HU Travellers Meeting Canwest 2025

Help us celebrate 25 years of Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meetings!
Thursday July 10 to Sunday July 13, 2025 - Nakusp, BC
It's All About Overland Adventure
Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.
Inspiring, Informing & Connecting
Some people value Horizons Unlimited events for what they learn from the unique line-up of presenters. Some people value the chance to discover new products and services at the trade stands. Some people value just kicking back with a beer among old friends and new.
Most people enjoy a little bit of everything, and everyone goes home fired-up for adventure with a smile on their face.

The event will include a packed schedule of presentations and activities. All within the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that Horizons Unlimited is known for.
Horizons Unlimited Canada West Event Schedule
The event is taking place from Thursday July 10 to Sunday July 13, 2025.
The Registration Tent will open for check-ins at 1 pm on Thursday, with the first presentations beginning at 2 pm. Final presentations will be on Saturday, with cleaning up and packing up on Sunday.
Over the course of the event there'll be over 50 talks, demonstrations, workshops, Q&A's, challenges and competitions, with many presentations being repeated so you won't miss out.
As well as hearing inspiring stories of overlanding adventure from around the world, you'll get the low-down on preparing for your journey, navigation, first-aid, photography, filming and a host of other essential topics. Whatever your past experience or future plans may be, there's something for everyone.
The event schedule will be available approx a week before the event!
PLEASE NOTE: The schedule is subject to change at any time - all the presenters are volunteers and travelling, thus they may be delayed or unable to get there. Some may have anxiety attacks and be unable to perform! ;-) And sometimes travellers show up unexpectedly with great pics and stories, so we try to fit them in! Details of changes to presentation times or other matters of note will be posted at Registration and other locations.
Presenters at HU Canwest 2025 - so far!
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Scott Dobie, (IG)Feed Your Dream: How to Eat the Elephant |
The most common question I was asked, after where was I from and where was I going, was how. How? How was I able to do a seven-month trip while having no job or income, married (she didn't come with me, spoiler alert, we are still married), with a house and mortgage, no savings, etc. I wrote How to Eat the Elephant while I was traveling to help fellow riders work out the details of making their adventure happen, whether it's for a week, a month, a year, or longer.
SCOTT DOBIE quit his job in 2023 and travelled for seven months throughout Canada and the western U.S. He rode all BDR routes, rode to Tuktoyaktuk, and more.
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Ekke KokRound the World - One Year at a Time / |
EKKE KOK is a retired civil servant who, along with his wife Audrey, has travelled the world on his motorcycle. All inspired by Grant and Susan Johnson in 1998.
1) Round the World - One Year at a Time
Audrey and Ekke took four year-long leaves of absence to travel the world
In 1998, Audrey and Ekke attended one of the very first Horizons Unlimited presentations by Grant and Susan Johnson. This inspired them to travel the world and share their experiences through Horizons Unlimited. This presentation describes the four year-long leaves of absence that they took, travelling through 83 countries.
2) The Two Sides of Everest
A trek to Everest Base Camp in Nepal, followed by a ride to Everest Base Camp in Tibet.
I had signed up for a trek to Everest Base Camp through Spirit West in Calgary in October of 2023. Then, less than two months prior to departure, a post popped up on Facebook advertising a ride with Himalayan Motorbike Tours to Lhasa, Tibet, starting from Kathmandu the day after the trek to Everest Base Camp ended in Kathmandu. It didn't take long to change to return flight by a couple of weeks to accommodate the motorbike tour.
3) Riding Around New Zealand for Three Months
Exploring both the North and South Islands of New Zealand.
Shipping my own motorcycle from Canada to New Zealand was prohibitively expensive and so was renting a bike for three months. So, I bought a bike in Auckland and toured New Zealand for almost three months.
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Chris Bragg, Get Lost Find YourselfGet Lost... Find Yourself |
I will briefly touch on my own story and how I found HEADS UP GUYS, then continue to explain what I've done to support, not only myself, but Heads Up Guys through my efforts in creating my YouTube presence and social media community, and my non-profit the Get Lost...Find Yourself Foundation.
CHRIS BRAGG is known online as Critter Moto. He is riding and raising funds and awareness towards Men's Mental Health and mental well-being. All of his efforts go to support Heads Up Guys out of The University of British Columbia - the world's largest online resource for men's mental health. He holds annual adventure/dualsport moto-campouts on northern Vancouver Island.
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Rene Cormier, Renedian Adventures [EXHIBITOR]The Pros of Solo and Tour Group Travel |
Let's be honest, if your only decision is to explore the world by yourself or explore the world with a guided tour, you are already doing really well. Stop by to hear some compelling reasons to continue your planning and get going. Rene Cormier is well-versed to offer tips and tricks for both sides, having completed a mostly solo, 4.5-year round-the-world trip before running guided tours with Renedian Adventures around the world for the last 14 years.
RENE CORMIER completed round the world motorcycle trip in 2009, and the same year started Renedian Adventures, a guided motorcycle tour company operating in Mongolia, southern Africa, South America, and Canada. He is the author of The University of Gravel Roads: Global Lessons from a 4 Year Motorcycle Adventure.
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Wesley Hannam, Moto Safari [EXHIBITOR] Moto Safari |
Founded in 2015 in Namibia, Moto Safari was built around the key principle of curating unique global adventures. Starting in Africa with what we know best, we eventually grew into other exotic global locations. Moto Safari has an uncompromising and unequivocal approach to providing once-off and bespoke experiences for each journey we offer. Our groups remain small, our experiences remain intimate, and no two Journeys are the same. We place a true emphasis on quality over quantity. Providing only a limited number of tours per year, we ensure that we maintain our high standards and the unique experience our clients have come to expect. Join us as we go Far From Home.
WESLEY HANNAM was born and raised in South Africa. He has spent his entire life exploring and riding motorcycles across the diverse and rugged landscapes of Africa. This deep-rooted connection to the continent shapes every journey he creates, bringing a unique perspective and passion to Moto Safari's adventures.
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Holly Ralph Unplanned Touring |
A political situation led to me to representing Canada at a rally in Georgia (U.S.). That led to an invitation to attend the FIM rally in Belgium the next year. What could possibly go wrong? Lots, of course. Having survived all the mistakes I made with that one, I continued to go to their annual rallies in Poland, Austria, France, Germany, Sweden, and Finland. Plus, I got hooked on their mototours in Italy, Slovenia, Austria, France, Monaco, and Greece.
Who knew travelling in Europe could be so cheap and so much fun? Instead of being in a bus with a bunch of North American tourists, I was riding with motorcyclists, many of whom are now life-long friends. Their rallies are weird, though. Let me tell you all about it. You won't learn anything about planning, but travel by-the-seat-of-your-pants is fun in its own way.
HOLLY RALPH is the secretary-general of the Canadian Motorcycle Association (CMA), having previously been President, CEO, and Director. She has been riding motorcycles for over 60 years, mostly in Canada and the U.S., but started riding in Europe a couple of decades ago. She is a long-time member and contributor to the Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group and was chief timekeeper at most of the road racing events in Canada in the 1970s.
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Craig Luke, I Think We Missed A Turn Digital Navigation for Adventures / |
1. Digital Navigation for Adventures
Find out about all the ways to plan and navigate with GPS systems and Apps..
Digital navigation can be very intimidating! Come dig in and find out all the phone apps and GPS systems that are available to plan and experience an adventure. And we'll go over maps that are available to download and get planning. Craig Luke is the in-house GPS guru. He publishes routes and maps for all over British Columbia, available for free download!
