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Old 1 Jan 2008
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Buy new or used in Argentina and legally tour all of South America

Anyone wanting to buy a new or used bike in Argentina might be interested to know that it is possible for a foreign tourist to buy new or used in Argentina and then tour other countries. Keep reading for a 100% workable plan.

I have just completed additional research regarding foreign tourists purchasing a bike in Argentina and crossing into another country. Alone, it is possible to cross into Chile, with luck and not 100% every time, Bolivia is impossible to enter as a foreign tourist riding a bike purchased in Argentina, BouqueBus (the ferry), to Uruguay has really tightened up on allowing a foreign tourist on a bike purchased in Argentina to board for Uruguay. Brazil and Paraguay are very difficult also.

Meanwhile, once out of Argentina, crossing other borders is no problem, if the foreign tourist has the "green card" for the bike with an Argentine address listed on it.
I have discovered a way. and this works 100% of the time, but is hard work, or not. If a guy or gal wants to buy in Argentina, he/she finds an Argentine "friend," an amigovia will do, willing to have the bike also put in his/her name as 50% owner and then request two "green cards," one for the Argentine "friend" the other for the foreign tourist. Then, the "friend" must ride to the border, even to Bolivia, Brazil, or Paraguay and cross the bike with the foreign tourist. Once across the border, the "friend" may return to Argentina, leaving the foreign tourist with his/her green card in hand and easy border crossings throughout South America. There will be no problem crossing the bike back into Argentina, as it will be legally registered in Argentina, although border officials may look a bit surprised when they discover the foreign tourist is not a resident of Argentina with DNI.

This plan has been proven to work. After entering Chile and Uruguay with our Argentine bikes with no problems, Elisa and I recently crossed again into Uruguay on BouqueBus (the ferry), we have two bikes, both purchased new in Argentina and each has two "green cards" one in Elisa's name and the other in my name. I am a US foreign resident of Argentina, Elisa is Spanish and still in the process of becoming a foreign resident. The Customs official, a very determined woman, tried to stop Elisa from boarding with her bike, although BouqueBus (the ferry) had already sold us tickets for both bikes. I presented the "green card" indicating that I, a foreign resident of Argentina also owned Elisa's bike. The customs woman called her boss on her little radio, and after a short wait, he examined the "green card" for Elisa's bike in my name and my residency papers and sort of admonished the customs woman, smiled and allowed us to board.

Anyone with questions is welcome to contact me via private message Happy New Year & Buenas Rutas, Edouardo George
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina

Last edited by xfiltrate; 28 Feb 2008 at 00:47.
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Old 2 Jan 2008
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have you ever thought that maybe there's a reason for not letting foreing citizens buy a vehicle...?
Mario T. - southing
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Old 3 Jan 2008
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Good Question!

Yes, actually an excellent question...Mario, there is a reason and a law for not allowing foreign tourists to by a new or used bike in Argentina and then ride the bike out of Argentina.

There is no reason or Argentine law preventing a foreign tourist from buying a new or used bike in Argentina, as long as he/she has established a "domocillio" and takes the "certificado de Domocilio" to an AFIP office, and requests a CDI (tax number) for foreigners. This, plus a passport, is all that is legally required for a foreign tourist to purchase a new or used bike in Argentina, and with the title of the bike, the bike can then be registered and 2 "green cards" can be legally issued one in the Argentine or Argentine resident's name and the other in the name and "Domocilio" of the foreign tourist.

It is the part about the foreign tourist taking the bike out of Argenina that is prohibited by Argentine law. I have a copy of this law, and even with this law in my hand, 2 out of 3 custom officials (AT THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS) said that it is OK for a foreign tourist to take an Argentine registered bike out of Argentina, as long as the foreign tourist has the "green card" for the bike.

