of accommodation options, great facilities and the potential for outdoor bike activities. Veteran travellers Brian Rix, Shirley Hardy-Rix head a fantastic team with a wealth of presentations! Mark your calendars. Online registration open now, early bird rates extended to Jan 7!


South Africa, November 8-11, near Potchefstroom. Kobus Fourie is again hosting this event at his fabulous Elgro River game lodge and conference centre, with help from his lovely daughter Claudine. Online registration opening soon!

Elgro River Lodge, Potchefstroom, South Africa.


Indonesia October 11-14. The first year in Indonesia was a spectacular event, with presenters coming from all over the world to a remote little island in the farthest reaches of Indonesia. This year's New! location is much closer to Jakarta, so easier to get to, but no less fantastic. Details to come soon.

More details as we have them!

Call for Presenters!

How about you? We're all here to learn, and there's LOTS to learn! We want to do more presentations and seminars - but we need volunteers to give them! Any topic you can contribute having to do with motorcycle travel, maintenance, planning, first aid, etc, lasting 20 minutes or more, would be great. Please start at the Presenters page for LOTS of ideas on what to present, including presenter tips and information, and sign up while you're there!

Why present? Confirmed presenters who offer 2 presentations or tech clinics (or a repeat session) get free entry AND a complimentary synth t-shirt! Plus of course there's the intangible benefits - reconnecting with your tribe, the admiration of your fans and the opportunity to sell books about your adventures! ;-)

Had a great trip? Got good stories and pics of it? Never presented before? All new Tips for putting on a successful Travel Slide Show!

Volunteers and Hosts

Volunteers for all meetings are needed, just a couple of hours of your time makes it all a lot easier - and fun - for all. You can volunteer a few hours of your time when you register for the event. And volunteering is always a great way to meet a lot of people!

If you'd like to host an HU Meeting in your area, please see the How To Host a Meeting page for details.

Exhibitors sign up here to join us at a Meeting.

See the Events page for more details on all events.

Rohit Upadhyay, India, My Nomadic Travel Tales, to Sikkim

"...for many years I had been craving to ride to Sikkim, the Jewel of Eastern Himalaya. Many plans failed and got re-planned with no immediate success. While I left my regular paying job for no particular reason, I realized that there wont be any perfect time like this to break the long pending jinx. I started this ride from Pune and rode all the way to Sandakhpu, highest point in West Bengal. Moved on to Darjeeling and then finally to the one of the most happening capital – Gangtok."

Watefall in North Sikkim
Waterfall in North Sikkim

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Ed. Great stories and pics on Rohit's web page!

Liz Keily, Australia, Melbourne to Iran, BMW 650,

"Robert Edison Fulton Junior completed a solo round the world tour on a two-cylinder Douglas motorcycle way back in 1933. One of my favourite parts of his inspiring story is that he left England with a white dinner jacket. It didn't take long for it to be ditched in an effort to lighten his motorcycle and 'unstufficate' his journey. Most long-term travellers write about similar experiences of taking too much 'stuff' with them and eventually ditching it along the way.

A heavily laden motorcycle provides many challenges especially when off road. So it is much like any other outdoor pursuit, light travel is certainly the aim... However, there were a few items we really found we needed and wished we had left with from the outset."

Police bike, Songkhla
Liz and a police bike in Songkhla, Thailand

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Help support the Horizons Unlimited E-zine - visit our sponsors!
Please be sure to tell them how you heard about James Cargo. Thanks!

James Cargo - Motorcycle Shipping Experts!

James Cargo is an international freight shipper specialising in International Bike / Motorcycle Shipping and more. All countries, sea or air, multi-bike shipments, containers to USA from the UK and back for events like Sturgis and more.
Be sure to mention Horizons Unlimited for the best service!

Lisa Morris and Jason Spafford, UK, Argentina to Alaska, in Alaska, BMW F650GS and F800GS,

"...'Fancy kayaking up Tracy Arm, and spending the night?' Jason asked me and our mate Josh, an experienced whitewater kayaker with a quiet gravitas about him. This won't be a day at the beach like paddling across the lake to Mendenhall Glacier, I was promptly informed. Tracy Arm is a narrow fjord 50 miles southeast of Juneau leading to Sawyer Glacier. There are zero rangers in attendance; it is deep in the Alaskan wilderness. 'Okay, let's do it—what's the worst that could happen?'

Lisa Morris and Jason Spafford kaying in Alaska.

