A suggestion:
Create an Excel spreadsheet ( to save re adding/subtracting all the time)
LIST your kit
WEIGH your kit
all of it - including thoses pesky itsy bitsy bits which don't really weigh much....

Then you have something to compare.
There are too many variables-
For some it could be 20 grams of credit card from the bank of mom and dad...

For others- it's a half a ton Gold Wing with trailer and surf board
Anyway is good as it is your way- but I'd suggest you carry out the above exercise- it's a good base to work from and discuss.
Then your learn how to pack
Then you can use the same spreadsheet to balance the weight of your kit in your bags be they metal or soft
Then you go on a shake down mini trip

and see how you get on.
Come home, adjust your spreadsheet accordingly - add stuff you needed- remove stuff you did not. And so on.
Repack- try again- It's a never ending refining art-
Then you are one step closer to really knowing what works
for you and THAT is the important part.
if it's any help - I started at 64Kgs....

and now I am down to 34Kgs without sacrificing comfort/tools or a few spares/ fishing rod/carving kit etc !!