2. Packing Light for Backcountry Travel
Participate in a hands-on interactive chat about all things gear-related
There is sooooo much moto and camping equipment out there. Does that mean you need to carry all of it? Of course not! Minimalist packing isn't for everyone, but there are lots of ultralight gear available these days that can lighten the load. Strapping it all down is essential and can be a bit of a science of what to put where. We'll go through shelters and sleeping systems, cooking setups, and general camp concepts. We'll also discuss water filtration, keeping all the electronic toys charged and tool kits. I'll be there with my bike and a mountain of gear. Let's have a hands-on chat about the pros and cons of all the options!
CRAIG LUKE has been travelling and thriving in the backcountry since grade school in every mode of travel you can think of. Despite being passably competent on-bike, navigation and equipment systems are his happy place. He's the creator of, the map guru, and gear geek extraordinaire!
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Susan & Grant Johnson, Horizons UnlimitedHow It All Started |
Technically, "it" all really started with our first date in 1984. It wasn't long before we hit the road, two-up on a 1986 BMW R80GS, a couple of years later, unknowingly ending up doing a RTW (round-the-world) over the span of 11 years. At the time, websites weren't a thing yet. Like many overland travellers at the time, and there weren't that many, travelling and planning were a bit more challenging.
A lot has happened since then and we've learned and experienced a ton! Too much, in fact, to keep to ourselves. There's a world to explore, and people and cultures to befriend... and Horizons Unlimited evolved to what it is now with a global network of HU Communities that connect fellow travellers and emerging adventurers just like you. This is our story.
For those who don't know us yet, we are GRANT and SUSAN JOHNSON. We founded Horizons Unlimited in 1997 while we were on our 11-year, north-to-south around-the-world trip, visiting over 40 countries. Since then, we've been helping folks to achieve their dreams of overland travel to faraway places. Horizons Unlimited has become the global home of motorcycle travel, a worldwide network of travellers helping other travellers.
Workshops and Educational Sessions
...because Horizons Unlimited meetings are about information, not just inspiration!
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Peter Stace-SmithPacking Tips for Multi-Day Trips |
So you've bought an Adventure Motorcycle and you want to get away on it... but where to start?? What do you REALLY NEED vs what you think you need?? And how the heck are you going to carry all this gear and where or how does it fit in. I can and will walk you through my checklist (that I still use on every trip) to explain what I take and why, and how do I fit it all in or onto my motorcycle. I'm not saying my way is the only way, but it's the way that has worked well for me in over 100,000 kms of travel and many big adventures including the Continental Divide and 4 completed BDR Routes.
PETER STACE-SMITH's "Happy Place" is rolling along a beautiful FSR gravel road on his fully-loaded adventure bike, on a multi-day trip somewhere. Four completed BDRs (Backcountry Discovery Routes) and the entire Continental Divide have been some of his best trips.
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Adam LundFirst Aid & Med Planning for Moto Travel |
DR. ADAM LUND is an emergency physician with passion for 'playing outside'. He has planned and provided mobile first aid and medical care in many environments, including: medical moto for triathlons, cycling, and running events; building medical teams for adventure races and music festivals; cruise ship doctor; and a ski and downhill bike park patroller.
First aid and medical planning for motorcycle (or overland) travel begins with a personalized Risk Assessment. This permits you to customize the real needs of you and your travel partners, considering the actual trip you are going to take. We will work through an interactive planning approach and a take-away checklist/conversation guide that you can use and adapt to your next big adventure.
When it comes to first aid kits, there are many options on the market, including the option to build your own. We all know that space and weight are big considerations, particularly on a motorcycle. We will overview, and then take apart, a range of kits from minimalist through to 'pretty big'. Let's open up the packages and see what's actually in there, and chat about how you'd actually use that thing! We'll finish up with open Q&A to share your real-life experiences and concerns.
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Richard NewtonThe ALCAN: An Old Guy's Perspective |
I'm a seasoned rider at 73 years old and have ridden from the U.S./Mexico border to Alaska, round-trip, four times. I'll talk about riding in northern Mexico (Copper Canyon), the route to Alaska, and throughout Alaska. I ride small bikes and Harley tourers.
RICHARD NEWTON hails from Anchorage, Alaska, and has written the blog An Old Man Rides South in the Horizons Unlimited Travel Stories web section.
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Susan Johnson, Horizons UnlimitedFour Easy Steps to Motorcycle Adventure Travel |
We know lots of those travellers, people who have done amazing trips to every country in the world, too. We asked these veteran travellers to tell us their stories and share their tips with us. The main message is that you don't have to be rich or famous or young or heroic or super-fit to travel. Anyone can do it, and we're here to tell you how!
Get Ready // Gear Up // Get on the Road // Come home and plan your next trip!
It can be that easy. We will share some stories and tips from other travellers, and also tell you some things that we learned from our travels, in many cases the hard way. It's how we created the Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Adventure Travel Guide video series - available only on Vimeo. There's also lots of great pics from our calendar contest.
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Grant Johnson, Horizons UnlimitedBike Mods and Ergonomics! Tire Changing! |
Grant will host a bike 'Show and Tell' - bring your bike and show us your favorite travel mods. Critique and discussion.
When you picked up your new bike, did they take the time to make it fit you? You'll learn the amazing difference a properly setup bike makes to your riding fun. Maybe you're already feeling knots and kinks in your muscles after a long ride? It may not be you. It could be your bike!
Grant's ever-popular "Bike Ergonomics" demonstration at an HU Travellers Meeting.
Tire Changing Workshop
Grant demystifies the dark art of tires. Considering the fact you really can't rock'n'ROLL without tires on your travels, you don't want to miss this workshop. This session is absolutely perfect if you're newer to riding motorcyles or a bit nervous about travelling because flat tires give you the willies. The only time Grant likes using the word "conquered" for travel is when you deal with tires. :)
By the way, HU's TIRE CHANGING! instructional video can be purchased and streamed anywhere from Vimeo. Keep on practicing along with Grant in the comfort of your own home shop.
Grant's even-more-popular Tire Changing Workshop at an HU Travellers Meeting.
LOTS of presentations to come! As people register to present we'll list them here.
How about you? We're all here to learn, and there's LOTS to learn! We want to do more presentations and seminars - but we need volunteers to give them! Any topic you can contribute having to do with motorcycle travel, maintenance, planning etc, lasting 20 minutes or more, would be great. Please contact us here to volunteer.
It's time to regain your riding legs - maybe you've been brushing up on your skills, or maybe it's long past time you did? Got a new Adventure bike, and finding it a little intimidating? Your first experience on gravel was terrifying, or disastrous?
Get an extra confidence boost by taking off-road and slow speed skills training at the CanWest event!
Sign up when you register!
Classes at CanWest 2025:
Training by:
Pacific Adventure School is part of Pacific Riding School
Level 1 Adventure Rider Training, (Part A and B):
Regardless of your off-road experience, PRS (PAS) courses provides you with a new perspective to riding off-road, and help make adventure motorcycling your passion!
Level 1A – Little or zero gravel experience
- Motorcycle set up (quick overview)
- Seating / standing form
- Clutch Control
- Footpeg steering
- Counter-balance
Level 1B – Some gravel experience
- Motorcycle setup and riding form (quick overview)
- Peg weighting,
- rear wheel steering
- Rear/Front/Both wheel braking
- Compression zone
You don’t need to take 1A to take 1B, IF you have some gravel road experience and feel ready for a step up.
Training takes place each day on the event grounds.
PRE-Registration is strongly recommended. There MAY be spaces available on the day, there may not!
