Comments about Horizons Unlimited from our visitors

"I just wanted to say thanks for doing this and sharing so much with the rest of us."

Dave, USA

"...Great site. Keep up the good work."

Murray and Carmen, Australia

"We just finished a 7 month 22,000+ mile scouting trip from Alaska to the bottom of Chile and I can't tell you how many times we referred to your site for help. From how to adjust your valves, to where to stay in the back country of Peru. Horizons Unlimited was a key player in our success. Motorcycle enthusiasts from around the world are in debt to your services."

Alaska Riders

"Fanatastic usefulness aplenty!"

Phil Owen, Australia

"Your website is amazing. I dont know how we would've planned for this trip without it. Everyone from Colombia (Rob wrote to the HU Communities in Colombia) has been very warm and helpful. I only wish I would've thought to contact the Communities long ago. Thanks Again, Hope to ride with you one day"

Rob Noble, Canada

"best web site I've ever seen for traveling, on or off a bike, keep it up, thank you."

Tony Brimble, UK

"Thanks again. Can honestly say that we would not have made it through DRC Angola without this site and the people we met through it. Keep it up."

James Thomas, UK

"fantastic site - 5 months ago I had no bike, no licence and no idea - and now in three weeks I set off to Cape Town. This site, especially the HUBB has proved invaluable."

Paul Hurcomb, UK

"Many years ago I travelled much of Southern Africa, and Madagascar on my 500XLS Honda. But since becoming gainfully employed... it has been a long time since I have ridden any distance, plus I committed the unforgiveable sin of selling my 'bike. Now I'm re-looking at a long trip, and found your website not only highly informative, but also extremely inspiring in restoring the ethos of the human spirit. Thank you."

Marco Turco, USA

"...reading and e-mailing with others on your site who have already done what I want to do and much more is quite inspirational!!"

Simon Dufton, UK

"folks asked me how I did it - ride around the world that is. I told them it can be done on one's own, but for more information HU was the place to go!"

David Petersen, Canada

"Hello guys; I've been reading your great web page these last few days and just wanted to say thanks and maybe offer my services. I've been riding bikes most my adult life (I'm 41) and have some experience with long trips (here in Greece and around Europe and Canada). I thought I'd check in with you first to see how I might help out. It's such a helpful site and I just feel that I'd like to somehow be a part of it. I'm planning a round the world tour right now for the spring and the information here has been simply priceless. Once again, thanks very much and let me know what I can do. Cheers!"

George Cham, Greece

Thanks for your support and for starting the HU Community in Lesvos, Greece, George!

"Hi guys! I really love your site and work - its an indispensible info source for touring!"

David Katz, Germany

"It is really THE source for travel information."

Ulrike Teutriene

"A Travel Encyclopedia"


"Hi, I love the site and check it regularly. I am planning a big trip for next year. Thanks for all the work and the great resource."

Jason Steeghs

"Thanks for the fantastic service your site renders!"

Martin Solms

You're welcome, and thanks for your support!

"I've been a big fan of your site for many years now. Whenever I would start to have second thoughts about taking this little trip I would log onto your site and get motivated all over again. Thanks again and keep up the good work."

Geoff Siehr, USA

"I could spend hours lost in the HUBB - and do so from time to time!"

Mike Paull, USA

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"You've got a fantastic site here, very informative and full of useful material. I can only say that you're doing a good service to anyone who loves biking in general and real adventure biking in particular."

George Berrill, UK

"I find it fascinating to read so much valuable information because I want to eventually get on the road. I am 61 and want to achieve a life time ambition of visiting some parts of the world on a bike."

Christian Wibaux, Australia

"When I was traveling in India, I found your site a great resource."

Cat Syrbe, USA

"I've used your site in the past - to plan a motorcycle trip through South America. Now I read it with nostalgia and lots of future hopes."

David Fernandes, USA

"Great website. Someday..."

Rudolf Burger, Canada

"Great site, lot of information, travelers comments, adventures and stories. inspiring and encouraging. good work, keep the spirit."

Yonatan Rozen, Israel


"Very informative, easy to read, congratulations on a brilliant product."

Daryl Petch, Australia

"Had a super time in Creel -- Best part was meeting all the great travelers. Here's to new friends! Thanks Grant & Susan, Juan Carlos & Gerardo. Am looking foward to next year when I can spend more time exploring the area."

Jim Donaldson, USA

You're most welcome, Jim, and thanks for co-hosting the first HU USA Travellers Meeting in North Carolina ;-)


"Grant Susan and everyone else who takes part in this little adventure of ours, a huge thanks. I have now finished riding the bike in Southern Spain and sent the Uber bike back to Australia via the UK. I cannot describe how much I have enjoyed myself...frustrations included. I used the site to plan (too short), ask questions (mostly obvious), meet people (excellent) and get help for the bike (what language do they speak in the UK)..."

Alec Simpson, Australia

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"Grant, hope all is well with you all. The following is a series of posts that recently came forth when the mention of your site came up at the Internet Sidecar Owners Klub Site. Thought you may get a kick out of reading them. Keep up the good work ..and.. come join us sometime.

Claude wrote: may want to look here. It will take some digging but there is a pic there... good reading anyhow so try not to get too distracted :-) //

Claude You are oh so right Claude, this is indeed a terrible site as I have been lost here for eon after pleasurable eon!

"Vince Silvera wrote (in reference to Horizons Unlimited):
Claude and Janice, CAUTION!!! Please do not refer club members to this site.....It is more dangerous than Rod Serling's "Twilight Zone" and Jon Paul Sartre's "No Exit" combined. Many folks have been found dead at their keyboards. In all cases, it was found by the medical examiners, that the victims had died of exaustion, malnutrition, dehydration, and blood clots in their lower extremities. Curiously, all of these unfortunates also had goofey smiles on their faces!

Vince,' Your advice is not taken lightly. All who journey to Grant Johnson's site are indeed playing with a fire that can become addictive. The good thing is that it will, as you mentioned, bring a smile to their faces even if they do become doomed to enter the ranks of the world travelers ...either online or , God forbid, in reality. If any are so foolish as to attempt to read all of the stories on Grant's site it may be wise to make an appointment with their local eyeland or optometrist in advance...Vision can be strained. Also call in sick to your workplace in advance for it may be very hard to arise the next morning after sharing the trips throughout the world for hours on end. God bless you Grant if you are reading this... lol. Claude... We ain't lost we just don't know where we're at."

Claude Stanley, USA

Ed. This much power is scary ;-)

"Happy travels and thanks again for such a great site with a wealth of info."

Chris Coombs, UK

"Just learned of this site from a rtw I put up for a few days, great site and goodluck to all"

Pat Horan, Canada

"Compliments for the site, I am using it such a lot and really appreciate your work!"

Ronald Colijn, Netherlands

"As one who flies both the Canadian & South African flags, your RTW jouneys had my umpteenth visit to your site reading browsing and awed for the past few hours. My father rode an 'indian' in the thirties, I, regretably missed out, thus the yearning; at least I can do it virtually through Thanks to you both for an incredible 'Leekah.'"

Ken Huo cj, Canada

You're most welcome, Ken, but what's a leekah?

"Unfortunately we are stuck here in the UK for a while, the e-zine is now a life line for us though. Whenever we look at it, it just makes you want to get on the bike and go again. Keep up the good work."

Cliff & Jenny Batley, UK

We certainly will, Cliff and Jenny, and thanks for your support!

"I'll certainly keep you updated, after all its HUBB that got me into this in the first place !"

Bob Morley, UK

"simply the best motorcycle adventure site"

Brian Coles, UK

Gee, this sounds like a song title ;-)

"Glad to contribute, hope to do so again in near future. Thanks for doing an excellent job."

Steve Pickford

Thanks so much for your support, Steve!

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"I am finally leaving Cape Town for a solo trip to Cairo and, money permitting -beyond. This is the realization of a childhood dream for me. I would like to thank you guys for a Fantastic web page, it has been an endless source of inspiration and information for me. Sitting on the southern tip of Africa sometimes makes one feel isolated, not so with HU around! Thanks again, and maybe we meet on the road some day."

James Mader, South Africa

"This site is the BIBLE for international bike travelers."

Greg Aldis, Australia

"It was great meeting you and thanks for the website and the oportunity to meet so many great people. I enjoyed the people, those presenting and many of those who weren't, I heard some very interesting stories and got answers to quite a few questions. Having the breaks between presentations not only gave time for the smokers but also to compare bikes, equipment and stories, it worked good."

Charles Carter, Canada,
comments on the Horizons Unlimited travellers meeting in Revelstoke, Canada

"Found this site just breezing thru the internet. I'm amazed there are people that think like I do. Just love to two-wheel travel. Present ride -Y2K Concours. I will bookmark this address and come back often for help. Thank you very much."

David Kazalunas, USA

"At the rally already I was saying to the other rally participants that comparing to other similar events I have got the best value for a dollar at this rally. It was fun, you kept me busy, it was entertaining and informative. It was sort of exotic for me to be in the environment of so many people that travel extensively out of the country. If you want to make it better, you would have a tough job to do."

Ted Kucharski

"Thanks! Great website!! Just discovered it this evening and I can't get to bed!"

Richard Fawcett, USA

Richard and Karen, Thanks so much for your support and for helping to launch the first HU USA rally!

"Thank you for organizing a wonderful gathering. I met some fine folks and enjoyed the presentations a lot. I am interested in offering some of my energy to be part of a gathering sometime in Kamloops. Grant, you indicated that that might be a few years away...and the offer still stands as long as I am. Ride safely."

Ged Schwartz, Canada

"Great site, lots of info. Spent most of the summer riding in Alaska and the Yukon, honkeytonk to honkeytonk. If ya get a chance I'll have a beer with ya at the Howlin' dog Saloon to the Golden Eagle Saloon, to Chicken Creek Saloon then to Dawson city at the "Pit" (Westminter Hotel) the pink building.Take 'er easy... and if ya do, take 'er twice."

Wade, Alaska

"Hello Grant & Susan, I have been a fan of your site for just over a year now, and used it extensively as we planned our trip to Europe this past spring. Unfortunately we were unable to make the rendezvous in Revelstoke this month, but plan to next year. (we owned and operated a trout farm there from 1996 to 2000) I am passionate about motorcycle touring and have been since I was a teenager. If you can't be out there touring the next best thing is reading about it, which is why I enjoy your site so much.

Mark Pemberton, Canada

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"You guys do a wonderful job. I've ridden from Alaska to central Mexico, and hope to someday finish central and south America. Keep up the great work. P.S. Just bought a new 1150 GS adventure. Traded a 96 GS."

Dan Saari

Thanks so much for your support, Dan

"Thanks to all the info. provided by this site I was able to successfully travel overland from London to W. Africa across the central Sahara earlier this year."

Nazia Parvez, UK

"Many thanks for all the work setting up the blog. I have posted my first entry. This is truly a huge service to the motocycle community - kudos to you!"

Bill Thompson, USA

Thanks so much for your support, Bill!

"I'm glad to see my story among the other great ones of your excellent website. Thank you for it!"

Pierre de Sousa Lima, Azores, Portugal

"Hi there, I just took off from Switzerland to a journey that brings me to a place that I don't know yet. My intention is to get to Asia somewhen this year, but who knows yet. I always read the HU newsletter with great enthusiasm, and now I myself am on the road living the dream. If you're interested in my story, you can read about it on the web page I have put up."

Daniel Schaller, Switzerland

"A little help in appreciation of the great effort you put into the site."

Ben Holland, Australia

Thanks so much for your support, Ben

"I just wanted to fire off a quick big Thank You! I just found out about your site and started subscribing to your E-zine. I've been riding M/Cs for over 20 years but just last year bought my first BMW...1150GS. I can say honestly that is changing my life. I've gone from a guy that used to be more concerned with how shiny my bike was and how 'cool' I looked to a guy that loves to ride and simply meet people that do the same. I've ridden through most of Canada and some of the US but your 'community' is really cranking up a desire to take it to the next level. I want to start travelling further on my bike and reaching more people of different culture. So again I say 'Thank You' for opening my eyes to something in the M/C world that I really hadn't ever looked at."

Matt Dynes, Canada

"Fantastic site thanks a million."

Duncan Macniven, Scotland

"Thanks for a great site, just what I need for my trip to Siberia."

Kurt Astor, Germany

"Keep up the good work"

John Fraser, USA

Thanks so much for your support, John!

"Hi there. It's been a long time since I've been wandered around the site but doing so I'm impressed all over again! Brilliant site. Best regards, Hugo. PS Do you accept money to help you with your brilliant efforts?"

Hugo Vanneck, Tokyo, Japan

Ed. Is the Pope Catholic? See below.

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"Hi Susan and Grant, It was very good to meet both of you. I had a great time at the Rally. I met so many interesting people and learned a lot about travelling on a motorcycle and can't wait to do it! I am happy to say I am now the proud owner of a 1994 Kawasaki 650 KLR. Pete will help me get it ready for travelling. We really wanted to come to the Copper Canyon Rally, but I don't have enough vacation left this year. So we plan to truck the bikes down to Vegas, and ride the SW states and maybe into Mexico. The Baja would be wonderful. So, many thanks again for a great weekend and see you next year!"

Cindy Ridsdale and Pete Berghs, Canada

"Just thought I'd take the opportunity to really say thanks to you and all the other people who manage this site. Planning a RTW or even a 2 week trip can be a big deal. Only with the help of sites like this and the people who look after it can a lot of the info be found, certainly a lot easier amd quicker. It gives people confidence, a chance to chat and sometimes bike and travel safer. So thanks - it really really is appreciated."

Chris Smith, UK

"Your site is the Best! I have a Transalp at home just waiting for me to get off my butt and get out into the big wide world.....Thanks for all your inspiration. Your poem on the 'why' pushed me over the edge. Female? 55? Kids grown and gone! No excuses, I'm soooo gone..."

Robyn Morgan, USA

"Hello. I'm just dropping you a quick line to comment on your website. I believe that it is very useful, and I visit it often to find out something or to read travellers stories. I'm planning to circumnavigate Australia on the blacktop next april so I will be visiting your site often for ideas and inspiration. Keep up the great work, and stay upright. Kind Regards"

Graham Pahl, Australia

"Congratulations on a nice Travelers Meeting. It was loads of fun with some great slide presentations, and was very 'invigorating.' I took a nice two-day ride back via Kootenay Lake and Nelson, B.C., and Kettle Falls, WA. It was a great run."

Tom Hunter, USA

You're most welcome, Tom, and thanks for your continuing support!

"G'day Grant & Susan. Wonderful web site. What would have once taken independant travellers weeks to find out, can now be read on your site in moments. It's worth pointing out to people, that anyone thinking of travelling by themselves, (outside of organised tours), whether by M/Cycle or not, can obtain a great deal of needed information on these pages. Again; great work."

Kevin Lumley, Australia

"Thank you so much for the site which has been invaluable on this trip - from the advice and information to the inspiration as well. I will stay in touch. Best wishes."

Tiffany Coates, UK, around the world

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"No doubt about it: This is the best site! Grant, Susan and all others, Thanks!"

Maarten Munnik, Netherlands, currently RTW

"Hey, This'll get your mind out of 'reality' and back into travel where it belongs."