Be that as it may, 2 out of 3 ain't bad, but there does exist this law, and I believe I know why the law was passed. This law was passed as a reciprocal agreement with limitrofos (neighboring countries) to protect the Argentine motorcycle market by preventing less expensive bikes from entering Argentina or the reverse and being sold, and untaxed Argentine bikes from leaving Argentina and being sold in neighboring countries.

My research indicates that Chile does permit (not 100%) and depending on border... foreign tourists in with Argentine purchased bikes and therefore, Argentine border officials allow foreign tourists out of Argentina riding their Argentine purchased bikes at certain border crossings into chile. On the other hand, Bolivia does not allow foreign tourists riding their Argentine bikes into Bolivia. Uruguay had no such restrictions until about 2 years ago and Paraguay is sort of a "no man's land" where anything might happen. Brazil is difficult, especially for North Americans...border officials might and then again they might not permit foreign tourists riding argentine purchased bikes.

But, and this is the key.....Once across the Argentine border into another country, a foreign tourist riding a bike purchased and registered in Argentina has no problems crossing any other border. This of course is dependent upon him/her having the Argentine "green card" for the bike.

The plan described at the beginning of this thread, assures the Argentine authorities, that the bike will return to Argentina for resale, because it is half owned by an Argentine or established Argentine resident. Although, certified paperwork can be legally and simply arranged right after registration of the bike that would permit the foreign tourist to sell the bike, the idea is not to defeat any Argentine law, but to help the economy of Argentina by increasing the sales and re sale of motorcycles in Argentina through the in flow of foreign capital provided by over landers wanting to buy in Argentina, tour South America, and then return to Argentina to sell their bike. this is a good plan because many fly in and out of Buenos Aires.

Of course, and I believe this will become a favored option, the foreign tourist may store/park his/her bike in Argentina forever, because it is a bike registered in Argentina. the advantage here is that the foreign tourist has his/her bike waiting in Argentina for the next tour of South America. Or the foreign tourist may sell the bike to another foreign tourist and that foreign tourist can half own with an Argentine or established resident of Argentina, willing to escort the bike to Uruguay or any other border of Argentina, and then the second foreign tourist may also legally tour all of South America.

I am hereby calling this the "In & Out Border Crossing" plan. If any other potential In and Outers have questions please post here and know I will answer to the best of my ability. Thanks Mario. xfiltrate
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina
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Old 3 Jan 2008
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An after thought that might clarify things a bit.

Not wanting to be misleading, a foreign tourist can legally purchase a bike in Argentina, without the help of an Argentine or Argentine resident, tour Argentina and then legally sell the bike in Argentina.

But, there is a need to have an Argentine or Argentine resident accompany the foreign tourist, or at least take the bike out of Argentina, and to do so, the Argentine or Argentine resident must also have a "green card" for the bike.

Those foreign tourists want to buy new or used in Argentina can, have and are now legally purchasing and registering the bikes in Argentina, touring Argentina and then legally selling or storing/parking the bikes in Argentina for as long as they want, without the assistance of any Argentine or resident of Argentina.

Hope this is easier to understand, it took me two years. xfiltrate
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina
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Old 13 Jan 2008
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Bike and Auto documents needed to transfer title in Argentina

In our continuing effort to bring the very latest and most accurate information to you regarding a foreign tourist buying and then selling a motorcycle/auto in Argentina and legally crossing the Argentine border for the purpose of touring other south American countries, we owe a great debt to Mariano of Motocare.com. (please see my other posts on this thread) Mariano sells and rents new and used motorcycles from his showroom/shop at LIBERTADOR 6588, BUENOS AIRES. Motocare

IN A FEW MINUTES, Elisa, Jeff of Globebusters, and I are off to look at a used car and TO VERIFY THE OWNER HAS THE DOCUMENTS needed to go to the "REGISTRO" in the morning and legally transfer the car's title to Jeff and my name.

Here is the list of documents we will be requesting from the owner of the used car.

