H&B crash bars with Kedo bash plate
I wanted to fit crash bars and a bash plate to my wife’s XT600e (2003 4PTB). I couldn’t find any description on the HUBB but came across this site in my search
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There was no description of how it was done so I thought you might like to know how I got on. The Kedo bash plate with H&B crash bars might not be the preferred option for many but at least I knew it could be made to fit and is an improvement on standard. The Kedo bash plate has just come back into stock so I got it and the bars.
If you get the same you’ll find on test fitting the bash plate it hits the left side of the engine a bit and tries to twist. Easily corrected with a mallet. The first cut I made was the slot for the lower mounting of the bars to go through. The top of this is only about 5mm from the bottom of the front fixing holes for the bash plate so that mount can’t be used. Then I “eyeballed” the upper slots with the crash bar inserted into the lower slot. The slots need a few mm of “rattle” space to allow fitting of the crash bar mounting screws. I found the best way to trial fit was to put both parts together then hang them on the front down tube with a screwdriver through the upper mounting for the crash bars. Then wiggle in the lower mounting screw. After many trial fits and trims I ended up with this
I didn’t think it was wise to try to fix the front of the bash plate above the lower slot as there was now not much metal connecting. The upper part is now more a tough splash guard than bash. I made up a bracket to fit between the lower mounting of the crash bars and the lower edge of the slot in the bash plate. This is mostly an infill plate so the force goes directly onto the crash bar bracket into the large screw holding that.
I had to use rivet nuts to fix it so these are only 5mm screws but as these are only locating the plate rather than taking direct force I think they should be OK. Note that there’s a very important pipe close by so if you make up a similar bracket make sure the screws are well clear of it!!
Then it was time to get the black paint out to touch up the scratches on the crash bars and have a  . This is how it looks assembled
For the next part you need to be in good humour and patient – fitting it to the bike. With both parts loosely assembled and hanging from the upper mounting the lower screw and spacer washers have to be wiggled in. I didn’t use the spacers when trial fitting. Small hands with long fingers an advantage!! Then the rest of the fixing is straight forward.