The focus for all training is on Slow-Speed maneuvers. Key fundamentals for newer off-road adventure riders and excellent tips for more experienced riders, especially those coming from an all street background. Slow speed maneuvers are THE KEY to successful off-road riding.
More IMPORTANT details on the Registration page.
On Saturday afternoon, you can put your freshly-honed skills to the test in the CanWest Adventure Travel Challenge, with a wide variety of challenges to complete.
These events are open to ALL CanWest attendees, and you don't have to have done the training to compete (but it might help...)
This is NOT a speed event, but strictly skill and control.
We use Trials Rules: a dab (foot down) is a point off etc.
We will walk you through the course and discuss tips and tricks to ride it well.
Class I - single cylinders
Class II - multi-cylinders
Sign up at the Registration Desk, limited numbers!
MINI-HUMM (Horizons Unlimited Mountain Madness)!
What the heck is a HUMM?
A unique motorcycle orienteering / navigation challenge, the HUMM has also been described as an off-road motorcycle scavenger hunt. There is no set course, so you make your own adventure! Strategy, teamwork, riding and navigation skills and pure fun!
"The best 48 hours of my life! (apologies to my wife!)"
If a picture is worth 1000 words, how much is a video worth?! Check out the official HUMM event trailer, then read on!
Thanks to Molly Stack, our awesome video editor, and to Ken Delathouwer, Ilija Perić, Patrick Trahan, David Hodgson, & Ashley Moule for video clips!
For the HU CanWest 2025 Travellers Meeting, we are offering a taster, a Mini-HUMM. By popular demand, we are expanding to a full-day version for only $75! This 8-hour event (09:00-5:00) will be offered on Friday and Saturday. You ride one or the other.
HUMM Monashees - by Chris Provencher
You must ride in a team (minimum 2 bikes), but if you don't have a partner, we will team you up based on type of bike and riding skill level. We strongly recommend each team has a satellite tracker, as there is limited cell coverage.
HUMM Monashees - Darcy Black finds a tag!
The Mini-HUMM will be open to all HU CanWest attendees, but the numbers will be limited, so sign up when you register.
"The most fun you can have on two wheels!"
The Adventure Travel Zone
Exhibitors - so far
Shahnawaz Karim will be at HU CanWest 2025 as an Exhibitor and Presenter. Shahnawaz is a BMW Motorrad IIA-certified Enduro Motorcycle riding trainer based in Vancouver, BC and New Delhi & Hyderabad, India. Shahnawaz has been a marshal for the GS Trophy in New Zealand, Albania and Namibia (2024). Shahnawaz has trained over 3500 + participants across India, North America, and Europe and has been the face of the BMW R1300 GS. Shahnawaz has travelled to over 35 countries and provides Big Adventure Motorcycle Training across North America, Asia and Europe. |
Founded in 2015 in Namibia, Moto Safari was built around the key principle of curating unique global adventures. Starting in Africa with what we know best, we eventually grew into other exotic global locations. Moto Safari has an uncompromising and unequivocal approach to providing once-off and bespoke experiences for each journey we offer. Our groups remain small, our experiences remain intimate and no two Journeys are the same. |
Outback Motortek Inc. design and sell crash bars, skid plates, pannier racks, and panniers. Chat with them about outfitting your bike for your best adventures. |
Melanie MacCarthy from ROK Straps Canada will be there with ROK Straps elastic cargo tie-downs for motorcycles, ATVs, camping, hiking, bikepacking, and more. |
Rene Cormier of Renedian Adventure Ltd. is back to answer all your questions about the adventure tours he leads and organizes in Africa, Mongolia, Canada, South America, and Scotland. Turkana Soft Adventure Luggage is running show specials and includes free installation! |
If you know of any other motorcycle or travel equipment vendors or tour operators who should be there, please suggest it to them!
Exhibitors, more details and registration here. Please contact us if you have more questions.
CanWest 2025 - Ride to the Sky!
'Ride to the Sky - a mild, adventure tour'
This is a great ride to the old silver mining ghost town of Sandon. It will be approx. 3-4 hrs, riding on pavement and gravel. You can stay there and take pictures, wander the town, which has many things to see such as an excellent museum and one of the oldest, working hydro electric power stations in N. America.
You can enjoy a mini-tour of New Denver on the way back to Nakusp by stopping in for a cup of 'Kootenay Coffee' at one of the finest little cafes on the way back.
Panel discussions at most HU events include...
Border crossings - How to get through borders with minimal stress and cost!
Packing light - Tips and techniques from experienced travellers to reduce weight and bulk.
Regional discussions - e.g. travelling in South America or Asia.
For Women Only - A must for the ladies, so be sure to plan on being there! A chance to talk to experienced travelling women without the men around!
Experienced Travellers Panel - ask the experts anything you want!
Walk arounds / Show and tell!
Tool Kits - Show us your favorite tools. Toolkit discussion.
Tents and Bedding discussion (in the camping area) - What works, cheap vs dear and which ones keep you dry, warm and comfy!
Farkle Walk - Take a stroll and talk about your best bike mods - homemade saddle bags, toolbox mounts, GPS mounts, seats, side stands, tank panniers, cup holders, etc.
PAST Presenters at HU Canwest have included...
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Micko O'ByrneWhat to Do When It All Goes to S+%T / |
1) What to Do When It All Goes to S+%T
Dealing with unexpected challenges, broken bike (or you), lost passports, and more.
Having had passports stolen in China, being locked in a customs compound for several days in Western Mongolia, and having bikes and bones broken in very remote places, Micko can give good advice on how to overcome some of these challenges while still maintaining your sense of humour. Many experiences of unexpected delays and issues in his 55+ years of travel taught Micko how to keep on keeping on and to continue having FUN. This presentation will have lots of stories, some of them will be true. Come for a laugh and you just might learn something useful!
2) East Timor, Indonesia, and Borneo
Far east Indonesia. The most fun you can have with your clothes on.
A journey through the magical "Spice Islands" of Indonesia and Borneo. Dealing with Indonesian bureaucracy and the delights of the Eastern Islands beyond Bali. The issues of traveling in the tropics on ferries that often sink and other fun topics.
3) Cross-Cultural Issues You WILL Encounter
How to cope in different cultural norms, and what NOT to do.
Worldwide travel will have you encountering many different cultures. How you deal with them can make or break your experience. Learn a few good general tips as well as specific issues to avoid. Making meaningful contacts with people who don't speak your language. Dealing with helpful "fixers" and avoiding scammers. Leaving some good will behind.
MICKO O'BYRNE is an Australian who has been doing overland motorcycle trips since 1974 and has traveled to over 70 countries. He lives in remote rural South Africa and is currently on a solo trip from Ushuaia to Alaska.
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Carrie and Glen CullenItaly to Spain: Fall 2025 / |
1) Italy to Spain: Fall 2025
We travel from Milan into the Dolomites and then down to the south coast of Spain
We pick up our travels in Milan where Pepe, our trusty 2014 Wee Strom, is patiently waiting for us and head north into the Dolomites. From there we work our way west through the Pyrenees and then south into Spain. We meet up with friends from Canada (two different couples!) and then ride along the east coast into Andalucia. A quick run back up to Madrid where we leave Pepe until we return in the spring of 2024
2) Morocco!
One month in Morocco in the spring of 2024
Picking up Pepe our motorcycle in Madrid, we head south to meet friends and then join forces to head into Morocco for a month long tour. Hitting all the tourist traps like Fes, Marrakesh, and the like, we also find ourselves in the Atlas mountains and taking a camel ride. From there we take in the Todra and Dades Gorges, then west to the coast. We learn to navigate the Midinas and old towns along the way.