Porter Watson

"Merry Xmas & a big thank you from an almost daily visitor. You have created the arguably most useful resource for bike travellers. Keep it up!"

Peter & Jenny Hendricks, France

Thanks for the kind words, and for your support, Peter and Jenny!

"It is a great site! Happy to have found (stumbled across) it."

John Pettinari, USA

"We miss your awesome e-zine! 2 months without it is a pain"

Renate and Gino, Germany

"Merry Christmas, thanks for maintaining the great website. "

Michael Moore, Canada (PanEuropean)

You're very welcome, and thanks for your support, Michael!

"I had a great time at the HU meeting (in Ulmarra). Great dirt roads to get there, met up with some good friends, made several new friends and enjoyed lots of interesting conversations. Ken and Carol (and others) did a great job. I think the same time and same place next year is an excellent suggestion. Cheers"

Tink, Brisbane. Australia

"Many thanks to all of you who helped and advised during my recent x-usa trip. Its great to know that theres always someone to help and advise. I can honestly say that its highly likely the trip would not have gone ahead without the support of this forum! Thanks!"

David Lomax, UK

"Dear Ricardo (Rocco), Compliments of the season. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of myself and the many other Horizonistas from around the globe for the generous assistance you have provided us all when in Ecuador. You are a great ambassador for motorcycling. Feliz Navidad. P.S. Compliments also to Grant & Susan whose foresight and hard work created the organisation that brought us all together.."

Ralph Green, HU Melbourne Community

"My friends and me have spent 2 years planning this trip around backpacking advice and are now realizing how stupid that was. The friends I'm travelling with have done some motorcycle travel, but very little, and me no motorcycle travel at all. I discovered this site about a month ago and since then I've been spending every free moment I can here. "

Captain Tim, Canada

"Lots of thanks to Grant and Susan for all the information and inspiration I have gotten from your site (hey you should put that on your next batch of t-shirts 'information and inspiration'. But seriously, I don't know if I'd be here right now if I hadn't spent so much time at work reading your site instead of doing my job!"

Pete Corboy, USA, around the world

"In response to all your questions, can only give one answer: // Wish I had visited the site before I left..."

Chris Bright, UK, RTW 1999-2002

"Thank you very much for your website. It is wonderful. We are travelling in south east Asia on a vespa. We have been to Thailand, Laos, Malaysia in the past months. Thanks for your help."

Chevalier Emmanuel, France

"Susan: Thank you and I want to express my recognition for such good work you are doing, all this helps in creating the feeling of brotherhood that all motorcyclists share, all this made me feel that I am not a loner, I found that there are a lot of adventurous two wheel souls that make connection through your HUBB. By the way we as Mexicans have a lot of respect for women for their role as foundation for the family, you made me feel under your protecting hand, I will keep you posted on my endeavour."

Alfonso Jimenez, Mexico

"// is probably the best starting point for info on a lot of things regarding international motorcycle travel and shipping etc. They have a good section on the costs and experiences of shipping between just about anywhere and anywhere"

Shane Dwyer, Australia

"Just a note to say thanks for the hard work. It must be close to a year since I last sent you some money, so I just did it again. It's money well spent, and I wish you all the best with the site. Kind regards."

Nigel Marx, New Zealand

You're very welcome, and we appreciate your support, Nigel!

"I am an Englishman who has lived in Switzerland for 14 years. Was a biker in England during 1960's, 70's and 80's (lots of oily jeans etc, but good vibrations). Now taken it up again in Switzerland (Africa Twin). It's as wonderful as ever! Thanks Grant & Susan, the website is superb and VERY helpful. All best wishes, Steve."

Steve Gisler, UK

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"Top class read, makes me want to pack up and get on my bike!!!"

Geordie Foote

"Just got back from the HU meet in derbyshire, thanks again to you both for a great site, I'll be using it a SHEDLOAD over the coming year when I do the panamerican."

Brian Coles, UK

Thanks for a great site, guys!

Ahmet Beyhan, Georgia, USA

It's wonderful to have the opportunity of getting fresh news from all over the world on bike travels. Thanks.

Ricardo Rauen, Brazil

"One of the, if not 'the' best motorcycle information websites out there. I've gleaned so much info from reading others experiences it's given me so much confidence to go out and try the big adventure myself."

Steve Bond, UK

"We would like to say thanks to everyone we met, it was the sights and folks along the way that made the journey. Most of all we wish to thank the Horizons site as this gave us invaluable help and enabled us to meet some of the folks."

Bob West, Dubai, Ushuaia to Alaska

You're very welcome, and we appreciate your support, Bob!

"A wonderful source for motorcycle travel information. Grant and Susan publish a monthly newsletter. Just ask for details on how to enter into their system, and you will have at your finger tips an unbelievable source of information."

Nick Palmer, USA

"Whoa !! What a super site. May take me awhile to absorb it all ... ;0) I've subscribed to the e-zine. Many thanks for your help. Safe riding,

Ken Benway, USA

"We're doing our bit on advertising the HU site. Most overlanders we meet have used it extensively, and some hotel owners in popular places like Kathmandu have heard of it from past bikers!"

Simon McCarthy and Georgie Simmonds, UK to Asia

"Grant & Susan good work on the website - the info on this site has really helped a total motorbike travelling novice like myself!"

Limeegreen, Canada

"I discovered your site this afternoon..... Just GREAT!!!"

Alain Granier, France

"We have used your page for preparing our tour and as far as we get internet we keep in contact with the HUBB. Thanx for creating your site."

Mathias Riedl, Germany

"Grant, Thanks for the welcome. After reading through the site I was really impressed with the varied natue of the site. I keep telling all my friends about it and one thing I couldn't believe. In one of the other forums a person mentioned using camels to cross part of the Sahara I believe. A person replied with unbelievably detailed knowledge of where to rent the best camels for desert crossing. I was blown away. Thanks again."

Todd Bellew, USA

"Your site must be an inspiration to many around the globe. I was planning an overland trip to Britain some years ago, lack of information stalled the trip, I wish you had been around then. I plan a trip to the Australia centre later this year and next year if all goes well I am off overseas, North and South America. Your site has inspired me to follow my mind."

Ben Holland, Australia

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"My girlfriend gets more nervous every time I log onto this site!"

Simon, aka zenbiker, England

"I just want you to know that even though my trips are only in USA I have had a number of emails from folks that found my stories interesting. Thanks for your marvelous newsletter. I find it encouraging me to bike in Germany."

Diane Bogenrieder, USA

"I want to congratulate HU. This is a superb site and quite a goldmine of info. Thank you for keeping it running!"

Paul Burger, Saudi Arabia

"Hello all. Just wanted to introduce my self a little and rave on this site. I've cruised a long time, even before we were 'allowed' to use the net and we called phone to phone to each other. And I must say the international mix of users here is the most varied and useful I've ever seen. Many Kudos to the Johnsons, very well done."

Todd Bellew, USA

Thanks for providing the Horizons Unlimited site. I enjoy the monthly travelers reports immensely. Looking forward to meeting you in person soon.

Phil and Debb Kopp, USA

"Had a great visit with my first traveler who stopped by. Daniel Toader stayed for 3 days, on his way now back out west, up to Alaska and then to the BC-Canada meeting. I am grateful for having the opportunity to meet him."

Jansky in Empire, Michigan, USA

"Awesome site by the way, I love it."


"In an atempt to be the most sad I'd like to be the first to say 'The HUUK 2003 meet was fantastic.' Met some really good people who we'll stay in touch with, met Mr. (we're not worthy) Ted Simon and of course Sir Grant J. Thanks to all those who organised the event - it really is apreciated and also to the guys who organised the ride outs (easy my ass!). Good to see a few more people who don't have to shave every morning too (ladies). This time next year we'll be 6 months into our 5 year RTW trip, largely thanks to this site."

Chris & Liz Smith, UK

"Hopefully you are having a great time in Europe and catching up with some of those people who rely on the pair of you for this great website and the inspiration it provides. Have a good time."

Tiffany Coates, UK

Ed. Well, Grant had a great time! Susan stayed home and soldiered on :-(

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"My compliments on your organisation!"

Michiel Irish Stephenson, Spain

Ed. It's just the two of us, Michiel, but we're very talented and hardworking ;-)

Susan: Thanks for all the work you do on the website. It has no doubt allowed many travelers to enjoy more of the world as well as allowing those who dream of doing it the joy of dreaming."

Arlen Aas, USA

"I want to say you have a very nice site. What I like about your board is that people are friendly and I havent found a bunch of bashing on the site."

John Carney

"Many thanks to you and Susan for a fantastic site."

Dave Bird, UK

"The best online resource for worldwide long distance adventure riding is Grant & Susan Johnson's website and e-zine,"

"I live in Dawson Creek B.C. I am an avid biker dude who rides a Harley. I retire next year from my career as a professional Fire Fighter/Paramedic. I plan on traveling to as many countries as I can on my hog. In the meantime, I thought I would start paying my dues, research travel information and start planning. I found your website and you guys are doing a great job.

As part of the traveling biker community and in order to meet, gather information from other bikers, I have started a new community on your website. I've offered to assist, inform would be travelers who are planning or who are presently heading up the Alaska Hiway. I will also start a web page on your site when I can gather up some cool photos of the area."

Murphy Windwalker, Canada

"Thanks for your great site."

Doris Maron, Canada, currently RTW

"Thanks for the blog and the web site as a whole. invaluable to people with a wanderlust!"

Peter Slarke (aka oz), Alaska to Patagonia

"Grant & Susan I heard about your website at the recent BMW Rally in Charleston - its great!"

Larry Bannon, USA

"This is a wonderful site!"

Manuel Espenica, Portugal

"Your site is a blessing for me. I've long dreamt of riding just such a bike, and after years of pining away, I'm nearly ready to plunge in and buy a Kawasaki KLR 650, with plenty of fun-looking luggage. Thanks for a great site."

Brandon Tucker, USA

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"Superb photos! Nail-biting drama. I sent an email to an old time cycle rider to take a look at the women involved in these exciting motorcycle trips. What guts. This issue was better than any movie at the showhouse."

Laura Thompson, Wisconsin, USA

Glad you're enjoying the e-zine, and thanks for your support, Laura!

"Don't know how you two can manage to do so much good work."

Alon Carter, USA

Thanks for your kind words, and your support, Alon!

"Hi Ken and Carol, Don't know if you remember the two 'intruders' from the 'Horizons Unlimited' gathering last weekend... we were the ones without bikes! We wish to thank you for organising the event as we really enjoyed ourselves! I thought I would just let you know what a great night that was...extremely inspiring! Sometimes you don't know the effect you have on people and how sometimes one simple comment can change a life. I went from 'I'm not real keen to get on the back of Andrew's bike and head off' to 'I'm going to get my own bike and ride across Asia'!! What has happened? I am on my way to getting my licence. We have Q-Ride up here where you do your hours with an instructor and then you can ride any size bike. So I am almost half way through my lessons 6 hours down and 8 to go! And I am really enjoying it...even though I haven't yet been allowed to venture onto the road or into 4th gear! Each day I come home pretty chuffed about one thing or another from the lesson - so all's great! So the trip might be a go-er after all! Many thanks again for a great night, hopefully we will catch up with you again."

Andrew Owens and Wendy Gill, Australia

Thanks to Ken and Carol Duval (RTW 1997-2001) for hosting the HU Australia 2003 Travellers Meeting and inspiring more people to live the dream!

"You guys have a WONDERFUL tool in your hands for many of us to use. I'm a freelance writer as well (god, isn't everybody these days?) and I'd like to write a story on the whole growing phenomenon of international motorcycle travel. When I stop somewhere for a while and start working on it, I'll hope to interview you guys. Thanks again for all the help, whether you know you've been helping or not!!"

Ed Sullivan, USA, heading south

"We've been looking at HU for a couple of years and are now one week away from commencing our own trip after helping out Chris and Erin Ratay and Liam McCabe while they were in Aus. (They gave us the inspiration to do it now...) Our bike has been shipped to the UK and we arrive 20th May. Will be going to the IOM and hope to catch up at the meet in Derbyshire. The current info on this site is invaluable."

Brian Rix & Shirley Hardy-Rix, Australia

"Hello Susan, Merritt and I are very proud to have made it on the front page of Horizons Unlimited! We have a small request though: could you please add a link to our web site ( We hope that more visitors will help us to get some sponsorship. Thanks!"

Pierre Saslawsky, France, and Merritt Grooms, USA, in Africa

No problem, Pierre and Merritt, and keep the great stories coming!

"Well done people. Christine and I met in 1985 some years before you guys decided to get online. I remember among the horse riding, mountain hiking we were also motor biking on 2 motocross bike (YZ for her, RM for me) the bikes were not ours, I told her one day I would make enough money to get us 2 BMW. A year later I've been sacked from my hi-school and I've joined the French Navy as a seal. Christine came and visited me in Guyana and it got us the bug. Since then we've had difficulties staying more than 5 years in the same place. It took 15 years but in 2000 as I was working in Ireland as a computer engineer we finally got the two BMW (600 Funduro and GS 1150). The dream got ended by Christine's bike being stolen. We have been leaving or spending time in many countries, we are now 37 and we have a 9 years old daughter pushing us to prepare 2 BMW for some long run. BTW I will have to accommodate a 1 year old Scottish Terrier in my specially designed top case... We are looking at a BMW 1150 GS Adventure and a GS 650, the dream may well happen after all... Your website will help me in preparing our trips, thanks..."

Arnaud Disant, Ireland

You will have a terrific adventure on the road with your daughter and a Scottish Terrier! We look forward to hearing all about it.

"I want to let you know that your site has been invaluable on my trip so far (32,000 km and counting). I hope to put some notes on the bulletin board about some things I have learned so far that could be helpful to other adventure moto riders. Thank you once again."

Mark Moors, Canada, in Africa

"No reply needed. I just wanted to say very fine photos of your world trip. I'm a photographer and motorcycle tourer. I've spent several months on my old /6, up at dawn shooting. If I could get paid to do it, I'd quit my job tomorrow. Cheers"

Ian Keppen, USA

"HU has woven its magic once again and I am being taking out for a day's trail riding on Sunday and also being interviewed for a magazine called Sistercycle (do you know it?), thanks to people who have contacted me through the site."

Lois Pryce, UK, Alaska to Ushuaia

"Congratulations for your great web site! I found it very interesting and with lots of useful information about my passion: moto-tourism. I kindly request you to add a link to my site at: I have already added a link and logo to your site in my site's 'Link' page. Best regards."

Pierre Lima, Portugal

"Hi Susan and Grant! For some three years now I have been reading about motorcycle traveling on the internet. I came across your great site not too long ago. It sure is an impressive source and must take much of your time to maintain - I am a fan! Having been a motorcycle rider for 27 years (presently BMW R1150RT and GW1800), I never did extensive travelling on a bike. Our trip to Alaska starting in June will be the longest trip so far. Doing it on a Goldwing will limit us in regards to some highways but nevertheless it is quite exciting. We started a small webpage at to share some pictures and impressions with other riders and people in general. I plan further trips south of here in to Mexico and possibly more as my time permits."

Paul Schencking, USA, heading to Alaska

"Planning my 1st trip round western Europe on Pan-European. Will be at UK HU meeting in June, looking forward to picking up tips from your presentation. Keep up the good work."

