Originally Posted by Johnny Drama
I understand you way of thinking.
But this has me baffled...you have bought the bike new ?
How can a 2007 model still have delamination of magnets...it should have a new style flywheel

to not confuse people, Iconfirm that this in the picture is aftermarket, I have a 2005 KLE with still the "defective type" of rotor, I bought a single magnet style to prevent any problem during my RTW trip, and I suggest this mod to any KLE owner that wants to go far with no worries!!
Only worries for KLE owners that I'm aware of: rotor (buy aftermarket) - regulator (I modded it and never had to replace it) - defective coating in camshaft...
many people crossed the 100k mark and some the 200k with regular maintenece.