Shipments done by Travellers
The HU Shipping Database!
From THIS page, you can find details of shipments ALREADY MADE by travellers, both air and sea, so you can plan your own shipment.
For each shipment, the details include Shipping Date, Cost, Shipper Contact details and a Description of the experience, often including very detailed and extremely useful information about the requirements for crating or the paperwork involved at the destination location.
If you are aware of any more up-to-date information, or you know of any shipping details for locations which aren't listed below:
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Thanks to all who have contributed this information, keep it coming!
NOTE: This is not our normal view, but Google's API has somehow broken the view with a map and everything nicely laid out. We will fix it as soon as possible, but it's a very big job for us. Any Google API experts feel free to contact us! For now this will have to do, sorry.
Usage: Enter one or more of the fields, as you wish. Blank field means "all". Be sure to use correct country names, e.g. "United Kingdom" not UK or England. Unfortunately "united states" (united states of america doesn't work) gets United Kingdom as well, just work down to the bottom or last page. Not case-sensitive. Results sorted by newest first.
Shipment: From Sohar, Oman to Karachi, Pakistan - February, 2023
Shipment: From Dubai to The Netherlands, Rotterdam - January, 2023
What a disaster this company. I delivered my motorbike for shipment to Europe; I came into the Emirates through Oman. Customs at the border did not stamp my Carnet de Passage, not an issue at all but Pangaea believed it was an issue. That’s OK but their support was way below zero. Almost every message started with “It’s your problem”. I was already in Europe and basically, they wanted me to fly back and sort the ‘issue’. They didn’t even try to contact customs Dubai to discuss. What a nightmare it was.
Finally, I manage to get the bike over to AEON Shipping in Dubai and they got the motorbike on a boat within a week. The Carnet stamp was not required at all as I tried to explain to Pangaea in the first place.
I’m ok with the fact that Pangaea believed the stamp was required but the lack of support and empathy was just shocking. Also, they had apparently no clue on document requirements and customs procedures. I would not recommend them to anyone. Go AEON.
Shipment: From Kathmandu, Nepal to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - December, 2022
Whatsapp: +977 974-5327749 Conveniently located in Thamel, tourist area of Kathmandu
GPS: 27.714597, 85.311998
Excellent service from Team Work Cargo! Over 1000 USD (!) cheaper than Eagle Exports (often recommended on the web) and no problem to crate 2 Husky 701 enduro LR in 1 crate (about 2.2m³, 500kgs). Eagle Export was greedy and just lied to our faces. They swore 2 bikes in 1 crate was absolutely forbidden and he had checked with the airlines... NOT!
Team Work Cargo allowed us to build the crate to our preferences (compact, light yet strong), together with their carpenter. They are really helpful, responsive and keep their promises. No hidden costs, perfect service. They know their business! Be prepared for cash payment though as Nepal limits the weekly withdrawal with credit cards at ATM's so it can take a while and multiple cards. USD and EUR are also accepted at the daily official exchange rate. Obviously full payment comes before shipment.
3 friends of ours also shipped with them (to Dubai and France), all totally hassle free and about 600 USD per bike cheaper than Eagle Exports. This was by far the easiest shipment we have ever done, and we have done quite a few so far. Malaysian side was super easy and very efficient. Note that only the first 36 hrs of storage in KL are free. Then daily rate of approx 0.07 USD per kg for 3 days, after that 0.23USD per kg. Make sure you arrange paperwork for the Malaysian side with Mr Cheong (ISP and insurance): Whatsapp +60 11-1235 9976. He did it for us in a few hours. We didn't have to show these documents when getting the bikes though but not sure whether this was normal or they just forgot about it. You definitely need them on the road and when crossing borders though.
There is the Tune Aeropolis hotel, in KL close to the airport and at 2 mins walk from Cargo Village ( customs and MAScargo warehouse). First get a free entry permit at SCAF office, first floor. A few minutes walk from Cargo village. Then to customs, then warehouse, then final check by customs. We were allowed to get our bikes out of the crate at the warehouse and leave the crate behind.
Shipment: From Kathmandu, Nepal to Kuala Lumpur, Malayisia - October, 2022
We shipped 2 BMW R1200GS (the price listed is for ONE bike) from Kathmandu to Kuala Lumpur.
The entire process was quick and painless, the crating was efficient and the shipment took 5 days.
The only suggestion is to bring tools at the receiving airport because nobody is gonna help you unpacking your bike and dismantling the crates is not super easy without proper tools.
Shipment: From Stuttgart, Germany to Anchorage, USA - June, 2022
I just contacted them via their contact form on their homepage. Herr Graeb also said that he'll be retired by the time we might come back to Germany (few years trip) so direct contact might not work anyways.