1. Título de propiedad original. Title

2. Cédula verde original. Green card (registration)

3. Formulario 08 o Contrato de Transferencia, firmado por el vendedor y, si es que el titular figura como casado en el titulo, entonces tambien por el cónyuge. Esta/s firmas certificadas por el Registro de Motovehiculos (aquel donde esta el legajo de la moto) o escribano publico. No traslation for this but he will know...it is a form to be signed.

4. Verificacion Policial. Police check up for possible theft charges.

5. Informe de Dominio, To check that the seller can sell....

6. Estado de Deuda de Patentes, o libre deuda de Patentes. Taxes up to date.
8. Libre deuda de Infracciones del Tránsito. . No tickets

We will not leave a deposit "reserva" for the car unless we have a physical copy of each of these documents in hand , or are absolutely convinced missing documents will be provided by the "Registro" in the morning.

We will have the owner sign an agreement to legally sell the car to Jeff within the next week or return his deposit. The deposit will be no more than $20.00 US dollars.

As I have indicated on other threads, a foreign tourist can legally buy and sell a new or used moto or auto in Argentina, but can be very risky.

We are doing our best to eliminate any risk involved.

Our goal is to mark the path for those foreign tourists who want to fly to Buenos Aires, buy a new or used moto or auto, register it legally, buy appropriate insurance, tour other South America countries and then return to Argentina to sell or store the moto or auto. And, to do this as legally and as economically as possible.

We are testing the system today and tomorrow or the next day you will have a follow up report. Please post questions, comments and personal experiences on this thread. your ace reporters in Buenos Aires...... Xfiltrate, Desert Rose, and Jeff
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina
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Old 15 Jan 2008
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Trailblazing to New Horizons, buy/sell in Argentina

Thank you for tuning in once again. We are indeed Trailblazing to the New Horizon of buying and selling new or used motor vehicles in Argentina by foreign tourists, and presenting a 100% legal and workable plan to leave Argentina with the motor vehicle, tour south America, and then return to Argentina to sell or store it.

Elisa, Jeff and I inspected a 1968 2cv citroen for the pupose of buying it. The citroen had been in storage for 20 years, exterior exceptionally good, and after a test drive, a manifold leak was the only apparent mechanical flaw. Jeff is an experienced mechanic and was ready to do bearings, breaks and to remove the top end of the motor for a rebuild (no problem). Parts are available for this model throughout Argentina. The little 2cv citroen has a 440 cc engine with only two cylinders...oh and the carb needed some attention too.

And it has a wall to wall sun roof, removable doors (all four) plus removable back window, and the back and passenger seats are removable.... WOW it is very cool and Jeff said he saw more than one crossing the Sahara Desert. Two men can easily lift the front end, and another two the rear.

Problem One: the title was not in the name of X (the person selling the citroen) but in the name of Y (his cousin).

Problem Two: In 1990 all Argentine license plates were to have been exchanged for new license plates. The 1968 citroen still had the (old style) prior to 1990 license plate.

Problem Three: the citroen had no insurance, we barefooted it for the test drive (around the block).

Problem Four: The citroen did not have the proper inspection papers issued by the police indicating that the vehicle identification numbers, motor and chassis, were the same as those listed on the title and green card that were presented to us by the seller. This is required to transfer a title...We did not bother to check, feeling confident they were the same and if not the police would confiscate the car immediately, while still "belonging" to the seller.

Considering the complications of buying a citroen with the older style license plates, and although the seller indicated that he has a "permission to sell" document from his cousin and that all other documents would be provided by the Registro (the official government office controlling the transfer of title of motor vehicles) we decided to advise the seller we were going to employ the services of a GESTOR, (one who does title transfers of motor vehicles as a business).

Good thing we did. Immediately upon explaining the circumstances of the citroen to a GESTOR recommended by my ESCRIBANO, (one who does land title transfers as a business), we discovered that contrary to what the seller had told us regarding "antiques" like the Citroen, a police verification of vehicle identification numbers was required.