CARRIE and GLEN CULLEN started their motorcycle travelling in 2013 and, shortly after that, attended HU Canwest. Since then, they have travelled around Europe and will be going through Morocco in the spring of 2024.
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Janet Wilson and Tom FeuchtwangerDare to Chase Dreams and Travel the World |
We set off, overlanding 80,000 km across Africa. An adventure that was a test of our grit, skill, and sheer determination. In the face of adversity, we found strength we never knew we possessed. Our journey across Africa was a physical odyssey and a journey of self-discovery, pushing us beyond our limits and forging bonds that would last a lifetime. And as we pressed onward, navigating the wilds with nothing but our wits and Land Cruiser, we knew that no challenge was too great, no terrain too daunting. In the heart of adventure, anything is possible, even every traveller's worst nightmare.
JANET WILSON is a South African-born author and adventurer with a passion for Africa's wilderness, wildlife, and diverse cultures. Together with husband, TOM FEUCHTWANGER, they've completed three extensive overland travels around Africa in a Land Cruiser. They also drove from Alaska to Argentina. Overlanding is the way to discover and explore the world.
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Tracey Martin and Miles McEwingIndia by Tuk-Tuk - Piloting an Auto-Rickshaw 3,500 km across the Indian Subcontinent |
We've visited nearly 50 countries outside of our home in Canada - many of them aboard our motorcycle sidecar rig. In 2011-2012, we traveled 30,000+ km through 4 continents and 20 countries. In 2013, having settled back into a somewhat normal life at home and granted only three weeks of annual vacation time, our travels appeared to become more limited in scope.
Or did they? In 2013 and 2014 we completed our round-the-world overland journey by motorcycle, automobile, rail and ship.
So what would 2015 hold?
Of all the places we had visited, one country beckoned us back - India. After our first visit, we didn't feel as if we even began to understand the country and its' culture. The people, sights, sounds, smells, and huge contrasts were so overwhelming that our four-week visit just wasn't enough time to process them. So, the mission for 2015 was to tackle India once again.
And what better way than our favourite mode of transport - 3 wheels.
But not just any 3 wheels - an auto-rickshaw; the ubiquitous 'Tuk-Tuk' of Indian taxi drivers, known for being completely unreliable, difficult to steer, unsteady to drive, and very, very small. Built for short jaunts at slow speeds, an auto-rickshaw appeared to be not-at-all suited to the journey and seven horsepower just might not be enough to traverse the Himalaya. We had no set route and no back up support. It was just the two of us, our brave/what the hell was he thinking friend Richard Desilets, and two weeks to get from the furthest west city in the country, across desert, jungle and mountains to one of the furthest east points in the country.
We had no way of knowing if we would make it.
The only certainty was that:
we would break down,
we would get stuck,
we would get lost,
we would be exhausted,
and we would have one heck of a lot of fun.
Mission accomplished - on all counts!
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Chantil and Travis Gill, Viajar MotoHow Much Does Full-Time Travel Cost? / |
1) How Much Does Full-Time Travel Cost?
Full-time traveling in Europe was less expensive than living in a home and raising a family. We share how much it cost us.
Full-time traveling is expensive, right? Not exactly. Travis and Chantil recently finished a 3.5-year overland tour of Europe and north Africa where they spent far less than what it cost them to live in a house in the United States and raise their family. They will share the complete cost of full-time motorcycle touring, including: accommodations, food, fuel, maintenance, ferry/parking fees, entertainment, and miscellaneous expenses. They will share their strategies for saving, budgeting, and getting the most out of a travel budget.
2) 3.5 Years in Europe and North Africa
We started a motorcycle journey of a lifetime in March 2020. After 3.5 years, 85k miles, and 53 countries, we're still loving it!
Travis and Chantil relocated to Europe for work in 2017 with nothing more than their two adventure motorcycles loaded with gear. While at their job in Germany, they realized they just couldn't travel enough with their limited vacation time, so they did what we all want to do - quit to start full-time traveling. However, their start date of March 2020 was not ideal. Despite a world-wide pandemic and the restrictions of a 90-day travel visa, they managed to ride through nearly every European country and a bit of north Africa.
They will share some of the highlights and challenges of full-time traveling over their last 3.5 years through 53 countries. They will discuss how to get insurance for a U.S. registered motorcycle, strategies for navigating the 90-day Schengen travel restrictions, and five tips for having a successful motorcycle adventure.
CHANTIL and TRAVIS GILL attended HU California 2015 where they were inspired to travel sooner than later. Since then, they've ridden most through Europe and a bit of north Africa over the past 3.5 years of full-time motorcycle overlanding. They share their adventures via UPSHIFT magazine and viajarMOTO.
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Craig HaggartFly+Ride Mini Adventures / |
CRAIG HAGGART operates an electron accelerator in Palo Alto, California, and enjoys minor adventures like riding a Ninja 250 to Baja, moto-camping in the southwest on a CBR600 sport bike, racing a 1966 Honda CB160, riding in Costa Rica and Nicaragua on rented bikes, and, of course, volunteering at Horizons Unlimited California. (HU says: A great guy! Say hi.)
1) Fly+Ride Mini Adventures
It's a common dream to ditch everything and go on a round-the-world ride, but that dream just isn't practical for many of us due to career and family commitments. There is an option, however, for scratching that adventure-ride itch: fly somewhere and ride a rented bike for a few weeks! The focus here will be on Latin America, but if you have recent experience with other destinations, please feel free to join in and share any practical details that might help fellow riders.
2) Smaller Bikes for ADV Riding
Most of us have probably heard the truism that nobody comes home from an adventure ride saying, "I wish I'd ridden a larger bike." While that might not match everyone's experience, it is clear that lots of people do amazing trips on small -- sometimes VERY small -- motorcycles. If you've ever wondered about the practicality of doing a bit of adventure riding on a bike that you could actually pick up if it falls over, please join this discussion about the pros and cons of preparing and riding smaller bikes for travel. If you have personal experience to share, all the better -- audience participation is gladly encouraged!
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Elle West and Jeremy Kroeker, Motorcycle TherapyCanada to Argentina / |
1. Canada to Argentina
Thirteen months on the road with COVID border closures
Mostly slides and stories from 13 months on the road, from Canada to Argentina. A side trip to Antarctica, and getting stuck in South America for five months when borders close. How Jeremy and Elle got moving, got stuck, and got home. (There will be several short videos, around five minutes each.) Q and A to follow.
2. Bolivia, Chile, Argentina
Wind, gravel, motorcycle crash, and emergency camping
Four videos (ranging from 10 minutes to 20 minutes each) that take Jeremy and Elle from Bolivia, through Chile, and into Argentina all the way to Ushuaia. In Argentina, the pair face maddening wind on a loose gravel road, crash their motorcycles, camp in the ditch, and question their resolve to continue. Q and A to follow.
JEREMY KROEKER is the author of two motorcycle travel books, Motorcycle Therapy and Through Dust and Darkness. With his KLR650, he has ridden through over 30 countries on five continents. Meanwhile, visit and subscribe to Jeremy's YouTube channel!
ELLE WEST is a motorcycle instructor who has ridden her BMW F700GS from Alaska to Panama (twice!), and once from Canada to the southern tip of Argentina. She's also a co-star on Jeremy's YouTube channel!
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Kyle Emerson, Ranee Niedermeyer, and Mark WegenerHeidelberg to Cape Town |
After three years of planning and Covid delays, three friends from Oregon, USA - Kyle, Mark, and Ranee - embark on a moto adventure from Germany to South Africa following the western coast. They will cover the origins of the trip, preparation, and their experience on the road during their epic adventure.
