Hi new to the boards -have 89 XT600 woes
I just changed the oil on my old 89 XT600 (new to me). I also stripped the threads on the engine side to the lowest bolt of the oil filter cover 
I downloaded the manual and quickly realized that quite a number of changes have taken place between the 89 and current bikes. I could not find the drain plug on mine anywhere??? I removed the oil filter cover and not much come out of there so what i had to do was loosen the screws on the oil line coming into the trans from the filler tank on the frame. The oil was sooo black i don't think it had been changed in years. Overall the bike is pretty beat up but still runs well (other than the tapety tapp on the top end -it doesn't sound any louder than my old XR 250 but maybe it is supposed to be dead quiet???)
When i was putting it all back together i ended up tweaking the threads on this bolt hole. I think that it might have already been messed up and the previous owner had it liquid welded in there because i really put very little pressure on it at all.
So now i need to figure out how to deal with this issue -tap it out slightly larger -some type of bonding material?
any ideas? I was going camping and riding with the kids come Tues but now i have no bikes as my IT250 has -no spark issues