HU Travellers Meeting Indonesia 2018

Horizons Unlimited 2nd Indonesia Adventure Travellers Meeting

Thursday Oct 11- Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Rancabuaya Beach, West Java, Indonesia

It's All About Overland Adventure

Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...

Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.

Inspiring, Informing & Connecting

Some people value Horizons Unlimited events for what they learn from the unique line-up of presenters. Some people value the chance to discover new products and services at the trade stands. Some people value just kicking back with a beer among old friends and new.

Most people enjoy a little bit of everything, and everyone goes home fired-up for adventure with a smile on their face.

Group photo at HU South Africa.

The event will include a packed schedule of presentations and activities. All within the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that Horizons Unlimited is known for.

Event Schedule

The event is taking place from Thursday, 11 October - Sunday, 14 October, 2018. But the adventure starts even sooner, with the ride to get there! Thanks to Jeffrey Polnaja for the great video!

Exploring the scenic road surrounding HU Indonesia 2018 event venue at West Java South Coast. Ride through amazing nature in Ciletuh (Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi), Rancabuaya (Garut)...


We will start to register on Thursday morning and you can unpack, put up your tent, relax and re-energize while enjoying a private beach. Late afternoon we will start the opening ceremony by enjoying Indonesian traditional dance then continue by presentations and chats in the evening.

Friday and Saturday

Like your panniers, Friday and Saturday are FULLY PACKED with value! We kid you not. Our basic philosophy is that there's no such thing as too many talks/seminars/demos/tech clinics!

  • Presentations and talks galore;
  • Exhibitors show off their latest gear and products. In return, they get feedback from the folks who REALLY test the gear in real life;
  • Practical demos
  • Break out/roundtable sessions and panel discussions on various topics of interest to motorcycle travellers, such as specific bike models, regions, camping equipment, carnet de passage and other travel logistics planning.

Saturday night there will be a barbeque on a campfire - you can connect with experienced world travellers and get answers to all your questions.


Sunday morning everybody goes in their own direction, some will continue the journey, some will go back home. All will be changed by the experience!

Share your experiences, life lesson learning, explore possibilities, get inspired and motivated.

Detailed schedule * can be downloaded here! Be sure to save it on your phone!

Scenic view - HU Indonesia 2018.

Presenters at HU Indonesia 2018 so far...

Workshops and Tech Sessions below

Robert Thode

Anita Yusof

Global Dream Ride (English + Indonesian) /
Central Asia

Global Dream Ride
Without much riding skill and money, Anita is the first Muslim woman to ride RTW solo
[Two separate sessions: in Indonesian and English]

Most people pick up riding because of interest or to follow the crowd, but Anita learned how to ride a motorbike to "escape" relationship conflicts. Riding became addictive and she wanted to ride at every opportunity. Being an avid solo traveler who relied on public transportation, she turned this into a hobby using her own motorbike. She started riding solo outside of her own country of Malaysia to Indochina only three months after learning to ride. One year later, she rode solo to the remoteness of the five Central Asia "Stans", including Afghanistan.

There was no turning back. What started out as a hobby eventually became a plan to conquer the world as the first Muslim woman to ride RTW solo. She wanted to correct the misperception of Islam and, by example, to show the world that Muslim women are strong. Other than some resources from Givi, a Yamaha-sponsored bike and riding gear, and very limited funds made vulnerable to a fall in currency value), Anita set out completely self-supported on her Global Dream Ride on September 11, 2015. Anita flew her bike to Seattle, USA, rode from Alaska to Argentina, then flew to London, U.K. onward through Europe, Asia and all the way to Vladivostok, Russia.

Anita Yusof and bike on a dirt road

Central Asia
Just me, my bike, the silence of the road and a beautiful view. Nothing else matters.

Anita considers herself among the lucky to ride in Central Asia (the Stans) more than once. The first time was in 2013 with only one year's riding experience under her belt and zero off-road skills. Inspired by images of blue lakes and green rivers at the remote Kyrgyzstan mountains, she started her trip from Tashkent to ride into the unknown. A sensory smorgasbord awaited her: wildflowers blooming on the Kazakh steppes, pristine lakes and beautiful rivers in Kyrgyz, sharing the road with Tajik herders and zigzagging among their animals, language obstacles, countless wet crossings, uniqueness views along the Pamir Highway, military troops on Afghan roads, surviving water poisoning and extreme temperatures...

The next time was during her world ride in 2016, adding Turkmenistan into the list. To Anita, Kyrgyzstan is the most beautiful country in the world. Everyone who called themselves adventure riders should ride in Central Asia at least once in their life.

ANITA YUSOF is a mother, lecturer, backpacker-turned-advrider loaded with courage, determination, positive thinking, enthusiasm and a desire to prove that nothing is impossible. She started to learn how to ride a motorbike at the age of 45. Within five years into the biking scene, she had ridden solo in 53 countries on five continents and counting.

