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Photo by Helmut Koch - Vivid autumn colors in Canada

I haven't been everywhere...
but it's on my list!

Photo by Helmut Koch
Vivid autumn colors in Canada

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Old 24 Apr 2016
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border crossing from Chile to Argentina with a motorcycle/sidecar and a dog (C. Samor

We crossed the border on Wednesday 20April2016 at Cardenal Samore). The crossing was really easy. At the entry check point I got a piece of paper stating my license plate and how many persons. Then to immigration and customs which both stamped this paper. At the exit check point I gave the stamped paper. Since there were no cues it took about 10minutes including all the photo shootings of the officials and by standers. Nobody cared about Peto.

After some 22km there is the international border and after some additional 18km there was the Argentina checkpoint.

The same procedure. At the entry check point I got a piece of paper stating my license plate and how many persons. Then to immigration and customs which both stamped this paper. The border official (who took some pics of Peto and the sidecar) then told me to go to Senasa office. I gave the SAG papers from Chile, had to pay 65ARS (she accepted also payment in CLP - 3000CLP) as a one-time entrance fee for Peto into Argentina and I was done. They kept the white copy of the SAG paper (BTW: The official SAG paper only stated the rabies vaccination details not the parasites. A clear indication that at the Bolivia/Chile border it was pure harassment because with the same paper I can return to Chile). At the exit check point I gave the paper with all three stamps. Since there were no cues it took about 20minutes including all the photo shootings of the officials and by standers.

No copies needed, no other payments required. Nobody asked for vehicle insurance.

The SAG paper from Chile is valid for 10days to leave Chile and enter Argentina. The re-entry from Argentina to Chile is possible with the same paper within 21days (so no need to go to Senasa in Argentina if you move within this time window).

A multiple entry/re-entry is also possible according to the SAG officer. However it might be that you need more official copies. If you plan to do this then ask for more copies or clarify this upfront with the official (The SAG officer in Osorno did not say anything about more copies even though I told her about my intentions).

Based on other travelers info, the time window is more relaxed in the south and is 30days for in both directions also with the note that you might need an official for each entry to the other country (so get several). However, I could not verify this in person.

SAG office in Osorno: S40.57420° W73.13925, Mackenna 674, Osorno, (64) 2232415, Oficina Osorno | SAG

There was at least one person who spoke fluent German.

ALWAYS triple check ALL data on the paper (they screwed up my passport number and then Peto's vaccination date!)
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Old 30 Apr 2016
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The stunning part of Ruta 40 - a dream shattered and reborn

Enjoy these beautiful landscapes with me. A good time of the year to ride across and the coldness is almost forgotten. I tell also what happened to my starter motor.

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Old 1 May 2016
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Ushuaia yes or no...

After consulting a few details with Pedro, I made my decision whether we go to Ushuaia or not! Winter was coming and cold, it would be!

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Old 3 May 2016
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3 Years on the road - with a sidecar and a dog around the world

What a fantastic adventure this was so far and it is not yet over...

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Old 5 May 2016
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My last 1400km to Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego

Riding in freezing weather, long days across numbing landscape - my last 1400km to Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego.

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Old 12 May 2016
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Heading north - from Ushuaia to Rada Tilly

After a short stay in Ushuaia it was time to go back north. It went almost without trouble...

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Old 16 May 2016
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Border crossing Chile/Argentina with a dog via Paso Integracion Austral and San Sebas

A short report about how Peto - my dog - and me crossed the Chile/Argentina borders to and from Ushuaia (Paso Integracion Austral and San Sebastian)

Vet and Senasa in Comodoro Rivadavia
Veterania Huesos
M-F 1000-1230 and 1600-2030, S 10-1230
Tehuelches 172
S45.83435° W67.47831°

M-F 0830 - 1330 (or so)
S45.86322° W67.47430°
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Old 23 May 2016
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Ruta 3 - the most boring road I ever rode (from Rada Tilly to Buenos Aires)

It was driving, sleeping, driving, sleeping and almost sleeping while driving - watch what all happened on my way up north towards Buenos Aires (12.-22.5.2016).

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Old 31 May 2016
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Going back "home" (from Argentina to Germany)

It was a busy time organizing all things around the bike shipment as well as Peto's export papers. Besides that I had a bit of a time to explore Buenos Aires. Did I make it to Frankfurt as planned or did I have similar issues as Skippy had...

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Old 5 Jun 2016
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Back to Skippy and my plans for this summer and beyond

After being 5 months separated from Skippy we finally are together again. The big question what will I do next...

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Old 8 Jun 2016
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Peto immigrates to Germany and plenty of other stuff

Plenty of stuff to be organized in Frankfurt (30May - 6June), enjoying delicious vegan food and Bryan Adams live. It was my first concert since ??2013??

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Old 11 Jun 2016
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My experience of importing a dog from Latin America to Europe

My experience of importing a dog from Latin America to Europe
A short description of the 6 months long process to bring a pet into Europe.

Official webpage to find details on importing a pet into Europe.
Movement of pets - European Commission
BMEL - Internetauftritt des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft
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Old 16 Jun 2016
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I got some culture shocks in Germany and did Skippy dump me via youtube?

I got a few culture shocks in Germany now that I was back in Saarland but they were also positive ones. Isn't it nice to hear from Skippy via youtube that she might consider dumping me? At least Peto made me happy as he goes all ball-crazy

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Old 17 Jun 2016
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Heading north through BENELUX countries and back to Germany

Getting first parts of the bike fixed while other stuff got broken as well as me. Besides that plenty of riding and another disappointment at Subways ...

Last edited by SauerkrautandTofuwurst; 17 Jun 2016 at 18:21.
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Old 26 Jun 2016
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I got me a bicycle and check out my crazy plans

Some more of our on/off relationship. I got me a bicycle and enjoying some goodies in Lübeck. I also give you some idea of my crazy plans for the future.

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