HU Travellers Meeting Canwest 2015


Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meeting

Thursday August 20 - Sunday August 23, 2015 - Nakusp, BC

You missed it! Go here for 2016 Meeting!

It's All About Overland Adventure

Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...

Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.

Horizons Unlimited Canada West Event Schedule

The event is taking place from Thursday, Aug 20 to Sunday, Aug 23, 2015.

The Registration Tent will open for check-ins at 1 pm on Thursday, Aug 20, with the first presentations beginning at 6 pm. Final presentations will be on Saturday, Aug 22, with cleaning up and packing up on Sunday, Aug 23.

Over the course of the event there'll be almost 50 talks, demonstrations, workshops, Q&A's, challenges and competitions, with many presentations being repeated so you won't miss out.

As well as hearing inspiring stories of overlanding adventure from around the world, you'll get the low-down on preparing for your journey, navigation, first-aid, photography, filming and a host of other essential topics. Whatever your past experience or future plans may be, there's something for everyone.

Event Schedule can be downloaded here!

The schedule is subject to change - stuff happens! Check the latest schedule to be posted at the meeting on the day.

Presenters at HU Canwest 2015 so far...

Workshops and Tech Sessions below

Brenda Rost and Stewart Dean.

Stewart Dean and Brenda Rost

A short notice Adventure on the CDT!!

Not all adventure rides are around the world. This one can be done in a couple of weeks, starting in your driveway.

It was once said that any Great Adventure starts with a little planning, so that is what we did: 'little planning'. Three riders set out on this classic route along a 3200 mile track that follows the backbone of the country from Mexico to Canada through some of the most majestic scenery and eclectic towns one can imagine.

Armed with a couple of GPS tracks, triplet bikes, and some paper maps we set out to conquer this adventure trail. From the New Mexico desert to Canadian Rocky Mountains we may have found the best way to spend a couple weeks.

Brenda Rost and Stewart Dean on the Continental Divide Trail.

Our motorcycles have taken us throughout North/Central/South America. We spend our winters travelling and our summers here in Canada enjoying our wonderful country. The more dirt roads the better.

Issa Breibish.Nita Breibish.

Issa and Nita Breibish

Billabongs to Budgie Smugglers - A first-timers guide to Australia by motorcycle

Australia was meant to be the last country on our two and a half year journey but the universe had a different plan. With visas run amok, a looming heart surgery and a brother gifted with phenomenally poor timing, our wheels were to land a full year earlier than planned with some wonderfully unexpected results.

After five continents and forty-one countries, we'll share our experiences prepping, shipping and travelling this fantastic country while also helping the uninitiated with some key survival-phrases in Australian and an abridged guide to commonly-found deadly animals, insects and reptiles. And trees. Yes, trees.

Issa and Nita Breibish in Australia.

For two and a half years Nita and Issa have travelled the globe aboard two motorcycles following a route that makes little sense to anyone else. She captures the world in photos while he prefers to put their experiences in words. Forty-one countries, five continents and counting.

Tracey Martin and Miles McEwing.

Tracey Martin and Miles McEwing

India by Tuk-Tuk - Piloting an Auto-Rickshaw 3,500 km across the Indian Subcontinent

We've visited nearly 50 countries outside of our home in Canada - many of them aboard our motorcycle sidecar rig. In 2011-2012, we traveled 30,000+ km through 4 continents and 20 countries. In 2013, having settled back into a somewhat normal life at home and granted only three weeks of annual vacation time, our travels appeared to become more limited in scope.

Or did they? In 2013 and 2014 we completed our round-the-world overland journey by motorcycle, automobile, rail and ship.

So what would 2015 hold?

Of all the places we had visited, one country beckoned us back - India. After our first visit, we didn't feel as if we even began to understand the country and its' culture. The people, sights, sounds, smells, and huge contrasts were so overwhelming that our four-week visit just wasn't enough time to process them. So, the mission for 2015 was to tackle India once again.

And what better way than our favourite mode of transport - 3 wheels.

