HU Travellers Meeting Ecuador 2025

EL PRINCIPAL EVENTO DE VIAJES DE AVENTURA TERRESTRE ¡PARA MOTOCICLISTAS Y VIAJEROS EN 2, 3 O 4 RUEDAS! ¡Ayúdenos a celebrar los 25 años de Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meetings!
Help us celebrate 25 years of Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meetings!
Horizons Unlimited 7th Ecuador Travellers Meeting
Viernes 13 Junio - Domingo 15 Junio, 2025
Sierra Alisos, Tambillo, Mejía, Ecuador
It's All About Overland Adventure
Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.
Inspiring, Informing & Connecting
Some people value Horizons Unlimited events for what they learn from the unique line-up of presenters. Some people value the chance to discover new products and services at the trade stands. Some people value just kicking back with a beer among old friends and new.
Most people enjoy a little bit of everything, and everyone goes home fired-up for adventure with a smile on their face.

The event will include a packed schedule of presentations and activities. All within the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that Horizons Unlimited is known for.
Horizons Unlimited Ecuador 2025 Event Schedule
The event is taking place from Friday June 13 - Sunday, June 15, 2025.
The schedule is pretty laid back. Folks will arrive sometime on Friday, set up camp and prepare for a couple of days of tire kicking and story telling.
PLEASE NOTE: The schedule is subject to change at any time - all the presenters are volunteers and travelling, thus they may be delayed or unable to get there. Some may have anxiety attacks and be unable to perform! ;-) And sometimes travellers show up unexpectedly with great pics and stories, so we try to fit them in! Details of changes to presentation times or other matters of note will be posted at Registration and other locations.
Presenters at HU Ecuador 2025 so far...
The 7th HU Travellers Meeting in Ecuador returns this year with warm welcomes for fellow adventure travellers in the area! Share the fun with the rest of us around the world by using the hashtag #horizonsunlimited while you're there.
Travel safely, everyone! Remember to say a big "HI" to Raul and the gang.
Call for presenters!
How about you? We're all here to learn, and there's LOTS to learn! We want to do more presentations and seminars - but we need volunteers to give them! Any topic you can contribute having to do with motorcycle travel, maintenance, planning etc, lasting 20 minutes or more, would be great. Please sign up here.
PREVIOUS Speakers at HU Ecuador, just to give you an idea of what to expect:
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Simona and Stefan Sykora, Rock'n RideGet Out of the Rat Race and Start Living |
SIMONA and STEFAN SYKORA have been overlanding in South America for the past nine months on two old bikes and with no time limit in sight. They are passionate motorcyclists who are exploring Ecuador for a few months. Stefan has been a mechanic since he could walk and is a professional musician. His guitar is always with him because music and gasoline flow through his veins in equal parts.
It's 25,800 km from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska on the Panamericana. We have now been on the road for nine months and 30,000 km on our over-24-year-old motorcycles and have only just reached Ecuador. The South American continent offers much more than the Panamericana itself. Come with us on our journey!
Motorcycle breakdowns - do it yourself. Overcome personal challenges and exceed your limits to achive your goals. There are no problems, only solutions.
- Chile: From the Carretera Austral to the Atacama Desert;
- Argentina: Todas las Historias del viento Patagnico son realidad;
- Bolivia: Camping in the largest salt barrel in the world;
- Paraguay: El Corazon de America del sur;
- Through the Gran Chaco at 48 degrees;
- Brazil: Simona went swimming with her bike on the longest beach in the world;
- Uruguay: The Switzerland of South America;
- Peru: Where the gods go for dinner;
- Ecuador: Last paradise.
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Adolfo Macías HuertaTips para escribir una cróica de viaje |
Tips para escribir una crónica de viajes: descripción y aventura. Aprende la manera en que proceden los buenos cronistas y descubre la utilidad a llevar un diario de viaje, con útiles recomendaciones dadas por un escritor de oficio.
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Angela and Michael Greer, Twonie ProjectMoroccan Honeymoon / |
Separately, Canadians MICHAEL (a career naval officer) and ANGELA (a retired real estate developer) have many years of tarmac riding and travel experience. Recently married, they plan to travel the world by motorcycle and do charity work when Michael retires in 2022.
1. Moroccan Honeymoon
Five weeks on the road: will the marriage survive?