...A mere five minutes passed when a colossal piece of ice smashed down from Sawyer's face. A tidal wave akin to the wave machine at Florida's Typhoon Lagoon rolled alarmingly in our direction. The sensation was a torrent of alien sound. 'LISA! Get over here now!' I did so with the utmost despatch. 'And face the glacier, do NOT stay side onto that wave.' While I clung onto the advice as though it was a life raft, Jason bound our kayaks together with the paddles to create more stability. My mind was far from stable. Powerless, I sat in silent horror at the prospect of sitting inside a lean 12-foot vessel about to negotiate a six-foot wave heading straight at me. Bug-eyed and daunted, I forgot to breathe."

Calving glacier in Alaska.

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Ed. Read the rest of Lisa and Jason's story and see the fantastic photos on their blog.
What's New at HU?

What do Grant and Susan do with all their spare time? This question must have crossed your mind at some time! Starting in February 2016, we've been working with Rachel Lawson, our Drupal developer, on a major migration of the website - Travellers Stories, AND adding brand new functionality - Destinations, your overland travel bucket list! We're only half-way done, so stay tuned for more.

Travellers Stories

First up, we've migrated hundreds of travellers stories to a new blogging platform. Check out the amazing HU Travel Stories now, and add your own!

  • A blog on HU gets you an instant audience as thousands of travellers visit HU looking for information on anywhere and everywhere.
  • All the good stuff is already built, so it's dead easy to get started. You can have your first post out in minutes.
  • When you write your story, you can tag it with the country and any other relevant tags to make it easy to find.
  • When someone searches for information on a country you've been to, or follows a tag, YOUR story will come up in the list, bringing readers to your blog to learn about where you've been and read more!
  • When entering your story, you can reference any of the HU Destinations right in your blog with a single click and a few letters, and all the Destination info will be right there for those who want more on it. You can create a NEW Destination easily too, and add your experience of it right from your blog.
  • Friends and Family can sign up without an account to get an email when you've made an update to your blog. You choose whether or not to send updates.
  • Others can be added as authors, perhaps a travel partner or friend at home who maintains it for you.
  • You can have as many blogs / travel stories as you want, and YOUR URL stays the same, with an index of all your stories.
  • Embedding video, images, Tweets etc is a single click - it doesn't get easier! You can also upload a GPX file to show your route on a map. Again, just one click. And when you're done, your blog goes right to the top of the blogs listing on HU - so post often!

Check out the hundreds of amazing HU Travel Stories now, and add your own!


Horizons Unlimited users are true adventurers and know every corner of this World. Now every Horizons Unlimited user can help pass that valuable information between us and make sure that we all know the very best places to visit, how to make sure we are there at just the right time, where to stay and where to get help when things break...

We have created a database where we can all store these Points of Interest, of many different types. Every Horizons Unlimited traveller can add their own Points of Interest to the map (already over 650 POI's) and also add their own experiences of them, giving readers not just the facts, but also a traveller's valuable thoughts and opinions, and photos too.

But some areas of the World have lots of things to see! So, we have also curated a list of Destinations that group together Points of Interest and allow you to explain the "must see" parts of a Destination, along with the useful information for that area.

Destinations on Horizons Unlimited - a small sample!

Just a few of the hundreds of Destinations waiting for you!

These POI's are of interest to overland / motorcycle travellers, not necessarily the bus tourist! Broad categories to cover everything possible:

  • Places to stay, be they swanky hotels, guest houses, camping sites or places in the wild!
  • Things to see, things not to miss!
  • Things that happen at certain times of year - make sure to be there at the right time!
  • Places to buy food to go or places to sit down and eat
  • Fuel stops in remote locations
  • Repair shops for both you and your vehicle
  • Places to do paperwork etc.
  • All POI's can also be tagged for more detailed categories to make them easier to find.
  • Hundreds of key "HU Traveller relevant" Points of Interest so far, each one with GPS coordinates
  • Thousands of Border Crossings, with GPS coordinates, based on Open Street Map data
  • Split between the "objective" data like the GPS coordinates and the "subjective" data - people's personal experiences of being there as well as the facts.
  • Record just the right, useful info about each type of Point of Interest
  • Reference a POI anywhere else in the website, such as on a Blog post, or in a comment on the (to come) new HUBB and it will be displayed right there.
  • You can add any HU POI to your own personal "Bookmarks " on HU, and output as a GPX file to download to your GPS, and go travelling!
  • It's your own personal "Bucket List."