Tracey Martin and Miles McEwing with tuk-tuk.

But not just any 3 wheels - an auto-rickshaw; the ubiquitous 'Tuk-Tuk' of Indian taxi drivers, known for being completely unreliable, difficult to steer, unsteady to drive, and very, very small. Built for short jaunts at slow speeds, an auto-rickshaw appeared to be not-at-all suited to the journey and seven horsepower just might not be enough to traverse the Himalaya. We had no set route and no back up support. It was just the two of us, our brave/what the hell was he thinking friend Richard Desilets, and two weeks to get from the furthest west city in the country, across desert, jungle and mountains to one of the furthest east points in the country.

We had no way of knowing if we would make it.

The only certainty was that:
we would break down,
we would get stuck,
we would get lost,
we would be exhausted,
and we would have one heck of a lot of fun.

Mission accomplished - on all counts!

Janet Wilson and Tom Feuchtwanger.

Janet Wilson and Tom Feuchtwanger, Canada

Overlanding before the digital age

This talk will descibe what it was like to go on the road for an extended length of time 40 years ago, before the advent of digital aids.

'Overlanding' is not new, only the term is. In 1974 shortly after we were married and had just graduated, Janet and I took every penny we owned and flew to Germany from our home in South Africa. Here we purchased a used Renault 12 which became our home and mode of transportation for the next 8 months. From Germany we headed east to Turkey then west to Lisbon after which we traveled all the way to the Arctic in Norway.

We ended our European adventure in Munich, after which we returned home with $25 in the bank, a bun in the oven and one possession; a pair of reindeer horns from Lapland. The trip started a life long love affair with overlanding which continues to this day. The talk will be a trip down memory lane for those with grey hair and an education for those without!

Janet Wilson and Tom Feuchtwanger.

Janet Wilson and Tom Feuchtwanger have a deep love of travelling the world, exploring it's wilderness, wildlife and peoples. During the early 70's they spent many years living in the African bush where Tom worked as an exploration geologist. Their first overland adventure in 1974 was in a Renault in which they traveled around Europe.

They completed 3 overland trips circumnavigating 80,000km across Africa. In 2010 they drove from Alaska to Argentina completing a 65,000km overland journey in 18 months.

"Nothing is more addictive than traveling off the beaten track across the globe. 87 countries and still on the move."

Ramey 'Coach' Stroud.

Ramey 'Coach' Stroud

Around the World on 3-Wheels

Paralyzed from the chest down after a racing accident, Ramey 'Coach' Stroud would never ride again. Or so they thought...

It took a year just to move a toe. Another year of hard work to stand-up. A third to crawl up on a sidecar outfit from his wheelchair. By then nothing could hold him back from his goal: Ride Around the World!

Now he has ridden through 44 different countries on mostly dirt roads that have sometimes have left him stranded and alone in tough conditions.

How does a guy who walks with a cane and rides alone handle border crossings, bandits, and bad situations? It might cost you a cold beer to find out.

Coach Stroud.

Racing Champion, professional motorcycle instructor, athlete, author and keynote speaker. Ramey 'Coach' Stroud has brought home the gold on super-bikes, in motocross, desert racing, enduros, on the drag strip, extreme trials and international rally. When his racing career ended with a spinal cord injury he crawled up on a sidecar outfit and rode around the world.

Daan Stehouwer.

Daan Stehouwer (with Trent Schumann)

Offroad in Canada - 365 days a year!

Why not enjoy yourself in the Rockies while saving money for the big trip? 365 days a year riding... yes, you can!

Trent Schumann and myself love travelling, motorcycling and being out and about in nature. While saving up for a next big overland adventure, why not get out there on your bike and enjoy the weekends and holidays while you can? This will be a slideshow with stunning shots, routes, tracks, videos and tips of riding in the mountains. All offroad - and yes, 365 days a year we potentially get out there! Trent and I will show you how concrete screws get you through the snow and how to convert your bike into a jetski - and everything in between!