Sharing a love for travel and adventure, newlyweds Michael and Angela envisioned travelling the world by motorcycle after Michael retires. Although both are experienced travellers, their styles are quite different: Angela has enjoyed day trips from tropical five-star resorts, while Michael's previous adventures include backpacking in East Africa, scuba diving in Thailand and working with orphans in rural Bolivia. In preparation for their current RTW adventure, Michael and Angela set out on a trip to test some new bikes, a new travel style, and a new relationship. Learn what they discovered about themselves, each other, and about riding a couple of Africa Twins as Michael and Angela present the humour and the trials of their adventurous honeymoon in Morocco.
2. From Canada to Colombia: Our First Year
Oh, the things we've learned in our first year on the road!
Recently retired, Michael and Angela decided to combine their love of travel and riding motorcycles to embark on a 10-year-long RTW motorcycle adventure. However, despite all possible preparation, there are still things to be learned once you actually hit the road. Come and hear what they learned in their first year of travel. They'll also share some of the joys and challenges they experienced along the way from Canada to Colombia.
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Diana CarilloQue la vida no se te escape! |
¿Como puedo prepararme mejor para seguir disfrutando este estilo de vida que tanto nos gusta, y así poder rodar la mayor cantidad de tiempo dado ue es mi pasión? ¿Como mejorar mi salud para disfrutar mejor de mis rodadas y de mi vida?
- Quien siente que se preocupa más de lo que realmente debe preocuparse;
- Dificultades para conciliar el sueño o permanecer dormido;
- Mala memoria, dificultad para recordar o concentrarme;
- Cansancio o Fatiga continua;
- Elevar mis defensas para prevenir enfermedades, y asi aumentar mi respuesta de recuperación en accidentes y lesiones como esguinces, luxaciones o fracturas;
- La capacidad de recuperación del cuerpo disminuye con la edad y apoyar mi salud es un seguro de vida para mi recuperación en la enfermedad;
- Fortalecer mi estructura.
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Melanie and Greg Turp, 2WANDRRsFresh African Tracks / |
MELANIE and GREG TURP sold everything 13 years ago and decided to work part-time and travel the rest. In 2017, they decided to stop working and travel more. They're on a Patchwork RTW journey. To date, they have ridden in every state plus six continents and over 70 countries.
1. Fresh African Tracks
Our three-month ride on a borrowed bike around South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Zambia
Melanie and I took off from South Africa for a clockwise circumnavigation of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zambia. Join us as we ride, camp and discover for ourselves the beauty of southern Africa's people and wildlife.
2. New Zealand, South Island
Join Melanie and I as we ride and camp around New Zealand's South Island.
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David GarcésReto de 7 Cumbres en solitario, con aproximación en moto |
Escalar en Solitario las 7 cumbres más altas del mundo, el circuito conocido como las 7 cumbres: Una en cada continente. Llegando hasta la parte más alta posible en motocicleta. Saliendo desde Quito (Ecuador) a todas ellas, sin logísticay llevando todo el equipo en los dos tiempos, tanto para la rodada y cuanto la escalada.
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Ivette Montalvo, @ewetjourneyDejarlo todo para viajar! |
Lo vendió todo para cumplir su sueño: Un año sabático para mochilear por el mundo. Sin darse cuenta, ya va por el séptimo año y sólo le alcanzó para África y Asia, hasta que la pandemia cambió su rumbo. Ahora que la mochila se convierte en moto, nos contará esos 7 pasados años y lo que vendrá.
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Ricardo Soria, @gacela_1980Viajar en en pandemia y con fronteras cerradas! |
Rodando en un momento histórico de la humanidad, Ricardo desafió a la pandemia rodando desde el norte hasta la mitad del mundo. Ricardo tiene nuevos planes que nos compartirá.
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Juan José Puga, Rumbo al Dakar 2019Long Road to Finishing the Dakar Rally |
Quiza cruzar la meta del legendario Rally Dakar tiene muchas horas y procesos para alcanzar tan apreciado logro. Pero Juan José hablará de las motivaciones y quizá describirá como se fueron dando los procesos para obtener su medalla y estar entre los top 30 en moto del Dakar 2018.
To reach the finish line of the Dakar Rally as a top 30 racer has been a long process. This is what Juan José will describe and share in his presentation.
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Alejandra and Modesto PonceTogether Around Europe and South America |
We compare the differences and similarities between our two, three month experiences in South America and Europe. We cover a lot: Defining what you want out of your trip; Types of travelers and travel concepts; Planning and organization.