We set up a meet at the registro for this Thrusday. The seller was to bring the Citroen and we were to bring the money and our GESTOR to do the paperwork with the Registro before we paid the seller for the Citroen.

Meanwhile I called around and discovered that most insurance agencies in Argentina do not insure motor vehicles older than 1980. A few do, but the insurance is expensive and hard to find, especially insurance that would insurance the vehicle in the "limitrofos" neighboring countries. This is not to say buying isurance for an Argentine registered vehicle manufacturer prior to 1980 is not possible, just possibly more expensive than insuring a vehicle manufactured after 1980. We are talking civil liability insurance only (that required by Argentine law), not comprehesive, nor theft insurance.

And, we decided to visit my buddies at ACA, Argentine Motor Club to check out the rumor that the old license would have to be turned in and the new ones not issued for 3 to 5 working days. On the other hand, if the vehicle had the newer style license plates, those would be left in place and simply transferred to the name of the new owner, and a permission to drive would have been issued by the Registro for a period of 5 days, while the title was in the process of being transferred.

So what does this mean, well we would have shown up with our GESTOR, who would have legally done all the title transfer paperwork and we would have paid the money to the seller, only to be left with a citroen with no license plates for 3- 5 "working days" weekends excluded. And, due to the fact that the older plates of the citroen had to be turned in, no permission to drive note issued by the Registro.

If we tried to drive the citroen from the province into the capital, we would have had to go three three police districts and the car would have been stopped, and immediately confiscated for not having license plates, title or green card, and no insurance unless we had managed to convince the insurance company to sell us insurance before the vehicle was transferred into our names. (Doubtful) My ACA contacts informed me that once a vehicle is confiscated a minimum of 6 weeks wait for processing, after the proper paperwork is produced and presented to the police, and a fine of 1000.00 pesos or more would be the penalty.

We came up with the bright idea to ask the seller drive the car to my parking garage, prior to initiating the title transfer, thinking Jeff could work on the citroen until the title transfer was processed. When we had our GESTOR call the seller and float this idea, he asked her to ask us if we thought he was crazy and to tell us there is no way he was going to drive a vehicle with expired license plates through the 3 police districts between his house and my parking garage. He expected us to do it, but he wouldn't. He must have thought we were dumb.

We are not dumb, and matter of fact we let him know that we have called off the deal unless he was willing to deposit the vehicle in my garage until the new license plate could be issued. After all, it was his fault, or his cousin's fault, that the plate was not exchanged as mandated by law in 1990.

So, I picked up today's Clarin (local daily newspaper) and we are looking for another citroen 2cv or something comparable, but with a license plate issued after 1990 for starters. THE GESTOR IS EXCELLENT, WRITE FOR DETAILS IF YOU WANT TO USE HER SERVICES.

Please stay tuned for our next adventure and Jeff is fine, he really enjoyed the permanent antique car exhibit at the Argentine Motor Club, we even found a couple of 1976 Gilera motorcycles, (or something close to that) We are having fun Trailblazing to New Horizons who knows what we will experience around the next bend .... xfiltrate, Elisa and Jeff
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina
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Old 17 Jan 2008
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Trailblazing to New Horizons: Buy/Sell in Argentina

Life is good. I am pleased to report Jeff found another citroen, this time it was listed on the web. We called immediately and to our surprise, the Argentine owner spoke perfect English. Jeff and his girlfriend, correction, one of his girlfriends, just returned from a test ride with the owner.

Interestingly enough the Argentine owner also para glides, like Jeff. I think this has something to do with jumping off cliffs attached to some kind of wings or a kite, or something. This is really good because Jeff was able to find out the best cliffs to jump off of. I don't get it, but Jeff was happy.