Daan Stehouwer - riding on the ice.

Click on the picture to watch Daan's video of riding on ice!

After an awesome RTW trip we landed in Alberta, Canada and didn't cure from the motorcycle travel virus - and try to squeeze out as much motorcycling as we can till we're ready for the next trip!

Alex Chacon.

Alex Chacón

The Modern Motorcycle Diaries - behind the scenes and details to this endeavour

How a 23 Year old medical student sold everything he had to follow his dreams. Taking him around the world in 3 Years on a KLR 650.

Alex Chacón rode a motorcycle around the world for 3 years on various epic charitable expeditions including a 500 day solo ride from Alaska to Argentina. He sold everything he had at the beginning of his journey, including his car, TV and clothes and and left Medical School at age 23, living only out of his motorcycle for the next 3 years. These years were spent engaging in the most epic of adventures, riding in over 41+ countries, driving over 200,000+ km and crossing over 75+ borders around the world, discovering the most unique places and people on earth!

Alex Chacon, Modern Motorcycle Diaries.

Alex Chacón is a Social Media Influencer, YouTube Talent, Video Producer, Professional Photographer, Inspirational Speaker and Global Motorcycle Adventure Rider and International Traveler. While travelling, Alex published his life changing and charitable adventures on YouTube, blogging and creating a massive social media following with epic pictures, video and unique storytelling that has captured the attention of the entire world.

John Pearce.

John Pearce

Protecting the Children of Viet Nam

Most children in Viet Nam ride daily on a motorbike without a helmet. How one man provides many with a good helmet and, possibly, a future.

While riding a 125cc Yamaha throughout Viet Nam in 2013, John was greatly troubled by dozens of daily sightings of small unprotected children riding with helmeted parents and/or siblings. Over 95% of the vehicles on Viet Nam's roads are motorbikes, yet it was 2007 before they had their first mandatory helmet law - and it only covered adults. Children six and older are, as of mid-2015, now also required to wear helmets, leaving only the youngest and most vulnerable unprotected.

Using funds from the sale of his belongings before moving to Đà Lạt earlier this year, John purchased 540 high-quality children's motorbike helmets that are specifically designed for SE Asia and the Asian head shape and size. Upon his return mid next month, he will distribute these to students (3-14 years old) at two schools in Đà Lạt. His hope is that this will generate enough attention and interest, both in Viet Nam and abroad, to support the purchase of many more children's helmets.

John Pearce in Viet Nam.

John Pearce bought his first motorcycle at 59. Nine months later rode his second bike throughout Viet Nam, mostly solo. Within a year, he sold 98% of his belongings and retired to Viet Nam's Central Highlands. He is currently planning rides to Viet Nam's far north and Thailand's Golden Triangle.

Bryan Daly, Ernie Beadle and Barry Deacon.

Bryan Daly, Ernie Beadle and Barry Deacon

Buenos Aires - Ushuaia to British Columbia - 3 Amigos - 100 Days - 30,000 KM - 15 countries - $40,000 + raised for Hospice

Having previously done BC to Prudhoe, it was time to plan a trip to Ushuaia. We flew our bikes to Buenos Aires, headed South to Ushuaia, then north to BC. We will talk about the 3 amigos (very briefly), trip planning, the equipment, fund raising for Hospice, the best, the worst along with the mishaps and surprises along the way.

Bryan Daly, Ernie Beadle and Barry Deacon - 3 Amigos?

Bryan - "In my late 50's I am employed as an academic director in a university. Luckily my wife was completely supportive. Getting the time off work to do this trip took considerable planning and cooperation from my employer. However I wanted to travel now as a break from work but also 'just in case'."

Ernie - "I turned the 'big 60' this year, I am retired and 'living the bucket list'. I own three street bikes, my 2010 bmw 1200 gsa adventure bike, (the one I took on this trip), my 2014 harley ultra glide, which I just went across Canada on 3 months ago, and to satisfy my adrenaline needs, my Boss Hoss v-8 bike. I have logged about 450,000 Km in 45 years, luckily no accidents."