We also look deeper into some details: Experiences and feelings through the eyes of the co-pilot; Route planning on maps and GPS; Interaction between different planning and riding tools; Tools, spare parts, photographic and video equipment, medicines, baggage and gear; and our routes taken through Europe.
ALEJANDRA and MODESTO PONCE are a married couple who love to travel on their motorcycle. Until now, they have ridden around South America for three months in 2018 and around Europe for three months in 2019. "Together, always together" is their guiding principle for life and adventures.
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Mario Larco, AllpamamaNo es cuanto viajes, sino como lo hagas |
Los viajes que realizamos son como un espiral, inician en el centro y cada vez se hacen más y más grandes, de tal manera que, todos hemos iniciado con los mismos miedos, las mismas inquietudes, las mismas expectativas conforme vamos ampliando nuestras fronteras las cosas van haciéndose más sencillas sin embargo, hay quienes inician su espiral y es ahí donde todos los viajes se parecen, porque hemos andado por ahí y es el momento de hacer que quien inicia el espiral pueda vivir su propio espiral, un espiral en donde lo único que diferencia a los grandes viajes son las escalas.
Soy MARIO, ecuatoriano de nacimiento, motociclista desde los 30 años, viajero por accidente, soy un convencido de que un viajero puede dejar una semilla en la vida de un futuro viajero.
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Attila GyurisOh No, An Accident! Now What Do I Do? |
Your knowledge and skills don't take up any space in your panniers, and can make all the difference in saving your own or someone else's life. This is always an excellent presentation to attend!
First on Scene --- Safety; Emergency patient move; Basic human anatomy and physiology; Rider Down patient assessment; Head, neck and spinal injuries; Emergency helmet removal (when and how).
Stop the BleedTM –-- Comply with international standards; Management of life-threatening blood loss; Haemostatic dressings and emergency tourniquet use (and demo); Heat and cold emergencies for motorcyclists; Dehydration and safe rehydration.
ATTILA GYURIS is a motorcycle traveller with over 30 years' experience as a paramedic, first as a tactical medic and medevac pilot with the U.S. government, then after retiring, serving in the last three years as a captain in the Quito Fire Department as a Medical Evacuation and Search and Rescue helicopter pilot. He is also an avid motorcyclist, having traveled on two wheels all over the North and South American continents. His last long-distance motorcycle trip was from Alaska to Ecuador, where he lives now permanently with his family and three different motorcycles.
Panel discussions at most HU events include...
Border crossings - How to get through borders with minimal stress and cost!
Packing light - Tips and techniques from experienced travellers to reduce weight and bulk.
Regional discussions - e.g. travelling in South America or Asia.
For Women Only - A must for the ladies, so be sure to plan on being there! A chance to talk to experienced travelling women without the men around!
Experienced Travellers Panel - ask the experts anything you want!
Walk arounds / Show and tell!
Tool Kits - Show us your favorite tools. Toolkit discussion.
Tents and Bedding discussion (in the camping area) - What works, cheap vs dear and which ones keep you dry, warm and comfy!
Farkle Walk - Take a stroll and talk about your best bike mods - homemade saddle bags, toolbox mounts, GPS mounts, seats, side stands, tank panniers, cup holders, etc.
Moto Ecuador AventuraMoto Ecuador Aventura is a proud sponsor of the Horizons Unlimited event in Ecuador!
Touratech EcuadorDistribución y venta de la marca nรบmero uno de accesorios para motocicletas de aventura en el mundo: Touratech |
Nuestra SiembraNuevas presentatciones hechas con
If you know of any other motorcycle or travel equipment vendors or tour operators who should be there, please suggest it to them!
Exhibitors, more details and registration here. Please contact us if you have more questions.
Facilities for a Fantastic Two Days
The 7th HU Ecuador Travellers Meeting will once again be held at the wonderful Sierra Alisos Hotel de Campo.
Sierra Alisos Hotel de Campo
Tambillo Alto, Mejía, Ecuador
Panamericana Norte Km 3 1/2
171106, Ecuador
-0.402253, -78.575753
+593 989405064
Your host Raul Guarderas tells us:
"Since 2011 we have opened a guest-farm, on an idyllic place surrounded by 7 volcanoes, and along-side a bio-diverse 19 Ha native forest reserve (Silver Medal, Sacha Prize), where we offer hospitality, Ecuadorian cuisine with the products from our garden and dairy products from the farm.
