Pour la France: version abrégée en Français ici.
Para Ecuador: versión abreviada en Español aquí.
Per l'Italia: versione breve in italiano qui.

First of all...

Thank you for your interest in being a presenter or "remote" presenter at a Horizons Unlimited Event. Whether you've presented at HU events in the past or you're thinking about giving it a go for the first time, we're really looking forward to seeing your ideas.

We can't guarantee that you'll end up being included in the final event schedule, but we will confirm one way or the other as soon as we can (but not immediately!). If you need to know early on send us a note. If your plans change in the meantime, please let us know.

The "technical" side of presenting:

Scheduling & Themes

The first presentations at most events begin on the Thursday afternoon, with a full schedule of sessions running right through until late Saturday night and sometimes Sunday morning.

HU Events are all about Inspiring, Informing and Connecting overland adventure travellers! Where we have multiple presentation rooms, we try to organize presentations around these themes.

Steve Elmhirst demonstrates camp cooking at HU Ontario 2012.

Presentation Formats

We have 45 minute and 100 minute sessions available for presentations, workshops, Q&As and demonstrations.


We have put together everything you need to know to produce, and present, a successful Travel or Technical Slide Show.

Please read it - it really is IMPORTANT! (webpage)

Downloadable PDF version (letter paper)

Downloadable PDF version (A4 paper)

Try this page for a deep dive into the technical aspects, but the conclusion in the last paragraph is what counts:

Unravelling PowerPoint picture size and resolution

Also this page is very clear.

BASIC Presentation Guidelines and Tips below to get you started - Please read!

Presentation Facilities

The venues have very varied facilities, but always separate presentation rooms for talks, and outside space for practical sessions.

HU Perth 2013.

Each room will have a laptop, usually a PC and occasionally a Mac, Microsoft PowerPoint, and most will also have a PA system so you won't have to shout.

We ask that you bring your presentation(s) on a USB stick in PowerPoint PC format to ensure compatibility with most computer systems. If that is not possible, be sure to bring your own computer and any cables needed to connect to a VGA or HDMI connector on a digital projector. We will try, but cannot guarantee, that your computer will connect properly to the supplied AV systems. Make sure to let us know what format (software and computer platform, e.g., PowerPoint for PC) you will be using on arrival. Computer and AV equipment won't generally be available for outside sessions without prior arrangement. Let us know your ideas, we're open.

Mac users: BEST to bring your OWN Mac, OR export from Mac PowerPoint OR KeyNote to "PowerPoint for PC" on a USB stick and TEST it on a PC before arrival. If you bring your own, be sure to have the adapter to output to VGA or HDMI (unless it has an HDMI connector already). We have many adapters but not necessarily the one for yours, or it may already be in use.

We will almost always have a projector with an HDMI connector, so that's the important one to have. Most modern laptops come with that.

Kevan Ibbotson bodging seminar at HU Canwest.

A Presentation Crew volunteer will be on hand to make sure you don't over-run and that all the electrickery works as it should. Some presentations may be filmed for use by Horizons Unlimited. Please let us know if you prefer not to be filmed.



Present YOUR travel adventure!

Tell us about YOUR trip:

  • How did you get going?
  • What was "in the way" of going and how did you get past it?
  • What did you take?
  • What shouldn't you have taken?!
  • What did you learn on the way?
  • How has that changed you and the way you look at the world?
  • What happened and what did you see?!

From Brian Coles: "... Since attending the HU meeting a month before I set out to 'do the Americas,' I feel that I have now come full circle by presenting a slide show of my trip at Derby. It was an incredible feeling to have achieved my first public presentation. The thanks I received afterwards made it extra special. The HU meetings are unique in size and atmosphere. Everyone is friendly and more than willing to help, whatever the question. I felt that when I started the trip, and I felt that this weekend when I then presented it. I can recommend presenting your 'trip of a lifetime' to anyone that has been out there and done it. Thanks to you, Susan, and all the organisers, Brian"

Remote "Web Chat" Presentations

Including Skype-based presentations from travellers out on the road adds another exciting and interactive element to our events, so we're really looking forward to seeing your ideas.

Assuming your journey goes according to plan, consider where you're likely to be during the event, what time zone you'll be in, and whether you'll have a reasonably good Internet connection.

Think carefully about what you'd like to talk about (and be asked about) during a 20-30 minute Skype session and whether or not you'll have photos, video or PowerPoint-style slides we'll need to display for you at the same time.