It is a yellow 74 3cv Citroen, looking a lot like the older model described in detail last post, minus any mechanical problems. And, this one has the post 1990 license plates, insurance and all the prerequisites for selling. (see previous post this thread)

Jeff hand shook a deal and gave the owner the number of our GESTOR. (one who transfers vehicle titles as a business)

Whenever the GESTOR, the owner, Jeff and I can arrange to meet at the proper REGISTRO, the title transfer will take place, Jeff will pay the knocked down asking price. Meanwhile, while the citroen is still properly licensed and insured by the owner,this would be prior to going to the REGISTRO for title transfer, the owner will drive the citroen to my garage and park it. This will enable Jeff and I a day or two to find and buy insurance, and avoid risking a drive from the REGISTRO to the garage without insurance.

It is much more difficult in Argentina to buy your way out of a confiscation for not having insurance than it is in Colombia, especially in Buenos Aires. One might end up with an additional criminal charge of attempting to corrupt a police officer or something just as oxymoronic.

We are well on our way to achieving the buy part of our buy in Argentina, tour South America and sell in Argentina adventure. stay tuned.

Hey anyone reading this? Anyone find this helpful, learn anything new or have a question? No, I won't even go there about what Jeff's girlfriend looks like. But just between you and me, hot, hot , hot, xfiltrate, Elisa and Jeff
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina
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Old 18 Jan 2008
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Trailblazing to New Horizons: Buy/Sell in Argentina

Another good day. We called the GESTOR (see previous posts this thread) and she called the owner, of the soon to be Jeff's citroen 3cv. She arranged a meet at the REGISTRO for title transfer tomorrow morning. The owner will deposit the citroen in my garage, giving Jeff and I enough time to scout up proper insurance without having to stealth city streets with an uninsured vehicle, between the REGISTRO and garage.

This is all going very well. It has been only 72 hours between Jeff's first look and test ride in the citroen and the planned legal transfer of the citroen's title from an Argentine to foreign tourist (New Zealand) Jeff.

That is if all goes well in the the morning, but if it doesn't, no worries mate, this has been a lot of fun.

And, both the owner and Jeff like to jump off cliffs strapped to some kind of wings or kite or something, or did I already mention that already. Don't know much about the Argentine owner, but if I was able to attract the quality and quantity of women that Jeff's attracts, I wouldn't even think about jumping off a cliff. Stay turned for the continuing saga of Trailblazing to New Horizons: Buy/Sell in Argentina. xfiltrate, Elisa and Jeff
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina
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Old 20 Jan 2008
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Trailblazing to New Horizons: Buy/Sell in Argentina

IT IS A DONE DEAL. Yesterday dawned bright and sunny in Buenos Aires. Jeff and I arrived REGISTRO 42 (vehicle title transfers are done at the particular REGISTRO where the vehicle is registered). Our GESTOR (one who transfers vehicle titles) joined us before we could enter the building. It was exactly 10:30 AM, and our scheduled meet with the owner was at 11:00.

Our GESTOR, was all business, she went right up to the REGISTO on the second floor, caught the eye of the senior administrator and presented copies of the Citroen's paperwork. Once we had identified the citroen as a potential buy, we provided had the Gestor with the phone number of the owner and he had faxed her copies of all needed documents.

We sat down and looked hopeful. Promptly at 11:00 AM the owner strolled in. He was very cool, speaking English to us and Spanish to our GESTOR. The GESTOR brought him up to the counter where he produced the originals of the copies our GESTOR had already presented to the REGISTO. After a half hour of verifying the originals and preparing the transfer papers for signature, we were summoned to the counter and Jeff and I both signed six different documents. We will be co-owners of the citroen but will have individual "tarjetas verdes" green cards. More about the reason for this later.

After everyone signed whatever needed to be signed, and the RESGISTO handed us the temporary transfer papers, Jeff paid the agreed upon price to the owner and then paid the GESTOR about $65.00 US (200 pesos). We invited our GESTOR and the former owner of the citroen to coffee. After coffee we said goodbye to our GESTOR, who had performed admirably.

