Vitim Bridge - western BAM road
Two separate riders have reported being told this summer that the Vitim River bridge is to be dismantled to recover the metal.
Personally I would be surprised. There is so much scrap metal lying around on the ground all over Russia that there must be easier and safer opportunities than this.
The nearby rail bridge is heavily guarded with armed military so the only means of crossing would then be to put your bike on a train.
Anyone wanting to do the bridge, part of the western BAM, might like to bring their plans forward, just in case.
Current record times (moto) across the 600 metres are-
- FASTEST Staffan Johanssen 2011. 1 minute 12 seconds
Runner up. Hansjorg. 2011. 1 minute 24 seconds YouTube - Broadcast Yourself
- SLOWEST Me! 2009. About 42 minutes (but I walked/pushed and had to stop and wait half way for a severe storm) The BAM Road - ultimate test of man and machine - Page 40 - ADVrider second post #587. Colebatch on page 37 #552
The category for 1200GSA, fully loaded with 'essential' BM/TT extras, remains unfilled ...
Last edited by Tony P; 14 Nov 2011 at 16:52.
Reason: Correction of record & links