Price was for two 701 Enduro LR in one big crate and included all the luggage. We chose to do one crate to save some handling fees etc. Price from Kroll was great (best quote we got), communication was always quick, kept all deadlines and took care of everything on the german side nicely. Customs at the airport in Anchorage and EPA excemption letter was done by us as Kroll said they dont do the paperwork for that side, but as its all easy and well documented online that wasnt an issue for us. Airline was Condor and the price per kilogramm was 3.95 € total weigt of our crate 616 kg (heavy 15mm osb boards, but got them for free) and was around 230x115x118 cm
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***DO NOT SHIP TO PAKISTAN*** On our journey from France to Malaysia, we decided to avoid Iran and travel via the Arabian Gulf. After shipping from Athens to Haifa by Ro/Ro, we found a company in Sohar, near Muscat, to send our motorbikes to Pakistan by container. The company seemed serious, even though it had never done such a service before.
Although the service was very good, the agent swore to us that he made sure that customs clearance wouldn't cost us more than $400 in Pakistan, as he knew that we probably wouldn't send our bikes if it was more than that. Once the boat was arrived in Pakistan, the guy disappeared of course...
The ferry initially took 2 weeks to make the crossing instead of the few days we expected. After this delay, it took us 3 weeks to clear our bikes through customs in Pakistan. Customs over there could not be more corrupt. Dont even try to clear a vehicle through customs there if you dont want to pay a bribe and waste a lot of time as well as a lot of money. Even embassies have vehicles that have been stuck in customs for months or even years, according to the information we gathered on the spot. In the end, we spent three weeks in the offices shouting at indifferent officials on an almost daily basis.
Our agents were both incompetent and corrupted by the system. In all, we paid nearly $2,000 for customs clearance alone and got the motorbikes back by recording confidential conversations containing sensitive information about the corrupt officials and blackmailing them to stop making us paying or else we would broadcast the recording. In short, its not so much the shipping thats at fault as the simple fact of wanting to clear something through customs in Pakistan... Good luck !
Shipping (1 container) : 610 Omani rials for two motorcycles (305 each) = 1450 euros for 2 motos Custom clearances (total) : 700 dollars (bribe) + around 1000 dollars (clearance & shipping company freights) + more in theory (we avoided 500 dollars of more freights forcing our agents to pay it with the recording)
*******FRENCH VERSION******** ***NE PAS EXPÉDIER AU PAKISTAN*** Lors de notre voyage de France en Malaisie, nous avons décidé d'éviter l'Iran et de passer par le golfe Persique. Après avoir expédié nos motos d'Athènes à Haïfa par Ro/Ro, nous avons trouvé une société à Sohar, près de Mascate, pour les envoyer au Pakistan par conteneur. La société semblait sérieuse, même si elle n'avait jamais effectué un tel service auparavant. Bien que le service soit très bon, l'agent nous a juré qu'il s'était assuré que le dédouanement ne nous coûterait pas plus de 400 dollars au Pakistan, car il savait que nous n'enverrions probablement pas nos motos si c'était plus. Une fois le bateau arrivé au Pakistan, le gars a bien sûr disparu... Le ferry a d'abord pris 2 semaines pour faire la traversée au lieu des quelques jours prévus. Après ce retard, il nous a fallu 3 semaines pour dédouaner nos motos au Pakistan. Les douanes pakistanaises sont on ne peut plus corrompues. N'essayez même pas de dédouaner un véhicule si vous ne voulez pas payer de pot-de-vin et perdre beaucoup de temps et d'argent. Même les ambassades ont des véhicules qui sont bloqués à la douane depuis des mois, voire des années, selon les informations que nous avons recueillies sur place. Au final, nous avons passé trois semaines dans les bureaux à crier presque quotidiennement contre des fonctionnaires indifférents. Nos agents étaient à la fois incompétents et corrompus par le système. Au total, nous avons payé près de 2 000 dollars pour le seul dédouanement et récupéré les motos en enregistrant des conversations confidentielles contenant des informations sensibles sur les fonctionnaires corrompus et en les faisant chanter pour qu'ils cessent de nous faire payer, faute de quoi nous diffuserions l'enregistrement. En résumé, ce n'est pas tant le transport qui est en cause que le simple fait de vouloir dédouaner quelque chose au Pakistan... Bonne chance ! Frais de shipping (1 conteneur) : 610 rials omanais pour deux motos (305 chacune) = 1450 euros pour 2 motos Dédouanement (total) : 700 dollars (pot-de-vin) + environ 1000 dollars (frais de dédouanement et de transport) + plus en théorie (nous avons évité 500 dollars de frais supplémentaires en obligeant nos agents à les payer avec l'enregistrement).