We want everyone to to be able to add as they go, so we've made it as easy as possible to add to this "Travellers Treasure Trove".

Check out Destinations now!

Gene and Neda 'Lightcycle', Canada, RTW, in Ireland, Honda CRF 250s

"Thin, cold, white clouds drift slowly across the peaks of Slieve League, the highest mountains in Ireland.

These mountains plunge dramatically into the Atlantic Ocean. This is the typical place where everyone takes a picture of the cliffs. The name of this spot is called Bunglass. I'm not sure how you pronounce that in Gaelic... But it accurately describes how I feel after many hours of riding.

Gene and Neda in Bunglass, Ireland.

The road takes us further south and we reach the next County, Galway. On the shores of a lake, we saw a magnificent grey building called Kylemore Abbey. So we pulled in for a closer look. The Abbey was built around the time of the Great Famine. A rich politician from England came over and spent his sizeable fortune helping the locals, giving them work, shelter and building a school on the estate.

Gene and Neda in Kylemore Abbey, Ireland.

There's supposed to be a beautiful garden on the grounds of Kylemore Abbey, but you had to pay an admission fee - €13.00 per person. That's a big Nope. So we hopped back on our bikes. Nice abbey, though!

...We pass by this RV Park in Tralee. As good a place as any to stop for the night. The RV park is deserted. There's a phone number on the window of the laundry/washroom building, to call someone if we're going to camp. We dialed the number but no answer and no answering machine...

I check the forecast and it calls for rain later on in the middle of night. I stare at our old, leaky tent drying out in the front yard...

So with nobody around, we sneakily set up the tent in the laundry room!

Gene and Neda camped in laundry room in RV park in Tralee, Ireland.

We feel like such criminals... That night I sleep a nervous, shallow sleep, one ear open, listening to see if a security guard is going to drive up, come inside with his flashlight and kick us out (or worse) for trespassing!

It's well past midnight when the rain hits the windows of the laundry room. My feet are dry tonight but I don't get much rest... "

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Ed. See Gene and Neda's posts and great pics on the HUBB Ride Tales Forum!

Janneke, Netherlands, on the road to Om, Royal Enfield

Janneke posts great photos, not too many words!

Will the bike fit through?

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Help support the Horizons Unlimited E-zine - visit our sponsors!
Please be sure to tell them how you heard about Classic Bike India. Thanks!

Classic Bike India - Guided Motorcycle Adventure Tours To Ladakh - Sri Lanka - Bhutan - Rajasthan - Nepal - Thailand - Tibet - Goa & South India.

Guided Motorcycle Adventure Tours To
Ladakh - Sri Lanka - Bhutan - Rajasthan - Nepal - Thailand - Tibet - Goa & South India

Chantelle and Todd, Australia, in Peru,

"They say there are three letters used to describe drivers in Peru - WTF.

...soon we were into the outskirts of Lima. The traffic started to build up slowly at first and then BAM, we were in the thick of the stupidest, most insane world of driving we have ever seen. We watched countless near misses as cars cut lanes without looking, taxis stopped in the highway, and buses careened out of pullouts.

At one point I found myself within inches of slamming into a parked black taxi car that was in the third lane of a multilane highway. He had stopped because a bus had pulled out from the shoulder which had caused another bus and 17 taxis to all swerve out to miss the original bus, but then everyone had to stop for the other umpteen buses that had also stopped in the highway because of the next 4 taxis who were picking up a few thousand people who had just alighted from 34 other buses that had parked around 65 cars who were trying to squeeze through the next 12 buses while motorcycles passed through the middle of them because another bus was trying to cut across all the lanes because he had missed his turn off, but 15473 people were in his way because they were all standing on the road and trying to flag down the 300 million buses that were all screaming towards me at warp speed that hadn't seen me stopped behind a black taxi car and so on it went for the next 70 kms. Wow. I will never complain about traffic again after this. Crazy. Seriously. Wow.

Dirty postie bike
A very dirty postie bike!

Normally, you drive on the road and expect to make it to your destination. You know there is a slim chance that you could be involved in an accident, but really, the odds are not that high. Well, that is unless you drive in Lima. In Lima, you expect to die and are a little astonished if you arrive at your destination unscathed.

The traffic was completely insane and I really do not know how we did not see a pile up. I wish we had some footage, but unfortunately the GoPro was flat.

