Hi all,
I'm starting a campaign to raise awareness and financial support for the Natali Dafne Flexer Foundation in Argentina, who are working to improve the poor conditions that exist for childhood cancer in Latin America. Currently, most children diagnosed with cancer in the countries of Latin America don't have access to adequate medical facilities, and therefore don't have a chance of survival. In some cases, some kids with cancer in the U.S. have an 80% chance of survival. For the poorer countries in Latin America, these chances are much smaller because they lack the education for early detection and the means for proper treatment. The Flexer Foundation's mission is to stop this injustice.
So, a campaign has been started "20,000 km for Kids with Cancer", and I've teamed up with the Flexer Foundation to spread awareness on this epic journey, as well as raise money so that they can start an initiative to fight for the rights of those kids in Latin America that have cancer. Many people, even health professionals, don't even consider cancer when signs arise in sick children. We need to get out there and let people know, Kids get cancer too! Our efforts will publicize the warning signs, encourage kids to get checkups, and educate them on what they can do when diagnosed. We'll target schools, community centers, foundations that work with kids, and public health organizations throughout the smaller underdeveloped rural communities of 15 countries in Latin America. We want this to lead to the creation of programs that have proven effective in other poor neighborhoods, spread all throughout Latin America. The "20,000 km for Kids with Cancer" campaign will pave the road for future travelers to do the same along a different route in the future. For more information and updates, visit:
(the ".squarespace" will disappear after I finish the site)
Here's how you can help:
-if you've made this trip before, give me some advice

I'm not lazy, I'll read all the blogs on here, i know there's tons. But maybe you have a little piece of gold that'll help us along our way.
-Spread the word! Like us on facebook, visit our website and discuss what's going on. Be updated and tell a friend about us.
-Join us! Get on your bike and ride with us. I'm in the process of looking up riding clubs throughout Latin America so we can get our name on all the biker's mouths that want to join in the ride. Hold a smaller bike ride in your area, or some other fundraiser to get people to go to our site and donate.
-Buy a t-shirt, flag, bumper sticker or bracelet from our site.
I'll be planning the trip around The Muskoka Foundation's partner organizations where I will volunteer and work with the youth in each city. This works out perfectly because it'll put me in rural communities where the information is needed the most.
Thanks for reading. Hope to hear from some of you soon.
Nathan Stone
skype: n8stone27