Barry - "I officially became a senior citizen on this trip. I started motorcycling at the age of 4 and did so up until business and family commitments took me down down another path. I love an old saying, about how so many people living their lives as though they died at 25 but weren't buried until they were 75. I can't let that happen. This trip was far and away outside my comfort zone and I think that somehow it was so much so, that I wanted to do it badly."

Michelle Lamphere.

Michelle Lamphere (Sturgis Chick)

2 years in the Americas on a KLR650 - South Dakota to South America via Newfoundland - 20 countries, 70,000 km and 2 broken bones

Fed up with my employers I decided to leave my 21-year six-figure-salary executive job, sell my house, and hit the road with my handsome English PanAm-riding boyfriend. What started out as a few months of 'me time' turned into a two-year journey through the Americas filled with great new friends, spectacular landscapes and some crazy memories.

Come along for the ride as I share a few memories from our travels including some of the best roads in the world, motorcycle spills, natural wonders, serendipity and a marriage proposal.

Michell Lamphere.

I'll be sharing photos from the trip, information on my gear/equipment, packing, border crossings, extended life on the road, money/budget, and some tools and hints that helped me.

Born and raised in Sturgis, South Dakota, home of a world-famous motorcycle rally. I rode a Harley-Davidson for years and later was inspired to combine my loves of travel and riding. Just back from two years traveling the Americas on my way to Ushuaia.

Jason Porter and Kellie Templeton.

Jason Porter & Kellie Templeton

SuperTerram: 6 wheels and a small boy! - Need more wheels now that little ones are on the way? Discover some of the pleasures and pitfalls of extended trips with small children.

Having small kids need not be the end of your travelling ambitions, but it may alter the execution. Children add a whole new perspective and excitement to a trip and can open many doors for the whole family. Kellie and Jason will go over some of the details that they worked through in planning their various trips and the insight they gained when caring for Leith on the road at various ages. A mix of topics will be covered from the more technical - vehicle and gear selection - to kid's OH&S (overland health and safety) and the all-important 'managing expectations'.

Jason Porter and Kellie Templeton and Leith in South Africa.

Jason and Kellie became proud parents nine months after their first overseas overland adventure. They never considered waiting until their son headed off to university to continue travelling, rather they chose 'deliberate ignorance' of the challenges that lay ahead and hit the road to learn as they went along.

Leith started camping in an old Land Rover at 6 weeks old. By 10 months he had camped his way through parts of Canada, the USA, and Baja, Mexico. At four years he was off for a yearlong overland adventure in southern and east Africa. Along the way, his parents have discovered new pleasures in camping and vehicle-based travel. They've successfully channelled a vehicle building/restoration hobby, a love of travel, passion for the outdoors, and desire for a simpler life into a pursuit that's fun and rewarding for the whole family.

Ekke Kok.Audrey Allenspach-Kok.

Ekke Kok and Audrey Allenspach-Kok, Canada

Turkey - The final leg of our circumnavigation of Asia

In 2012 and 2013 we rode our motorcycles from Germany across Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia to China then back via Japan and SE Asia to Turkey. This presentation will focus on Turkey, a country with amazing history, great riding and friendly people.

Ekke and Audrey Kok in Turkey.

Evangeline Kannis.

Evangeline Kannis

"Hey, Aussie, Are you travelling alone?" - And other questions during 66,000kms, 14 months - Solo – USA, Alaska & Canada

An Aussie middle-aged woman travelling alone riding a BMW F650GS (twin) in countries where she speaks the same language - easy, Ehy?! Covering the commonly heard questions, the highs and challenges encountered from living out of your panniers, dealing with strangers and soon to be friends.

Sharing experiences and perspectives about the why, how and where of travelling solo in some remote and not so remote parts of the north americas from June 2013 to August 2014, and where else the road might lead.

Evangeline Kannis.

