2014 July: Pyrenees, Romania, Scotland, Pyrenees?
Hello champions!  (More on champions at the end of this message)
Well, I am reaching out for the big world here, to share a dream and keep meeting nice people everywhere.  Basically, my youngest brother and his companion in Spain won't be able to join me this July 2014, on an European tour.  Geographically speaking, I am aiming higher than ever for me.  Also, some sofas here and there have been secured thanks to lovely priceless friends in the countries I plan to ride through.
The idea then, is to ride not later than at the beginning of July from the Pyrenees to:
and Scotland,
before returning home by the end of July.
Hopefully I will be able to rely on a 1992 Kawasaki KLE 500 that still works.
I am currently working in Asia, and will arrive to Northern Spain towards the end of June. As I said, to meet anybody nice along the way would mean so much for this humble rider. I will keep reading through forums in order to find possibilities for sharing the horizon. Keep riding safe everyone.
PS: If our riding makes the world a better place, somehow, for anyone even if it is just ourself, then I would say we deserve to title of champions! I believe that motorcycle riding can save us from ourselves.
Ivan (36 yo, 5 years riding mostly on paved roads. Communication in Spanish, French and English should be fine. Any other languages "might" boost misundertandings.