If you buy a bike meant for the Central American countries market or for Mexico you will be SOL for having it registered in Canada , and with your stated intent of spending several years in Canada they might not even allow you to ride it into the country.
Even if it is a model of a Japanese or German bike sold in Europe and Canada it will not be furnished with the Transport Canada model approval sticker and some of the specifications will vary. This means it will not be possible to get it registered in Canada .
You might be permitted to ride into the country for a trip, for instance if you were a Hondureno, but you would then need to ride it OUT again within a specified number of months. You cannot sell such a bike to any body in Canada in the expectation that they would want it for use on public roads.
If the bike is 15 years old or older you might be allowed to take it in, vehicles that age are exempt because very few people would actually want such a one, unless it is a collector of oddities.
Any attempt to have such a bike brought up to the Canada Transport standards would bankrupt you.
Your only possible hope would be to find a Canadian REGISTERED motorcycle for sale by a Canadian tourist wanting to sell in Honduras, Costa Rica or Guatemala ( it happens) and then doing a song and dance to get the ownership documentation changed over to your name .
You must have the motorcycle in your own name in order to cross a border ., and have documentation to prove it.