Ranee, Mark, and Kyle hail from Oregon and share a penchant for adventure riding whenever they can.
RANEE NIEDERMEYER rides pillion and has travelled with partner-in-adventure, Mark, from Portland, OR to Santiago, Chile in 2015; multiple trips through Canada and the American West; and from Heidelberg, Germany to Cape Town, South Africa in 2022-2023.
MARK WEGENER is a self-professed normal guy with a passion for adventure. He started riding in 2013 with a trip to Alaska on a 2013 BMW F800. With numerous off-road rider training under his belt, he has tackled many BDR routes, the Continental Divide Route, and the journey from Prudhoe Bay to Santiago, Chile. He currently owns two 2016 BMW R1200 GSAs.
KYLE EMERSON started riding in 2005 throughout the Blue Ridge mountains of eastern Tennessee. Multi-day adventures on any surface feeds his adventurous soul, including daily commutes and frequent weekend rides. He's currently soaking up as much of the U.S. Pacific Northwest as possible.
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Krista HarrisSee the World Without Shipping Your Bike |
Krista and Dan have travelled extensively on their own 650 touring bikes in North and South America, but shipping their bikes to Vietnam did not make sense for a number of reasons. Find out what it was like to have very little gear and very little bikes in a little, but amazing, country. There will also be bonus stories about the wonderful country of Vietnam, how to stay alive there, and why it should be on your list of places to ride.
KRISTA HARRIS and DAN van DALFSEN are a couple of semi-retired folks who came to riding later in life, but have worked hard to catch up on what they missed. In the summer of 2015, they went to Inuvik, and by the end of that year, they were in Ushuaia... but that was only the beginning.
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Paul SaundersDefinitely South America Indefinitely |
People can view thousands of photos on Instagram, etc., of many world moto travelers, yet these same travelers often will not or cannot answer all the questions they receive about their journey. So I want to answer any questions about my two South American journeys (with photos alternating in the background, maybe) from wild camping spots to best food to how the locals helped me after getting knocked off a bridge by a truck on my moto (and how the bike still worked!). You have heard it before, the hardest part is beginning the journey, but, once commenced, the rest is easy and incredible.
PAUL SAUNDERS "retired' in his late 30s to travel the world by moto and, so far, he has loved South America so much that he rode from Colombia to Argentina twice, in 2016 and 18-19. He just can't get enough...
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Scott Collins and Stephanie Arias, The Adventure CoopRealities and Lessons Learned on the Road / |
1. Realities and Lessons Learned on the Road
The emotional, physical, and adrenal stress that will leave you feeling like you've hit a wall
After embarking on our biggest trip yet, we realize that life on the road isn't as easy as we thought. Join us to discuss our realizations about travel stress, getting a good nights sleep, and team work.
2. Canada to Panama Roundtrip for Two
Our first long road trip - during a pandemic and broadcasted to the world... how will we do?
Chasing the life long dream, in a world gone pandemic crazy, because there is no time but the present. If riding to Panama and back isn't complicated enough, start a YouTube channel and document your travels while on the road. Come see how we manage to pull this off.
STEPHANIE ARIAS grew up in Canada and attended circus school in Europe for five years after high school. She loves to travel and discover new things and the beauty this world has to offer. Being on a motorcycle brings you closer to everything.
SCOTT COLLINS is a motorcycle mechanic, racer, and traveller who has travelled by motorcycle in Vietnam, Sri Lanka, North America, and Central America. He enjoys riding with groups and friends.
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Denise Francoeur and Normand FortierTen Months Two-Up on a DR. Interested? |
Travelling 2-up on a DR650, we took over 10 months to reach Ushuaia, Argentina from Vancouver, BC, as the crow does not fly. We went through 16 countries, covered well over 45,000 km, and used up six rear tires and three fronts. But it is a journey that is hard to summarize in numbers. It was at times frustrating, sometimes a bit scary, but always entertaining, and never regretting. Above all, the best part of our journey has been the people that we met along the way. Their kindness and openness toward us have been an enduring reality, everywhere we went. The presentation will offer a summary of our experience travelling in Latin America.
DENISE FRANCOEUR and NORMAND FORTIER have been travelling two-up for the past 11+ years on a variety of motorcycles ranging from 125cc (!) to 1000cc in almost 50 countries, mostly in Europe, all three Americas, but also small forays in Asia and Africa.
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Angela and Michael Greer, Twonie ProjectMoroccan Honeymoon |
Sharing a love for travel and adventure, newlyweds Michael and Angela envision travelling the world by motorcycle when Michael retires in 2022. Although both are experienced travellers, their styles are quite different: Angela has enjoyed day trips from tropical five-star resorts, while Michael's previous adventures include backpacking in East Africa, scuba diving in Thailand and working with orphans in rural Bolivia.
In preparation for their upcoming RTW adventure, Michael and Angela set out on a trip to test some new bikes, a new travel style and a new relationship. Learn what they discovered about themselves, each other, and about riding a couple of Africa Twins as Michael and Angela present the humour and the trials of their adventurous honeymoon in Morocco.
Separately, Canadians MICHAEL (a career naval officer) and ANGELA (a retired real estate developer) have many years of tarmac riding and travel experience. Recently married, they plan to travel the world by motorcycle and do charity work when Michael retires in 2022.
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Elle WestA Woman's Perspective on Motorcycles |
ELLE WEST is an advocate for women in motorcycling, sharing her passion as a motorcycle instructor in Calgary, Alberta. While riding through Colombia in 2019, she proudly served as a guardian for the Women Rider's World Relay, before completing her journey through the Americas.
Why does gender matter? What difference does it make in terms of riding a motorcycle? Let's talk about motorcycling from a woman's perspective. Comfort, safety, fit, and appearance; differences in our bodies and how these differences affect our experiences on the bike in and the gear.
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Olivier PrestonHow I Fell in Love with Riding |
No one plans to fall in love. That's how it was for Olivier. At 23-years-old, with no plan, no prior experience, and even less money, he's just back from a solo motorbike trip in Vietnam and India. He learned to ride a bike in Vietnam... after he bought the bike... and travelled 4000 km from Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi. He then rode along the border to China for 10 days, followed by a trip through the Spiti Valley in the Himalayas in India for 20 days, having rented a Royal Enfield Thunderbird in Manali and traded some items for a tent in India. He's big on inspiring people to ride and travel as they are "by far the coolest experiences of (his) life."
It doesn't have to be that complicated to make a trip like this happen. Olivier didn't plan his trip in India until he arrived there, and relied on meeting people and asking questions. He firmly believes riding a motorcycle is one of the best ways to visit a country now and is very excited to do some more travelling by bike. While he encourages people to ride in the Himalayas in India or Nepal, he's a huge fan of the Spiti Valley which is a hidden gem for motorcyclists - a popular recommendation based on conversations with many motorcyclists from India.
Olivier just graduated university and is totally smitten with riding. Now that he's back in Canada AFTER his travels, he'll be getting his motorcycle license soon!
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Francis WalshVive Mexico! / |
1) Vive Mexico!
Three winters of exploring Mexico with a simple plan: FIFO/MOMO Ride, store the bike, fly home, fly back, repeat.
Mexico is an amazingly beautiful and diverse country, filled with incredibly welcoming people, that often doesn't get the attention it truly deserves as many overlanders simply pass through it as a waypoint on their ride from Alaska to Ushuaia. I've been exploring Mexico for the past three winters using a simple plan: FIFO/MOMO. In the fall, I head south from Vancouver Island, riding for a month, before storing the motorcycle and flying home. A month later, I fly back south to continue my travels, repeating the cycle until spring when it's a good time to ride back to Canada. Join me as I share the grandeur of Barrancas del Cobre, the wilderness of Baja California's backroad tracks, the seductiveness of the unique cultural phenomenon Dia de Los Muertos, and the enchantment of Mexico's Pueblos Magicos. Vive Mexico!