We made it out in one piece in the end, my spidey senses tingling like mad as adrenaline raced through my body. What a rush. Scary and crazy and kinda fun all at once. But once was enough. I have no desire to ride an underpowered, under braked, postie bike through that crap again. Well maybe just one more time.

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Sara and Dan Pedersen, Canada, RTW, in China and Tibet, BMW F650GS's,

"...We did stop at the highest pass today at 5234 m, but did not stay long... The road today is again in pretty bad shape and the number of trucks is insane. This is a real work out and probably some of the most intense all round days we have had. There is almost nowhere to stop. If you must stop on the verge you are taking your life in your hands."

Trucks on the road to Lhasa
Trucks on the road to Lhasa

Arriving in Lhasa

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Ripcord Rescue Travel Insurance.

Ripcord Rescue Travel Insurance™ combines into a single integrated program the best evacuation and rescue with the premier travel insurance coverages designed for adventurers.

Led by special operations veterans, Stanford Medicine affiliated physicians, paramedics and other travel experts, Ripcord is perfect for adventure seekers, climbers, skiers, sports enthusiasts, hunters, international travelers, humanitarian efforts, expeditions and more.

Ripcord travel protection is now available for ALL nationalities, and travel is covered on motorcycles of all sizes!

Rowan Carroll, Australia, Motozoa, Australia to Europe through Asia, on a Yamaha XT660Z Tenere called Fatty Lumpkin

"...on the road from Besham to Gilgit... at the junction of the word's three highest mountain ranges. Awesome roads, terrible roads, landslides, landscapes, brooding weather, sunny faces. All adds up to this guy feeling stoked on Pakistan."

Road from Besham to Gilgit
Road from Besham to Gilgit

more »

Become an HU Member

Become a Horizons Unlimited Contributing Member or Gold Member!

"Dear Grant and Susan, please accept the Nobel prize for your invaluable efforts in helping create a global family. I just can't believe you do all this as a service. You should try to make money out of it - so that you can do it even better..." Rajesh, India

Thanks, Rajesh - what a good idea! For those who may not be aware, Grant and Susan both work full-time+ on the website / bulletin board / e-zine, usually 8-12 hours per day and 7 days a week. We're not a big multinational company, just two people who love motorcycle travel and have grown what started as a hobby in 1997, but quickly (by 1998) became a full time job and an unpaid labour of love.

You've told us how important this site and it's Community is to you. We intend to survive, and have been trying to figure out just how for a long time. Currently, the site is funded primarily from events (motorcycle travellers meetings and HUMM navigation challenges), with advertising much smaller since the recession, sales of DVDs, t-shirts and other products with a very small amount from memberships.

We're in the middle of a massive upgrade to the website, and adding many new features, which costs heaps! (Check out our new blogging platform for a taster!) Our finances are especially tight this year, so we are grateful to all our generous supporters for helping us to keep going. For those who haven't yet contributed, or haven't recently contributed, here's how you can help, and the benefits to you of becoming a Horizons Unlimited Contributing Member or Gold Member!

Become an HU Contributing Member!

Cheque (or check ;-)!

$20 Contributing Membership Payment:
$45 Gold Membership Payment:
Your choice of amount Payment:

Even simpler! Are you registered on the HUBB? If not, you should be! There are over 100 forums and many 1000s of threads of useful information! If you're logged in on the HUBB, start here to sign up as a Contributing Member, Gold Member or Lifetime Member, and you'll automatically get your additional HUBB privileges without having to wait!

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Our advertisers and sponsors help us to make the website, HUBB and e-zine available to you. We hope you'll check out their products and services and if you plan to buy these products, please start your purchase from our site or links. If you do use the services of one of our advertisers/supporters, we hope you'll let them know that you're buying from them because of their support for HU - and of course that they have a great product or service! :)

More ways to support your favourite website!

Thanks, Grant and Susan

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

2018 Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

2018 Calendars selling out!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

Gail Baillargeon, USA, to wherever, Chile and Argentina, BMW R1200GSA,

"...There's lots of shrines along the road sides in SA however this one seemed quite unique, it seemed to have a used auto and motorcycle parts theme. Along with the chains, sprockets, oil filters and water pumps, it had a TV!"

Roadside shrine in Argentina
Roadside shrine in Argentina

Crossed the Straights of Magellan and headed for Rio Grande. The weather was a bit cold but the wind wasn't so bad. Bad but not so bad, lol. Once in Rio Grande I checked into the Hostel Argentino, and was greeted by an fellow American (Ben) that recognized me. We had met at the Golden Monkey Guest House in Kisoro, Uganda in January 2016. He had just finished a climb up Mt Stanley at the time. This time he was bicycling to Ushuaia. How cool is that!

