Northbound through Africa - Right Now!
Just putting a call out to see if anyone is heading UP through Africa at the moment. I've seen that a bunch of people are heading south, and hopefully i'll get to bump into a few of you about half way, but there don't seem to be many folk heading north..
I'm in the very far west of Namibia (Opuwo) right now and will be heading east over through Northern Botswana to cross into Zambia at Vic Falls next. From then on i'm heading up the East side of Africa until i get to the Med.. Then, who knows...
If anyone else is riding along a similar route and wants to hook up for some of the tough bits or just for a  or two then drop me a line.
My 'style' of touring at the moment is; i'm trying to avoid the tarmac and i'm camping out in the wild about half the time. And i'm taking detours for natural wonders and bits of off-road that look exciting.
I'm also doing a ride report/blog, so if anyone wants to see what its like out here on the road, have a peek. Its kind of written for friends at home rather than riders but the next update will have details on preparation and the route for those that are thinking of ditchin the day job..
cheers. Loader
Cape Town To Camden Town | A motorbike mission from South Africa to London