2) Rwanda: the Africa You Didn't Expect
A February 2024 ride around Rwanda - not your stereotypical African country.
Rwanda is an African country unique in so many incredible ways. Although its small size makes it very easy to explore in just two weeks, there's a lot packed within its borders. The Land on 1000 Hills, with its national parks brimming with wildlife, verdant tea and coffee plantations throughout, and people everywhere constantly on the move carrying everything and more imaginable on their heads or their bicycles makes Rwanda visually stunning. I share my experiences travelling around Rwanda, an unbelievably beautiful country.
FRANCIS WALSH has been a "Wandering Wonderer" for 40+ years, winding his way mostly on two wheels through 70+ countries on six continents, sometimes sailing across oceans to connect the dots, driven by curiosity and a need to see things for himself.
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Bob ForsterFly Your Bike - Quick Trip to Europe |
In June 2017, Bob and Tracey flew their R1200GS bike from Calgary to Frankfurt to start a 26-day trip through Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, and the Italian Dolomites before returning home. They'll share the pros and cons of shipping your own bike vs. renting, the costs involved, and the documents required. They'll talk about their planning, what went right, what went wrong, and what they'll do differently next time. And, of course, their experience of the places where they stayed, the people they met, and the roads they travelled.
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Maria Schumacher and Aidan Walsh, Following TarmacKangaroos and Corrugations |
1. Kangaroos and Corrugations
You'd think riding around a first world country like Australia would be plain sailing. And in a way it is: spare parts are easily available and everyone speaks English. It's the rhythms of nature that will pull you this way and that, taking you on a wonderful rollercoaster ride of adventure, survival, and riding fun. The twisties in the snowy mountains will have you lose all track of time while lusciously green Tasmania seems like a world of its own, with wild Tasmanian devils and Pademelons wandering the mushroom carpeted fields. Australia's centre is so vast that a house number like 13501 is not unheard of and people have to drive for miles to mail boxes of any shape and size they fancy. You'll have to bring extra fuel, water and rations just to make it between neighbouring cattle stations, and Jackeroos heard cattle by horseback, motorcycle or helicopter. Bikers across the country will warn you that you shouldn't watch the helicopter in the sky, but flee the inevitable stampede it forebodes. We'll be telling tales of riding through Australia's eastern mountains, exploring Tasmania, traversing the dry and dusty centre, avoiding crocodiles in the north, enjoying encounters with the locals, and - if we have time for it - the wonderful west, too.
2. The length of India - Not on an Enfield
We'll tell you how to go about buying a bike in Delhi that isn't an expensive Enfield (it can be done even without the help of the famous Lali Singh). Then we'll share tales of our 6-month adventure riding around India. First, the freezing cold and stunningly beautiful Himalayas, through the recently flooded Srinagar, where we lived on a boat. The deserts of Rajasthan and the Pushkar camel fair. Bootlegging in Gujarat with its dried up salt planes that flood in the rainy season, almost cutting it off from the rest of India. Christmas amongst the ruins of Hampi and living with a tribe in the tea mountains, and the stunning hippie beaches of Goa and the waterways of Kerala. And, finally, we'll tell you how to sell the bike again.
Facilities for a Fantastic Four Days!
The HU CanWest 2025 Travellers Meeting will be held in Nakusp, BC. Activities will be primarily at the Nakusp Arena and the Nakusp Municipal Campground, which we completely reserve for the event. We have a fantastic menu of catered food at the event itself.
Although Nakusp has a population of under 2,000, it's a tourist destination and thus has a fantastic range of accommodation including camping, restaurants and shopping choices (in the summertime, anyway!)
Nakusp Lake
We have reserved the entire Nakusp Municipal Campground for this event. Camping is NOT included in your registration fee! Tent camping is a very special price for us of $21 per tent per night. (Regular price is $27-$35). Motorhome price (powered) is $31 per vehicle per night.
Powered sites are extremely limited, only for medical issues, CPAP machines, etc. Choose 'Powered Site' when registering, and indicate in the comments why you need it (you can charge your phone/tablet at the Charging Station at the Reg Desk). Motorhomes can also use the powered sites, you must register as a motorhome - fee is $31 per night.
The powered spaces have 50 amp sockets for motorhomes, so you WILL NEED an adapter. You may be able to buy one in town, but safest is to bring your own! If you check in early, BE SURE to clarify with the campground attendant that you are with us.
Also note, there are NO RESERVED SPACES from Thursday Jul 11 through Saturday Jul 13. You will be sharing sites, so plan to make new friends!
Nakusp Municipal Campground Map
Nakusp Municipal Campground Policies
- Dogs are welcome but must be tethered and or on a leash at all times.
- Owners are responsible to pick up feces as per Village Bylaws.
- Firewood is available for purchase from the campground manager.
- Quiet time is 10PM to 7AM
- R/V Generators may only be used from 9AM to 11AM and 6PM to 8PM. Generators must not be left on attended.
- Fires are permitted in fire pits only and are subject to fire bans
- Do not burn garbage in your fire pits, and please do not damage the trees.
- Campground speed limit is 5km/hr
Riders Retreat
Rebecca at Riders Retreat offers motorcycle friendly camping (glamping?), with an outdoor kitchen, all bedding, cooking and camping supplies provided. Rebecca is a super hostess who also runs the bar at HU events! Be sure to tell her you're with Horizons Unlimited!
"Riders Retreat is the ideal place for motorcyclists who love to camp. Situated on the Golf Course in Nakusp, BC, we offer camping, and a furnished RV and Bus. One feature that sets us apart from any other campground is our equipped tent sites, which include your tent, bedding, lanterns, chairs, coolers and a picnic table. All set up and ready to go. So feel free to pack nice and light.
There are washrooom and shower facilities available, which include all your towels, soap, shampoo and conditioner, as well as a community cooking area equipped with pots and pans, BBQ's, cookstoves, dishes, silverware, spices and basically anything you would need to feed the weary traveller."
Hotels / Motels
The Lodge at Arrow Lakes
Phone: 1-800-663-0100
Centrally located in Nakusp within walking distance to all amenities, public beach, arena and campground. The hotel has two main accommodation areas at different prices.
The main building has a restaurant (Arrow Lake Tavern), lounge, liquor store and 28 guest rooms. The Tenderfoot Annex is newer, has 19 rooms. We have stayed here and can recommend it.
Selkirk Inn
Phone: 1-800-661-8007
The Selkirk Inn is centrally located, has 39 rooms, most air-conditioned and many of them include kitchenettes. No restaurant on site. We have stayed here, and it is clean and comfortable.
Canyon Court Motel
Phone: 1-888-509-4499
We haven't stayed here, but this motel gets good reviews. Per their website, the rooms all have air-conditioning, cable TV, fridge, microwave and coffee maker and free wi-fi. Larger units have a full kitchen and separate bedroom.
Leland Hotel
The Leland Hotel is the Oldest Hotel in BC, in operation since 1892. It also has the best location in town, overlooking the lake, and a good restaurant that takes full advantage of the views. All rooms have air-conditioning, wi-fi, fridge and microwave. Some rooms allow pets.
We haven't stayed here, but we have had reports that on weekends the rooms near the bar can be quite noisy, so be forewarned!
