Charty rideout Sunday 16th December Dorset England
Just posting this from my local bike club I hope we will see a few of you there this is a well supported local run we have had over 250 bikes the last few years and as we are all big tuff adventure riders the cold wont put us off will it
The Dorset Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club welcomes all bikers to their Mistletoe Charity Run. Assemble on
Swanage Sea Front by 11.00am for 11.15am start for the run back to The Sandford PH A351 Sandford Road for hot refreshments chat and raffle etc. Length of run will be adjusted to suit the weather conditions on the day. The run is open to ALL powered two and three wheelers and is free to enter with a suggested minimum donation of £5 per bike - or better still, use this donation form so your non biker friends and colleagues can also contribute. If you cannot make the run come to the Sandford at midday for the fun and raffle. For more information see the Mistletoe Run web site: