Achievable Dream: Part 3 - On the Road!

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What is it like to spend weeks, months or years on the road?
In this 2-DVD set, our veteran travellers share their tips (and great stories) for staying healthy, happy and secure on your motorcycle adventure.
You'll get the advice you need to help you cross borders, break down language barriers, overcome culture shock, ship the bike across oceans or war zones, and deal with the 'stuff' that happens such as breakdowns and emergencies. It also covers how to get the bike across oceans or war zones - shipping and the alternatives - air, sea, rent, swap, buy, organised tours.
This 2-DVD set (324 minutes of content) contains the following chapters:
- Riding the World
- Day to Day
- Where to Sleep
- Language & Culture
- Borders & Officials
- Shipping the Bike
- Building a Crate (Demo)
- Dealing with Breakdowns
- Safety and Security
- Emergencies
- First Aid for Bikers (Demo )
- Meeting Travellers
- Coming Home
We've got a fantastic and entertaining bunch of contributors with many amazing stories to tell and hard-earned wisdom to impart, enhanced with demos, video clips and heaps of great photos. We think it strikes the right balance between information and entertainment!
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DVD Format
All Achievable Dream and Road Heroes DVDs are available in NTSC Format, which will play on your computer and in any TV in any region of the world.
Note: We do NOT region-lock or in any way restrict your ability to play or backup the DVDs.
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User comments/reviews
"Useful and solid info. From beginners to experienced riders a must!" Marcio, on
"Five Stars!" MsEvans on
"An ideal present for any would-be bike traveller", Mrs P on
"Yet another info packed serving from well travelled adventure motorcycle riders. You can ride anything and go anywhere for an adventure and these people can help you realise it with their knowledge and experiences. Excellent!" K P Lawson on
"Want too know what it's like to travel around the world. Well this DVD will give you good insights from experienced travellers on their experience 'On the Road'. Great inside look at an alternative lifestyle." Paul Jacques, on
"Got the DVD on Sunday morning and immediately spent the next 5 1/2 hrs glued to the TV. Didn't get anything done that day... at least my wife was understanding. Once again, you have produced a fantastic, informative and inspirational DVD. It was great to hear from other travellers about life On the Road, sharing experiences that I hope one day I can have. I particularly enjoyed the section about 'bodge jobs'. It was also very enlightening to be presented with opposing views on the different subject matters. Truly, you have both done the biking, in particular the adventure motorcycling community a great service with these DVDs. It inspired me to get on a bike again after 15 years!" Elvin, Singapore
"What a great Christmas present!" Tommy, USA
"We have just received the latest double DVD. Although we were going to 'save' watching it until Christmas Day, we couldn't wait, and have started watching the first couple of parts of the first DVD, and it is up to your usual very high standard." Celia and Ted, UK
"Have just finished re watching the first two in the series just to prepare myself for the arrival of the third!" Nick, Australia
"We received your DVD on the 24th spot on and it's been delightful to see all you guys faces again and hear more of your exciting stories... but why didn't Karim burn the fuel he had with him to signal his presence in the Sahara desert or have we been watching too many episodes of Man vs Wild? This third section is probably the most evil of them all! The last part about coming back just made me feel I won't, ever. Thanks a lot for your hard work, it's great, it's needed and it's totally helpful and encouraging. (we take lots of notes!)" Nish and Abby, Hong Kong
"I received the DVD, On the Road and I think it's brilliant - thank you very much." Michael, UK
"My wife keeps shouting at me to come to bed, but am only half way through viewing Disc B of 'On the Road', having viewed all of Disc A this afternoon. I am extremely impressed with the quality and content." John, UK (time-stamped midnight!)