Gail Baillargeon and Ben.

Gail and Ben the bicyclist

Ushuaia: I hadn't planned on returning to Ushuaia however, SPOT tracker didn't have coverage for this area when I was here three years ago, now they do and I wanted the Fin del Mundo, marked on my travel map."

Crossing latitude 54.

Crossing Latitude 54

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Ed. See more great stories and pics on Gail's blog here on Horizons Unlimited!

Marc Ouellet, Canada, Canada to Argentina, in Argentina, BMW R1200GS,

"After 29000 km on the road, I decided to spend 3 weeks in Buenos Aires, where my trip will end.

Marc Ouellet in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Market in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires waterfront.

Buenos Aires waterfront

My return home was initially planned for April 1st, but with my fast progress, the high prices in Argentina and a bit of homesickness that began being more and more present, I decided to fly back one month earlier."

Marc Ouellet and bike, ready to ship from Argentina.
Ready to ship home!

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Ed. Great stories and pics on Marc's blog!

Help support the Horizons Unlimited E-zine - visit our sponsors!
Please be sure to tell them how you heard about Motocare. Thanks!

Motocare Motorcycle Rental.  Motorcycle Rental, hiring Honda's Transalp for touring Argentina and Chile.

Motocare Motorcycle Rental, hiring Honda's Transalp for touring Argentina and Chile. Ride across the Andes, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, lakes, deserts, salt pans, waterfalls, beaches, rain forests, glaciers. Motocare Argentina

Armando Cairoli and friends, Silkroad Motoraid, Italy to China, Transalps and AT750

"The difference between a dream and a goal is a date...

The dream: travel the world on our motorbike.
The goal: Beijing
The date: 1st July 2016

With these three ingredients we faced the longest journey ever undertaken with our bikes, two Honda Transalp and Africa Twin.

We started on July 1st from Borgo San Giacomo, in the province of Brescia, to Ancona Port where we boarded to Igoumenitsa, Greece. From then on, only asphalt, gravel and mountain roads, we passed through Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, the Pamir, Kyrgyzstan, to enter, end of July, in China, where we started the second half of the trip, with still about eight thousand kilometres to get to Beijing. With an exciting stop at Everest Base Camp.

These pages describe the progression of the trip, some 17,875 kms, were our Ariadne's thread, uncoiled like a wool ball, kilometre after kilometre. From Brescia to Beijing... through 8 countries, during 55 days and 18,000 kms."

go on, you know you want to ride it...
go on, you know you want to ride it...
but somewhere along the road is this...
but somewhere along the road is this..

See the video they produced, it's excellent!

more »

Maurice Finck, Germany, Don't follow me, I am lost too!

"...One of my interview partner told me these true words:

You don't need a brand new bike!
You don't need Gore-Tex!
You don't need all the big heavy stuff!
If you want to travel, get on your coat, get on your bike and start somewhere!
Albert Klein (NL)"

Morris somewhere...
Maurice - somewhere

more »

Ed. More on Morris' Facebook page too!
Photo Contest

2018 HU Calendars are flying off the shelves! Order yours NOW!

Horizons Unlimited 2018 Motorcycle Adventure Travel Calendar! HUGE, 11 x 17 inches! Beautifully printed in Germany. Photos are the winning images from over 650 entries in the 12th Annual HU Photo Contest. This calendar is a true community effort. We split the calendar profits with the winning photographers. YOU could be in the HU Calendar too - enter here!

Cover Photo - Photo by James Duncan (USA) of his campsite on the Uyuni Salt Flats, Bolivia, in 2016, on a solo South America tour with Betsy, a 2015 250cc Cross Titron.

