Chilean motorcycle needs to return to Chile??
Buenas Tardes Señores,
Sorry if I'm reposting here, but I'm still looking for anyone with experience selling a Chilean motorcycle outside of Chile. I´m looking for all the options that would let me end my trip here in Colombia. I've heard that the bike needs to go back to Chile or I will be stuck with fines at the border if I try to go back later.
I would rather sell the bike or have someone ride the bike back for me than have to rush back (I figure the only way to sell the bike is to someone with a rut or a Chilean citizen).
If the bike doesn't have to return, I think I could sell the bike here in areas affected by the "guerilla" where the police arent seen often and people dont worry about papers. ; )
If anyone has any experience, ideas or corrections please let me know!
Cheers! - Michael