At the tip of the Baja and my Tourist Visa and Import Permit expired. Solutions?
Yes, the worst has happened. I crossed the Border about two weeks ago and got my tourist visa and import permit there. I made a huge mistake and only got a tourist visa for a week, not thinking it was correlated to my time on the TVIP. Therefor both the visa and import permit just expired on the fourth and I cannot board the ferry to mazatlan.
I went to the immigration office here and they said that I can only get the tourist visa extended at the border back in Tijuana! Effff that, theres got to be a way...
I did a similar trip in 2015 and never got a visa or permit when I crossed the border only to find out I needed it when I got to la paz. Someone I met back then told me to go the airport and tell them I arrived by boat from california and that I would like a visa and import permit, which worked out and got me the documents....
I am about to try something like that again, but I would hate to have to pay two import permit deposits and only get one back, but that would beat driving all the way back to the border.
Any suggestions?!?!