Bed and Breakfasts
The Nakusp Visitor Info Centre at 92 6th Ave. NW (just off the main street, Broadway) is super helpful and can assist with reservations for bed and breakfasts, of which Nakusp has many! Let them know you're here for the Horizons Unlimited event!
Toll Free: 1-800-909-8819
We recommend the Food - Deb Guest, the caterer is highly praised every year! These dinners are an excellent way to meet fellow participants and talk to presenters, and since you're eating right there on site, you won't miss any of the after-dinner slideshows.
Dinners - 2025 Menus
Thursday - Mexican - Chicken (or veggie) enchiladas, black bean and corn salad, ensalada, meat (or veggie) chili and Mexican rice, Strawberry Shortcake, coffee, tea or soft drink.
Friday - Italian - Chicken (or eggplant) Parmigiana with red sauce, noodles, veggie pasta, Caesar salad, buns and Tiramisu, coffee, tea or soft drink.
Saturday - Awesome BBQ Ribs, rice, hot veggie, tossed salad, 25th anniversary cake, coffee, tea or soft drink. Vegetarian: Chick pea cutlets with Miso gravy. RAVE REVIEWS on this one!
Please PRE-BOOK dinners with your registration. There will be limited amounts available for late-comers. You MIGHT be able to get it on the day, but it's first come first served!
CanWest 2017 - Canada's 150th and Horizons Unlimited 30th Anniversary cake!
For 2025 you will have an option for convenient breakfast on site. You can, of course, cook for yourself, or go to cafes or restaurants in Nakusp.
We have the best caterer in the Kootenays!
Breakfasts and Lunches
Deb Guest, our caterer, will offer pre-booked breakfasts on Friday and Saturday morning from 8-9AM (see menu under Pricing).
There are NO lunches available on site this year, go into town for lunch - there will be time - or pick up a sandwich at the store in the morning.
Nakusp has heaps of restaurants to suit everyone's budget. We have eaten at many of them over the years, but not all of them! These are just a few of your dining options.
Caffe Lago, Leland Hotel is one of our favourite places to chill, big deck overlooks the lake.
Chumley's Restaurant has a nice outdoor seating area. Arrow & Anchor Pizza does fantastic pizzas - try the S'Mores dessert pizza! Did we mention Nakusp is very motorcycle friendly!
Hoss and Jill's does excellent breakfasts and lunches and is open at 7am. It was very popular with our crowd, as you can see!
There are lots of shops in Nakusp! Just a few of the pics on Broadway Street, which is the main shopping street.
Grocery choices include Save-on-Foods, which is a good-sized supermarket. There is also an organic food store and a deli, which also serves meals.
The Home Hardware is well-stocked. There are lots of clothing and handicraft shops.
CIBC Bank is the only major bank in town, but their ATMs accept other bank cards, with a service charge, of course! There is also a Kootenay Savings Credit Union.
Hopefully you won't need to visit it, but good to know that Arrow Lakes Hospital is located in Nakusp.
I've already registered - I just want to pay!
PRE-REGISTRATION PRICING FOR FULL PASSESIncludes admission to all slide shows Thursday, Friday and Saturday, |
Pre-Register & Pay before: |
Full Event Price |
Weekend Price |
February 1, 2025 April 1, 2025 July 3, 2025 |
89 104 119 |
65 75 85 |
AT THE EVENT PRICING (APPLIES AFTER JULY 2, 2025)Pay Cash or Card on Arrival |
Full 4 Day Pass Weekend-Only Pass (arriving after 6 pm Friday) Saturday Day Pass |
134 99 60 |
MEALSYou can pre-book dinners and breakfasts (available through our caterer, Deb Guest). There MAY be individual meals available at the event, and Nakusp has cafes and restaurants. There are NO lunches available on site this year, go into town for lunch or pick up a sandwich at the store in the morning. Remember taxes, tips etc is ALL INCLUDED in these prices! You WILL pay more in town for similar options. NOTE: previous Food feedback - Awesome! And NOTE: Never go away hungry - seconds are okay! There will be vegetarian alternatives, so let us know your preferences when you register. |
Thursday Dinner - Mexican - Chicken (or veggie) enchiladas, black bean and corn salad, ensalada, meat (or veggie) chili and Mexican rice, Strawberry Shortcake, coffee, tea or soft drink. |
28 |
Friday Breakfast - Scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, hash browns, yogurt, fruit salad and toast, coffee, tea, juice. |
25 |
Friday Dinner - Italian - Chicken (or eggplant) Parmigiana with red sauce, noodles, veggie pasta, Caesar salad, buns and Tiramisu, coffee, tea or soft drink. |
28 |
Saturday Breakfast - Ham and French toast with omelettes, hash browns, fruit salad, yogurt, cereal and toast, coffee, tea, juice. |
25 |
Saturday Dinner - Awesome BBQ Ribs, rice, hot veggie, tossed salad, 25th anniversary cake, coffee, tea or soft drink. Vegetarian: Chick pea cutlets with Miso gravy. RAVE REVIEWS on this one! |
29 |
ACCOMMODATIONCamping is not included in your registration. There is lots of room for camping! For 2025, we have reserved the ENTIRE campground for Thursday through Saturday night, so you can pitch up wherever you like UNLESS YOU NEED POWER! Camping prices are PER TENT (OR MOTORHOME) PER NIGHT. |
Camping - unpowered site |
21 |
Camping - medical powered site |
22 |
Motorhomes - powered site |
31 |
Note: Powered sites are limited, so you will probably be sharing. Regular Campsite price is $27-35 per night. |
days to go!
Join the discussion:
On the HUBB!
On Facebook!
HU CanWest Photos
- by Gerry Muza
What happens at HU events?
Comments about HU Events
"So many trips, tips, subjects, discussions, questions, answers, experiences, insights... I could go on and on. I will be back, and back, and back."
"It was like being with family... a friendly group with shared love of adventure."
"Everyone was humble, genuine, and encouraging, and I really needed that kind of 'we're all just people' kind of atmosphere."
"You'll see and hear the most useful ideas on so many subjects that it boggles the mind."
"Full of very inspiring people who got me fired up again and motivated for my next trip!"
"What a fantastic inspirational weekend...we will be back."
"I have picked up so much information... and met some new friends and wonderful people."
"...a new league of awesomeness."
"Great atmosphere and camaraderie, especially at dinner time, and interesting presentations."
"I have learned so much, made some great mates and met some of the best people. I was buzzing by the time I got home. I have a little trip planned and just can't wait to get out there."
For more about HU Events, see some magazine articles here.
Be a Presenter
We're inviting submissions for presentations, so whether you're attending the event or exploring a distant continent, if you've got a story to tell or expertise to share we'd like to hear from you.
We love to hear stories about your travel adventures, especially if you have great pics! Also, practical how-to sessions such as roadside cooking, navigation / GPS, trip prep and planning, adventure motorcycling medicine, packing light, setting your bike up, communications / blogging from the road, self-publishing your story, yoga for bikers, bodging / bike maintenance, self-defense, photography, videography, tire repair, safe riding techniques, how to pick up your bike, off-road riding, all are of interest.
There are 45 minute and 100 minute sessions available for talks, workshops, demos and live web chats.
Click here to submit your ideas
Submitting a Presenter registration DOES NOT mean you will automatically be included in the schedule, as we can have more presenters than available presentation slots. We will confirm one way or the other as soon as we can (but not immediately!)
Book your Exhibitor Stand space
Over the course of the event, this Horizons Unlimited travellers Meeting offers a unique opportunity to build awareness of your brand and talk directly to potential customers.