Present YOUR Tech Clinic

Good at something of interest to motorcycle Travellers? Please do a Tech Clinic for us! You don't need to be a super guru, just know more than most of the rest of us! Practical how-to sessions such as:

  • Camping Menus, roadside cooking, what to take and how to store it
  • Camping tips.
  • Stove comparison - boiling contest
  • Camping equipment adapted to moto trips
  • Motorcycle accessories. What works, what doesn't.
  • Riding gear - what are the differences, what works and what doesn't
  • How to choose protective gear
  • Helmets comparison, how to choose (noise, weight, advantages, disadvantages…)
  • Create and maintain a blog - tips
  • Self-publishing your story
  • Social Media, blogging- should you or shouldn't you? And if so, HOW?
  • Sponsorship - is it worth chasing?
  • Photography and video on a moto trip, what to shoot, equipment, lighting, composition, telling a story
  • GoPro and other action cameras tips and tricks
  • Health while traveling: yoga, medication, staying healthy, hydration and why
  • First Aid, CPR, adventure motorcycling medicine, first on scene.
  • Security on the road, staying safe
  • Self-defence
  • Camping in bear country
  • Navigation/GPS
    • Using a Smart phone as a GPS
    • How to use Basecamp
    • Basic and advanced GPS use
    • Plan a route
    • Basic map and compass for when the GPS fails! How to read a topo map.
  • Trip prep and planning. How to get started, and coming home again.
    • Budgeting!
  • Shipping a bike overseas
  • How to cross a border, checkpoints
    • An interactive simulation!
  • Overweight is underprepared - Packing light
    • keeping it organised - pack easy
  • Setting your bike up for you - Ergonomics
  • Yoga for bikers, keeping fit on the road
  • Fly fishing
  • Survival skills, eating off the land
  • Tools - what do you need- what's in your toolkit?
  • Motorcycle check before a trip and regular bike maintenance
  • Adjusting - what and how - chains, cables, throttle and more
  • Motorcycle Emergency repair - Bodging it!
  • Motorcycle Electrics - adding lights and gadgets, how to fix it when it doesn't sparkle anymore.
  • Tires Talk, which one and why
  • Tire repair and changing
  • Safe riding techniques
  • Riding with a pillion / passenger
  • How to pick up your bike
  • Recovering the bike when it's gone down the cliff - using a winch, or pulley systems
  • How to plan an adventure, solo or not
  • Off-road riding skills
    • The basics - getting started by standing up
    • More advanced techniques
  • all and more are of interest.

We're always looking for ideas, so if you have one, let us know!

We look forward to seeing your presentation somewhere, someday...

Thanks, Grant and Susan

Before you complete the form, please read the following carefully:

The form is quite long, with many options, and includes space for up to four different presentation ideas.
Be prepared to provide the following BEFORE starting the form:

  • Presenter Profile: about you in no more than 50 words.
  • The two pieces of information that will appear on the event schedule if your idea is accepted:
    • Presentation Title: prepare a snappy and interesting title that's no more than 40 characters long (including spaces)
    • Presentation Summary: no more than 140 characters long (including spaces)
  • Presentation Description: This description is what will be displayed on the event webpage, and is the "sales pitch" for your presentation! One to two paragraphs only please (900 characters MAX).


  • In order to get FREE entry to the event, you are expected to either be willing to REPEAT your presentation (IF we need a repeat due to popularity or to fill the schedule) OR do TWO or more DIFFERENT presentations.

Give yourself plenty of time to think about what (and how) you'd like to present.

Then return to this page to complete the form. Thanks!

Step 1:    At Which Event Would You Like To Give A Presentation?

Note: This Registration is for ONE person. If there are two of you presenting, in order to get your t-shirts and food or other options correct and save us a massive headache, please register the first person, then come back to this form and register the second person. In the Presentation description fields it's nice if you just copy and paste in the info, but "refer to reg for x" is fine too.

PLEASE submit your request at least 30 days prior to the event.

Throughout this form * indicates a required entry or selection.

Choose Your Event *

Please check the Events page for more details.




North America

Virginia 2025

South America

In Which Year?*

Step 1a:    Presenting At The Event Or Remotely From On The Road

Presenting At The Event Or From On The Road? *

Step 1 Complete  -  Click The Button Below To Continue