Evangeline describes herself as an Aussie middle-aged woman who has ridden & travelled much of the eastern half of Australia by BMW motorcycle, then toured East Timor on a 150cc. In 2013 it was time to see Alaska, this time riding and travelling solo.

Kevin Soproniuk.

Kevin Soproniuk

Nanaimo to Panama City in one month - What did I learn?

I will re trace my trip focusing on some of the problems, routes, logistics, highlights and final shipping arrangements for my bike back home.

Kevin Soproniuk.

I have been a member of HU for about two years now. I have owned a motorcycle since I was 16. When I purchased by BMW GSA in 2010 I immediately wanted to travel abroad. I started planning a trip to Central America soon there after. I took several Spanish courses. I executed my trip in the fall 2014 deciding to travel alone and for the first time. I researched my trip extensively and had many adventures during my month on the road. I have many learnings to share...

Grant and Susan Johnson.

Grant and Susan Johnson, Horizons Unlimited

How it all began. The story of Grant and Susan's 11-year trip around the world, without a plan or a clue!

Way back in 1987, before the Internet, two young and naive Canadians set out from Vancouver to ride around the world on a motorcycle. The plan (and budget) was for 3 years, but it didn't quite work out that way!

Grant steers around a road hazard - aftermath of flooding on the Pan American Highway!

Workshops and Educational Sessions

...because Horizons Unlimited meetings are about information, not just inspiration!

Ramey 'Coach' Stroud.

Ramey 'Coach' Stroud

Dancing With Your Bike

Why Dancing And Riding? Ever watch dancers in a salsa or tango club? Some are very good together and are really fun to watch. But some seem to be off-beat, disconnected and in separate worlds even though they move to the same music. They know it and everyone in the club does too. The difference between good and not-so-good dance partners is how they connect. It's that light touch, unseen sensations and soft connection that allows dancers to be great together. It's exactly the same with you and your bike.

Coach Stroud dancing with bike.

It's Not About Muscle. Your motorcycle has all the power it needs. It is a wonderfully designed machine that can do amazing things - if you let it. Dancing With Your Bike means to invite smooth, precise movement with little effort. The payoff? You are not so tired at the end of a long ride.

Two-Way Communication. Knowing what's going on with your motorcycle is not just what you see or think. Like dancers we get important information from finger tips and muscle tension. Understanding light sensations from butt, boots and bars allows us to respond faster. Pressure on fingertips and palms say much about body position for acceleration, braking or turning. Feeling the bike tip, roll or slide speaks loudly about surface, terrain and control function.

Come to this session to learn how to connect with your motorcycle in ways you never thought possible.

Nevil Stow.

Nevil Stow, RTW 2013

Preparing & building your travel bike AND
Bears & Moto Camping. The Do's & Dont's!

Preparing & building your travel bike

An insight into selecting, prepping and building your travel bike. What to look for and how to adapt it for your purpose.

What is the perfect travel bike? Now there's a loaded question!
Let's start by ignoring that question shall we? .....because everyone's motorcycle is capable of travel. We just like to adapt them to suit our individual needs.

During this presentation, I'll be offering some pointers on how to select your bike, what to expect from it and how to adapt it if needs be. We'll all be doing a little soul searching as we delve into the type of riding and travel that we hope to achieve on our travels.

Bears & Moto camping, the do's & dont's

A humorous but informative presentation about not getting eaten. Learn from a guy that has made every mistake... and some!

Just because I was a mountain guide in the Canadian Rockies for a few years doesn't mean I know everything so come join me for a 40 minute laugh as we explore the myths and facts behind our Ursine neighbors through my own mistakes!

This talk has been going at HU Canwest since 2009 and was put together by me to aid moto travelers who were apprehensive about camping in bear country. I will have props at hand and will probably do my best to injure myself whilst demonstrating them, so if you want to learn through humour, please come along... especially if you're from another part of the world :)

Bear Sign in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.

Beware of bear sign in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska

A mountain guide in the Canadian Rockies with over 18 years of backcountry and bushcraft skills,I'm still learning from people every day!... oh yes, and I rode a DR650 around the world :)

Bruce Ashton.