​Photo by leavinghomefunktion (Europe) of the Amphibious Urals on the Kolyma River, Far East Russia. RTW Tour 2016. 4x Ural 650.  Photo by Bettina Hoebenreich (Germany) of herself in British Columbia, Canada, dwarfed by the massive, eternally-enduring ice of Bear Glacier. RTW tour in 2016 on our 1989 and 1993 Honda Transalps. Photo by Mrs. Candi Toll (Australia) of Mr. Jamie Toll in Western Australia, resting with a local and her joey at Lucky Bay, Esperance, next to his 2008 BMW 1200GS Adventure.  Photo by Danielle Murdoch (New Zealand) of Motomonkey Adventures riding to a small Kenya, Uganda border, hoping to avoid paying a Kenyan road tax on my Australia-to-Africa Adventure 2010-2014 DR350. Photo by George Guille (New Zealand) of Tommy Elvis battling through a very muddy road indeed near Sucre, Bolivia. Africa Twin and BMW HP2.  Photo by Helmut Koch (Germany) of their trusted travel companions in Yukon Territory, Canada, enjoying the breathtaking, vivid green northern lights in the sky above. RTW tour, 2016. Honda Transalps (1989 and 1993). Photo by Igor Djokovic (USA) of a sunrise above the San Juan River, Arizona, USA.  Photo by Stephan Hahnel (Germany) of Ulrike Hahnel riding through the mountains of northern Argentina. Yamaha XT660Z Ténéré. Photo by Mark Newton (USA) of moto camping in the foothills of Sierra de San Borja, Baja California Sur, on the Panama Tour. 2015 Suzuki DR650 (left) and 2001 Suzuki DRZ 400E (right).  Photo by Michael Jordan (New Zealand) of himself enjoying a warm meal on a cold evening in the Zangskar Valley, Ladakh, India, during his RTW trip in 2016. 2011 KLR650 parked in the background. Photo by Paul Stewart (USA) of Egle making new friends along the Transalpina in Romania. RTW 2016, Super Ténéré.  Photo by Paul Whitehead (Australia) of riding through the stunning Canon del Pato and on the awesome road to La Pampa. Peru, 2016. Suzuki DR650.

Typical Comments

"So many awesome shots..."
"I wish there was more months in this calendar! Or one pic per day! Adventure!"
"Fantastic pictures. I'm very sorry that there is only 12 months in a year."
"The calendar is magnificent!"
"The calendar includes pictures most of us can only dream of being in the position to take. The only downside is that I see a new place I want to visit each month! Beautifully made and quickly shipped, I highly recommend it."
"Great quality, wonderful photographs. You'll love it. Makes a great gift."

The 13th Annual Contest is open for the 2019 Calendar!

The Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Adventure Travel photo contest is an annual event for travellers to showcase their best photographs from their travels around the world. The next Calendar contest is on now - enter to win!


The best 13 photos will be used in the calendar, and those photographers will share in the proceeds. All Winners will also get a free calendar, and 1 year Gold Member status on the HUBB! Your photos could also be in an HU DVD or on the website!

Paul and Rachel Sumner, UK, in Argentina, F800GS Sidecar

"...Along the way today we had the pleasure of meeting a Canadian guy Marc. He stopped to say hello, and it turned out we'd been chatting via Horizons Unlimited, an adventure motorcycling network. Marc had just reached Ushuaia last Saturday (one week later than us), and has already caught us up and overtaken us on the road. He is making his way swiftly up to Buenos Aires, as he has rented an apartment for a month. He invited us to join him for dinner, when we reach there, so we can swap stories of the road. That will be fun, and we'll look forward to it...

F800GS sidecar
Nice F800GS sidecar rig!

We arrived in Gaiman around 3.30pm. Gaiman is a town that was settled in the late 1800's by Welsh people. Their Welsh traditions and architecture have been preserved to this day, and the town is a wonderful thing to see with its Welsh flags, and Welsh names everywhere. The town is peppered with tea rooms.

Welsh Tear room in Argentina
Welsh tea room in Argentina

We are staying at Gwesty Plas y Coed, a Welsh tea room with rooms. Of course Paul was desperate to try out the tea, and had a wonderful plate of Welsh cake, fruit cake, scones, sandwiches, drop scones, custard tart- all very tasty."

more »

Ed. Glad we could be of help!
HU Presents...

Horizons Unlimited DVDs Special

Ho, ho, ho! Did Santa neglect to bring you Horizons Unlimited DVDs for Christmas? Don't despair - you can buy them for yourself, at 20% off all DVDs in the HU Store! Get the complete Achievable Dream Collectors Box Set for only $79 (regularly $99) until Jan 31! Remember to use Coupon Code 'EZSPEC' on your order. "The series is 'free' because the tips and advice will save much more than you spend on buying the DVD's."

The Achievable Dream: The Motorcycle Adventure Travel Guide!

