Don't get me started! Honestly I could cry what has happened to the UK police force (sorry service).

I started out in the early 1980's when policeman were REAL law enforcers. Now it's all changed - Far too many left-wing (tree hugging) graduates given accelerated promotion. Far too many YES men happy to kow tow to government sponsored political correctness (Harriet Harman & Co). These idiots are turning police officers into social workers.
Wrongdoers are now rewarded (or treated) instead of being properly punished. Our ultimate sanction (Prison) has become aN total joke. Many criminals have a nicer time inside than on the outside. It's no longer a punishment to go there.

Our prisons need to be places criminals FEAR!
It must also be said the UK police forces have far too many women police officers in their ranks these days, almost half now whereas when I joined it was slightly under one quarter.

They have their place but numbers need to be controlled to around a quarter of frontline police officers. Territorial Support units and similar specialised frontline units should not contain women. I speak from direct experience where WPC's often became a liability.
When I joined up men needed to be at least 5ft 8 and women 5ft 5. A policemen needed to look the part. How often do you see a young timid looking girl in mens uniform with their little face poking up behind the steering wheel of a brand new top of the range 4x4? Most days I fear...
That gets me onto the so called scarse police resources. There are now more police officers out there than at any time in the past yet you never see them on the streets. They are given blank cheque books to purchase almost anything they say they need including masses of top of the range vehicles. Where exactly has this got us taxpayers?
Lastly our Bobbies have been turned into soldiers (and our soldiers turned into world policeman)! Most UK police are wearing BLACK uniforms which look more like soldiers uniforms than traditional UK police attire. The senior ranks need to understand this isn't how it's done here in the UK. We need our police officers to look the part but this doesn't mean looking like infantry soldiers. Black uniforms look menacing, lets return to white shirts and blue (The Met is now the only force that still wears white shirts). I would get rid of all baseball caps and stop police officers wearing dark sun glasses. They they are permitted to preen themselves in front of the public and look menacing but when the criminals appear they merely turn into social workers.
Have you also noticed how many women PC's are now wearing men's uniforms including wearing a cap? It looks ridiculous to me...
The uniform was changed without ever asking the public what they wanted.
Nothing will change until the British people stop voting for the failed 3 main anti-British parties (Lib, Lab, Con). Whose turn next eh? LABOUR
As I said before, I could cry....
Apologies to the thread owner.
All the best.