Alan Williams, UK

"Just wanted to thank you for the great site. After I had fractured my leg in Pakistan, I have received both publicly and personally large amounts of messages from the people of HU, all with best wishes and intentions to help anyway possible. Reading them in such a state (in Quetta with crutches and couple of thousands away from the nearest reasonable medical center) had really helped me. Not only that but met with great people on the road , again thanks to HUBB. Geat work!!"

Kemal Altay, Turkey, in Pakistan

Become an HU Contributing Member!

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$20 Contributing Membership Payment:
$45 Gold Membership Payment:
Your choice of amount Payment:

"Your site has helped me tremendously over the last year, by getting real information and posting questions to the community. This HUBB is awesome! Thanks Susan & Grant!"

Jason Grotte, Netherlands, in Iran

"Please feel free to use this report for your fabulous e-zine or just put a link to it. Thanks a lot for your assistance to the RTW-community. Many regards from Switzerland, also to Susan"

Dieter Zerndt, Switzerland

"Excellent work... Chile is very close to what you have wrote. I have many things to read and learn in your site. Thanks a lot. Saludos desde Chile."

Cristián, Chile

"In researching our trip we accessed your site many times for much useful information."

Murray and Joyce Castle, Canada, in Australia

"Thanks. As I get further into this I may contact you for info, but I'm sure everything I need to know is on the site. It really is great. It's giving me itchy feet."

Gary Inman, UK

"Hi Grant & Susan, First: THANK YOU. A good friend and I made it from Lagos to Dublin on our bikes last summer. Your site helped make it feasible and an amazing experience (We didn't do a log because of time, and connection concerns but we will put something together for the Web soon). We put the stickers you sent me on the bikes though and advertised you across West Africa. Thanks again."

Brian Greaney, USA

Congratulations on your trip, and many thanks for your support, Brian!

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"I'm a newbie seeking info. Your site is my new reference library. Thanks!"

Debbie Baronit, Canada

"I am an 'old' biker, just will finish 51 years. Still always on the bike, except when it is snowing. Started biking in 1970, I travelled a lot, not always on motorbike (you have to be with the right woman for doing this). But I have seen most of Europe on motorcycle and Turkey, Syria. I have seen many countries in Asia on backback travels, without bike. I know also Australia and NZ, Costa Rica (work for one year), Panama, Nicaragua, Brasil. I will stop working in May this year, and I have plenty of time until... I will go on a big trip. I hope that many bikers will join. Here in Switzerland motorcycling is very popular. Regards and Have Fun. And thank you very much for setting up this wonderful homepage with lots of useful information. The best site on the web."

Alois Amrein, Zurich, Switzerland

Thanks for starting the Zurich HU Community, Alois!

"Hi, I'm planning on my rtw on a 1966 Ducati 250 single. Not leaving until Sept. 2004 though. I'm flying from California to Sydney, Australia. I sure am glad I found this site. It makes planning this trip way easier."

Chimpo13, California

"Just a note to let you know that I always like the stories in your email. Haven't traveled by bike out of North America yet but your dynamic information source is very appealing. Thanks."

Lins Robson, Canada

"Is there a way I can contact anyone touring the USA to invite them to my pretty little corner? Maybe we could get a meeting going like you mentioned in the ezine. I live in one of the prettiest places in the US. I would love to have company. I have an extra bedroom, a garage and tent space in my back yard (used last year by only one bicyclist though!)

I never seem to get enough time to read the ezine all at once. It is so great! You do good work! Hope you are having fun settling in your new home. Adventures come in many forms! Love and blessings, jansky of Empire, MI community"

Janice Sikorsky, Michigan

Ed. Thanks for starting the Empire HU Community, Janice!

"I must admit that I hadn't visited this web site for several weeks beliving that my long standing dream of riding RTW was diminished due to my disability. But Fate? Luck? No just boredom caused me to re-visit and good old Grant has picked me up by the boot straps, turned me around and pointed me in the right direction. So its out with the World Atlas again and start planning. A big thank you to you Grant and when I pass your way I'll buy you a drink or two. We all know we can do things but sometimes it just takes a kick to get us going. Cheers..."


"Congrats to all involved with this web site. It really is excellent, professional, comprehensive and thorough and I forsee myself browsing the winter hours here in anticipation of my four week R1150GS inspired holiday. At the moment four weeks is my limit as business is such. But I must say that I am tempted to go for the big one {round the world} maybe next year. In the meantime. Thank you."

David Burke, Galway, Ireland

Become an HU Contributing Member!

Cheque (or check ;-)

$20 Contributing Membership Payment:
$45 Gold Membership Payment:
Your choice of amount Payment:

"Dear Grant and Susan, Enclosed is my check to support your efforts with Horizons Unlimited. It's a great service for dreamers as well as travelers. I met you at Trention last summer and became a member. I enjoyed your 'how to' presentation and perhaps I can put it to good use in the future."

Jay Green, USA

Thanks so much for your support, Jay!

"Though my contribution, enclosed, will not get you around the world again, I hope it helps Horizons Unlimited stay afloat. Through a chain of contacts gained through your web site, and other sources, I've gained valuable information assisting with my "Blue Nose" run to the Arctic Circle. I don't wear t-shirts, I have plenty of coffee cups, I just appreciate the info Horizons Unlimited provides. Ride well."

Lou Wissenbach, USA

Thanks a bunch, Lou, and good luck with your Blue Nose run!

"Your page is fantastic and helps me a lot. Through this page I found many people like me, that are looking for some 'adventure'. I have to inform you that I am 55 years old, them you can understand how I feel to travel soon soon.. Thanks and a lot of success."

Cesar Doria, Brazil

"Thanks for another great issue!"

Nick Palmer - North Carolina (R 80 G/S)

"Hello! Did a contribution through amazon to You and Your fantastic site. Incredible work. Was asked to contact You for a thank You but I think its me who should THANK YOU!! Incredible work You do. Don't know whats in it for You but I'm pretty sure it will get You to Nirvana. wink gif Kind Regards"

Stefan Nilsson, Sweden (Doctor No)

Thanks so much for your support, Stefan. We're still waiting for Nirvana, though!

"Hi Susan and Grant, thanks for your great website! Helps a lot, entertains and gives new ideas. We recommend the site regulary to other travellers since we started our trip two years ago."

Ralf and Caroline Koebler, Germany

"I would like to start a new Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers Community for Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is a heck of a paradise to ride a bike with average temperature of 85 degrees F and obviously little known to the motorcycle community. It is a huge 'Deal's Gap' (if you have ridden it in the states) and very close to the mainland. People are very hospitable and a great percentage bilingual and I'm sure motorcycle riders would like to come down if given enough information. I'm willing to share my local knowledge with them. Thanks for replying to my interest and for the obvious hard work and professional handling of your impressive site. Take care y mucha salud a usted y a su esposa. Gracias."

Angel Jiminez, Puerto Rico

Thanks for starting the Puerto Rico HU Community, Angel!

"Susan, You guys are simply wonderful! I do not know how you manage to be so efficient in operating your site and answering Email too. Will love to meet you somewhere. Thanks again,"

Syed Saghir, USA

"Just to confirm ... I made a contribution to you folks... Keep up the great work, and allowing us to live our dreams through others actions."

John Stephens, Canada

Thanks so much for your support, John!

"Hi Susan & Grant, Came across your site by accident... two of my past interests have been travel and motor bikes. Apart from touring France and Spain by bike in 1953 I have not combined the two very much since!! I Spent most of my working life in east Africa and Arabia before moving to Canada. Sold my last bike when I was 71 years. Really enjoy your site, full of interest keep up the good work. Rgds Alan"

Alan Hardy, Canada

"Hello Grant & Susan!! GRADULATIONS on a Great "PAGE". I have learned so much from reading the many articles. I can't stay away. As a newbie w/a new Goldwing I am looking forward to some long trips this summer. Maybe BC as we have been there before by car. Peggy and I did Baniff, Jasper and across the province to Pr. George and Pr. Rupert then the ferry to Victoria. Great country!! She is not a biker so I will be coming alone. Did you get my contribution? Got to get back to more stories. So long until tomorrow!! Ron"

Ron Comerford, Ohio, USA

Thanks so much for your support, Ron!

"Hi Susan, Thanks for the reply. I thought so too, just wanted to see what u guys normally do. An underwriter for my travel insurance has pulled out from insuring me, cause he say the newspaper article in which i was interviewed. You are right, the less info the better. Will see how this goes now. Thanks and keep up the great work!"

Dalbir, Singapore

"Hi Grant, Glad you like the poster... we're spending too much time reading the latest Ezine. Another top issue filled with amazing tales. Dianne and I don't want any remuneration. Just being able to help out is reward enough. This is a fantastic project, the site, the communities, the meetings and the merchandise and it enriches so many lives. We're glad just to contribute in our small way."

Dianne and Haydn Durnell, Australia

Thanks, Dianne and Haydn, for your creative efforts in designing the HU Travellers Meetings poster!

"One world, Two Wheels, and a damn good website!!! I just registered for a community in Anchorage, Alaska. Do you think that most people know that Alaska should be listed under the United States? I am just curious if you think if would be easier for people to find if it had it's own area? Just an idea. Thanks for everything, chuck"

Chuck Manley, Alaska, USA

Thanks for starting the Anchorage, Alaska, HU Community, Chuck!

"HI Grant and Susan, Thank you so much for providing horizonsunlimited and your amazing level of support. Putting our situation on the home page really brought the buyers out of the woodwork when we were desperate. Hope to meet you one day somewhere, sometime, in the meantime heaps of love and thanks to everyone involved."

Belinda and Patrick Peck, Austalia

"Sorry, my english is bad. Lo siento pero mi ingles es muy malo asi que les voy a contestar en castellano. La idea de crear una comunidad para los motoqueros es debida a que yo poseo una moto (yamaha maxim 550) y me e hecho de muchos amigos viajando,. hace unos dias paso por aca un norteamericano con su esposa y su perro viajando en un klr y se quedaron unos dias paseando por nuestros lagos, rios y montañas. ellos eran Lew Waterman & achi & Punky. Tambien andubo por aca Alejandro Rocco de Ecuador y muchos Argentinos. Por eso quiero crear una comunidad, para darles una mano a los viajeros que anden por aca. Un abrazo de mi parte y sigan adelante con el servicio que brindan."

Pablo Arroyo, Argentina

Gracias for starting the Trevelin, Argentina, HU Community, Pablo!

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"We as a riding family have been looking for a place to meet other serious riders in a more civilized setting. This place is great for the whole family! I ride an 1150GS, momma rides a F650-GSPD, daughter is on a Seca II, and son and daughter-in-law are on an 1150GS. See you on the road!"

The Galmukoff Family Clan, Port Townsend, Washington

"You are providing a great service to me personally with the HU website. I'm a newbie at this long distance touring thing and I'm learning lots of good stuff from the site and its contributors."

Aaron McIntosh, Mount Vernon, WA

"Thanks again guys, must say again too that this site rocks, it's my home page now, fantastically inspirational stuff, just great!!"

Alan Hopkins, Birmingham, UK

"I happened upon this site while following the links from another site. Thank your for the hard work you must have put in to create this wonderful facility. Keep up the excellent work."

Stefen Jobs, Germany

"Finding you could turn my dream into reality. Ride on!"!

Bryn Stevenson-Davies, Worcester, UK

"Great site with lots of information. Hopefully planning a trip to South America and the site certainly has plenty of tips. Thanks."

Phil Newton, Branchport, NY

"Isn't this web site excellent!"

Pete, Ashland, Oregon

"About a year ago I stumbled onto your site. I don't know what I was looking for anymore, but you probably weren't it as I owned a k100 at the time. At any rate, your site has quickly become my favorite. It is an enormous inspiration to me, and I'm sure to many others around the world as well. You're doing a wonderful job, I just hope you still find time for your adventures."

Wade Sandstrom, Longville, Minnesota

Become an HU Contributing Member!

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$20 Contributing Membership Payment:
$45 Gold Membership Payment:
Your choice of amount Payment:

"Grant & Susan, Just reaffirmed my HU membership over the Amazon honor system. Please consider it a well-deserved retainer for your service on the website. A friend and I are heading to Mexico and Central America in about a week and it looks like we will be meeting up with some HU compatriots on the way. We planned a good deal of our trip using information from the web, and especially the HUBB and e-zine. We'll be sure to send you some notes from the road. Keep up the great work!"

Kevin Henry, Michigan, USA

Thanks so much for your support, Kevin, and have a great trip!

"One of the best ways the web has been made use of so far! hope it goes on and on. Cheers"

Neil, UK

"Love your work. Brings the family closer together!!"

Andrew Treloar, Brisbane, Australia

"May well be THE best motorcycle site going!!! May all the many Bike Riders that post here have a safe and exciting New Year, one world, two wheels , cya,"

Dylan, Michigan, USA

"I'm a research scientist from England, but as of Friday I'll be an ex research scientist. Flying out to Delhi in the New Year. I'm still hoping to be able to ride home, if I get the necessary visas. If I do, I'll be buying an Enfield in Kathmandu in order to be able to get a carnet, otherwise in Delhi and sticking to India. Great site, by the way - it's been invaluable for planning it all."

James Whyte, UK

"You have a very unique and interesting site, I enjoyed my visit."

Hans Unfallversicherung

"Hi Grant and Susan I think what you've done and are doing is terrific! At some point I want to learn how to ride a motorbike as I've always wanted to make the Vancouver to Rio de Janeiro odyssey on a motorcycle. One day I hope to find fellow free spirits in Vancouver who are eager to embark on an epic journey through central and south america."

Andy Campbell, Vancouver, Canada

"Merry Christmas from Palmer Station Antarctica. My wife Diane sent me your website. Its great. I'll be home April 5 2003. We are planning to visit a work friend in his home town of Las Vegas in May and do a bike ride around the area then he is coming east and we might do Nova Scotia. I own a 1986 Kawasaki Concours with a Harley 883r on order. My buddy rides a Ducati I always forget the #. Your site will keep me busy for the next 3 months. Happy holidays."

Tom Curran, Vermont, USA

"Wow, what a great website! My wife and I have toured quite a bit over the years and could have used this resource lots. I just put together a website of our recent trip to Spain (I included a couple of helmet camera videos) and am in the process of setting up a link to this site with hopes that you will link back to me. I plan to visit this site often, keep up the great work!"

Rod & Julie Powell, WA, USA

"It never ceases to amaze me just how adventurous your contributors are, and what an interesting and informative this site is. If only I had the courage to drop everything and go. I rode across the US in May and June, and it was like heaven. Well there's probably Spain, Portugal and France next summer. Thank you both for brightening my week :-)"

Paul Narramore, Kent, UK

"Your web is greattttt. Keep up the good work. A new gold wing owner."

Ron Comerford, Ohio, USA

"Bye the way your web site is fantastic, so many articles, just what I have been looking for. I ride a BMW 1100RT and want to tour farther afield and your site has given me the appetite! Keep up the good work"

Andy Whittle, Shropshire, UK

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"I have been a motorcyclist for 30 years, and have ridden over most of the US and Mexico. I owned an independent motorcycle shop for 15 years, and for the last 9 years have been teaching metal trades and mechanics at Presidio High School. My current ride is a 2002 Victory V92C with a Russian Ural sidecar attached. I live in the ghost town of Shafter, in the Chinati Mountains, in a 100 year-old adobe house. I like motorcyclists and would be pleased to meet folks traveling through. I can offer advice on where to go and what to see in the Big Bend, a place to camp, and assistance in case of problems. I think y'all's site is kick-ass and I'd be proud to contribute to it! Adios"

Randall Cater, Texas, USA

Thanks for starting the Big Bend, Texas HU Community, Randall!