This was Friday and Jeff and I return Tuesday to pick up the new title and the two green cards, meanwhile we are legal to drive the citroen pending transfer of insurance.

The owner had parked the citroen in a nearby parking garage, and offered to walk with us to his nearby insurance company, to help transfer the insurance to Jeff and I. This was done efficiently, although we double checked that the motor and chassis numbers on the transfer papers were the same as those listed for the *new insurance policy.

This had gone very well and on schedule, and Jeff invited the owner and I to an asado (beef) and potato lunch. Between 10:30 AM and 3:00 PM yesterday (Friday) a foreign tourist, Jeff, legally purchased and insuranced an Argentine registered vehicle from an Argentine and had a coffee and lunch in the process. WOW

After lunch Jeff and I walked to parking garage, cranked up "Cristina" Jeff's name for the citroen, I call it "the banana", because it is yellow, and drove to my garage. Where, Jeff has been "tidying Cristina up" for a road trip that will cover the beaches to the south, northern Argentina, Chile, Peru and Bolivia, maybe.

It has been less than five days from first seeing the citroen to transferring title and insurance into our names. This is good.

*In Argentina, the vehicle is insured, so anyone driving it, with a valid license is covered. We bought the policy with coverage in the MERCOSUR "neighboring countries including coverage for Peru and Bolivia. Jeff and I return on Monday to pick up the expedited insurance papers, mailing them to us would have taken two weeks. And, Jeff is more than ready to get on the road with his "new" 1976 citroen.

This title transfer was very easy, very smooth and because Jeff and I both had our passports and CDIs (tax numbers) and the previous owner had all required documents, without any delay. The BUY part of BUY/TOUR/SELL in Argentina is a done deal. Stay tuned for the TOUR part. And if you see a bright yellow 3cv citroen whis past at about 60K an hour, that be Jeff and Cristina also known as the banana.

-----NOTE: Our GESTOR would be more than pleased to legally transfer vehicle or motorcycle titles for any foreign tourist wanting to buy or sell in Argentina. Her name is Patricia and she is a winner. Anyone reading this and wanting her services will be charged a discounted rate. Just let me know and I will arrange a meet. xfiltrate, Elisa and Jeff
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina
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Old 22 Jan 2008
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Trail Blazing to New Horizons: Buy/Tour SA/&Sell Argentina

Yesterday, Jeff and I returned to the PARANA insurance agency and to our delight there waiting for us (well, practically) were our insurance cards and formal policies. We needed two different policies, one for Argentina and the other for MERCOSUL/MERCOSUR that covers all the "limitrofos" neighboring countries and Bolivia (a non MERCOSUR country) and Peru.

Today, we returned to REGISTRO 42 and picked up our "trajeta verdes" green cards that are the (Celdula de Identificcion del Automotor) "registration and the Title for the citroen 3cv.


Meanwhile, Jeff and yet another beautiful girlfriend, who is our neighbor, speaks fluent English and is a student from Colombia, sourced and bought spare parts, new tires and a mechanics kit.

The conclusion of the BUY in Argentina part of this trilogy is now complete, except for producing a compact, step by step guide with helpful information on How to Buy a New or Used motor vehicle in Argentina.

If you can save (better) or use credit card to get cash (not a good idea, unless you can pay it off within 30 days) you can find and buy a motorcycle or automobile here in Argentina after entering on a 3 month tourist stamp in your passport. Check Argentine web pages for availability and costs. remember, you can offer less than the asking price and if it is a reasonable offer you might get it. Or, Jeff might be wanting to sell his citroyen 3cv after a couple months of touring South America.

