
19 Mar 2014
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Leaving car in Turkey
In April we're planning to go to Iran on a enduro trip on our motorcycles. But because of the distance between Iran and Poland, we want put the bikes to our minivan and go with the car up to Iranian border. There we would like to leve the car for 2 weeks (in Turkey). The problem is, that (as far as I know) while entering Turkey, the car numbers are stamped into passport and it's impossible to leve the country without it (without the car). Off course on the way back (after 2 weeks) we want to go back to Poland by the same car (with the bikes inside).
Can anybody confirm this? If it's truth, is there a workaround for this?
Thanks in advance,
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20 Mar 2014
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You can leave Turkey without the vehicle that is stamped on your passport page.
You must park it to the customs parking area after making application with the below Turkish letter. (English translation followed afterwards.) and get the written permission.
At the entrance gate,you will buy your multiple 90 days visa for 30 $ / 25 € / 20 £..(or) If you buy online visa, fee is 20 USD.
1-In country staying period for your vehicle will be 180 days (If retired and have a document given by a Turkish consulate, its 360 days).
2-No carnet needed but you must buy Turkish Traffic Insurance at the same gate for periods of 1-12 months.
Best price is given by Turkish Touring and Automobile Club available at Kapıkule(Bulgaria),Dereköy(Bulgaria), İpsala(Greece),Hamzabeyli(Greece)gates.
E D İ R N E - H A M Z A B E Y L İ (7/24)
Tel/Fax: (0284) 328 70 14
Gsm: (0 530) 967 31 57
E-posta: hamzabeyli@turing.org.tr
E D İ R N E - İ P S A L A (7/24)
Tel/Fax: (0284) 616 15 74
Gsm: (0 530) 967 31 58
E-posta: ipsala@turing.org.tr
E D İ R N E - K A P I K U L E (7/24)
Tel: (0 284) 238 24 04
Fax: (0 284) 238 24 04
Gsm: (0 532) 253 32 57
E-posta: kapikule@turing.org.tr
K I R K L A R E L İ - D E R E K Ö Y (9. am-6. pm.)
Tel: (0288) 244 40 09
Gsm: (0 530) 967 31 52
E-posta: derekoy@turing.org.tr
(This is the copy of the form printed by the government but you can handwrite if form is not available at the gate.)
EK: 6
…………………tarihinde ……………………Gümrük Müdürlüğünden yurda sokmuş olduğum ve ……………………..tarihine kadar yurtta kalma süresi bulunan aracımı, mazeretimden dolayı yurtdışına çıkma mecburiyetinde olduğum için idarenize geçici olarak bırakmak istiyorum.
Aracımı, yurtta kalma süresinin bitimini müteakip Gümrük Yönetmeliğinde belirlenen bir aylık sürenin sonu olan ……………………….tarihine kadar yurtdışı etmediğim veya teslim almadığım veya ek süre talebinde bulunmadığım takdirde kendi irade ve arzumla Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devletine terk etmiş sayacağımı ve hiçbir hak talep etmeyeceğimi beyan ve imza ederim.../../20..
Geçici Bırakanın
Adı ve Soyadı
Türkiye’deki adresi :
Telefon no :
Yurtdışındaki adresi :
Telefon no :
GSM no :
e-mail adresi :
ENGLISH TRANSLATION....(Just for information)
Annex- 6
Since I am obliged to leave my country on the pretext of my personal excuse, I herewith wish to temporarily to your Administration my car which, on the date……………., was introduced into the country through the gate of………………….Customs Directorate and granted with the permission for staying in the country till the date……………….
I herewith declare and affix below my signature that if I, till the date……………..which is the end of one month time period stipulated by the Customs Regulation, fail to take my car out of country or take delivery of it or request an additional time period, I will consider that this car would have been deserted to the Government of Turkish Republic with my free will and intention and accordingly I will submit any claims and demands in this regard.
Name,Surname and signature of Person
In Turkey adress :
Phone no :
Abroad address :
Phone no :
Have a nice journey.
All the best.

