What new bike to get
Needing to get my girlfriend a new bike. she has been riding a 07 versys. She has really liked that bike but it is get a bit old and had some reliable problems with it. So time for a change. As standard she found the bike a bit high. With her only being 5 foot 3. So we have put a lower seat and dropped the suspension on it. Happy to do this kind of work on the next bike if needed. We have are looking at the new ktm 390 adventure plus a list of used bikes. Everything from a versy 650, versy 300, cb500x, bmw f650 gs, honda crf 250 rally. Trying to keet the it under £5500. At the moment the rideing we do is the the normal weekend fun rides plus weekend away camping and a 16 day trip ones a year to somewhere in Europe from Scotland. But we all so have started to talk about doing a longer trip in about 2 years time. The length of the Americas. This is very early stage of planning. Just looking for any advice from any one that has any of the bikes listed. What are they like to live with or any changes you have made.