Transform your adventure travel dreams into reality! If you've been inspired by the stories you've read in this e-zine and are keen to get on the road yourself, the Achievable Dream! is the definitive 'How To' series on long-distance motorcycle travel. An insanely ambitious 2-year project has produced an informative and entertaining 5-part, 18 hour DVD series: "The ultimate round the world rider's how-to DVD!" MCN UK.

The Achievable Dream Series - the Motorcycle Adventure Travel Guide!

The series features interviews with veteran travellers, such as Ted Simon, Austin Vince, Greg Frazier, Lois book., Chris and Erin Ratay, Peter and Kay Forwood, Tiffany Coates, Sam Manicom, and many others. Over 150 contributors from all over the world tell their fantastic and entertaining stories, sharing their hard-earned knowledge from amazing motorcycle trips to every country on earth. Includes thousands of great photos, video clips, presentations and demos by experts.

Achievable Dream Collectors Box Set - 5 Motorcycle Adventure Travel DVDs!The series was filmed in broadcast quality wide screen, with multiple cameras and custom written music. Filming took place at Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers meetings and on location in the USA, Canada, UK, Switzerland, Spain, Germany and the South Pacific.

The 'Collectors Box Set' is also available - all 5 DVDs (18 hours of informative and entertaining content!) in a custom box for only $79).

Road Heroes

Road Heroes - Motorcycle Adventure Travel Tales - Part 1.Road Heroes - Motorcycle Adventure Travel Tales!, features tales of adventure, joy and sheer terror by veteran travellers Peter and Kay Forwood (Challenges of travelling to 193 countries 2-up on a Harley Electra-Glide), Dr. Gregory Frazier (5 times RTW on a variety of bikes), Tiffany Coates (RTW traveller recounts her Mongolia Mayhem) and Rene Cormier (5 years in the University of Gravel Roads). Not to be missed!

We've sold thousands of these DVDs, so we're pretty confident you'll like them. If you're not completely happy with them, just let us know within 30 days of purchase for a full refund or exchange. And you don't even have to send them back!

Available to stream and download now from Vimeo!

The Achievable Dream series can now be downloaded anywhere. Almost 18 hours of solid info take up zero space in your panniers. How convenient! All 15 videos in the series create a timeless resource that puts the best motorcycle adventure travel information at your fingertips. You will refer back to them time and again!

"My personal thanks to (Grant and Susan) for making the "Achievable Dream" DVDs, over-committing themselves to making and delivering the series means that the motorcycling community has a wonderful, permanent reference series." Adrian C. Wright, on

If by some chance you've never heard of the Achievable Dream! and Road Heroes! DVDs, you can watch the trailers and read the comments for all the DVDs here.

Help support the Horizons Unlimited E-zine - visit our sponsors!
Please be sure to tell them how you heard about Buenos Aires Caracas Moto Tours. Thanks!

Discover Argentina as only a local guide can show you. Since 2004 offering tours, rentals and customizable tours for groups.

"Come discover Argentina and South America with me. A pioneer in moto tourism in Argentina since 2004, I organize and guide my tours to show you the wonderful places of our region. You will get to know the history, gastronomy and culture of Argentina as only a local guide can show it to you. Always the same standards of quality as the big motorcycle tour companies of the world, but with personalized attention in order to make your trip an experience of a life time. I also offer the most reliable bikes for rental so you can do your own tour. BMW's provided by the BMW Motorrad Official partner for Argentina."

Traveller's Community News

We've now reached an amazing 814 Communities in 115 Countries! A big thanks to all those who took the first step and established the Community in their area.

If you are on the road, do check out the Communities - don't feel like you're imposing on people! They signed up for a Community because they want to meet travellers - that's you! You'll have a great time, so go to the Communities page and let them know you're coming. Please remember that they are volunteers and offering to help because they're great people - common courtesy helps! When you write, tell them who you are, that you're passing through, and would like to meet them. Let them know if you need anything, and I'm sure they'll help as best they can.

Remember that although some HU communities are very small, many others are large and could be more active in getting together for rides (even just to the pub!) or other activities. It's a great way to meet other travellers in your area - who knows, you could meet your next travel partner! All you need is for someone to suggest a place and time, kick it around a bit and make it happen. If there aren't any HU Travellers Meetings in your area, perhaps it's time there was one? A Community could do a Mini-Meeting, (just a get-together in someone's backyard or at a restaurant), or a full meeting! Let us know about it and we'll help promote it :)

For details on how you can join a Community in your area, or use the Communities to get information and help, or just meet people on the road or at home, go to the Community page. Send me some photos - with captions please - and a little text and you can have a web page about your Community! A few links to web pages about your area would be useful too.

