My New travel Blog
Hi, I know that some of you might be interested in following my progress as I get things ready to travel to Africa.
I have just started a Blog that not only will be on Africa but on traveling in a 4x4. I know its not a motorbike!!! I will have links to some overland companies, Fixers that i have used when working in Africa and to friends sites that i think are relevant.
It has a section an myself and why I love to travel and when i get to Africa it will be my main blog spot!!!
Here is the link. Just Following my Nose, Life with no Fixed Abode!! I hope you like it. Fill free to comment on it or to let me know if there is anything i could add.
I will also do a page on costs of shipping, customs and visas all the way along the West coast of Africa. My trip is planed for the start of 2013 but there is a lot of work between then and now!!!