'04 1200gs electrical problems
Hi People, at the moment I'm riding around South America and carrying an increasing number of snags some of which will need a competent mechanic/workshop and others which might have a quick fix solution, these are as follows.
1. After refuelling to full when the "miles left" indication on the display was 40mls left and the "refuel" icon flashing, when switching the ignition back on, instead of the contents bar indicating full and the "refuel" icon stopping flashing, the display simply continued to run down until 0 was indicated and where it remains and if seeing were believing, the tank empty. I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting the battery but the problem still remains.
2. The right heated grip has stopped heating and at the moment it is bloody cold in the high Andes and I'm a wimp.
Any quick fix suggestions gratefully received as I would rather spend  coupons on  than pouring them into BMW's already over filled coffers. Ride safe.
Mike is riding the twisty road in the sky