Heya Vando...
I've had simular ones once. I dont use 'em anymore as theres not much room with my plstic gastank 'cause of the T-connection to the carb. (2 fueltabs)
Mine worked fine, although I do seem to remember that one of them started leaking a very smal amount in the joint where the filter is put (permanently) together.
I could smell gas when i shut the bike of, but no puddles or anything. One day i followed the gasline and saw a very small drop of gas on the filter.
It was a cheap filter, so no biggie, ueh and yes, just about any filter wil flow enough gas, just do the math.
Lets say you go 150km/h for one hour, and use about 10 liters of gas. (15km/ltr) Thats one liter gas every 15 kilometers. You take about 20 seconds to ride a kilometer at that speed. That gives us one liter of fuel, in 5 minutes. Or 0,2liter/2dl every minute. Peanuts!
Its late, but the math should be alright.
In short: Yeah the filter will flow well enough for ya.