Just a reminder to all, when you Join a Community in your area, send a note to the Community introducing yourself and suggesting a meeting, or go for a ride or something. It's a good way of meeting like-minded individuals in your own town.

Final Thoughts.

We hope you've enjoyed this issue, and do please let us know your thoughts. It's your newsletter, so tell us what you want to know about!

It is not the unknown, but the fear of it, that prevents us from doing what we want.

We'd like to think that Horizons Unlimited; the website, the HUBB, the Communities and this newsletter help to push back the fear through knowledge and connecting with others, and teach all of us about the world and its wonderful people.

See you on the road!

Grant and Susan Johnson
Inspiring, informing and connecting travellers since 1997!

Horizons Unlimited - Inspring, Informing and Connecting Travellers since 1997.

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Reader comments

All comments and suggestions are carefully read, and where possible will be acted on. Your help will make this a useful service for all travellers.

Please use the HUBB for questions and suggestions.


If you would like to advertise your product or service in this newsletter or on the website, please contact me. Ad rates are very reasonable.

ISSN 1703-1397 Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers' E-zine - All text and photographs are copyright Grant and Susan Johnson, 1987-2018, or their respective authors. All Rights Reserved.

Redistribution - sending it on to friends is allowed, indeed encouraged, but other than the following requirements, only with permission. You may forward copies of the Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers' e-zine by forwarding it yourself by hand. You must forward the issue in its entirety, no fee may be involved. Please suggest they Subscribe!

Every newsletter is permanently archived online. Back issues here.

Legal gibberish: (particularly for those in countries that have more lawyers in one town, just for instance, New York, not to name any names, than some whole countries, as another example, Japan. Again, not naming anybody specifically you understand).

Recommendations are based on positive or negative experiences of somebody, somewhere. Your mileage (kilometrage if you insist) may vary. We are not responsible in any way for any product or service mentioned, and do not warrant any such mentioned product or service, and are not responsible for any bad things that may befall you. You are responsible for yourself! Act accordingly. We check all links and information given as close as possible to publication, and all info is correct as best we can determine at that time.


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Thinking about traveling? Not sure about the whole thing? Watch the HU Achievable Dream Video Trailers and then get ALL the information you need to get inspired and learn how to travel anywhere in the world!

Have YOU ever wondered who has ridden around the world? We did too - and now here's the list of Circumnavigators!
Check it out now
, and add your information if we didn't find you.

Are you an Overland Adventure Traveller?

Does the smell of spices wafting through the air make you think of Zanzibar, a cacophony of honking horns is Cairo, or a swirl of brilliantly patterned clothing Guatemala? Then this is the site for you!
Hosted by Grant and Susan Johnson, RTW 1987-1998

Next HU Eventscalendar

ALL Dates subject to change.


  • California: April 18-21
  • Virginia: April 25-28
  • Germany Summer: May 9-12
  • Québec: May 17-19
  • Bulgaria Mini: July 5-7
  • CanWest: July 11-14
  • Switzerland: August 15-18
  • Ecuador: August 23-25
  • Romania: August 30-Sept 1
  • Austria: September 12-15
  • France: September 20-22
  • Germany Autumn: Oct 31-Nov 3

2025 Confirmed Events:

  • Virginia: April 24-27 2025
  • Queensland is back! May 2-4 2025
  • Germany Summer: May 29-June 1 2025
  • CanWest: July 10-13 2025
  • Switzerland: Date TBC
  • Ecuador: Date TBC
  • Romania: Date TBC
  • Austria: Sept. 11-15
  • California: September 18-21
  • France: September 19-21 2025
  • Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2 2025

Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!

Questions about an event? Ask here

See all event details


HU Achievable Dream is Online
and available now to stream on Vimeo!

ALL 15 chapters of the HU Achievable Dream Guide are available to download on Vimeo!

Achievable Dream - The Whole Enchilada!

Binge watch over 18 hours of inspiring, informative and entertaining stories and tips from 150 travellers!

"a cross between entertaining stories, tech tips, and reference guide"

"A timeless introduction to Motorcycle Adventure Travel!"

Originally launched as a 7 DVD set, The Achievable Dream series can now be downloaded anywhere. OVER 18 hours of solid info take up zero space in your panniers. How convenient!



All the best travel books and videos listed and often reviewed on HU's famous Books page. Check it out and get great travel books from all over the world.
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