Bruce & Anne Ashton

Adventure continues (48 years & counting)

Bruce and Anne have been traveling for 48 years. The adventure began in 1968 with a 35,000 kilometer ride in Europe and North Africa on a 250 Ducati. During the past 10 years, after retiring they have picked a new location in the world each year to ride. These include North America, Central America and South America, Australia and most recently 2014/15 Western Europe and Morocco.

Anne and Bruce Ashton.

Their presentation will focus on what they have learned about traveling for months on a motorcycle, including initial preparation, location selection, shipping/buying, packing, motorcycle storage and insurance with an injection of 1968 nostalgia.

Anne and Bruce Ashton in 1968.

Michelle Lamphere.

Michelle Lamphere (Sturgis Chick)

Surviving and Thriving in Latin America - A crash course in all things 'Latin America', including basic Spanish, tools for daily life on the road, and much more...

A crash course (no pun intended) in basic Spanish language for travelers, including pronunciation, specific phrases and tools for helping you communicate while on the road, details on how to cross borders, what paperwork you may need, cost comparisons between countries, where to find supplies and support, tips for side trips (Galapagos, Easter Island, Antarctica) along the way, etc.

Michelle Lamphere.

Born and raised in Sturgis, South Dakota, home of a world-famous motorcycle rally. I rode a Harley-Davidson for years and later was inspired to combine my loves of travel and riding. Just back from two years traveling the Americas on my way to Ushuaia.

Alex Chacon.

Alex Chacón

Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) - How to properly use, optimize, share and create a following on social media, the positive, negative and ideas you never thought of!

Alex Chacón is on the cutting edge of innovative and unique digital content creation and leading the way as a social influencer for his Millennial generation. He's inspired millions with the 360 Degree Selfie he created and popularized, voted the most Epic Selfie of 2014 by CBS News/Mashable and 3rd most searched Selfie of all time according to Google Zeitgeist.

Alex Chacon on YouTube - Selfie 2015.

Watch Alex's 3 Year Epic Selfie - Part II

His first film 'The Modern Motorcycle Diaries' totalled over 18 Million views.
He's appeared for live interviews on CBS News, Fox News CNN/HLN, Huffington Post and more, and his body of work has been featured all around the world in online articles, newspapers, news magazines like TIME Magazine, Lonely Planet, Travel Channel and more.

Alex continually works with major brands in digital content creation like Google and has collaborated in professional productions like the GoPro hero 3+ Launch Video, Highest Road in the World, along with Kawasaki, Alpinestars, Harley Davidson, and more.

Karen and Kevan Ibbotson.

Kevan Ibbotson (Dirtpig)

Basic Roadside Repair - also known as First Aid for your motorcycle

The English would call it a "bodger" repair or us Canadians might call it a 'farmer fix' but basically it means 'How do I get my bike back on the road so I can get to the next town with a qualified mechanic to get it fixed properly'.

Designed for the novice rider who has little mechanical skills and who is concerned about having to make that dreaded roadside repair.

Does duct tape or WD 40 actually fix everything? No, but you'd be surprised what will plug a leaking radiator.

We will go over basic mechanical applications of the motorcycle: fuel, electrical and cooling systems, and how to diagnose their failure. What tools and repair materials to carry with you and how to use them to find out why your bike has quit working. More importantly we will review how to use on hand items to get yourself back on the road.

Kevan Ibbotson bodging seminar at Canwest 2010.

Kevan Ibbotson began riding dirt bikes in 1974 at age of 13. He has owned/ridden everything from a Hodaka to 3 Goldwings - only bike not yet owned is a Harley! He has traveled from Arctic Circle to Central America on motorcycles - not always successfully! He's participated in the Baja 1000 and been a member of Rally Raid Canada Dakar race team.

