Yamaha TT600E Cylinder Head Cover Removal
Hi Guys
I need to remove the topend from my TT600E so I can check for wear because of a bad smoking problem after starting from cold but can`t get any further than removing the rocker/camshaft cover.
I have taken out all of the allen bolts including the one behind the inlet valve cover but it won`t move.
I have tried tapping the cover with a rubber mallet but it seems to be stuck fast.is there a special knack to removing the rocker cover on these engines or is there some hidden bolt somewhere that I have missed?
Short of banging a chisel between the two faces (joking) it seems to be well and truly on there.
I have owned bikes for over 30 years and stripped many engines so this is not my first attempt.
When I first started taking the allen bolts out I did notice that the engine appears to have never been touched before,all of the bolts seem previously untouched.
Did Belgarda use a gasket or sealing compound under this cover when new,just wondering?
Any ideas what to try next guys?