Just took my KLR 650 there after reading the many positive reports on Horizons Unlimited.
I guess the owners have changed. The new owner is Javier. I dealt with him on two occasions.
The first time was because I needed three things repaired.
1. Front fork seals
2. Tighten luggage rack mounts
3. Fix front light (I had assumed and filled him in that it was probably the fuse under the seat)
The second time was because I had left there paying a premium price, but I was forced to return because 2 of the 3 problems I had paid for to be fixed, were not fixed.
1. A fuse under the seat had been bodged with copper wire. The mechanic told me they had no fuses. (close to the shop there are a mountain of auto parts shops???)
2. The luggage rack bracing lost a bolt and half fell off because it was never tightened like I had requested and paid for.
I will make another post soon and show you the photos of the bodge.
Worst part is when I returned with the problems. Javier denied everything, even after the mechanic told me he had put the wire there as a quick test.
Javier lied right to my face, denied everything and afterwards forced his mechanic to lie to me too. The mechanic came back and told me he never put the wire there (he was under pressure from the boss)
I would recommend that nobody go there. On a long overland ride (which I told Javier I was on my way to Colombia first time when I went there.) An honest mechanic is one of the most important things you can have.
I ended up stuck at the border with Peru with no lights and the back bracing falling off. This is after paying a premium 'gringo' price to get the work done.
But don't worry just yet!
The police here ride KLR 650's. Tomorrow I will go out of my way to find their mechanic in central La Paz. I wouldn't want anybody to have to go through what I went through.
Do not trust Javier from Nosiglia Honda

I will find you some better options!
Photos and more to come, Ash