Kevan says: "I started riding bikes back in the day when you had to work on them yourself due to reliability issues and fact that there were little or no bike shops around where I lived. This was when two stroke motors were the norm and a spark plug may only last 500 miles before it became so fouled it would not work. By replacing parts, tinkering, breaking and then fixing it again you slowing learned how things worked and how to keep them working.

It helped that I grew up around my father's machine shop so I had access to tools and mechanical knowledge when I needed it. Remember this is before internet days, before mass available cheap repair manuals - think Haynes - and if you rode exotic bikes like a Hodaka there was not necessarily a dealer nearby. You had to figure it out, fix it or not ride it.

Some of the fixes were brilliant - some not so - but they all got you home. And that is the point."

Grant Johnson showing tire changing.

Grant Johnson, Horizons Unlimited

Fix that flat! How to change a tire anytime, anywhere!

Grant's tire changing seminars are always well attended and appreciated. This seminar covers: how to prevent flats in the first place, and fix them when you get one; the best tools and how to use them for tube and tubeless tires; hands-on practical for beginners to experts, optional tire changing contest.

Grant Johnson's audience for Tire Changing at HU California meeting.

Grant's tire changing seminar at HU California meeting.

Grant and Susan Johnson.

Grant and Susan Johnson, Horizons Unlimited

4 Easy Steps to Overland Travel! You can do it - we can help! Finding your way around Horizons Unlimited, other resources. Lots of great pics and video clips.

"Grant and Susan Johnson are icons in the round-the-world (RTW) motorcycling community. The Johnsons host - or more appropriately write, edit, produce, manage and coordinate Horizons Unlimited - a global network of motorcycle travelers... and a bona fide adventure motorcycling phenomenon." Dan Hilton, Rider Magazine

This seminar will be an overview of various 'How To' topics. Includes 'How to' content from the Achievable Dream series and great pics from HU Photo Contest winners!

Get Inspired on Horizons Unlimited.

Karen and Kevan Ibbotson.

Karen and Kevan Ibbotson

Hands on Emergency First Aid Clinic / First-on-scene

Hands on Emergency First Aid Clinic / First-on-scene. How to safely remove a crash helmet, check for spinal cord and head injuries, and what first aid supplies you might bring on a trip away from first world medical care. Bring your helmet and a mat to lie on.

Karen is a trauma nurse (BSN, RN, ERsp) and Kevan is a trained Medical First Responder.

Grant Johnson.

Grant Johnson, Horizons Unlimited

Bike mods and ergonomics!

Grant will host a bike 'Show and Tell' - bring your bike and show us your favorite travel mods. Critique and discussion.

When you picked up your new bike, did they take the time to make it fit you? You'll learn the amazing difference a properly setup bike makes to your riding fun.

Ergonomics demonstration at HU Canada West meeting.

Ergonomics demonstration at HU Canada West meeting.

LOTS of presentations to come! As people register to present we'll list them here.

How about you? We're all here to learn, and there's LOTS to learn! We want to do more presentations and seminars - but we need volunteers to give them! Any topic you can contribute having to do with motorcycle travel, maintenance, planning etc, lasting 20 minutes or more, would be great. Please contact us here to volunteer.

The Adventure Travel Zone

  • Equipment Specialists
  • Manufacturers
  • Tour Operators
  • Adventure Travel Authors and Film-Makers
  • The HU Store

Exhibitors Confirmed

Camel Tank ADV Products. Cory Hanson of Camel ADV Products will be there. Camel Tank is an auxiliary gas tank made for BMW F650GS, F700GS, and F800GS motorcycles and KTM 1050, 1190, and 1290 Adventure motorcycles! Made with adventure riders in mind, it is easy to install, looks like it came factory, and you can simply fill it with gas when you fill your main tank.

If you know of any other motorcycle or travel equipment vendors or tour operators who should be there, please suggest it to them! Exhibitors please contact me for details.

Panel discussions at most HU events include...

Border crossings - How to get through borders with minimal stress and cost!

Packing light - Tips and techniques from experienced travellers to reduce weight and bulk.

Regional discussions - e.g. travelling in South America or Asia.