"Thanks so very much for the information and the web site. The site is unbelievable! Tierra Del Fuego... Iran, unreal. Maybe someday... Thanks again"

Dennis Wind

"Fantastic, inspiring and informative site!!"

Scott Andersen, Sydney, Australia

"I wish to thank you for your really wonderful website. I've been thru a lot of places in Africa, Asia & Europe on my good old bmw, but unfortunately this is more than 15 years ago, and since then there has only been time for some shorter holiday journeys in Europe. But each month, when your newsletter arrives, the spirit is getting stronger and I'm sure someday I'm back again on the road for a long trip (Oz would be nice ... or maybe Chile). To survive the meantime I really need your website! so keep on! May long you run."

Gerd Harders, Brandenburg, Germany

Thanks for your support, Gerd, and hope the spirit gets stronger with this issue!

"You are great- so much to read - not enough time!"

Janice Sikorski

Thanks for your support, Janice!

"Great web site. I read it frequently."

Steven Scarth, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

"Hi, Just became a Gold Member using the Amazon Honor System. I'm also the guy who opened the Nelson Community in NZ. I think your web site is the best thing that ever happened to biking and I hope you keep up the good work. I haven't started doing any really long journeys on the bike, but I will. Me and my son have promised each other that we will ride round the world when he is 18, but a bit of a wait to go as he is only 5. Still, I can dream and maybe in a few years we'll start... Thanks for keeping me entertained, informed, and inspired. Finally persuaded the missus to get a bike this week, so that trip might come sooner than I thought"

Richard Butler Nelson, New Zealand

Thanks so much for your support, Rich, and hope you get on the road soon!

"very good site. Most useful."

David Burke, Galway, Ireland

"A great site. I'm going overland to Tanzania on a Yammy XT600 leaving in Jan '03. With the travel, and contrary to reasonable expectations, I'm involved in a computer project - for Tanzanian schools and community groups using UK and African charities. Along with Groucho I wouldn't normally want to be a member of any club that would have me - but I think you guys may be the exception. Power to your arm,"

Nick Pailthorpe, London, UK

"Finally I'm going to use the bike for real (not just commuting)- Planning to go to Morocco next April, mainly inspired by this board- cheers!"

JFL, London

"Grateful thanks for the work you are doing."

Nigel Marx, New Zealand

Thanks for your support, Nigel!

"I think the site is great. It is invaluable and exciting reading for armchair and active travellers."

Melanie Dooley

"I hope you keep sending messages like that. It's the first that I received and I was very fascinated I even printed it out and gave it to some friends."

Dino Y

"I've been visiting Horizons Unlimited for quite a while. I really like the idea behind 'communities', so I thought it's time to begin helping. I really like your site, it shows you put a lot of effort in it, thanks from all moto-travellers."

Guillermo, Bahia Blanca, Argentina

Thanks for starting the Bahia Blanca HU Community, Guillermo!

Become an HU Contributing Member!

Cheque (or check ;-)

$20 Contributing Membership Payment:
$45 Gold Membership Payment:
Your choice of amount Payment:

"Grant, Please accept my enclosed check for $50.00. That is for me the amount of worth I get per year from your service. That one day a month when I get your e-zine is indeed the highlight of the month. I print it out and carry it around work and home with me. My wife knows when this is happening as I discard pages throughout the house. It definitely gets me through the day to day humdrum of work. For that short time when I read the e-zine, I am not in Ohio. But in an 'out of body' experience as I vicariously travel the globe. Don't abandon this great work you do."

Walter Maurer, USA

Thanks very much, Walter, and I hope you enjoy this issue!

"Since I think we all benefit from your work to keep 'our website' updated and interesting, we are going to do our bit and donate (please forgive us if it is only a small one). I also promise to update and finish our pages and contribute again as soon as we're going again: Pretty soon! Keep up the good work you two. Greeting and a smile"

Rob and Dafne de Jong, Netherlands

"Dear Grant and Susan - Here is a few dollars to keep the best motorcycle magazine (paper or otherwise) in the known universe running. I have been getting the Ezine for nearly a year now and it is fantastic. Great to be sharing in the delights of others while getting ready for my own adventure. As was once said 'I have seen the promised land, but I have not been there.' Keep on twisting the wick."

Dennis Latzy, USA

Thanks for your support, Dennis!

"Hi Grant! Thanx a lot, I really find your and Susan's service and website marvellous! It really helps a lot to bring my planned Panamericana Trip to a success. Kind Regards, Gijs,"

Gijs Walenkamp (Dutch, living in Germany)

"Hi Susan and Grant - here's $25 toward all your hard work. 'It' has enriched my life - Horizons Unlimited."

Laura Thompson, USA

Thanks for your support, Laura!

"Congrats to you and Susan - fabulous site!"

Sandy M, UK

"I've read that your (yourself and Grant that is) work on the site is almost a full time job, with little reward, which has reminded me to make a donation... the information is priceless. Bye for Now and Thanks for Running the Site."

Ian Thompson, UK

"I'd be happy to receive newsletters regarding motorcycle tours. Your site is really interesting and supporting in Claus' and my passion to travel around the world by motorcycle. Best regards."

Anneliese Tischler, Romania

"This is a killer Website for planning a trip on a motorcycle. I have found it most useful."

Luc St J Webb, France

"Just found out about your site via a 'member' on What a fine resource you have, and what a delight! Thank you. If you are ever in my neighborhood please stop by for a glass of wine (or whatever) and conversation."

David Levine, USA

"Hi Grant and Susan! Do you have a very useful website.It is good to find you. Regards, DJ from Transylvania."

Magyari Dezso

"Great job!!! I'm currently living and working in Bangkok, without bike! The last time I was here I had just air freighted my PD from Nepal. That was in 1992 pre internet. How things have changed! There was a certain charm of feeling like you were really out there by yourself ten years ago. I guess I felt that way because I was out there by myself!

Jack LaTrielle

"Thanks for your great work Grant - the website is a fabulous resource. Cheers"

Lance Wiggs, NZ

Thanks for your support, Lance!

"Grant & Susan, I think this is a great site, I am not young and have been travelling by bike for many years, my last reasonable trip was Dubai to UK in 1999 and access to this site would have been most useful. My next trip starts in December in Buenos Aires, first South for New Year then North to Alaska and I will use this site for contacts etc. With regards to funding I don't think anyone would object to an annual subscription as long as it was reasonable and easy to pay. Keep up the great work (if you can afford it!!)

Bob West, Dubai, UAE

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"Dear Grant and Susan, please accept the Nobel prize for your invaluable efforts in helping create a global family. I just can't believe you do all this as a service. You should try to make money out of it - so that you can do it even better. I am sure that bikers like you play a significant though inconspicuous role in promoting cross cultural understanding. That's all for now folks. BTW, the HUBB rocks. Like I signed your guest book - O Cornucopia of collective wisdom, I bow to thee. :-)"

Rajesh Nandipati, India, in USA

"Grant, Susan, Another great zine. Keep up the great work. Horizons is still the one and only."

Rich Kickbush, somewhere in Russia

"HU is a good read and I look forward to it every month, in fact I always leave it open on the email program for a day or two so that Michelle might read it and hopefully catch the travel fever!"

Dave Pearce, Queensland, Australia

"Currently my wife (Marlies) and I are in Hanoi,Vietnam, four months into a year long trip around S.E.Asia. When we can (impossible in China) we've rented bikes to get to 'spots', commonly following or followed by tour buses full of other travelers I might add. In our short time in Laos our mantra became, 'We're coming back on a bike, we're coming back on a bike...' I found your site looking for info on people who have ridden through India. Smitten by your site, I pause my own search and enjoy yours. Hopefully we'll be successful in getting a bike and making our India dream come true. If so we'll tell you all about it. Great site, thanks for your work and ideas.

Paul Willems, Winnipeg, Canada

"Hi Grant, Thank you for having such a great helps me stay on the road. Keep up the great work."

Nick Woods, Montana, USA

"Firstly, thank you very much for providing an opportunity for us to meet and help fellow travellers. Dianne and I look forward to being able to assist fellow travellers where possible. I'm not sure if you and Susan made it up to Toowoomba while you were in Australia, but it is a lovely spot. Located about 150 km east of Brisbane, Toowoomba is fortunate to have some excellent riding country and is centrally positioned for day trips to either the Gold Coast to the south or the Sunshine Coast to the north. Hope we can tempt fellow travellers. We both really enjoy your site and I spend far too much time in there. Thanks again for giving us the opportunity to host the Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers Community for Toowoomba."

Haydn and Dianne Durnell, Australia

Thanks for your support, Haydn and Dianne!

"Every biker I meet knows and says very good things about your site. Thanks so much."

Vincent Danna, France, RTW

"The web site certainly goes from strength to strength. All the feedback we are getting from friends and family about the blog is really good, it comes over as 'very professional' way of presenting our travels and experiences. And indeed we're having fun - but getting a little concerned about Bush/Iraq as we will be in Pakistan in a week or so. But, thanks to the HUBB we should be meeting up with Andreas, Cliff and Jenny, and getting a small convoy together, and maybe a party or two. Strength in numbers and all that."

Sean Kelly, UK to Oz

Thanks for your support, Sean!

"A great website full to the brim with useful info. Can't wait to get on the road. I want to go NOW! :)"

Garry Scutcher, Sydney, Australia

"I've always had the traveling bug and have been halfway around the world, but not on two wheels. In 2001, I bought a Triumph Sprint ST, put panniers on it and out I went. I've put 25k on it to date. But I felt I was missing something. That was dirt. So I started looking at adventure riding and am in the process of deciding which bike to purchase. I'm leaning towards an F650 Dakar or KLR. On my search for information I've found site and that led me here. All I can say is WOW! Lot's of info. I can't wait to dig in. Thanks,"

John Morin, Austin, TX, USA

"Thank you for an excellent and informative site. I just read the Turkish page and it was very good. Maybe one day I will be able to ride long distance like you guys. Thanks again"

Ahmet Beyhan, Atlanta, GA, USA

"Hi guys, your web site has been really usefull for use to prepare our trip. And we still check it for info. 1000 thanks."

Laurent Melmoux, France

"I have seen your site and it is the best about world travelling..."


"Can't wait to start reading. Looks brilliant so far. Planning (hoping) to do a lap of the world 2004."

Alan Hopkins, Birmingham, England

"Your website is absolutely awesome!!!! I see you having a large and captive audience wherever (bookstores, etc.) you might choose to share your travels with some day. However, you have probably figured out that you are too busy for such visits."

Marcia Siegle, Seattle, WA, USA

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Mark Tomlinson, Seattle, WA

"Your web site is fantastic and we have met heaps of other motorcycle travellers who are also using it. Well done."

Belinda and Patrick Peck, Australia

"Thanks again for your advice and for your site. It is a godsend."

Bill Shockley, USA

Thanks so much for your support, Bill!

"I've been following the Horizons Unlimited site and newsletter for well over a year now and I'd like to say thanks again for devoting so much of your time to producing and hosting the site. It really is a great resource and I really do appreciate it."

Adam Atkins, UK

"I certainly enjoyed the website."

Philip Trent

"I think all of us users appreciate your patience with all of us more than you can imagine."

Tracy Wondergem, USA

"By the way I gotta say this is one helluva site! Its a real boon for guys like me to know a lot of stuff about particular bikes."

'StormSearcher', Bangalore, India

"Just wish to say that I first found your site yesterday, and it is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!"

Erik Saue, Norway

"Your site is awesome! Thanks for getting the info out there."

Ian Chriss, Felton, CA, USA

"I am off on Monday on my first trip, to India, and wanted to say thanks to everyone and what a great site this is. Being my first trip I had no idea about anything and as such I have used this site nearly every day to get information and read current and previous questions/answers. This has enabled me to get my life sorted to make the trip possible / feasible / doable!! Anyway, thanks to all concerned."

'KTMWill', UK

"Thanks for the great site!"

Richard Baker, Boston, USA

"Your site is a big winner & has proved invaluable to me over my past year of global travels. Many Thanks."

Graeme Hills, UK

"Now I'm hooked!"

Tim Nichols, Jacksonville, FL, USA

"All the Forum is like traveller's Bible. Thanks for help."

Gregor Fras, Maribor, Slovenia

"I am really enthused!"

Jens Peters, Munich, Germany

"Thanks again for all the advice you gave me before I left, it was really accurate. Keep up the good work."

Anthony Griffin, UK, in South America

"Your site is looking great and going from strength to strength. (here's) News for your newsletter, which I read from start to finish."

Alex Bradley, N. Ireland

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"Grant, just got back from uk meet. Excellent time - probably 80 people - weather glorious, pub best venue, very friendly, landlords daughter mean cook and beautiful. Friday nite talks by Paul Pratt - an in depth recollection of some his adventures, Cynthia Milton - moonlight in Delhi and the highly entertaining Austin Vince - working on commission for a poncho manufacturer. Sat - sun hot, beer good, inspirational talks from Chris scott, Karim and Chris Bright. Left before gathering round fire expect a good nite had by all.

Hope you are well - be proud of what you started."

Gavin Bell

Thanks for your support, Gavin!

"Hi Glynn, I've just returned from the Travellers Meeting and just wanted to write and thank you for organising and running this great weekend. It must have meant lots of hard work. The Friday night presentations were as entertaining as they were different, the beer excellent, the venue and camping location great. Above all, the people I talked to were the most welcoming, informative and open folk. At last I feel I have found a 'bike crowd' I can identify with and I'm certain that I have just made some more long term friends. Thanks again Glynn and well done."

Jim Millington, UK

"Hi Folks, here are the photos I took last weekend, they're not THAT impressive... but the weekend WAS! Thanks again for your organising efforts. Take care and mail me if you need anything, cheers again, P.S. If I pull off my desert rally next year maybe I can show you slides again..."

Karim Hussain, UK

"Hi Glynn, That was an excellent meeting. Well done to all those involved. Neil who arrived with me was well impressed and now has the travel bug too! He was particularly impressed by Paul Pratt and Austin Vince was just hilarious! Plus what about Karim, lucky or what? Excellent, can't wait till the next. Ride safe & have fun!!"

Ross Cole, UK

"Just wanted to say thanks... the info I've gotten from your site has saved me a lot of trouble already, and I've only gone from NYC to Newfoundland to Vancouver. I'm on my way to Alaska this week, eventually to Ushuaia."

Tim Corrigan, NYC

Ride safely, and thanks for your support, Tim!

"Important platform to stay in contact with the traveling mob on the road"

Frank Bremer, Germany

"It has been a pleasurable experience reading riding news from all over the world. Keep up the good work!"

Amran Parimon, Malaysia

"Thanks again for all the effort into this wealth-of-information-site! Your monthly E-zine reads like a gripping novel!"