20 Mar 2014
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Thanks. So on the enterance to Turkey I have to buy multiple enterance visa, but who and where should I give this letter - is it on the exit border passage or something must be done on the enterance to Turkey? And the customs area where we can leve the car is also on the border passage (in our case on Iran border) or somewhere inside Turkey?
Sorry for my stupid questions, but I want to be sure...
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20 Mar 2014
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1-yes visa will be given multiple.
2-Yes, exit border gate..three bordergates available between turkey and iran and all of them have customs management and customs parking area.You will give this letter to one of the customs. mngr.,then you will be forwarded to the parking area inside Turkey and will be given a paper(signed and stamped) saying that you are allowed to leave the country without the vehicle.
Generally it's a tradition in most gates to teach the staff their job and describe how to write, where to stamp,etc..
(If needed, remind the customs staff that paperwork will be under 1.NOLU TAŞIT GİRİŞ PROGRAMI.Madde/16)
3-Sure paperwork will take some hours so better be there early in the morning and don't leave anything important and valuable inside the vehicle during the parking period..
This is the document you will be given..
İlgili şahsın yurtdışına çıkışı esnasında pasaportunda bulunan “taşıt kaşesinin” dikkate alınmadan, taşıtsız olarak
yurtdışına çıkışına izin verilmesi uygun bulunmuştur.
Yetkilinin Unvan ve İmzası
It’s approved to permit the relevant person’s exit abroad without considering “The vehicle seal” existing on his
passport during exit abroad
The Title and the Signature of the Authority
All the best.

20 Mar 2014
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Thanks very much for helping with this.
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23 Mar 2014
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Me and my two travelmates are planning to do something similar like Mystek but our case is more complicated. Two of us are Poles and one is Lithuanian so the whole team is from EU.
I will set off from Poland by car with trailer and three motorbikes on the trailer whereas my two friends will get to Diyarbakir by plane. I will pick them up at the airport and then we want to get to the border with Iran, temporalily leave the car and the trailer in Turkey and ride on the motorbikes in Iran.
Several facts about vehicles:
- Car is registered to me. I am the owner.
- Trailer will be rented from rental company and will be prepared notarial authorisation translated to Turkish and confirmed by Turkish embassy in Poland
- one motorbike is registered to me and I am the owner
- second motorbike is registered to my friend's wife (we will prepare two notarial authorisations: one for me and one for my friend who will be the rider)
- third motorbike is registerd to my friend's company (in this case we will prepare similar two notarial authorisations)
All motorbikes will have carnet de passage due to the fact thar Iran requires it.
I suppose several issues:
1. When I am entering Turkey by car and trailer and three motorbikes on it. Can I do without any bigger issues having visa, traffic insurance and notarial authorisations?
2. When we are leaving the car and trailer at customs parking.
3. When we are leaving Turkey on the way to Iran.
4. When we are back in Turkey from Iran and my friends are coming back by plane from Dyiarbakir to Poland.
5. When I am leaving Turkey by car + trailer and three motorbikes on it.
Could you explain what are the procedures in our case?
Best regards

23 Mar 2014
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A bit complated but possible.just 2 questions for now as solutions are different..
1-What type of passport you hold.
2-Will it be a diplomatic mission.
The same paperwork for the car and trailer as above..Note down the law number as you will have to remind the customs staff.(probably they never have met this procedure before)
Have 3 copies of each power of attorney at a turkish consulate in Turkish for each number plate and description must cover... riding my XXX number plated XXX chasis numbered and xxx engine numbered motocycle in Turkey, entering and exiting Turkey,leaving at a customs parking area,buying insurance and doing all purposes and paperwork at all official stages in my name...........
This will save you a lot of time at gates...
Lithuanians..multiple visa free for 90 days...
Documents given by consulates dont need any notary confirmation..