Next part is the tour part and if you have been reading this thread, you already know we have come up with a 100% legal and workable plan to exit Argentina with your Argentine registered motor vehicle for the purpose of touring South America, ride/drive back to Argentina and legally sell or store your motor vehicle. xfiltrate, Elisa and Jeff
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Old 22 Jan 2008
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Wink So far, so good

Nice going Edouardo,
Yes, there are hundreds who have read your thread - I, for one, am looking forward to a completely successful conclusion to your experiment.
Are you offering to be "the friend in Argentina" for anyone from this website who turns up in South America? (Just to put you on the spot!! ). Maybe Patricia would do it also, as a sideline to her main job??!

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Old 23 Jan 2008
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Trail Blazing to New Horizons, Cowgirl Up or whatever?

Walkabout, thanks you for the encouragement and questions. I will not speak for Patricia regarding her willingness to do more than transfer vehicle titles.

Interestingly, she dropped by to give Jeff the paid receipt for her services this afternoon and mentioned that she found also found a citroen 3cv for sale at a great price. I had mentioned that there might be a new market for inexpensive easy to work on, used citroens or other economical touring vehicles. She was quick to add that her brother worked for a motorcycle dealer named CYCLES who are official Beta, Zanella and Gilera representatives. CYCLES sells new (0 Kilometer) and used bikes. I have no experience with this dealership, you are on your own.

I can recommend a great Honda dealer in Buenos Aires, if anyone is interested.

Elisa is in the process, and I have my DNI (Official foreign resident status) in Argentina and we can offer you a reasonably priced private room with bath and long or short term safe and secure motorcycle parking right now. We have purchased several "cocheras" in the very upscale parking garage next to our apartment in Recoleta.

The experiment is just that, an experiment, and to offer anything other than accurate information regarding the new horizon of buying/touring/selling would be very irresponsible. By nature, I am a trail blazer. I will be off to a newer horizon when this trail is blazed for others. But, I could certainly make appropriate introductions that might result in friendships.

And, if you don't know him, a gentleman named Javier operates Dakar Motos in Vincente Lopez and perhaps one might find him a friend. He comes to mind because he has helped many foreign motorcylists over many years with a wide variety of problems.

As recommended earlier in this thread, I would go the "amigovia" route. In Arizona we would say, "Cowgirl Up!" or for you ladies, "Cowboy Up" and then again it might be Cowgirl Up for Cowgirls and Cowboy up for Cowboys and now you know why I am investigating UFO sightings and cattle mutilations on the Argentine Pampas by suspected aliens. Oh forget it, don't try to figure it all out, I can't.

More on this in the touring South America part of the trilogy, up next.

thanks for the encouragement, xfiltrate
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina

Last edited by xfiltrate; 28 Feb 2008 at 00:48.
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Old 23 Jan 2008
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pump it up

I would like to publicly thank Ed and Elisa for having me stay with them these past weeks and for their huge efforts in making the purchase of a vehicle possible.
There were many times throughout this process that it all just seemed way to hard, but together we always found a way and were mostly able to maintain our focus. I feel we have truly achieved something of significance which will be of benefit to many others wanting to buy locally here in Buenos Aires. Thankyou so much!!
My weeks here in BA have been a pleasure, it will be sad to leave, there is a great support network here for travellers. Specifically Mariano at Motocare, Xavier at Dakar motors, the boys at ACA (Argentine Auto club) everyone has been really helpful and encouraging. What a great city! Also a big thanks to Alicia, Alejandra, Mariana, Xchelle, Pauliney, Maria Paola, Maria Jose, Miriam and Laura for their companionship and encouragement while I have been in town.
Now I just need to encourage the old heap out of town and on to the open road, looking for moose. That should be a bit of a laugh.

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Old 24 Jan 2008
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Trail Blazing to New Horizons: Buy/Tour S.A./Sell Argentina

Jeff, thanks for "pumping it up."

