Right, so here goes!
I am looking to take 2 to 3 weeks off from the rat race and take my 1150 Adventure for a blast from the midlands, through Europe and back again.
Having never travelled that far by myself, I would love to have company with me.
It would be my intention to camp rather than use hotels, and really try to get as far east as possible.
At present, I fancy a quick blast throgh Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, maybe Slovakia, then home via Bratislava, Vienna, Innsbruck, Geneva, Bern & Paris.
I am open to ideas from companions as to where to visit, and things to see.
So, if you fancy a blast round Europe, a laugh and I dare say a few

s! then give me a shout.
Incidently, I am also open to idears for a Russia trip in the summer of 08!!
Cheers for taking the time to read this.