Shipment bike to Vladivostok and area: features
Hello everyone.
This year already a few groups of mototravellers arrived in Vladivostok for ride through Russia to west or 'stans.
So it seems after recent reorganize in custom office, custom officers doesn't do theirs best for clearance.
So here is little advice for all who planing trip through our area.
If you go from S. Korea better to ship bike to Zarubino port. Custom clearance in this town is very quick - just one day or two.
That guys who shipped bikes through Vladivostok did custom clearance in 5-14 days.
Four Australian bikers was here in Vlad two weeks while they did all procedures with theirs 20ft container with 4 bikes.
So better to ship bike through any another local port, but not through Vladivostok - it could allow to save free time for you.