I suggest you join ukgser forum. Well worth the joining fee. There is a mine of info on there. I have just copied this thread as you have to be a member to view. aiat msy give you some clues on things to check before paying a mechanic at least.
help needed, rpm is playing up!!
hi all, hope you can help,had the bike for a month and went out the other day, riding along lovely and the bike gave a jerk and the rpm
counter went crazey

. on ever gear it stayed above 8 and didn't feel right. went out again the next day everything norm and it done it again but this time it also stopped (twice)

. any info please.
Check your battery connections are tight.Loose connections can cause this and other problems.
We're twins!
I've had exactly this problem before - resulted in a trip to the dealer and a new fuel pump.
The rev counter tells you you're redlining, and any attempt to use the throttle cuts out yes? Lots of stuttering and surging too?
Well, you're timing is good cos yesterday the same thing happened again (
F650GS Dakar May 05) and I have to be rescued from Mull (

) back to Edinburgh. Annoyingly, the bike started after being left for an hour, then cut out again.
Local dealer here (Motorrad Central) shut today but it's going into them tomorrow for a full report. My concern is that cos it now runs, they won't either look properly or simply won't find the problem - but it's there!
Keep in touch on this - I'd like to hear what happens to yours and I'll post my findings here too.
The thing is, having happened twice in 2 months, I just don't trust it anymore. Heading off to Norway again this summer and I don't fancy an engine management system/fuel pump problem north of the Arctic Circle!
Considering trading it in for something else, but maybe I'm being hasty.
your fears could be right

when i went with the problem, they couldnt find a thing wrong so had the bike back knowing it was not right, so i went up the dual carriageway and went up the gears and around 70-80 the bike went wrong, went straight bk to bmw but
didnt turn the bike off, the man went out on it and bingo broke down. but i also have other problems my battery has leaked acid down the side of my bike, damaged frame,engine,engine cover and eroded spark plug

. so check your overflow pipe and strap it on. good luck

found out what the problem was rpm!!
rang bmw today and they told me that the ignition coil and main control unit was faulty, that was why my engine kept stopping and the rev
counter went crazy.
hope this helps you

Thanks Smiler - mine's still in hospital - I'll give them a call and see how they're getting on with it - i'll mention your experience and see what they come up with.
Just joined this list ........
I had a similar issue this year with a 2005 GS. Otherwise very happy with bike and luckily the bike got be home each time.
It was just as descibed and no real cause was obvious, to me anyway. I tightened the battery cables( which were loose) and put nylok nuts on, but the problem continued, though the battery cables were remaining tight. Finally I had the bike recovered to the dealer from my house.
Dealer (Clarks) found the rear wheel sensor had a fault so it was replaced. Took the bike back and all was well when I rode it home. Few days later, took the bike out and same problem after around 2 miles. Left the bike a few minutes at the roadside and guess what.....it went fine again. This was just like before. Rode it straight to the dealers and left it there, coming home on a CS loaner. They were very helpful.
They had it a few days. Seems the bike was again showing a faulty rear wheel sensor, which they knew was good. They eventually found a loose connection in a socket just under one of the side panels above the engine, which looked like it had not been made correctly at the factory. Sorry I don't know more details.
They fixed it and did a longer road test.
I have not done many miles since then ( few months back) on this bike, as it does shake your confidence, but I am using it more now, and can report that I have had no further reoccurance of this problem. Longest trip has been around 120 miles.
Perhaps a loose/badly made connector can lead to all kinds of "faulty" components being diagnosed, the vibration of the bike under different load conditions giving the impression of a random fault.
Hope it helps........