The Adventure Travel Zone occupies a central position at the event site and is exclusive to trade stands representing the overland adventure travel market.
Choose between our Premium and Standard packages, both of which include on-site advertising and can include a presentation about your products and services. If you would also like to do a presentation, be sure to tick the Presentation box when you register.
Canada West Venue Location
Nakusp Arena and Campground
200 8 Ave NW, Nakusp, BC
50.241037, -117.810248
Venue is at Nakusp Arena, 200 8th Ave NW, Nakusp; and the municipal campground is around the corner at 4th Street at 10th Avenue, NW.
Nakusp is located 47 km. (29 miles) north of New Denver on Highway 6. Nakusp Airport is located 3km north of town.
Driving Distance / Time to Nakusp:
From | Distance |
Vancouver | 664 km |
Seattle | 481 - 533 miles |
Calgary | 511 km |
Edmonton | 805 - 920 km |
Missoula | 448 miles |
Denver | 1341 miles |
San Francisco | 1127 miles |
NOTE: If you're coming from the USA, some of the more remote, smaller border posts close at 5PM.
Where are we in Nakusp?
You can help!
If you have a few minutes, please download the poster (Adobe pdf format) and print off a few and hand them round your club or your local bike shop or anywhere seems like a good place.
Poster in pdf format (1.4 MB) full colour Event poster.
Postcard in pdf format (432kb) full colour Event postcard:
Hi-res postcard can be printed 4 to a page
You may need to right click and choose "save target as..."
Join the Volunteer Crew
From welcoming travellers at the gate, to taking care of the campsite and making sure all the presentations run smoothly, the success of every HU event relies on the enthusiasm of its volunteer crew.
"What a wonderful bunch of people. I had no idea how much fun I'd have by helping out!"
"It was my absolute pleasure to be able to give something back to the HU community and working with such great folks really made the event special."
Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, get more involved with Horizons Unlimited and have loads of fun! You can sign up to volunteer when you register for the meeting, OR click here if you have already registered and want to add volunteering.
Departing or Returning?
If you're planning an expedition, why not make the Horizons Unlimited meeting your official start point? Or maybe you're nearing the completion of a journey and would like a very public welcome home? Of course you might just be passing through and fancy marking a key stage of your travels?
We'd love to make you a big part of the meeting, so feel free to get in touch and tell us your plans.
HU CanWest Supported Charity
The HU CanWest Supported Charity is Arrow Lakes Search and Rescue. Part of the BC Search and Rescue Association, operating out of the Village of Nakusp, this team was founded in 1975 and has 30 volunteer members.
As motorcyclists and travelers, we appreciate the services provided by Arrow Lakes Search and Rescue, though we all hope not to need them!
You can support Arrow Lakes Search and Rescue by donating at the event on Saturday evening.
Thanks for your support.
Information about the area
Attractions include national parks all around, fantastic roads that are easily among the best in the world, beautiful lakes and more, so plan to spend a few days!
This whole area is full of amazing roads! See Destination Highways for a book on BC Roads (paved)- some of the best are right near Nakusp.
Thanks to Ken DeLathouwer and Virginia Lane of the 'Sask and the Furious' for this short video from HUMM Monashees 2017, showing the spectacular riding in the area!
Hot Springs
Nakusp Hotsprings and Halcyon Hotsprings are close by, and there are a number of free bush hotsprings too.
Tourism Information
Nakusp Visitor Centre
92 6th Ave. NW
(just off the main street, Broadway)
Nakusp, BC V0G 1R0
Toll Free: 1-800-909-8819 or
"We are here to answer your questions! We have information on events, accommodations, attractions, recreation, community services, local businesses, as well as regional and provincial information. Lots of maps, free wi-fi and a public bathroom. We sell maps and souvenir items, and offer printing, copying and fax services."
Any info you have on the area, rides etc, please let us at HU know.
Local Hosts
Grant and Susan are hosting this event, ably assisted by Adam Lund, Dario Grasso, Teena Boomhower, Rob McPhee, Ekke Kok and heaps of volunteers!
Adam, Dario and Teena
Huge thanks to them for all their help! We can always use help on the day - please volunteer to help out for a couple of hours when you register!
HU Events Refund Policy
Like adventures, life can throw surprises our way. Stuff happens. While we would love for you to join the fun and connect with everyone at our events, we understand that you (and the funds) may be needed elsewhere. We'll catch up later!
On our side, we know you appreciate that we have financial commitments to venues and caterers!
The best way to let us know that you're unable to attend an event is to reply to the Registration Confirmation Email you got from us when you first signed up.
Up to 30 days prior to event start, we will refund all fees in full less a $10 (or €9 or £8) handling fee and PayPal charges. At your request, we can apply your Event Registration and all fees to any subsequent HU event you wish in that year or following year.
Up to 15 days prior to event start, we will refund only the camping/accommodation and food packages in full less a $10 (or €9 or £8) handling fee and PayPal charges. At your request, we can apply your Event Registration fee (with no handling fee) to any subsequent HU Event you wish in that year or following year. If you purchased a t-shirt, we will ship it to the mailing address you provide.
Within 15 days of the event start, there will be no refunds. At your request, we can apply your registration fee (with no handling fee) to any subsequent HU event you wish in that year or following year. If you purchased a t-shirt, we will ship it to the mailing address you provide.
If WE cancel an event:
We are constantly evaluating the situation for every event, and very much err on the side of caution. We will endeavour to announce "Final" decision one month or more before the event, but the situation COULD change closer to time, and we could be required by law to cancel.
If we are forced to cancel for COVID or natural disaster, we will roll your registration over to next year automatically.
If you want to transfer your existing registration to any other HU event in the world, just let us know.
Need a full refund? PLEASE REPLY to your original Registration Confirmation email to make it easier for us to find. If you can't find it, please email a request to: events-c (AT) horizonsunlimited(-)com with the subject line: "Refund event-name event-year"
Next HU Events
Be sure to join us for this huge milestone!
ALL Dates subject to change.
2025 Confirmed Events:
Virginia: April 24-27
Queensland is back! May 2-5
Germany Summer: May 29-June 1
Ecuador June 13-15
Bulgaria Mini: June 27-29
CanWest: July 10-13
Switzerland: Aug 14-17
Romania: Date TBC
Austria: Sept. 11-14
California: September 18-21
France: September 19-21
Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2
Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!
Questions about an event? Ask here
New to Horizons Unlimited?
Horizons Unlimited was founded in 1997 by Grant and Susan Johnson following their journey around the world on a BMW R80 G/S motorcycle. The website, HUBB forum and regular events across the globe have inspired thousands of people to follow their dreams and take the road less travelled.

Membership - Show you're proud to be a Horizons Unlimited Traveller!
Horizons Unlimited is not a big multi-national company, just two people who love overland adventure travel and have grown what started as a hobby in 1997 into a full time job (usually 8-10 hours per day and 7 days a week) and a labour of love. To keep it going and a roof over our heads, we run events such as this one (18 this year!); we sell inspirational and informative DVDs; we have a few selected advertisers; and we make a small amount from memberships.
You don't have to be a Member to come to an HU meeting, access the website, the HUBB or to receive the e-zine. What you get for your membership contribution is our sincere gratitude, good karma and knowing that you're helping to keep the motorcycle travel dream alive. Contributing Members and Gold Members do get additional features on the HUBB. Here's a list of all the Member benefits on the HUBB.
You can join at a reduced rate as part of your meeting registration. Note that new Memberships with your Meeting Registration are applied as of the Meeting date or as soon as possible thereafter, not earlier, unless you make a special request in the Comments box when you register.