The recently refurbished hacienda-house, with 7 private rooms, offers comfort, uniqueness and an unforgettable experience. Sierra Alisos takes a full service approach including transfer from the airport, any dietary preferences or restrictions, activities such as hiking, horseback riding and mountain-biking available to guest right here on our property. We have earned a special reputation also as a 'bike-friendly place'."
Michnus and Elsebier Olivier bikes at Sierra Alisos
Lots of room for bike gear in Sierra Alisos rooms - pic by Michnus Olivier (PikiPiki Overland)
Elsebier Olivier stays warm by the fireplace at Sierra Alisos
I've already registered - I just want to pay!
BOOK AND PAY EARLY FOR BEST PRICE!Includes admission to all slide shows, discussion groups, |
Pre-Register & Pay before: |
Event Price |
June 6, 2025 |
9 |
Pay cash on arrival |
10 |
ONE day only, cash on arrival |
5 |
CAMPING & ACCOMMODATIONCamping and Accommodation are NOT included with your registration fee. Camping or Hostel type accommodation is available. You are responsible for providing all toiletries, soap, shampoo, towels etc. Sheets, duvets and pillows are included in the Hostel. Please book Camping and Meals with your Registration. |
Tent camping, per person, per night |
USD 6 |
MEALS Additional meals may be available on the day as long as the food lasts. There are FOUR Meals you can book in advance. Details on the Registration page. |
days to go!
Join the discussion:
On the HUBB!
On Facebook!
What happens at HU events?
Praise for Sierra Alisos!
"Amazing beautiful place situated on a farm with views of Cotopaxi. Rooms are spacious and extremely well decorated. Full bathrooms and wood burning heaters in the rooms. It is a very special hotel and highly recommended. The staff are 1st class!" Michnus Olivier
"Un muy buen lugar para relajarse con la bella y envolvente naturaleza. Servicio personalizado con calidez." León Felipe Troya Rodríguez
"Fabulous experience. The views are spectacular, from here you can see at least 5 different volcanoes including Cotopaxi in the mornings when fog doesn't shroud the peak. I spent the mornings taking in this view and the sun on the south facing patio with a cup of coffee. One of the mornings I went for a lovely walk in their private 19 hectare forest reserve. I got to know the staff, Trina the manager, Mario the biologist/handyman/host, Patricia the cook and Raul the owner--wonderful folks, very nice, and attentive while respectful of personal space. Rooms are very cozy with a woodstove and supply of wood in each. Breakfast was excellent with nata straight from their own dairy farm, granola, eggs your way, bread etc. I intend to stay here again." Otis
"UN PARAISO CERCA DE QUITO!!! Estar en SIERRA ALISOS es comulgar con la naturaleza y entrar en el mundo encantado de un bosque primario que pocas veces se puede sentir. La experiencia unica de ver aves de extraordinarios colores y plantas exoticas se completa con la excelente atencion y comida muy rica. Volvere!!!" Anamaria Di Donato
"A charming country retreat, within easy reach of Quito and the airport and yet a world away from city life. It has its own nature reserve and is surrounded by primary forest and tranquil pasture, with glorious views of Cotopaxi. Trails through the reserve are good for birdwatching - ask about a dawn guided tour. Although modern, the construction of this small hotel is of traditional timber and adobe in an idiosyncratic style. The rooms vary but are comfortable and the mattresses give you a good night's sleep, waking up to glorious views from the huge windows. Food and service are impeccable and the breakfast was delicious. I highly recommend a short break here." Sarah Cameron
"Ambiente familiar y/o ambiente de buenos amigos en un entorno campestre espectacular!" Pablo Huras
"Awesome place and awesome host! Super recommended!" Nacho Olivares
"This is a rustic but very charming hotel. Situated in a bucolic environment and with a host family that is the best of the Latin America hospitality. If you want to have an intimate equatorian experience this is the place to be. I stayed there for three nights and really enjoyed it!" Leonardo Barros
Be a Presenter
We're inviting submissions for presentations, so whether you're attending the event or exploring a distant continent, if you've got a story to tell or expertise to share we'd like to hear from you.