For Women Only - A must for the ladies, so be sure to plan on being there! A chance to talk to experienced travelling women without the men around!

Experienced Travellers Panel - ask the experts anything you want!

Walk arounds / Show and tell!

Tents and Bedding discussion (in the camping area) - What works, cheap vs dear and which ones keep you dry, warm and comfy!

Bike mods - Show off your best bike mods - homemade saddle bags, toolbox mounts, GPS mounts, seats, side stands, tank panniers, cup holders, etc.

Facilities for a Fantastic Four Days

Nakusp Lake.

Nakusp Lake


You will want to be at the official HU Campground so you don't have to go looking for people to talk to. Camping is NOT included in your registration fee! Camping is a very special price for us of $8 per tent per night, payable on check-in. (Regular price is $19-$27).

We have reserved the ENTIRE campground for 2015, so you'll have loads of space and can pick your spot!

Note if you have a motorhome, car, need power etc, there are only a few powered spaces available, so note in the comments when you register that you will require one. The powered spaces have 50 amp sockets for motorhomes, so you WILL NEED an adapter. You may be able to buy one in town, but safest is to bring your own! When you check in, BE SURE to clarify with the campground attendant that you are with us.

Nakusp campground. Bikes at Nakusp campground.


We recommend the Food - Deb Guest, the caterer is highly praised every year!

Dinners - 2015 Menus:

Thursday - Mexican - Chicken enchiladas, black bean and corn salad, ensalada, chili and Mexican rice, chocolate mousse, coffee, tea or soft drink.
Friday - Chicken Parmigiana with noodles, veggie pasta, sauce, Caesar salad, buns and creme brulee, coffee, tea or soft drink.
Saturday - Roast beef, yorkshire pudding, potatoes, hot veggie, green salad, cheesecake, coffee, tea or soft drink.

Please PRE-BOOK dinners with your registration. There will be limited amounts available for late-comers. You MIGHT be able to get it on the day, but it's first come first served (and $4 more each), and they won't have much extra!

HU Canwest Cake 2013.

Breakfasts & Lunches

For 2015 you will have two options for convenient breakfasts or lunches on site. You can, of course, cook for yourself, or go to cafes or restaurants in Nakusp.


Deb Guest, our caterer, will offer breakfasts (pre-booked) as follows:

Friday - Egg and ham on English muffins with fruit salad and hash browns, banana bread, toast, cereal, yogurt, coffee, tea, juice.
- Breakfast burritos with fruit salad and hash browns, muffins, toast, cereal, yogurt, coffee, tea, juice.

The Nakusp Rotary Club will also provide breakfasts on Friday and Saturday morning, consisting of sausage or ham and scrambled eggs, pancakes, with coffee and juice for a total of $10. It is all done by volunteers and all the funds raised go towards local and world projects.


Deb Guest will offer lunches (pre-booked) as follows:

Friday - Brat and sauerkraut, potato salad and soft drink
Saturday - Chicken caesar wrap, pasta salad and soft drink

The Nakusp Rotary Club will provide a selection of hot foods and salads for lunch on Friday and Saturday at a good price. As with breakfasts, it is all done by volunteers and all the funds raised go towards local and world projects.


Next HU Eventscalendar

ALL Dates subject to change.


  • California: April 18-21
  • Virginia: April 25-28
  • Germany Summer: May 9-12
  • Québec: May 17-19
  • Bulgaria Mini: July 5-7
  • CanWest: July 11-14
  • Switzerland: August 15-18
  • Ecuador: August 23-25
  • Romania: August 30-Sept 1
  • Austria: September 12-15
  • France: September 20-22
  • Germany Autumn: Oct 31-Nov 3

2025 confirmed dates:

  • Virginia: April 24-27 2025
  • Queensland is back! May 2-4 2025
  • Germany Summer: May 29-June 1 2025
  • CanWest: July 10-13 2025
  • Austria: Sept. 11-15
  • California: September 18-21
  • France: September 19-21 2025
  • Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2 2025

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