Bernard Voges, South Africa

"... has also met many other motorcyclists through the Horizons Unlimited Communities who have graciously open their homes to him. It made me proud to be a member of the Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Community. Grant and Susan, what you have done for the motorcycle community has been nothing short of a miracle keep up the great work and thanks for creating such a great forum for motorcycle travelers."

Jeff and Linda Anspach, Oregon

"I just saw your bike at Peddlers 2 in Dartmouth NS, came back to office and looked up your website, really cool and I think the travelling is everyone who owns a bikes dream. Wish I had of said Hi, be safe and enjoy our province."

Claude Langley, Nova Scotia

"I've been watching your web site in since its very early debut and was actually inspired a lot by your stories. Thank you!"

Edward Schee, Taipei, Taiwan

Thanks for your support, Edward!

"What a wicked web we weave - I am not sure how I got here but I am glad that I did."

Joseph Wuest, Illinois

"Just a good bit of it is my favorite site!"

Ben Zack, San Francisco, California

"Great site!!!"

Chris Schmid, Alexis Creek, BC

"Thanks for all the hard work for creating this web site."

David Brooks, Vancouver

Become an HU Contributing Member!

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"Hereby we confirm that we would like to became a new Horizons Unlimited Community in our town (Kiel) in Germany. Thank you for offering such a great platform for all traveling people on motorbikes all over the world. We had such good experiences by using the hospitality of other communities on our trip, so we like to give something of this back and share the faith...! All the best"

Frank Bremer & Jenny Brakel, Germany

"First of all, thanks for your great website! it's really useful and good fun."

Steven Derungs, Zurich, Switzerland, Zurich to Cape Town

"I read Horizons quite regularly and I read about people bumping into each other all the time, well it happened to Fionnuala and I today! We met up with a guy from England who is riding RTW. His name is Jason and he will be going the same way as us so hopefully we will meet up along the way somewhere. We have been using the 'Communities' section with great success, so we thank you. Cheers!"

Ralph Dixon & Fionnuala, Australia

"Keep up the good work, it's a great site!"

Sam Rutherford, UK

"Good afternoon Grant, thank you for the latest edition of the newsletter, fantastic as always."

David J Rees, Australia

"Congratulation for your web site. We recommend it to bikers we meet on our trip."

Jerome Maurice, France

"Thanks for Horizons Unlimited, and I hope to "BLOG" many more journeys before these knees (and ribs!) wear out <g>. I appreciate the "global" resource represented by the Horizons Unlimited site, and also the personal attention that you have given me. Keep up that good work, and, I hope to meet you and Susan one of these days. "

Mike Paull, USA

Hope to see you back on the road soon Mike, and thanks for your support!

"Excellent site - looking forward to first long trip -uk - denmark then down to romania, bulgaria, serbia and back. Finding your site has given me confidence to do something iI have wished to do for a long time - was weighing up choice of trains n planes or bike - bike it is!"

Gavin Bell, UK

"At times like these (remember the Carnet trouble?) I'm really happy to know that there are some people out there that take care. Especially when you are alone it's sometimes very hard... But outside the sun is shining... there will be a new morning with a new chance."

Stefan Thiel, Germany, in Adana

"That "recommend" utility is cool! Just one more part of an excellent site."

Richard Lees, UK

"Your site has been wonderful, an absolute wealth of information. I'm heading out on the road from Lagos to Dublin in 3 weeks time and, without your site, I'd be much less prepared. Thanks for doing this, its a great community too. Stay safe out there and see you on the road I hope."

Brian Greaney, Nigeria

Ride safely, and thanks for your support, Brian!

"Terrific site!"

Bruce Redding, California, USA

"Can u believe it...there are SO many people biking around the world - some have not even heard of your website."

Ron Grant, Brisbane, Australia

"You know, there's a special place in heaven for people like you who take time and effort to organize sites like this. This is a big ole world but the thrill I get from meeting folks like you, Werner, Frank Campbell, Al Jesse (Jesse luggage who lives here in PHX), Chris Lockwood, and others is fantastic. All of us working together shows that we all have the same objectives... travel, family, love of a common hobby, and friends! We may not all agree on religion, politics or even the right motorcycle but that really doesn't matter when we're talking about our trips.... past, present or future. How great is that?!"

Gerry Elam, Phoenix, AZ, USA

That's superbly great, Gerry! And thanks for your support!

"Thank you very much guys, you are really doing a remarkable job and making our life so much easier, on my last trip in 1997 I did not know about internet, so I had to research everything in books etc... But now... Merci beaucoup."

Ride4kids, Didier Martin

"Hello Grant, Thank you very much for the info and for adding my page to your links. I will link your page to my site in the next couple of days. I am carrying my laptop and can only upload when I am able to connect with it. When I reach Cairns (in a couple of days) I will work on my site and update it. You have put together a terrific site with a lot of information. Thank you for your efforts. I know I will get a lot of use from it. Safe travels"

Doris Maron, Untamed Spirit

"My t-shirt has become my favorite and may be impossible to part with. I should have ordered the "one world two wheels" one as well-for those times my girlfriend decides to "borrow" the other one! Thanks again for contributing such a worthwhile effort-its a nice hub/pub for the two wheeled adventurer."

Edward Mendes

Thanks for your support, Edward!

"Thanks so much for replying to my question Susan about insurance for Buy-Ride-Sell in the USA and plans can now move on. I've been using your website for over a year now and want to thank you both for such a fantastic job. I recommend it to all my friends and best thing is you've not just set it up and abandoned it like many site designers do. There can be no finer example of how to set up and run a GREAT website. Thanks once again for all the ongoing hard work."

Andrew Ratcliffe, Nottingham, England

"Thanks for a great meet. It was well planned and executed and I had a great time. Beautiful area and great riding as well."

Daniel Toader, USA

Glad you enjoyed it, Daniel, and thanks for your support!


Simone Stock, Toronto, Canada

"Hi Susan & Grant I subscribed to the e-zine when I was in England, at Chris Bright's home (actually, it was HIS comment on my - again - comment!!) I've also met some of your most frequent collaborators, Chris & Erin Ratay, and also Richard Hewitt/Canada. Although the bike-thing is in the family's blood (my brother-in-law has a Suzuki dealership and my sister runs a nice Moto Café at the shop's premises), I've never been a biker myself... However, there's a time for everything and I guess mine (for changing that!) is around the corner! Using your words, 'It is not the unknown, but the fear of it, that prevents us from doing what we want.' Meanwhile, let me tell you that reading this e-zine (as well as visiting the site) has brought more than nice moments into my life - and to lots of other people, I'm sure! Thanks a lot! Hope to meet you, some day, somewhere... Kisses from sunny Porto Alegre,"

Heloisa Fialho, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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"Keep up the great site."

Lance Wiggs, New Zealand

Will do, and thanks for the support, Lance!

"Hi Grant/Susan! I really appreciate your website. Very informative and very useful. I'm planning a trip to India/Nepal--> Thailand later this year, and I'm using your site for all its worth! Keep up the great work. This is my favorite site!"

Dizzie, Norway

"Just a small contribution to a big service to the biking community."

Paolo Volpara, Turkey

Thanks for the support, Paolo!

"Dear Grant & Susan, I have not contacted you before but am a member of your site and have gained huge pleasure and much useful information from Horizons over the last year since I have been planning and travelling from the UK to India and back again on a KTM Adventure. The Indian section has been done 2 up with Caroline Hetherington on the back). Thank you so much for the fantastic thing that you have created!"

Graham Doyle, London, UK

"Your website is the best I have ever seen so far!! Keep up the good work!! See you somewhere!!"

Herbert Roelandt, Belgium

"Hi guys... First of all I really must say thank you from the bottom of my tummy for the great food... (beaver grub is tasty ain't it?) I had a great time, made lots of new friends and have further inspired me for my next trip! I know you have put a lot of effort into a fantastic website... Cheers"

Cliff Kafka, Abbotsford, Canada

Glad you enjoyed the Travellers Meeting, Cliff, and thanks for your support!

"Of note, I am currently traveling through South America with a friend (our first long distance motorcycle trip) and we used your website as a tool to help plan our trip. We made friends from some riders from Uruguay are turned out to be fans of your website! Small world, this internet thing."

David Fernandes, New York, USA

"The info on your web site is always informative, interesting and entertaining and has been of great use in planning our trip."

Julie & Bob Mcdarby-Feast, UK

Thanks for the support, Julie and Bob, and hope you enjoy all the t-shirts!

"Great website, I do appreciate all that you and Susan do."

Mark Schaumann

"I envy you for all the energy you put into your web page and just want to thank you as well as congratulate you for all the good work you are doing. It is a real great help and I appreciate it very much. Thanks and keep going"

Jurgen Homann, Germany

"A friend and I were going from Montevideo, Uruguay, to Tramandai, in South Brasil to a Motorcycle Party for the weekend. Imagine our surprise when 100km before Chuy (small city in the border of Brasil/Uruguay) we passed two other bikes with number plates from Chile. We stopped to chat at the next gas station and they were Americans from New York, David and Eddie, on a KLR650 and Suzuki Intruder 800, going from Santiago de Chile to Rio de Janeiro in Brasil. We invited them to this motorcycle party in Brasil, we went together and had a great time, they were awarded the 'Most far away participant' trophy. Then they continued their trip to Rio, and I came back home to Montevideo. It was incredible when I mentioned if they knew about Horizons Unlimited, and they told me 'oh yeah, it's been a great help for us, do you know it also!!??"

Santiago Badano, Montevideo, Uruguay

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"Just thought I'd take the opportunity to really say thanks to you and all the other people who manage this site. Planning a RTW or even a 2 week trip can be a big deal. Only with the help of sites like this and the people who look after it can a lot of the info be found, certainly a lot easier and quicker. It gives people confidence, a chance to chat and sometimes bike and travel safer. So thanks - it really really is appreciated."

Chris Smith, UK

"It was, is and will be the best site for bike travellers if you keep going like this!!! In 24 hours I am off to Morocco, preparation has been a lot more fun and easier thanks to the HU and the HUBB sites!!!"

Pieter Maes, Belgium (a.k.a. Fireboomer)

"And once again, let me tell you how immensely impressed I am with your Horizons Unlimited Web site. Excellent-excellent work. You are to be congratulated again and again. I can't say enough nice things about it."

Gary Sosnick, Detroit, USA, EasyReader Tourguide

"Yourselves and your site have been of lots of use to us before and during our adventure."

Jamie Clarke, Australia, in South America

"Hello Grant and Susan, The least I can do is to say THANK YOU. The best site in the internet. Inspiring and informative. All the best,"

Antonis Vassiliou, Limassol, Cyprus

"I think you have done a wonderful job with this website, it has been very useful in my struggling in gathering the information I need for overland travelling!"

Sven Arthur Haugen, Hedmark, Norway

"I really really appreciate your site, the work you both do on it, your personal answers, your members. I found a lot of info, very clever, experience."

Vincent Danna, France

"Thanks again for all your help. I think your BB is fantastic, and it will be a big help preparing for my trip this summer. I am buying a new BMW K1200RS in London and my girlfriend and I are going to spend the month of June somewhere/everywhere in Western Europe. Then I'm attending classes in Brussels and The Hague for six weeks, and them I'm shipping the bike back to the US. It should be a great summer if I can get all the details worked out, and your BB is a big help."

Jim Davis, Georgia, USA

"Once again great service from the best site on the net."

Bob Lyskowski, New Hampshire, USA

"Now that I have got started, I will carry on writing for the e-zine. The site is an excellent source of info and contacts so I shouldn't complain at an extra hour in an e-mail cafe! As you say, sometime, somewhere..."

Kirsten Latimer, UK, in India

"I'm planning on travelling through Eastern Europe this summer on a motorcycle. Incredible!! I got a response from you less than a half hour after I sent my message. I found the answer I needed in the place you recommended I look. Thanks again."

Fritz Musser, Germany

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"I have long wondered how in the hell you guys have survived on goodwill and free air. The new idea of receiving some financial support is long overdue. What you do for the motorcycle adventure community is priceless. You are entitled to some income to support all that you do. My check will be in the mail this afternoon. I am, unfortunately, now too old for adventuring. At age 70 I simply ride on hard road trips and read your website. But Lord it was fun riding through Mexico with my daughter and all over Europe before bikes became so popular."

James Brosman, USA

Thanks for your support, James!

"You've probably heard this before, but thanks for the superb site - it has made the planning task so much easier - especially the 'bits round the edges' -Russia to Japan, Carnets, etc."

Simon McCarthy, UK, leaving soon for an around the world trip

"Hola amiga mia(?),Si quieres apprender algo del mundo de motoviajes, aqui hay mucho informacion."

Porter Watson

My girlfriend and I are going to leave on a RTW trip in December or January. Horizons Unlimited provided us with invaluable information in the preparation for the trip and we are really looking forward to contribute at our turn during the next 3 years."

Pierre Saslawsky, USA

"I enjoyed reading the story that lead off this month's newszine so much that I want to share it with the upper grade students in my school. Talk about suspense and adventure! Great piece of writing."

Laura Thompson

"Geeft inspiratie!"

Mathieu Stuyven, Belgium

"Thanks a lot for all the info again again and again. Your site is so good, really really helpful and friendly. I'll be in touch RTW to share info. Take care, safe travels."

Vincent Danna, France, leaving soon

"Love the website. See you down the road. Keep the shiny side up."

Jim Branscom, USA

"If you don't already have a free e-mail subscription to this great world-traveler biker site, I recommend that you check it out. Contains some good ideas about riding long-distance in other countries (especially Asia & Africa). Live to ride!"

Fred Skala

"looke un peu ce site !!!!!!!"

Michel Dentone

Your monthly ezine is something I look forward to every month. It is always hugely interesting."

Peter Mellor, Norfolk, UK

"Thank you again for all your excellent information we got from you when we were on our 10 month fireland/ alaska trip!!! See you"

Carola Dietler and Reto Scheller, Switzerland

"Thanks have one of the best sites on the net and definitely the best site on the net for the world tourer. I wish you both the best...we are all 'just passin' thru."

Claude Stanley, USA

"Thank you for a wonderful site, it probably was the main ingredient in our trip coming from dream to reality. The forum is the best I have been on."

Jason Smith, UK, currently in Libya

"Hi! Your website is without any doubt the most interesting and hottest one on the entire web. Finding it was even more exciting than finding my new bike:-) (650 Dominator). Until yesterday, me and my friend thought we were the only ones in this world that had figured out the meaning of life. Reading "Why? by James Richmond" was like reading my own mind. And now after reading about you guys maybe I even want to live after 30. Thank you for being who you are! Keep the spirit alive!!!"

Ragnar Lindén

Well, Ragnar, we're not sure how to respond to that, but you're welcome, and we're glad you've found a reason to live past 30!

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"Best website I have seen for ages, so much content and so damn useful- thanks to all contributors."

Sian Mackenzie, Bavaria, Germany

"... I figured it was a good possibility but was looking for affirmation from the veteran group of riders that frequent this shrine of a website for two wheeled wanderlust. BTW, I'll be heading out Feb of 2003."

Biram, USA

"Just a very quick note to say many thanks for all the work that you put into the Horizons Unlimited site. I have been subscribed to the mailing list for almost a year now and have really enjoyed reading through all the trip reports. I have been planning my own trip for sometime now and although it is still very a dream I hope to make it happen someday."