23 Mar 2014
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Answer to 1. We have standard passports, written in passport is "Type P"
Answer to 2. It will be private non commercial, non diplomatic trip.
We were planning to get notarial confirmation before handing in documents for translation in the Turkis embassy. Do you think we can skip notarial confirmation of "power of attorney" and simply sign it with each other?

24 Mar 2014
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Black book says its possible to enter turkey together with your car,motocycle,trailer,caravan,boat and jet-ski at the same time but quantity is not given and customs computer program for vehicle entrance-exit has 1 column for each kind of vehicle....
So visited friends at istanbul yeşilköy vehicle customs management and been told that it's better to get a written confirmation and description letter from Ministry of Customs for the additional motocycles...
This is how it is done during int. rallies, group rides, etc. and copy of this letter is attached at the gate..(noone wants to get a responsibility)
I just sent an application form with my id.number and will forward it to you as soon as I get the reply.Sure the official reply will make your process easier at the gates..

26 Mar 2014
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Here is the repy given by Thrace Customs Headquarters and Kapıkule(gate to bulgaria) Customs Directorate to the question;
--Can I enter Turkey by a vehicle, a trailer, a motorcycle on my name and 2 more motocycles on the trailer which are on friends's name but with letter of attorney to my name, all at the same time and get them all stamped on my passport.
Reply is NO according to the law and additional information can be given by line 0 284 215 21 69.....(90-284-2152169)
Geçici İthal Edilen Kara Taşıtlarına İlişkin Gümrük Genel Tebliği (Seri No:1)
gereğince turistik kolaylıklar kapsamında yurtdışından geçici olarak şahsınıza ait olan motosiklet haricinde başka motosiklet getiremezsiniz
Below are the original replies I got...
Trakya Gümrük Mailiniz konusu gereği Kapıkule Yolcu Salonu Gümrük Müdürlüğüne iletilmiş olup ilgili müdürlükten cevap verilecektir. 0 284 215 21 69 numaralı telefondan bilgi alabilirsiniz. 25 Mart 201
Today at 11:42 AM
Kapıkule Yolcu Salonu Gümrük Müdürlüğü
To Me
Today at 5:49 PM
Sayın Mehmet Zeki AVAR
Sormuş olduğunuz hususla ilgili olarak;
Geçici İthal Edilen Kara Taşıtlarına İlişkin Gümrük Genel Tebliği (Seri No:1) gereğince turistik kolaylıklar kapsamında yurtdışından geçici olarak şahsınıza ait olan motosiklet haricinde başka motosiklet getiremezsiniz
Bilgilerine rica olunur.
Kimden: Trakya Gümrük [trakyagumrukiletisim@gmail.com]
Gönderildi: 26 Mart 2014 Çarşamba 11:41
Kime: Kapıkule Yolcu Salonu Gümrük Müdürlüğü
Konu: Fwd: turistik kolaylıklar araç girişi
---------- Yönlendirilmiş ileti ----------
Kimden: Trakya Gümrük ve Ticaret Bölge Müdürlüğü <trakyagumruk@gmail.com>
Tarih: 25 Mart 2014 18:38
Konu: turistik kolaylıklar araç girişi
Kime: trakyagumrukiletisim@gmail.com
Gönderenin Adı : mehmet zeki avar
Gönderenin Maili : mrcolonel50@yahoo.com
To Me
Today at 11:42 AM
Mailiniz konusu gereği Kapıkule Yolcu Salonu Gümrük Müdürlüğüne iletilmiş olup ilgili müdürlükten cevap verilecektir.
0 284 215 21 69 numaralı telefondan bilgi alabilirsiniz.
25 Mart 2014 18:38 tarihinde Trakya Gümrük ve Ticaret Bölge Müdürlüğü <trakyagumruk@gmail.com> yazdı:
Gönderenin Adı : mehmet zeki avar
Gönderenin Maili : mrcolonel50@yahoo.com
So thats all can be done by my side.
All the best..

