Hello everybody in the Hubb and sorry for late answering and double postings.
Things got solved mainly by WP Germany efforts sending us a new shock declared as low value (below 100 USD) second hand spring, thus sending through German UPS to a private office Adress in Moscow, from where it was forwarded to biker friends in Kemerobo !
No Customs, no Problems, 10 days including 3 days delay in Moscow.
THIS ist he place to declare , that the Russian Bikers are simply the most fantastic people on this earth !
They offered so much unbeleivevable help to us we simply neverever can describe by words.
Since we entered Siberia and the far east we are moving under a protection shield of the bikers here - not only supplying us a second time with spares on the way, when 10 Iron Tigers welcomed us in rainy Chabarowsk !
NO - when I got hit on the raod to Vladivostok and blown unconscious from my bike 3 days ago by a 20 cm treetrunk falling over the
street at 80 km / h during a storm,these guys collected first me from the road, unconscious for 5 Minutes and took me to Neurosurgery, where I had to stay for 3 days. Then they alltogehther started their bikers network, mainly Russian Samurais, Red Bikers and Iron Tigers plus incredible freeriders like Ruslan, PAulina, Friedrich and Julya and started Fixing my bike and the paneers, that were totally gone on the right side .
Wherever a biker has the cahace to meet and help a russian Biker - please do not hesitate to help them - they are the finest people and biggest hearts on earth you will meet !
Thank you Russia for making this trip so unforgettable for us !!

Hombre and BABA ( still writing with a big headache, but VERY lucky to be still alive )