Adam Atkins, Colchester, UK

"Thanks for running your extensive web site!!"

Tom Grenon, Canada

"Hello Susan& grant, this just came into my mind....: your site is really fantastic... thank you very much...:))"

Helmut, Germany

"Just in case some of you don't know of this website, it is excellent and has 'Ted' details in it. You can also subscribe to the e-zine. Again, excellent."

Lorraine Chittock, USA

"Thanks for a great website, I have found a lot of really useful info so far. Thanks again, safe journeys,"

Adam Bishop, Barbados

"Looking forward to working with you-all when I start out again. I am now busy reading the many helpful comments / suggestions on your web site."

Nick Palmer, North Carolina, USA

"Just a short note to say thanks for such an awesome site! We have used it extensively to plan / enquire / chat / etc. for a trip we've been planning for some time now. It's been the centre of our planning since the beginning. Cheers, Gary and team"

Gary Nisbet, Zimbabwe, now in London

"Thank you for your time and effort creating the BEST site on the web. You guys deserve all credits possible! Best regards"

Hans Petter Strifeldt, Oslo, Norway

"Thanks a lot for your tons of highly valued information I'm gathering continuously from your e-zine."

Dieter Zerndt, Switzerland

"This is a fantastic web site! So many people use it and apart from a few stupid postings, the info is v. useful."

Chas Rea, Canada

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"...the site is great. A brilliant service."

Simon Kennedy, Ireland, in Thailand

"We keep using your site Grant, its a real gold mine of information."

Kirsten Latimer, UK, in India

"Thanks for your help with my shipping query. I'd like to tell you both what an incredible source of information and inspiration your website has been for me. I decided to sell my house and plan a RTW (almost) journey in March of last year. I was lucky enough to find your website straight away and have visited it religiously for several hours every day for the last 10 months. I should be underway by April and if I come across any information that is relevant to your site would be happy to pass it on. Thanks Again"

Anthony Griffin, UK

"Thanks for the info and for the best web site on the net............"

Bob, UK

"I think you guys do a fantastic job and it really helps people like me who use the site as a primary source of information. I was due to depart in January 2002 for my trip to Africa - but personal circumstances mean that I am stuck here at home, in dreary, drizzly Nottingham. A daily check in to your website is keeping my dream alive. I hope to get going sometime in 2002 (fingers crossed). In the meantime I'll keep fiddling with my bike and planning my route."

Paul Randall, UK (aka Fuzzy Duck)

"... had no idea so many motorcycle adventurers were out there. Been biking around on trips myself for a decade, only just got email, what an incredible research tool. Great reading about like minded individuals experiences. Thanks."

Adam Bishop, Barbados

"Just a quick note to say I think this service, or whatever you'd like to call it, is wonderful. Wish I'd heard about it earlier, I'm sure it would have gotten me off my butt sooner! Thanks again,"

Lorraine Chittock, USA/Kenya

"I've been reading your web site for a while now. Just one word: fantastic ! especially the monthly letter, in which I copy each time some information for my next trip to Pakistan. My wife and I have made a trip from France to Syria and back on an AT Honda in sept 99 (we met Chris Bright in Cappadoce). Our trip to Syria is on a French bike site at the following address, with some pictures. Best regards, and thank you'"

LE GALL Corentin, France

"I found your web site in the Swedish magazine 'Bike'. Since the autumn is coming and it will soon be time to store the bike for the next season, to find your web site was just a gift from above! Safe journey! All the best! Who knows, we might end up together in some remote workshop close to the end of the earth."

Hans Berlin, Sweden

"You guys are doing a super great job!!!"

Didier Martin, Melbourne, Australia

"Thanks a ton for the e-zine. Beats all the bike mags hands down. You guys ROCK."

Dennis Latzy, USA

You're very welcome, Dennis, andthanks for your continuing support!

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"Once again, an extraordinary issue, Grant. An amazing resource and inspiration to us all. Maybe this riding season you can join me here in Motorcycle Paradise and we can swap lies."

Peter McLennan, Creston, BC

"I thoroughly enjoy your website."

Dennis Kesseler, Maine, USA

"I am in the early stages of planning my own RTW beginning one year from today (New Years Day '03). Your website and links I feel are going to be invaluable in my planning. I picked up a copy not long ago of the Adventure Motorbike Handbook and decided it is something I simply have to do and no better time than right now. Your story is especially interesting to me doing it two-up the entire time. My girlfriend has recently fallen in love with motorcycling and the plan right now is for her to ride her own bike but two-up is certainly an option. I look forward to the e-zine and all the links and stories that accompany."

Christopher Jones, Georgia, USA

"I have 2 R80GS' in the garage, 1 standard and 1 Dakar, waiting for the big trip when the kids grow up a bit. Please keep up the excellent work as the newsletter keeps us going each month and keeps the dream alive."

David Rees, Australia

"Love the site.. planning a trip from Vancouver Canada to Buenos Aires in the not-too-distant future. Hope to make it onto your site eventually."

Joe Collings, Louisville, USA

"Keep up the Fantasic work with the E-zine it always brings a smile to my face when I see it appear in my inbox."

Chris Stone, UK

"I almost live on your site. This next year I'll try to put in practice all the dream I had over your page and take my Dominator to Middle east and...Dunno, as far as I can. Keep going and Lacio Drom (Good trip in gipsies language)"

Gennaro Senatore, Rome, Italy

"This is just a short and special thank you for everything you have done for us over the past couple of years. Introducing us to the internet has opened up so many doors for us and most importantly, opened our doors to many like minded people. May your enterprise succeed but most of all may it get to a point where it can operate independantly (well almost) so you can join us overlanders back on the road again. We wish you both a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. See you on the road."

Carol & Ken Duval, Australia

"Again, thanks a bunch and let me just say real quick how much I like your website. It's the only one I look at every day. Best wishes,"

Arne Bomblies

Thanks so much for your support, Arne, and safe travels!

"Congrats and thanks again for such a great website!"

Steve Anderson, USA

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"Happy New Year and thanks for one of the very best sites on the whole world wide web - right up there with Amazon in my opinion. I can't wait to put all the info and advice into practice. Best wishes,"

Nick Horley, UK

"... well thanks again & I will keep reading your great site that obviously is very valuable to the traveler."

Ken & Terry

"Every time I receive your newsletter I get emotional. Excited to read about other peoples adventures and sad to think that I am working and not on the road..."

Geoff Kingsmill, Alice Springs, Australia

"In May of 2002 I will (if all goes well) set off along the Pan American Highway via California all the way down to the bottom of Argentina... Thank you for your time and your wonderful website, it has helped encourage me to make this trip."

Adrian Coakley

"Grant, after two years me on the road me and the bike made it home to London 6 months ago. I had arrived home after a most amazing trip meeting some amazing people. I just wanted to say thanks for all your help and hope all is working out for you back in Canada. PS If anyone in the UK needs some hands on advice in making a trip give them my e-mail. If in London I am only to happy to meet and share what I have learnt."

Matthew Newland, London, UK

"I regularly access your site and have gained valuable information. Thank you once again for your time."

Gary VanVoorhis, USA

"Well written & great pics! My wife & I are from NZ & I really enjoyed reading about your trip there."

Pete Mallalieu, NZ, currently in Slough, UK

"Thank you for the opportunity to access such good information and an excellent site. congratulations. I am based in Hobart, Tasmania and we have been touring extensively on the east coast of Australia with a BMW R100s 1978, BMW R100/7 1983 and a R850R 1997 towing a trailer. If I can be of any help to any of the members please do not hesitate to contact me. Best wishes for the new year and safe riding."

Arthur & Rosa Plottier, Australia

"Many thanks - wonderful forum!"

Kit Constable Maxwell, France

"Your website is just fantastic! How else can I talk to other people who are into adventure motorcycling? Thanks for helping me so much with such a brilliant web resource."

Paul Randall, Nottingham, UK

"This fellow has a newsletter HORIZONS UNLIMITED, that comes out every month or so and is a collection of email travel letters from motorcycle worldwide travelers in all parts of the world, like Viet Nam, Nepal, Japan, Russia, Africa, Brazil, etc. I find the letters people write back pretty fascinating if you enjoy reading about customs in India and Nepal, getting around in Delhi, Russian freighter trip from Russia to Japan, etc."

Anonymous referral

"Thanks again for the top site. Always a joy."

Dan Walsh, UK

"I really don't understand how you can keep the huge website task at this high level, AND the newsletter, all for free (!!!), but we do wish you lots of (material) support and continuing energy to keep it up. (I cherish your newsletter even more than my paid-for subscription to a belgian motorbike magazine, how's that!?) P.S.: We'll keep you posted on our next trip -> a new trial to reach India overland (ahum...)"

Iris Heiremans and Trui Hanoulle, Belgium

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"Your website is fantastic, fascinating, and frightening. As it is all free, I take it you are writing books, producing a radio show, and selling a screenplay. Well done and thanks."

Alistair Strang, Glasgow, Scotland

"Your site is the best! For anyone traveling (especially on MC) it is the most timely and comprehensive source for travel and social conditions information (on the planet?) Thanks for your tremendous efforts."

Gary Macarthur, Colorado, USA

"I will probably regret subscribing, just one look has unsettled me and made me dream of long empty roads and exotic places."

John Tompkins, Leicester, England

"Thanks again for a good read.... My plans to get a bike in Brazil fell thru from high airticket prices and family considerations.....but hope to do it next season. Keep up the good work."

Ron Grant, Brisbane Australia!

"Thanks for your great web site."

Adrian Coakley, Pickens, USA

"Dear folks...your website is fabulous and I go there often. Please keep up the fine work. Many thanks."

Dick McNamara, Texas

"Hi Grant. Thanks for a fantastic motorcycle facility! ... Nice to see a KLR section on the HUBB. I've put some queries up there - hopefully will see some replies soon. Thanks again for a fantastic resource."

Grant March, Ireland

"Great site, very informative and interesting."

Shaun Ross,, Christchurch, New Zealand

"I enjoy reading the world tour stories from other rider. Deep down I have that urge to travel the world myself but with growing up kids and family to raise, that dream has to be postponed. Keep the stories flowing. To those world tourers who are coming to this part of the world, do not hesitate to call me for whatever assistance you would require. I would be more than happy to oblige.

Amran Parimon, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

"Good luck with the site rebuild.... just letting you know we miss ya'all!" Regards,

Nigel & Kitty Marx, New Zealand -'Angle parked in a parallel universe'

"We always enjoy and wait till the first few days of the month for your great e-zine. Always a laugh, always news of someone we have met, always something to think about. Thanks again for a great newsletter. Hope we see you on the road soon."

Peter and Kay Forwood, QLD, Australia

"I want to thank you for the splendid edit you did of my document. Everybody here is amazed by the result and I believe most of the credit goes to the system you used to present the data. Many thanks again."

Paolo Volpara, OMM, Turkey

Thanks for the great info on Turkey and your personal support, Paolo!

"As many have said before me, Thank you for this site and the hard work that goes into it."

Gary Peters, Washington, USA

"This is a time when a resource such as your site is a lifeline for travellers stuck in situations out of their control in central Asia. Well done mate & keep it up!"

Connor Carson, UK, currently travelling round the world

"I believe that your site has been one of the greatest inspirations to me and my wife. We too have the desire to travel by motorcycle and see the world. Unfortunately for us, we are dedicated career military in the U.S. Army and it takes a great effort to get time off to travel. Our plansfor retirement are to travel full time and see the rest of the world we live and work in. Best of luck to you and keep up the great site."

Viron L. Greene, Kentucky, USA

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

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HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"... an absolutely awesome site."

Bernard Voges, Cape Town, South Africa

"Fantastic web site full of like minded articles, keep it up. Not everyone wants to push a CBR around a track, I am one of them. I get my pleasure enjoying a long road..."

Paul Curran, Dublin, Ireland

"I am a distance rider of little renown. My wander lust has kept me broke and many times lonely now for 30 years. I never realized just how many distance riders there were until my wife bought me this computer. I feel a strong affinity with my fellow sojourners. The Internet is full of practical truths about distance riding. The best advice and practical help is to be found here on Horizons Unlimited. Thank you Grant and Susan Johnson."


"Keep on riding, and writing....Your newsletter and the homepage are excellent! Thanx mac"

Marcus Kloft, Duesseldorf, Deutschland

"Your site, newsletters & service is great and I'm proud that we have contributed in some way. Keep it up and the bike too. Cheers, Dave & Jane."

Jane Norris and David Banbury, UK, through South America on Honda Transalps

"Grant and Susan I would like to express my appreciation for a great website;interesting, good looking, functional and a phenomenal resource for the adventure biker. At times of distraction and low motivation, simply logging on to the site renewed my motivation and desire to get on(off) the road. That something of such value is free and available is particularly encouraging in these times. Thanks."

Jez Sharp, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

"I am coming back to South Africa to live in January for a year, then my mate (also from SA) is coming back from the States and the two of us are hoping to ride up to Tanzania via Malawi and Mozambique...this is about the most informative site I have ever seen. Really helpful for something that seems so unplannable. The community page and discussion lists have fed my mind with all manners of thoughts."

Martin Evans, South Africa

"I've often thought about you two and how much work goes into that site. It's great work that you're doing for the overlanding crowd. It was nice to have a base to touch down in during our trip, even if it was in cyberspace. Hope you get on the road again soon."

Luke and Nik Timmermans, Australia, Australia to Turkey in 2000-2001

"Hi Grant and Susan - This is just a quick thank you for your great web site! In prep for my Pan American trip it has proved unbelievably helpful, motivating, and might even have found me riding partner for the trip ! Keep up the good work !!!! (Maybe even shout you a beer in Vancouver Sept 2002!) Cheers,"

Jeremy Andrews

Hello, I must thank you for such a fantastic web site and E-zine. It is truly inspirational. I am in the early stages of planning a year long trip, aiming to leave London next autumn and your site is proving invaluable already! Keep it up. Cheers,"

Lois Pryce

"I am leaving on a 3 month trip thru Mexico & Central America early Dec. with 2 friends. Just found your web site. Cool!"

Gary Steele, Montana, USA

"Thanks for such an informative / inspirational site"

John Roff, England

"Great site!"

Chris York, Calgary, Canada

"Quality content on bulletin board!"

Denis Dennehy, Cork, Ireland

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"Currently travelling from UK to Australia overland on BMW1150GS and Kathryn on 650GS. Due to cross from Turkey to Iran in the next few days (12 Sept 2001). Your website is excellent and as we are now considering shipping the bikes possibly from India we will definitely be looking it up on a regular basis!!!"

Maarten Heukshorst, Netherlands

"I like the attitude."

David Moss, Brisbane, Australia

"Currently run an R1100R and enjoy touring in Europe with my girlfriend Sonia a couple of times a year. (Work is so intrusive!!) Have been considering R80 GS basic to go further afield and as I came across Ted Simons ongoing reports on his website and now your fascinating and informative site to which I would like to subscribe please...!!!"

Charlie Bodycomb, London, England

"This is definitely the best travel page for bikers! Thank You!"

Thomas Goebel, Germany

"Thank you. Your page has been a tremendous resource."

Brian Greaney

"I can always dream."

Leon Down, Canberra, Australia

"This is a great website, which is very interesting and informative."

John Paul Nunes, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

"Excellent website!"

