Comfort seat on the cheap
While planning my trip to the HUMM (I rode my CCM604 down through France) I thought about ways of making my seat more comfortable. Working on a budget I rejected the idea of custom seats, not that I could get one for the CCM anyway, and even gel pads are not that cheap. In the end I spent £4 in millets for a thermarest type camp cushion. I tied a loop of cord to the frame on each side on the bike with the idea of using these to tie the cushion down.
On the way down I forgot to tie it on and got on the road. I was on a bit of a mission so didn't bother stopping to fit it. I made it down to my stop in Brive but had to stand up on the pegs through every town and village to stretch out. When I arrived, despite being knackered, it was definitely better to stand and walk around rather than sit.
On the way back I tied the cushion down but initially had too much air in it leading to a lack of support from the seat and a lower back ache. This problem was easily overcome by reaching back to the valve and letting some air out. I eventually made it up to Morlaix in 1 day from Llavorsi which took 15 hours and barely had a twinge from never mind an ache from my rear. £4 well spent I think.
The pic shows the bike back home after the trip. The screen/headlight was also a useful cheap mod created from an old bates headlight lying around in a mates garage, a couple of bits of scrap stainless and a £3 plastic waste bin. Not very pretty but better lights than std and really good wind protection.
Last edited by rossi; 18 Aug 2008 at 22:36.
Reason: adding a pic