I would be interested to hear what package you are actually buying eather in english or russian (as i can speak and read russian also in some level)
I have tried twice to get russian sim card. First one was 2013 when i tried to arrange it through finnish guy who works near Moscow and he and his company staff didnt understand what kind of mobile sim card i want to get (prepaid, sim data traffic card)
Also last year when i was in Spb with my russian female friend and we went to Beeline shop to do second attempt as she naturally speak russian better than me  . Sales people in Beeline didnt understand neather what card i try to get. And that was in Nevsky Prospect center of 2nd largest city of Russia and not in some remote destination.
I did get in Nievky Novgorod i think 2012 one sim card what my friend from there bought it to me and put it into his name (as they wanted to get address to sim card owner). But it was regular sim and not Microsim what i needed to my mobile. Unfortunately i did not keep contract papers as attempt to cut card into correct size failed.