Jason Homewood, UK

"Very informative! I am in the very early stages of planning a trip from Sydney to London, then on to America. I have got some very useful information from your site. Thank you."

Ralph Dixon, Sydney, Australia

"It provides good information about my passion... MOTORCYCLES... PLEASE keep up the GOOD WORK... it is Really Appreciated!"

Dick McNamara, Dallas, Texas, USA

"Thanks again...That was a GREAT hint in this months, I am in contact now with someone else, a Canuck no getting a bike in Brazil! and riding...I hate that shipping money down the drain. I found his letter in the BB after you printed a lot of it in the bulletin...thanks a LOT!"

Ron Grant in Brisbane Australia!

"Thanks for being there. Great site."

Diane Bogenrieder, Michigan, USA

"A great web site, just what I've been looking for. Keep up the good work!"

Adrian Blake, Toronto, Canada

And we weren't sure which category this item belonged in:

From Michael Stokes, Brisbane, Australia. Found the site because he's a friend of the Duvals (Ken and Carol), and says: "Give them LOTS of money to go away again soon, the incredible stories are killing me."

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"This site is phenomenal, i love it. My dad and I are interested in doing a cross or semi cross continent adventure in 2003 either in Latin America or Australia. We're fascinated by both and know little about either, we live in Africa. Doyou have any information on travlleing in these countries or any adventures done there? Thanks for a very wonderful site!"

Bianca Salamon, Windhoek, Namibia

" Tremendous website with a mass of useful information and links."

Andrew Pearce, Ascot, England

" ... looks very useful, helpful site, with much fun. I'll keep watching."

Cenk Barutcu, Istanbul, Turkey

"Your site is absolutely fantastic! I can't believe how fast people have replied to my questions. I've been floundering for months trying to put an overland trip together and in less than two weeks of viewing your site and posting questions I've accomplished more. Thank you so much.

Today I was in a cyber cafe in Dharamsala India and, as usual, the server was painfully slow. I looked over my shoulder and saw someone with your site up on the screen. Turns out it was Cheryl and David (Laing) who are heading to Pakistan. We struck up a conversation and it looks like I might have found the travel companions I was looking for, timing seems to work for both of us.

Thanks so much for all your help. Love your site, looking forward to the day I can provide people with information when I have a little experience under my belt."

Cat Syrbe, USA, in India

"I have NO idea how you can keep working so much on your (free) site. It's a goldmine, and yet it's free, and yet it must take every single hour of every single day. I imagine a whole string of computers in your house: a big one on a desk, a laptop in the toilet, a Psion on the bike - am I right??? ;-)"

Trui Hanoulle, Belgium - Trui and Iris Heiremans rode from Belgium-Pakistan (1999) and Belgium-Finland via Russia (2000)

"Excellent online info. First class."

Malcolm MacPherson, Glasgow, Scotland

"Thanks for the lead on the web site. Last night, I visited it for the first time, and found it absolutely fascinating. There is much more that I want to read. It is really exceptionally well done and very unique. It gets a bookmark."

John Ferree, USA

"You have a great site for bikers, keep it going. regards. "

Tim Wood

"Awesome newsletter - we've read nearly every issue and have learnt a great deal from the travellers and your site. I have created a web page that has info for new bikers - from choosing the best bike for your purposes to riding tips and techniques, luggage, protective gear, tyres to Touring South Africa. We have linked to your page from our links menu. We would really appreciate a link from your page if you feel our page is relevant to your users. I really felt it was hard to find info on this stuff for a beginner and have created this "non-profit" site to help others as well as to encourage people to visit SA!.. Thanks"

Steve Eilertsen, Johannesburg, South Africa

"Thanks for a great ezine!"

Susan O'brien, St. Thomas, Canada

"Lots of people have written to me after seeing my post at the bulletin board. All of them have been really helpful. It's wonderful to know that so many people are out there like you who are willing to help make this trip possible. I am still going thru your website and I am getting most of the info I require, thanks to you, many travelers like me can get so much info out of one site at HorizonsUnlimited. Undoubtedly, its the best bike portal on the net today."

Hanif Sama, India

"I'm really impressed by your site and the fact that I got a reply to the notice I posted in the forum..."

Rachel Wild

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"How the 2 of you manage to keep Horizons so great all the time remains a mystery to me. Congratulations, it is a privilege being a part of it."

Mariola Cichon, USA, round the world

"LOVE THE SITE! Kudos on not just maintaining such an informative, useful site, but doing it in such style! Such a great resource for riders and wannabe riders alike. I just wanted to congratulate you on a job very well done. This site has proven inspirational; it's the reason I'm off to Europe overland instead of flying..."

James Richmond, Canada, in India

"What a fabulous site. You both do a wonderful job of bringing so many people together. I just sold an 1100RT 1996 and am doing research for a bike more suited for adventure touring....excited about F650...Texas hill country. Mexico. Central & South America, Europe and New Zealand. Please include me in any general distributions. If memberships and fees required that would be perfectly OK. Thank you for so much information."

Dick McNamara, Texas, USA

"Blown-away by the huge amount of info!"

Dean King, California, USA

"Feeling more and more that this is exactly what we should do with our lives while we can - thank you for an inspirational site!"

David Healy, Edinburgh, Scotland

"I love your website - many thanks, I have read and exchanged useful information on it."

Kit Constable Maxwell

"Thanks Grant. Great service you're providing!"

Anne Henderson & Jason, in Guatemala

"I am already a subscriber to your fascinating e-zine and am the one who told brillisour about it. Thanks for being there. I travel via KLR in Mexico in Winter and am planning a trip to Aus/NZ Winter 2002-03 so am learning A LOT from your web site. I am amazed at how well it works. I have not tried a 'link' that didn't work, it loads rapidly (and I'm not state of the art in power), the photos are excellent. It's just a very cool thing and I hope you're making money at it!! Thank you"

Rick Goacher, Montana, USA

"I have really enjoyed your website as it has allowed me to waste countless hours while waiting to leave work!!!"

Patrick Harkness, Vancouver, Canada

"Also a word of thanks for your fantastic site which is a mine of information. If it is worth knowing it's on your site!"

Charlie Money, UK, en route to Cape Town

"just few lines to thank you for the splendid job you keep doing and for wishing you both an happy stay in Canada."

Paolo Volpara, Italy/Turkey

"Thank you for taking the time to put together an all inclusive, very informative web page".

Vince Gibbons, Virginia, US

"I got more out of this first article I read on your site, than I have in any magazine article in the last year. Informative, entertaining and so true - no playing around. You're gonna give me the courage to go to Labrador! Keep up the great work & best of luck in your new home!"

William Koch, New York, USA

"No reply necessary - your hard work is enough for me! Thanks!"

Michael Hardtmann, Germany

"This appears to be a really good site. Congratulations."

Mike Sullivan, BC, Canada

"Thanks for a good info site."

Curt Prentice, Nebraska, USA

"Great page and you must keep it up."

John Nunes, Gauten, South Africa

"Thanks a million for HorizonsUnlimited - I seem to be spending some time there nearly everynight - My trip starts in Nov and hopefully I'll be able to be featured on it then instead of surfing it!

Grant March, Ireland

"I can offer to help any Club members and friends who are planning a 'long ride' somewhere on the globe. As a start I can suggest that anyone with these kind of dreams should sign up for the ezine for motorcycle adventurers: Horizons Unlimited. There is nothing on the net like it."

Gregory Frazier, USA, motorcycle adventurer

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"Very cool site!"

Mike Loos, Los Angeles, USA

"G'day Grant and Susan. Just a short note to congratulate you on this terrific website. I am in the process of planning an around the world journey departing May next year. I've been planning/saving for 3 years now thanks to the Aussie dollar, working 7 days a week driving trucks interstate and I must admit at times the idea has become a little stale due to the long planning time I guess. But all I got to do is get onto your web site and I am completely inspired again thank you... keep up the great work"

Michael Mcdonald, Queensland, Australia

"Hello Grant and Susan! I have heard so much about you both and all of your incredible time spent on the roads of the world. Actually, I spent several months on the road with Ricardo Rocco in South America... Your web site is awesome and I wish I had seen it before my trip, I tell many friends about it and want you to know we all thank you for the effort it takes to publish such a site... Hope to meet you some day,"

Mathew T Stackpole, Boulder, Colorado, USA

"My office in Cambridge is dark and lifeless. My R1150GS is holed in a garage near Bristol. Your websites and stories uplifts my soul (and gives me ideas)... Looking at your photographs helps fuel the desire. Time to dream my dreams and scheme my schemes. Its so much better than working after all."

Lee Hazeldine, UK

"Thanks Grant. For another great read."

Ron Grant, Brisbane, Australia

"I was just showing the site to a friend when suddenly he was saying... Oh, nice, Aviv Rabinovich. Just nice to see me there. Well grant, you know what they say: you were probably only dreaming of traveling if you didn't have your name in the H.U.M site somewhere."

Aviv Rabinovic, Israel

"Grant, thanks for the great issue. I enjoy keeping up with everyone's trips more and more each month."

Backroad Bill Monahan, Santa Rosa, California

"Keep up the good work....."

David Golding, UK

"I just wanted to say that you guys are great. I have always wanted to do something like this, and because of you I am starting to plan my first long trip around Australia."

Alexander Kabat, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

"Your site was one of the first "essentials" I linked due to the mass of information stored. Pls go on with this site - it's far-out! Ride safe!"

Stefan Thiel, Germany

"A big thank you for the website. I consult the Bulletin Board a lot!"

Stephan Solon, UK, in Africa and South America

"The web site is fantastic, I read it at work and home, and love hearing all of the stories from other travellers. Please keep up the good work... "

Adrian Wright, Maryland, USA

"... your site is great, lots of useful info and good reading. "

Michal Hamsik, Zlin, Czech Republic

"Excellent online info. First class."

Malcolm MacPherson, Glasgow, Scotland

"I was gladly surprised to read my part on your e-zine. But there is a little correction I have to be made: I'm Dutch and not German. No hard feeling but as I'm proud to be Dutch I had to let you know! Keep going the good job with the website!"

Martin Rooiman, Netherlands, Around the World

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"What a wealth of useful!"

Lourens Smak, Netherlands

"...thank you for the one and only web site."

Tim Shaw, UK

"I can't help complimenting both of you again on the website, just considering how much work that little thing of ours takes up, I can only imagine the amount of labour (of love) that went into yours."

Manou Emringer, Luxembourg

"Thanks for the incredibly useful website."

Stephan and Chenda Solon, UK, around the world

"I started my journey around South America on my Honda XR600 at the beginning of 2000,and I gather the E-zine was also in its primary stage, so I guess we've both come a long way -I've done my trip -40,000 kms and seven countries -and you've had your first anniversary. It is superbly presented and I had no idea that there is so much info on it, you guys are really doing a superb job. Please, please keep it going at the high standard that you have maintained. I can imagine the pressure that you work under to meet your deadlines, preparing your copy and hoping that it will make interesting reading for us all. Perhaps, sometimes it might seem that it is a thankless task, but I'm sure that the thousands of international readers who now look forward to logging in to Horizons Unlimited will agree with me-You have a great website going - I take my helmet off to you!"

Keith King, UK

"My friend Chris and I are leaving this summer on a 3 yr world tour. Chris will be riding a 1982 Triumph Bonneville and I'll be on my 1981 Triumph Tiger 750...Thanks again for you web-site, it has been of great use when planning this trip (and will be, no doubt on the trip). I think its really excellent. "

Kirsten Latimer, Canterbury, UK

"Keep up the good work with the newsletter, one of the highlights of the month and its free!

Geoff Walton,
Coordinator - World Association of Triumph Owners Clubs

"Excellent!! Tell all at Horizons Unlimited a great web site - very helpful!!"

Christopher Taylor

"I must say I thoroughly enjoy the e-zine! Keep it coming!"

Nina Maria Eidheim, Norway

"I really love your site. It's been an invaluable resource as well as inspiration to me. I'm taking off shortly for my own two-year (more or less) ride and adventure through Central and South America. I plan to combine the joy of the ride with the joy of visiting and helping with human service programs (e.g., Habitat for Humanity house buildings, the God Child Project in Antigua, Guatemala, the work of the Quaker Boliva Link in Boliva)."

Marick Payton, USA

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"Great Website, the best on the whole Web! Can't remember how many times I've gone into it, probably getting into triple figures soon. Made my trip from London to Asia a breeze. Regards,"

David Adcock, UK

"Hi. First off I would just like to say that I think that what you have done with Horizons Unlimited is one hell of a good job. I have been riding my Africa twin for the last 20 months from South Africa to Thailand via Norway. Your site has helped me more than once, from finding riding companions in Turkey to a good mechanic in Bangkok... Keep up the good work, you have helped more people than I think you realise. Cheers"

Cuan Mulcahy, South Africa, around the world, Africa Twin

"Excellent web site - fantastic that you've assembled such a wealth of knowledge and experiences into a single site... Like many I'm planning the big trip - which will start with the 'lap' of Scandinavia ... Thanks again for a great site, and I'll be sure to document my planning and execution disasters when they occur - just in case someone can do it better next time... Regards"

Gareth Eley

"...this is such a GREAT read... and keeps me reminded of the travelers I have forgotten to look at home pages... really GREAT for you to do this!"

Ron Grant in Brisbane Australia! Motorcycle Travel Web Page

"...thanks for the great website. Extremely helpful! "

Dirk Bachmann, Germany, on an around the world trip.

"Hello there, first of all I can't thank you enough for this amazing website. My partner and I are heading from northern India to Spain this May and I'm absolutely thrilled to be able to access all this great information. Thanks loads"

Katrina Ballance, Canada

"...thanks again for your quick reply and for the information on dates to travel to South America. ... I am certainly enjoying your web site and I know it will be of great help to me in planning future trips."

Ron Dryden

"A big salute full of camaraderie to my moto traveler friends around the world overcoming the obstacles of the road and enjoying every minute of it... and to all the riders that are out there, back home or about to start the adventure of their lifetime. A very special thanks to Grant Johnson who keeps all 'together', keep it up Grant!"

Ricardo Rocco Paz, Ecuador, Around the World for Peace

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"...What a fantastic site...and what a brilliant dream. Many's the time I've pulled the bike over on a backroad, sat by a river for a while, and imagined what it'd be like sitting by a similar river in a far off land...just the bike and like a modern day 'nomad'. I thoroughly enjoy spending time at your site, reading the stories and in my own way planning my own RTW adventure. I have to admit, your site is becoming my haven from, what is too many times, the everyday drudgery of earning a living and raising a family. Stay upright, guys"

Andy Deen, Australia

"My friend and I are planning a trip from Singapore to England leaving next January. We have found this site invaluable, as an aid to planning, and have based a lot of our purchases, (bikes, riding gear etc) on what we have learned from this site."

Phil Spooner, Australia

"...WOW! Your e-zine is becoming awesome! -- such great stories by riders all over the world! Fantastic links resource! Bountiful in information. I jump right into Horizons Unlimited when it shows up in my mailbox! A feast for the MCing mind, heart and soul! (and you can quote me on that!)..."

Tom Smith, Canada -- the fellow that went around the world on a Honda Elite 250...

