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Old 19 Dec 2011
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Motobatt Battery - Any good?

Reading another thread, I thought I'd post a new thread about this make of battery -

Yamaha XT 600 E 99-03 Battery Motobatt Sealed High Torque Parts at Wemoto - The UK's No.1 On-Line Motorcycle Parts Retailer

MotoBatt is an AGM battery, a type of Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) battery.
This is a high torque battery. The cold cranking amps exceeds that of original equipment.
Get all the benefits of a gel battery at a sensible price.
Each Quadflex Battery has 4 terminals (2+ and 2-) and when
necessary includes spacers for flexibility and fitting.
No electrolyte or harsh acids to deal with, MotoBatt Batteries require no maintenance.
Charged and ready to install directly out of the box.

Apparently the battery is a Chinese made version of the Odessey battery? This battery develops more cranking power than normal gel batteries...

I don't know much about this make and wondered if anyone else had experience of their batteries? On the face of it £54 for an Odessey performing battery looks pretty good value for money. A real Odessey battery will start at £100 plus.

I recently paid £32 for a Chinese made Gel (maintenance free) battery. I wonder if I should have got one of these instead?

I will add that Wemoto are a quality UK retailer based in Sussex and they have a very good reputation in the UK.
Triumph Bonneville 800 (2004), Yamaha XT600E (1999), Honda XBR500 (1986).

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Old 19 Dec 2011
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Originally Posted by kentfallen View Post
Reading another thread, I thought I'd post a new thread about this make of battery -

Yamaha XT 600 E 99-03 Battery Motobatt Sealed High Torque Parts at Wemoto - The UK's No.1 On-Line Motorcycle Parts Retailer

MotoBatt is an AGM battery, a type of Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) battery.
This is a high torque battery. The cold cranking amps exceeds that of original equipment.
Get all the benefits of a gel battery at a sensible price.
Each Quadflex Battery has 4 terminals (2+ and 2-) and when
necessary includes spacers for flexibility and fitting.
No electrolyte or harsh acids to deal with, MotoBatt Batteries require no maintenance.
Charged and ready to install directly out of the box.
Were you quoting from the web site here?

Apparently the battery is a Chinese made version of the Odessey battery?
So is it the same? and if not what is the difference? Can we know?
This battery develops more cranking power than normal gel batteries...
Tell me more!

I don't know much about this make and wondered if anyone else had experience of their batteries?
Excellent question.
On the face of it £54 for an Odessey performing battery looks pretty good value for money. A real Odessey battery will start at £100 plus.
What is a good "value for money" battery? And why?

I recently paid £32 for a Chinese made Gel (maintenance free) battery. I wonder if I should have got one of these instead?
Why do you ask this question?

I will add that Wemoto are a quality UK retailer based in Sussex and they have a very good reputation in the UK.
controversial maybe, but, on what basis can you make a statement like this, I think that this ought to have some kind of qualification. (Wemoto)

Kentfallen, I hope you understand that this is purely a set of questions based on yours and others questions on batteries in recent posts here on the Hubb and other Forums. I hope you dont mind but I am going to post here (in anothe rthread) some pertinent questions of my own to which I hope you will contribute.

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Old 20 Dec 2011
R.I.P. 25 November 2021
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Couldn't afford an Odyssey so i went with Motobatt & no problems for me on my 3AJ, and ill be putting one in my 34L as well.

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Old 20 Dec 2011
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I have bought two,one for my XTE and one for my R80G/S and they perform as advertised, transforming starting to a first time affair.

My dealer now stocks nothing else , claims he has never had a warrent claim on them. And the four terminals means they are not handed which cuts his inventory in half.

The four terminals are good too, you can lock up the starter and earth lead good and tight on one side, and add or remove accessories on the other side without disturbing them.

Googe will find a good comparison test,and you will see they are at least equal to the Oddesy, and are way out in front of everything in the total amount of power the contain

.http://www.boulevardowners.com/cafe/...topicID=157926 is the link to the test

Last edited by Beemerboff; 20 Dec 2011 at 00:26. Reason: Add link
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Old 20 Dec 2011
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I think they used to make an even better 10 or 12 amps.. that was about twice the size of the 2.5amps battery on the first picture!

I had money I'd go for one of those!
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Old 20 Dec 2011
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Not sure that I understand what you say Socks. But I will try to explain - I posted this thread after reading another one in which someone clearly stated that this Chinese battery was a copy of the Odessey premium battery make. That's all there is to it.

On the face of what I have read and comments here and other places it would seem that this battery performs in a very similar way to the Odessey batteries which as most of us will be aware are marketed as a premium item at a premium price.

