Just how easy is it to raise Funds
Hi all,
Im still trying to figure out a way to raise funds for charity on my trip.
Ive spoken to both local and national news papers and most will give me some publicity on the trip.
The question is will local biker groups want to do a run with me to raise funds. In the UK a lot of groups do runs for charity so the answer for the uk is probably yes. What about other parts of the world developed countries ie Europe, USA Canada ect.
Every time I mention doing the trip the first thing people ask is "is it for charity" so clearly there is support out there for raising funds for charity.
What about gaining sponsorship from companies if they give funds to charity its tax deductable in the UK or if they pay UK tax. If they help with the costs of the trip then they will get some publicity, but how many actually do this. I have seen alot of sites where the people get free gear for their ride this clearly saves alot of money as clothing ect isnt exactly cheap and neither is bike mods.
To do a full on charity run clearly takes alot of organising before the actual trip almost as much as the trip itself. I can delay my trip to do this as it would actually mean leaving at a more sensible time of the year for the Europe leg as well as what follows. It would also give me 4 months for full on fundraising and extra organisation.
So guys any advice from those that have done this or do you know any motorcycle clubs that may be willing to meet up for a run? Or even magazines where I could try to get the word out so other bikers will join up.
PS. A guy just offered his back as a walking billboard for 1 million pounds[may have been dollars] by getting a tatoo on it. For 100k pounds or more ill get ewan and charlie done on my bum cheeks any offers
Last edited by pictish; 14 Nov 2007 at 23:14.