"...If you have not seen this, do yourself a favor and visit it. Among other things it chronicles he and his wife's around the world journeys on an R80G/S. Very interesting, thoroughly enjoyable and great pictures. Find it at:"

Chuck Palmer, Cottonwood, CA

"Long-Distance Motorcycling - If you've ever traveled any appreciable distance by motorcycle, you may have experienced the odd sensation of not only being at one with the elements, but of being alone on the road. It is not the same as being lonely, although there is often a desire, not always accomplished, to meet up with strangers who might be able to empathize at the end of a long day's haul. Grant and Susan Johnson's Horizons Unlimited site and accompanying newsletter were created for just that purpose, as a place where people can meet and greet other like-minded souls. An e-zine also provides extensive information on the Johnsons' more specific passion, that of international motorcycle trekking."

NetSurfer Digest

"Just want you guys to know that this is the best site I have bookmarked!"

Shaun Dubyts & Kristie Cote, Calgary, AB Canada

"...Just expressing thanxs for some convincing words during my planning of what turned out to be a fabulous trip through Iran, Syria and Jordan by bike. Tremendous experience, I did quite some travelling using public transport in countries such as these, but this is miles more fun and encounterfull. See ya"

Vincent Schuller, Netherlands

"Your monthly news is wonderful and extremely enjoyable to read, very informative, both on personal travels, tips, and events. Yes, more pictures would be a great addition. I appreciate your efforts and abilities to do this and can't believe you expend the time to do it, you should be praised by all who read it. I thank you much. "

Allen Naille, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

"...if there is one site where our website needs to be listed, it's definitely yours."

Manou Emringer, Luxembourg

"...many thanks for all the brilliant stuff I found on your pages."

Peter Baernert, United Arab Emirates

"Grant, I ran across a link on the BMW Airheads site. I looked over the previous issues, and was swept away by the posts of folks riding all over, and around, the world. It causes one to re-examine ones life..."

Brian Mehosky

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"...I am weekly if not daily on your site, what a pleasure to read and dream about trips. I am convinced this is one of the best motorcycling sites on the net. I just imagine the time and work you spend for the site. But please don't stop."

Niklaus Fux

"What a fantastic website! If only this much information was so easily accessable in the 1980s when I took my Triumph through Africa, or my vintage Harley Davidson round 19 US states. I love the travellers' tales. Please don't disappear now I've found you. I still have the Triumph, my children are nearly grown,my feet are starting to itch again!!"

Rupert Harris, Stoke on Trent, UK

"I thoroughly enjoyed reading this edition (July 1st) and as I get my bike ready (new tires, oil change) to ride to Ohio for the International Women on Wheels rally in Dayton on July 10-12, I think how concerned I am about the weather here in the U.S. The difference between my concerns and what your writers endure (sand storms, mud), makes me want to hide my head. I will definitely share your website with WOW members. At a rally several years ago in Seattle, I met a lady in her 70s who had just returned from the Soviet Union. She was telling us how she had to solve the problem of riding her Gold Wing plus trailer over their railroad tracks that stuck 5" up over the road. People are amazing!"

Laura Thompson, USA

"...your web page and e-zine are awesome, I keep visiting it all the time."

Jose Garcia, Spain

"...I've just completed my first cross country trip...thanks for all the touring tips and links...You have a great site BTW..."

Galen Wolfe, Minneapolis, MN, USA

"Your site is getting better and better every issue, I hope it's paying off for all the time and effort spent so it will continue as a central gathering point for adventure riders. Excellent Job!"

Tom Grenon, Canada

"Great site, great service, keep up the good work."

Nick Sanders, UK (fastest man around the world on mc - brevity is a virtue ;-)

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"...I discovered Horizons Unlimited via a links page on the Airhead Site. I immediately subscribed. This is the first truly worthwhile site I've encountered on this vast ocean of the WWW...Thanks for the inspiration!"

Tony Engelman, USA

"I think the website is great and inspirational even if it means I have to sit here jealous as a jealous thing. Cheers!"

Mark Johnson, UK

"...let me say thanks for a great newsletter. We probably use it differently from most in that we like to keep up with where everyone is on the road rather than for planning. Particularly people we have met along the road and wonder where are they now!!! On the size, sometimes it is a little too long to read at the exorbitant rates of some countries internet cafe's. But don't leave anything out we just have to read quicker... actually your site has reduced our emails considerably as most people we keep in touch with get E-zine and so keep up to where we are and don't need to contact us directly as much. Hope you can keep up the great work when you get back on the road???

Peter and Kay Forwood, Australia

"I've spent a couple of hours the last few nights at your page and the stuff you link to. I really enjoy it, thanks for the effort you put into it."


"...all roads seem to lead to Horizons Unlimited; I'd have found you ten times over. Only later did I discover that you're carrying postings from the field from Luke Timmermans (my girlfriend's brother) and Kevin Sanders (a friend here in Cambridge). I hope to start to be able to add my own a year from now!"

James, UK

"...this site is a real inspiration and super fun to read. Love seeing photos and stories of real people living their dreams, the same ones I now share. I will be back often, thanks again for the fun and inspiration...take care,"

Vince LaVecchia, USA

"The board is a brilliant idea and has been really helpful. Keep up the good work! I promise to answer some questions when I get back from my trip instead of just asking them all! Thanks again,"

David Chapman

"...thank you for putting up such an amazing and comprehensive site. I've been doing quite a bit of searching for various motorcycle/travel sites and yours is far and away the most interesting, informative, and detailed..."

Drew Myers

"...I read in your website a lot of time and I took out what is for me important... I decided to go to the south of Africa, you are right! I got a lot of very nice emails from SA-bikers and last but not least a friend of mine wants to come too a few weeks later. So thank you very much for your work in internet and information...Know of any guys who want to take me away?"

Brigitte, Germany

"your page is superlative in content and execution...Keep the dream going"


"...great site, I'm going to spend some time reading right thru it!!"

Damien O'Toole, Australia

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"Thanks again for your newsletter. It keeps us awake during these long winter months..."

Christian Pelletier, Quebec, Canada

"You had such wonderful idea of creating HORIZONS UNLIMITED web site in the form it is...."

Kris Cichon, USA

"You've got a great site - keep up the good work!"

Regards - Pierre LeBlond, South Africa

"I love your site and your newsletter, and think you are doing a marvelous job. Best wishes, Deon Meyer"

South Africa, BMWeb editor

"...congratulations on a brilliant web site - It was indispensable in our travel preparations. "

Ceasar Dsa, Portugal, and Christian Jupe, Germany

"Wow, I thought I was opening a simple link. What a wealth of information and contacts! I'm in awe. Thank you for all of the hard work you have put into connecting this together and continuing to have faith in doing so....'I will pass this along to many travel minded friends...Anyway, I won't drink all this in in a single setting. Thanks!"

Dibblee Hoyt

"...a quick note to let you know that your web site is VERY impressive. I didn't take the time to read all that you did, but your photos are INCREDIBLE. They capture so much and are very artistic....I don't know if that is your profession, but it could be. Have fun on the rest of your 'adventures' "

Paula, from NJ and now Québec

"I'm very fond of motorbike and travelling and usually I buy some magazines regarding these matters. I have found your web address on "MOTOCICLISMO". The site is nice and full of information and it is useful for planning my trips. Best regards"

Giuseppe, Italy

"...thanks for your excellent e-zine! In fact, I might just be going on another motorcycle/India holiday this winter, just because of you and your correspondents. "

Peter McLennan, Australia

"Hello the house! I must say that I really do enjoy your website immensely. I visit it quite often, and through it, along with the "Adventure Motorcycling" site, am able to sate my appetite for information about far away lands, people, and exotica. I envy you, and wish you the best. The Lord make His face to shine upon you! So speaks

"the Toad" USA

"I always read your reports, and those that travel by motorcycle around the world all the time, with great interest. Thank you very much, keep riding safe and sending us good reports."

Jean-Pierre Poitras, Canada

"I read about you in a UK magazine "BIKE" that had an article on how bikers can use the internet. My hats off to both of you for this incredible tale. I am all abuzz at the moment preparing for my move from Australia to Europe where I hope to spend some time travelling by bike so your site was captivating for me. I think I read the whole site in one sitting. Thanks"

Jason, Australia

"...I'm not telling you how much pleasure I derive from your site and newsletters (you'd blush all over), suffice it to say it's now a habit of mine to spend an hour or so every day I can on your website. I was nuts the other day when it wouldn't download for a day and a half!"

Roberto Alonso, Spain

"...Really like your news letter..."

Art Bell, USA

"...My respect to your phantastic job. You are a real integrator. Thanx. "

Dieter Zerndt, Switzerland

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"Whew! What adventures! Gives me goose bumps to read about their trials and tribulations. And, it just dawned on me what a great social studies site this is as I read about the people and their customs from so many different countries. But then, in the end, it seems to come down to the three basics: adventure, money and sex, depending on whose perspective one is coming from. Thanks for making it possible to be a part of this wonderful group, even if it is from the comfort of my chair."

Laura Thompson, USA

"Hello Grant, thanks very much for sending me your's the best thing about my computer!"

Bill Monahan, Santa Rosa CA USA

"I have been exploring your site little by little after I finish your newsletter and it's great! Primo! Thanks."

Larry Cooper, USA

"Happy 1 year anniversary! I remember receiving the first newsletter whilst on the road last year ...I think we had just arrived back in Islamabad after having diced with death on the icy stretches of the Karakoram Hwy. We met up with two fellow bikers there, one of whom had cracked 2 ribs, and the other a sprained ankle, whilst attempting the same thing. They were more than a little dispirited, but we consoled them with the newsletter ...'Look, there are other people out there doing the same mad things, driven by the same inexplicable compulsion.' I think we all felt a slightly warm and fuzzy feeling at the confirmation of the existence of this brother (and sister-) hood of RTW motorbikers, although we'd already had the proof along the way. It was also an exciting feeling to be there at the beginning of the internet wave, having been through several places that had just started up their first public internet place--in Tripoli, Aqaba, and others."

Siobhan McInerny, Ireland

"Congratulations on a great site. Keep up the good work"

Paul, UK

"Still the best website and getting better all the time. Hope to meet you guys on the road someday. Thanks."

Lew Waterman, USA

Support Horizons Unlimited - check out the HU Store for DVD's, map stickers, calendars, t-shirts and more!

Road Heroes - Part 1. Baby doll T-shirt - front.

Horizons Unlimited Calendar.

Get YOUR beautiful and inspirational
HU Calendar soon!

Pannier map.

Muchas Gracias! Grant and Susan

"G'day from Admundsen-Scott South Pole Station... ...your site...wonderful! Just what an ice bound biker with wanderlust needs! I'll be at Pole for the next 12 months - give or take a few weeks. After that, riding NZ (for the 7th time), OZ and on to Malaysia and Thailand for a look around. On two wheels of course. :) Thanks for such a fantastic web site - I look forward to reading it during our long cold winter. Ride safe, ride far!"

Dean Klein, aka bmwloco
Aamundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica

"I just wanted to say that you guys are great. I have always wanted to do something like this, and because of you I am starting to plan my first long trip around Australia, cheers"

Alexander Kabat, Australia

"...thank you for all of your guidance. You and Susan have been a TERRIFIC help. Thanks so much.

Dan and Ryan --the guys who rode the old Hondas through Latin America"
(and sold them for a profit in Bolivia! Grant)

"Grant, No response needed to this mail. I just wanted to say that this is a FANTASTIC site. I'm just starting to read about your travels. I can see it will take a while to read everything. A couple of friends and I have ridden to Alaska twice, once as far north as the Arctic Circle ... We've also been to Newfoundland twice ... took in Labrador on one of the trips... I have ridden in every state in the continental US except for Michigan and every Canadian Province except the Northwest Territory. Like you, I love to ride. Enough already... I just wanted to complment you on this FANTASTIC Website. Thanks... Take care, be well and ride safe..."


"I find it a really great and interesting site, and it seems to come in handy now when I'm about to plan my own trip. So, keep up the good work!"

Kjetil Alvseike

"Thanks again for the wealth of info, a place to network, and your incredible story. Ride safe"

Hal Foraker, El Paso, TX, USA

"Grant and Susan, thank you so so much, for these 'GigaBytes' of precious, interesting information and reading."

Bavneet Brar

"...just wanted to say, your site is great!!!! very informative! I'm planning a trip from Pittsburgh, Pa, to Alaska, and you've answered a lot of questions that I have."

Ralph Johnson, USA

"Thanks Grant...I DO love the compilation work you do! "

Ron Grant in Brisbane Australia!

"This is the answer to all my questions"

Haydn Durnell, Queensland, Australia

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"Thank you! The web site, The travels, The insight, The inspiration, Everything, just thanks"

Colin Askey, UK

"Again, great magazine Grant. Since I can't be 'out there' at the moment, I can enjoy the stories of those who are out there now - because you put it all together each month. Thanks!"

Justin Hamel, Massachusetts, USA

"Grant, Just found your website a couple of weeks ago, think it is absolutely fantastic. A combination of reading thru the site and watching the Dakar on the gogglebox has convinced me that it is time to sell the Magna 750 and buy a R80 GS. Thank you for setting me on the road to fulfilment..."


"Every month you send your very good e-zine to my e-mail address at work. When I receive the e-zine I stop working and start to read.... This gets the highest priority :). But in May we are leaving on our trip to Asia. Can you change the e-mail address, where to send the e-zine to, so we can read them during our trip. Thanks"

Udo Lamers

"...Your site is fantastic; the most interesting one I have ever seen."

Henri Pearson, Canada

"I appreciate the time and effort on your part to provide your excellent e-zine...Thank you"

Phil Roddenberry, Live Oak, FL USA

"Thanks very much. This site is by far the best and that seems to be down to your good self. What can I say but thank-you."

Fast Fossil

"This is the greatest site I've discovered on the web!!! I bought the computer one year ago so I had a way to "Talk Motorcycle" when I wasn't riding or working on a motorcycle. Browsing this site is great entertainment, educational, and provides motivation to get out and ride, ride, ride. "

Jim Corzette

"I've been reading your whole site for months and I find it the most informative / entertaining site on the net, figured I should subscribe."

Ed Gaffney, Windsor Ohio USA

"Thanks for everything, it is very exciting to be a part of Horizons Unlimited!"

Juan Carlos Ibarros, Mexico

"Thanks SO MUCH for adding the bikes being used on the trip reports where possible in the Traveller's E-zine! Now I can get an even better feel for the experiences that the traveller's are reporting on their trips. Again Grant, THANKS! The E-zine is fantastic! "


"Your e-zine is superb. Keep up the fine work."

Vic & Glenda Sims

"Great e-zine!"

Paddy Gibbins, UK

"Hi Grant and Susan, thank you for your work. A great help to all of us on the road. Keep going. "

Gernot Minig

"Really good website, so much information...If all works out (and I have told so many people it has to) then we will be on the road next year (2002). All the best to every one out there"

Phil and Kate Smith, UK

"Very cool site, especially the BB, especially when in the process of planning a long-distance trip, like me, in this case Africa. The wonders of the Net - thank you and keep it going!"

Andre Sonnichsen, Denmark

"Very good site keep it up. Thanks."

Amit Pawar, Mumbai, India

See the Guest Book for more comments. Your comments and support is what inspires us to keep the website going. We love you all, and you're very welcome! Grant and Susan


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