Oh yess. it´s up and running again
Yesterday I took the engine out and went over the whole thing again, harness, connections etc...etc..... I could not find anything wrong.
Since my old engine is still laying around I decided to put it in and see what happens. Same thing as the new one. Crank, Sparks, fire´s and dies.
So there must be something in the electrical system after all. Again out with the wireing diagram and go trugh the system,can´t figure out what is wrong. How ever now when I have the 1vj and are useing the kickstarter to turn it, it feels like the timeing is off. But that is impossible everything is as it shuld be, so now I start to suspect the CDI.
Problem is I don´t have spare one,and Tenere part´s are hard to come by here. One of the guys at work is driveing an XT250 so I give him a call,maybe he knows were to find one.
Sure no problem, 10min later he shows up together with a guy on the most beat up 34l I have ever seen

and he has a CDI for my bike.
We connect it and try, still the same......
The guy with the 34l takes one look at the wire loom comming up from the alternator/pickup and eagerly starts to explain something in swahili,after a while I understand that he want´s me to put the the pickup wires the other way around(mirror whise to the wire diagram:confused1: ) Well what the heck.....
The bike starts on the first turn and runs smoothly!!

I can not belive it!
So now the engine is runing perfectly, but the color codes are screwed up, I have no idea how this can be. What I can understand from the guy that this has happend to him as well,maybe these are some aftermarket units? It must have been connected like this before,but I followed the wire diagram when I connected the system and got it mixed up because I followed the color codes.
Anyway Im very pleased that it´s going again
Thank´s for the advices all of you that has posted in this tread.
Im off to find some trails