It's cranking power appears almost as good as the Oddesey batteries.

The fact it's CHINESE made doesn't concern me, what does is it's quality of materials used, build quality and performance. All in all this little battery looks a pretty good buy in terms of value for money.

£54 for a top performing batery seems a super buy to me. Slightly more expensive than a middle of the road £40 gel battery. But considerably less than an Oddessey battery.
Triumph Bonneville 800 (2004), Yamaha XT600E (1999), Honda XBR500 (1986).

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Old 20 Dec 2011
R.I.P. 25 November 2021
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Have a good looong read of this thread on batteries Neil.

They are normal batteries used in every day items, tested to see if the Chinese claims are true, and there not.

As one Aussie describes them,,,

"and why put a nice label on rubbish , bit like dressing up a turd and passing it of as chocolate"

Don't believe everything that's written on a packet/product, that's all im saying, im not foolish im informed.

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Old 21 Dec 2011
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All very interesting but how does this (GTL 18650) relate to a Motobatt? Are you saying it's one of the same?

You seem to confuse the purpose of this thread - I'm merely asking others to comment on the battery I have never heard of one let alone used one.

What I am saying is that It's clearly unfair to label ALL Chinese made batteries as rubbish. I have used plenty of Chinese made parts and appliances which perform as good or better than Western made goods. Many premium priced goods sold by Western companies are Chinese made (but they often try and hide this fact from customers). A company which springs to mind is BERGHAUS in Scotland, it trades as a British company but most of it's stuff is made in Turkey and Pakistan! But the cost of it's (premium) jackets aren't Pakistan prices!

All the very best Mezo.
Triumph Bonneville 800 (2004), Yamaha XT600E (1999), Honda XBR500 (1986).

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Old 21 Dec 2011
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It should not be forgotten that anyone (in the UK) who buys a battery which doesn't conform to it's original description (including performance claims) is covered by STATUTORY RIGHTS in the UK. You possess these rights for upto 6 years after purchase.

If an item is not fit for purpose or as described the buyer can demand a cash refund in full.

Sales of Goods Act 1979

Sales & Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002

I'm sure that other civilised countries will have similar laws protecting consumers.

Worth also mentioning the Distance Selling Regulations 2000 which gives everybody (buying something online, or over the phone) the legal right to return goods within 7 days of receipt of same for a FULL refund -

I think the 7 day rule was recently increased to 14 days??????

So you see, if you don't get what you pay for:


My law degree comes in handy sometimes.... lol.
Triumph Bonneville 800 (2004), Yamaha XT600E (1999), Honda XBR500 (1986).

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Old 21 Dec 2011
R.I.P. 25 November 2021
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Originally Posted by kentfallen View Post
My law degree comes in handy sometimes
I bet they are just crapping themselves in China right now.

Cheers Neil.

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Old 1 Jul 2017
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Originally Posted by Beemerboff View Post
The four terminals are good too, you can lock up the starter and earth lead good and tight on one side, and add or remove accessories on the other side without disturbing them.
I just purchased a Motobatt battery. I'm having difficulty tightening the terminals, which don't seem very secure. Has anyone had any problems with terminals coming loose on these batteries?

Is thread locker an option or would that reduce the conductivity? Any other ideas/solutions?
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Old 1 Jul 2017
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Originally Posted by Cambelt View Post
I just purchased a Motobatt battery. I'm having difficulty tightening the terminals, which don't seem very secure. Has anyone had any problems with terminals coming loose on these batteries?

Is thread locker an option or would that reduce the conductivity? Any other ideas/solutions?
I have never had a problem with the terminals on a Motobatt.
Make sure that you hold the terminal in the position you need & lock them up with the allen key.
Threadlocker fluids are just liquid plastic, so I would NOT be doing that one unless desperate
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Old 21 Sep 2017
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Yea i had a bit o bother last nite screwing ma terminals on it..its a bit flimsy..
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Old 28 Sep 2017
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I've done 100 or so miles and they haven't come undone yet.
Various bikes in differing states of repair.
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Old 10 Oct 2017
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Since I started using Motobatts I now buy them for any bike I own that needs a new battery. They do what they say on the tin, the longevity seems fine, they can be mounted in any orientation (the one in my WR250F lies on its back) and the cranking output is very good.

Regarding terminals the posts on the battery aren't loose so if the screws aren't tightening up consider if they may be too long and are bottoming out. Motobatt also supply u-shaped adaptors in the battery packing box in case you need to extend the terminals (as you do on the WR). These just screw up as normal. And no, I wouldn't use thread locker as you want a clean metal to metal joint.
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