We love to hear stories about your travel adventures, especially if you have great pics! Also, practical how-to sessions such as roadside cooking, navigation / GPS, trip prep and planning, adventure motorcycling medicine, packing light, setting your bike up, communications / blogging from the road, self-publishing your story, yoga for bikers, bodging / bike maintenance, self-defense, photography, videography, tire repair, safe riding techniques, how to pick up your bike, off-road riding, all are of interest.
There are 45 minute and 100 minute sessions available for talks, workshops, demos and live web chats.
Click here to submit your ideas
Submitting a Presenter registration DOES NOT mean you will automatically be included in the schedule, as we can have more presenters than available presentation slots. We will confirm one way or the other as soon as we can (but not immediately!)
¡Puedes ayudar!
Si tiene unos minutos, descargue el póster (formato PDF de Adobe), imprima unos cuantos y entréguelos a su club o a su tienda de motos local o en cualquier lugar que parezca un buen lugar!
En Español
Poster in pdf format (1.5 MB) full colour Event poster:
Postal en formato PDF (1.4 MB) Postal de evento a todo color, se pueden imprimir 4 por página o una a la vez:
Poster in pdf format (1.5 MB) full colour Event poster:
Postcard in pdf format (1.4 MB) full colour Event postcard, can be printed 4 to a page or one at a time:
You may need to right click and choose "save target as..."
Join the Volunteer Crew
From welcoming travellers at the gate, to taking care of the campsite and making sure all the presentations run smoothly, the success of every HU event relies on the enthusiasm of its volunteer crew.
"What a wonderful bunch of people. I had no idea how much fun I'd have by helping out!"
Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, get more involved with Horizons Unlimited and have loads of fun! You can sign up to volunteer when you register for the meeting, OR click here if you have already registered and want to add volunteering.
Local Host
Raul Guarderas is our local host for the Horizons Unlimited Ecuador Travellers Meeting. Raul and has created a 'bike-friendly place' in an idyllic area of Ecuador, and the team at Sierra Alisos will show you a great Ecuadorean welcome!
Raul has travelled overland in several South American and European countries on a variety of bikes (Honda XL250&XR400, KTM640, HusqvarnaTerra 650), so he understands the needs of overlanders.
We can always use help on the day - please volunteer to help out for a couple of hours when you register!
HU Events Refund Policy
Like adventures, life can throw surprises our way. Stuff happens. While we would love for you to join the fun and connect with everyone at our events, we understand that you (and the funds) may be needed elsewhere. We'll catch up later!
On our side, we know you appreciate that we have financial commitments to venues and caterers!
The best way to let us know that you're unable to attend an event is to reply to the Registration Confirmation Email you got from us when you first signed up.
Up to 30 days prior to event start, we will refund all fees in full less a $10 (or €9 or £8) handling fee and PayPal charges. At your request, we can apply your Event Registration and all fees to any subsequent HU event you wish in that year or following year.
Up to 15 days prior to event start, we will refund only the camping/accommodation and food packages in full less a $10 (or €9 or £8) handling fee and PayPal charges. At your request, we can apply your Event Registration fee (with no handling fee) to any subsequent HU Event you wish in that year or following year. If you purchased a t-shirt, we will ship it to the mailing address you provide.
Within 15 days of the event start, there will be no refunds. At your request, we can apply your registration fee (with no handling fee) to any subsequent HU event you wish in that year or following year. If you purchased a t-shirt, we will ship it to the mailing address you provide.
If WE cancel an event:
We are constantly evaluating the situation for every event, and very much err on the side of caution. We will endeavour to announce "Final" decision one month or more before the event, but the situation COULD change closer to time, and we could be required by law to cancel.
If we are forced to cancel for COVID or natural disaster, we will roll your registration over to next year automatically.
If you want to transfer your existing registration to any other HU event in the world, just let us know.
Need a full refund? PLEASE REPLY to your original Registration Confirmation email to make it easier for us to find. If you can't find it, please email a request to: events-c (AT) horizonsunlimited(-)com with the subject line: "Refund event-name event-year"
Next HU Events
Be sure to join us for this huge milestone!
ALL Dates subject to change.
2025 Confirmed Events:
Virginia: April 24-27
Queensland is back! May 2-5
Germany Summer: May 29-June 1
Ecuador June 13-15
Bulgaria Mini: June 27-29
CanWest: July 10-13
Switzerland: Aug 14-17
Romania: Date TBC
Austria: Sept. 11-14
California: September 18-21
France: September 19-21
Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2
Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!
Questions about an event? Ask here