For those who have not seen "The Ride" a National Geographic documentary about a 23,000 mile ride by 11 novice BMWs riders and 7 staff, from Alaska to Patagonia, (it rivals the "Long Way Around,") the "looking for moose" reference in Jeff's post, was a line Jeff used in the movie.

see various web pages:

The Ride - Alaska to Patagonia - Produced by Cambridge Film & Television Productions

or see clips on YouTube:
YouTube - The Ride Alaska to Patagonia (5)

or read the film crews write up about Jeff:

The Ride - Alaska to Patagonia - Produced by Cambridge Film & Television Productions

Jeff was featured throughout "The Ride" in his capacity as guide for GlobeBusters, the British concern that organized the trip.

Jeff will be climbing back "into bed with mother nature" when he streaks out of Buenos Aires in *"Cristina" his yellow 1973 citroen 3cv, purchased in Buenos Aires, for the purpose of touring South America. Meanwhile, well let's just say, he is saying goodbye to close friends. Yeah, you got it.

Jeff is a friend to everyone he meets and finds something to like about everyone. A machinist, welder and explorer by trade, he is honest, capable, intelligent and an absolute joy to be around. Elisa and I will miss him. Depending on his tour and film schedules, he might return to Argentina in March to accompany us on a return expedition to the Pampas of Argentina to continue our investigations into UFO sightings, unusual cattle mutilations and reports of strange beings. We will be hosting several internationally known experts in ufology and strangeness. xfiltrate

*another Cristina was recently elected President of Argentina.
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina
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Old 6 Feb 2008
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Trail Blazing to New Horizons: Buy/Tour/Sell in Argentina

Today marks a milestone along our trail. Jeff Condon of "The Ride" and "Rambling Man" fame also known as Kiwiryder launched his 1973 Citroen 3cv known as "Cristina" toward the beaches of Argentina. He has been renewing Cristina for the last week or so with the sometimes able assistance of the mechanics of what used to be a Citroen dealership in Buenos Aires. Spare parts are readily available here for the little 600cc engine that gets better gas milage than most bikes.

E-mails and phone calls are pouring in from others who would like to legally buy, new or used in Buenos Aires, tour Argentina and then legally sell in Buenos Aires. Bikes or cars can be legally purchased by foreigners if they obtain a "domocillio" and a CDI. These are both explained in detail in this thread.

Jeff, who is a Kiwi, legally bought "Cristina" fixed her up and is now touring for 1000 k or so and then heading back in for an oil change and mechanical check. After that who knows where Cristina will carry the Rambling Man?

He is much missed by Elisa and I, he built some trolleys to store bikes on and helped us outfit our upcoming expedition to Las Pampas to search for UFOs and investigate more cattle mutilations. And became a good and trusted friend.

He is missed more by the multitute of women who befriended him. So, if you see a bright yellow Citroen 3cv with a black convertible top, that will be Jeff. He took some Spanish lessons while here and learned how to serve up a mean mate, so wave and get him to tell you all about his adventures. You will be glad you did. He might even offer you some BUSH TUCKER (Austrailian for food consumed while bush camping) xfiltrate
Motorcycle Parking Buenos Aires, Argentina
Discover how to legally Buy, Tour and Sell a motorcycle in Argentina

Last edited by xfiltrate; 11 Mar 2008 at 16:18. Reason: spelling
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Leaving Argentina with *your* car - Baexpats - Community of Expatriates in Buenos Aires, Argentina This thread Refback 4 Sep 2010 23:29
Buying and driving your own car in South America - page 7 - Lonely Planet travel forum This thread Refback 21 Jul 2010 12:24
Untitled Document This thread Refback 9 Mar 2010 02:32
Buying and driving your own car in South America - page 7 - Lonely Planet travel forum This thread Refback 3 Mar 2010 23:47
Sell bike in South America - ADVrider This thread Refback 22 Apr 2009 10:32
buying a motorcylce in Argentina ... - Thorn Tree Travel Forum - Lonely Planet This thread Refback 7 Jan 2009 08:44
Version traduite de la page http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-and-central-america-mexico/buy-new-used-argentina-legally-31965-2 This thread Refback 24 May 2008 15:38

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