Shipments done by Travellers
The HU Shipping Database!
From THIS page, you can find details of shipments ALREADY MADE by travellers, both air and sea, so you can plan your own shipment.
For each shipment, the details include Shipping Date, Cost, Shipper Contact details and a Description of the experience, often including very detailed and extremely useful information about the requirements for crating or the paperwork involved at the destination location.
If you are aware of any more up-to-date information, or you know of any shipping details for locations which aren't listed below:
Please let us know here for minor details, or
Submit information on a shipment YOU HAVE ALREADY MADE here.
Thanks to all who have contributed this information, keep it coming!
NOTE: This is not our normal view, but Google's API has somehow broken the view with a map and everything nicely laid out. We will fix it as soon as possible, but it's a very big job for us. Any Google API experts feel free to contact us! For now this will have to do, sorry.
Usage: Enter one or more of the fields, as you wish. Blank field means "all". Be sure to use correct country names, e.g. "United Kingdom" not UK or England. Unfortunately "united states" (united states of america doesn't work) gets United Kingdom as well, just work down to the bottom or last page. Not case-sensitive. Results sorted by newest first.
Shipment: From Montreal, Canada to Paris, France - June, 2022
Carrie is based out of New York
Shipment: From Zeebrugge, Belgium to Cartagena, Colombia - January, 2022
At start:
Shipping charge: $ 1.118
Export costs: $ 277
Insurance: $ 155
Total: $ 1.550
At Destination:
Liability insurance 3 months: $ 42
Contact person Colombia: $ 210
Other costs: $ 528
Total: $ 780
Total paid at start & at destination: $ 2.330
At start:
Shipping charge: $ 1.118
Export costs: $ 277
Insurance: $ 155
Total: $ 1.550
At Destination:
Liability insurance 3 months: $ 42
Contact person Colombia: $ 210
Other costs: $ 528
Total: $ 780
Total paid at start & at destination: $ 2.330
Shipment: From Bogota, Colombia to Lima, Peru - October, 2021
Veronica and the team at the Bogota end were great; prompt and clear responses at any time even the weekend, friendly service with hotel pick up and coffee. They knew the process well. She did everything possible to help with the problems detailed below and paid for the damage to the bike.
At the Lima end, Roberto from DPW logistics was unacceptable. He lied on timings, would not give clear explanations even when deviating from what he had previously stated, and seemed totally disinterested. It was like they had never done it before; the most entertaining example was not considering a method for getting the motorbike in its crate out of the truck!
When removing the bike from the crate there were a number of breakages, including indicators and pannier locks. The Lima agents couldn't care less and refused to talk about it, while Bogota were horrified and promptly paid for repairs.
Overall a painful, drawn out and expensive process. I would avoid this leg which was forced by the mental air borders but no land borders covid nonsense, but recommend Cargo rider for other movements.
Shipment: From Baltimore, USA to Bremerhaven, Germany - September, 2021
This was the cheapest and fastest RORO service I found from US to Europe post Covid. About $1200 with all the extra little fees and insurance.
This was the cheapest and fastest RORO service I found from US to Europe post Covid. About $1200 with all the extra little fees and insurance.
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This was the best experience I could have imagined. I was shipping a Ural motorcycle sidecar so it was considered a small car for freight shipping and would have cost $2,000+ and a 5-12 week delivery timeline. Instead I shipped the bike on the same plane with me for even less with Air Transat. Carrie handled all the paperwork and details and sent me over final copies that I needed to print in color. Because the bike is a sidecar, the only route available for me was Montreal to Paris which worked great. I believe motorcycles have more options but in North America, you must use Canada instead of USA if you want to ship it easily as dangerous goods.
At the airport, I got there ~12 hours early to the cargo department and handed them my paperwork. Everything Carrie prepared was there and properly filled out. I was told beforehand I wouldn't be able to have any items on the bike so I brought cardboard boxes to ship my personal bags / gear in with the bike (this cost roughly an additional $150). However, the guys at the cargo drop off didn't seem to care that I left all 3 of my empty jerry cans and mounts on the bike even though the airline states they must be removed. All I had to do was have < 1 gallon of gas and disconnect my battery and tape the terminals. They wheeled the bike onto a pallet (more of a large sheet of plywood than a traditional wooden pallet) and we strapped the bike down secure.
Upon arrival, the bike came to the cargo station a couple hours after I touched down. I paid the import taxes which were ~$120 for the bike and another ~$120 for my personal cargo. I was happy to see the bike seemed to be well taken care of and in good shape. I connected the battery, packed the bike and took off! I was nervous about the 1 gallon gas limit so I had about 1/10 of a gallon and sure enough ran out of gas a few miles from the airport haha.