31 Mar 2014
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Same reply by Ministry of Customs.
While entering Turkey on your car,with a motocycle and a trailer on your name, you can not bring additional motocycles even you have power of attorney.
After this application, black book is corrected as;
You can enter Turkey only by 1 car, 1 trailer or 1 caravan for your car, 1 motocycle at the same time..
All the best.
Gümrükler Genel Müdürlüğü Noreply
To MeGümrük veTicaret Bakanlığı BilgiedinmeBirimi
Today at 9:15 AM
Sayı: 91193492.18-225.99/06380.
İlgi: 24.03.2014 tarihli bilgi edinme başvurunuz.
İlgide kayıtlı talebiniz incelenmiştir.
1 Seri No.lu Geçici İthal Edilen Kara Taşıtlarına İlişkin Gümrük Genel Tebliği hükümleri çerçevesinde; Türkiye Gümrük Bölgesi dışında yerleşik kişiler tarafından ikamet yerlerinde üzerlerine kayıtlı bulunan ya da başkasına ait olup vekaleten getirilen kişisel kullanıma mahsus kara taşıtları ile söz konusu araçlar tarafından çekilerek birlikte getirilen ve bunlarla birlikte kullanılabilecek karavan ve römorkların geçici ithaline izin verilmektedir.
Bu çerçevede, yurt dışında adınıza tescilli bir adet araç ile söz konusu araçla birlikte getirilerek kullanılabilecek römork dışında ayrıca vekaleten motosiklet getirmeniz mümkün bulunmamaktadır.
Bilgi edinilmesini rica ederim.

3 Jul 2015
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how to re-write the vehicle from one person to other one in Turkey
Is there any possibility, how to re-write the vehicle from one person to other one without crossing the borders?
We are working here in Turkey and we have our company car here. It is stamped on my passport. I would like to go home and let the car here for my colleague.
For this, we always go to Bulgaria and back to Turkey, but it is long way (1200km from Beypazari to Edirne and back).
Thanks in advance,
Originally Posted by Mehmet Zeki Avar
You can leave Turkey without the vehicle that is stamped on your passport page.
You must park it to the customs parking area after...

3 Jul 2015
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Just general information about this subject.
Stamped on your passport page means non turkish number plated and border passings are for extending period of stay.But I wonder how they let you stay in the country more than 180 days per year if it stayed so...
Or you did it once for 2015..
Paperwork depends on your situation for below questions..
1-Do you have working and/or residence permit.
2-Did you enter Turkey by company car with letter of attorney on your name or foreign company authorized person.
3-Does it cover selling also..
4-Did you ever exceed 180 days per year stay.
If there is no problem for selling, you can do it from foreigner to foreigner.
(Yabancıdan yabancıya araç satışı)..
Paperwork is very complicated and you can do it yourself if you have friends in Traffic regist.Office.(Emniyet Md.trafik Tescil Bürosu) in Beypazarı but I guess officers you will meet will be undonated with details...
Otherwise agencies available in big cities for this purpose but they carge about 1000 euros as what I remember..
Your residence town belongs to Ankara if not ok.in Beypazarı and below is the link to a private office which does paperworks for vehicle sales between foreigners..
( Never take this as a recommandation)
BERKAY | Diplomatic Car Sale
All the best...

30 Apr 2016
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Crossing border with my wife car
I am french living in Macedonia,
I will travel from Skopje to Ankara by road via Bulgaria.
Our car is Macedonian (Diplomatic), and in the name of my wife.
My wife and daughter will fly to Ankara and will not be with me.
Other than the normal set of green card insurance, registration and driver licence, do I need a letter from my wife, which is the registered owner of the car?
Thank you so much for your help !!!

17 Oct 2018
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Leaving a bike on Turkey
I would like to leave my bike with friends in Turkey for about 4 months and fly back to the UK. Then return to complete my trip. Is this possible at the moment?
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