Robert Thode

Robert Thode

Seeing the World on the Installment Plan /
Great Escape XIII: The Silk Road

Seeing the World on the Installment Plan
... when your life won't let you run away for multi-year adventures

What do you do when you have this fire to ride your motorcycle to far off places, but family, business, and life can't be put "on hold"? You do it on the Installment Plan - a little here, a little there. Starting in 2006, my "escapes", as I like to call them, have been from three weeks to three months at a time. By the time I reach Indonesia, I will have ridden to almost 100 countries. I will cover key tips on how you can make this work, identify potential snags, share some highlights of where I have been. I have seen amazing things and met wonderful people everywhere.

Refueling in Mexico

Great Escape XIII: The Silk Road
From Italy to China, ending at HU Indonesia 2018

The description for this presentation is a little hard to put together as the ride has not yet happened. The preparation and planning put into this, my thirteenth "Great Escape" has been more intense than any of the previous. I will leave Brescia Italy July 23rd, where a good friend has stored my bike, and ride east to Turkey, then up along the Caspian Sea, East through the 'Stans, then join a tour through China. Will leave the group in Bangkok and make a run for Indonesia. So that is the grand plan, tune in to see how it all came out and maybe help me plan my next "Great Escape". China has been the big one in my "bucket list" for a very long time. So much about this part of the world intrigues me and on reaching Indonesia I will enter that select group that have rode a motorcycle around the world. Won't be the end of my travels, but a major milestone.

Fixing a flat in Australia

ROBERT THODE is a country boy from southwest Washington state, USA (now quite grey on the top!), who wanted to see the world. He has ridden in 84 countries and should be close to 100 by the time he gets to HU Indonesia 2018. Sometimes, his wife, Martha, travels with him on many of his "escapes"... as long as he wasn't planning on going on any "crazy" routes.

Grant and Susan Johnson.

Grant and Susan Johnson, Horizons Unlimited

How it all began. The story of Grant and Susan's 11-year trip around the world, without a plan or a clue!

Way back in 1987, before the Internet, two young and naive Canadians set out from Vancouver to ride around the world on a motorcycle. The plan (and budget) was for 3 years, but it didn't quite work out that way!

Grant steers around a road hazard - aftermath of flooding on the Pan American Highway!

Jeffrey Polnaja.

Jeffrey Polnaja, Ride for Peace

The Impossible Journey: Ride For Peace - One Man - One Bike One Planet - Solo Ride Exploring 97 Countries, All Continents

The more people say impossible, the stronger the urge to make his dream come true. Armed with faith, a tight budget and a little language skills, he started his 'Impossible Journey' from Indonesia in 2006. The blank canvas started to have incredible color by heaven and hells. Hit by a drunk driver in the middle of Baluchistan desert, face to face with Himalayan bear in Bhutan, riding thru difficult terrain in Trans Siberia, crossing extreme weather in Alaska, getting lost in Atacama and counterbalancing the strong Patagonian wind until Ushuaia became a part of his 'Ride For Peace' journey.

Jeffrey Polnaja, Ride for Peace, in Egypt.

Jeffrey didn't just overcome those problems, he also visited 97 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, Central America, South America and Australia. You'll meet him in Sumbawa not only as a local host, but he also will present his secret to overcoming all the problems and of course share his incredible stories, photos and movies with you.

Workshops and Educational Sessions

...because Horizons Unlimited meetings are about information, not just inspiration!

Grant and Susan Johnson.

Grant and Susan Johnson, Horizons Unlimited

4 Easy Steps to Overland Travel! You can do it - we can help! Finding your way around Horizons Unlimited, other resources. Lots of great pics and video clips.

"Grant and Susan Johnson are icons in the round-the-world (RTW) motorcycling community. The Johnsons host - or more appropriately write, edit, produce, manage and coordinate Horizons Unlimited - a global network of motorcycle travelers... and a bona fide adventure motorcycling phenomenon." Dan Hilton, Rider Magazine

This seminar will be an overview of 'How To' travel overland topics. Includes content from the Achievable Dream series and great pics from HU Photo Contest winners!

Get Inspired on Horizons Unlimited.

Grant Johnson.

Grant Johnson, Horizons Unlimited

Bike mods and ergonomics!

Grant will host a bike 'Show and Tell' - bring your bike and show us your favorite travel mods. Critique and discussion.

When you picked up your new bike, did they take the time to make it fit you? You'll learn the amazing difference a properly setup bike makes to your riding fun.

Grant Johnson ergonomics demonstration at HU South Africa.

Ergonomics demonstration at HU South Africa

Grant Johnson showing tire changing.

Grant Johnson, Horizons Unlimited

Fix that flat! How to change a tyre anytime, anywhere!

Grant's tyre changing seminars are always well attended and appreciated. This seminar covers: how to prevent flats in the first place, and fix them when you get one; the best tools and how to use them for tube and tubeless tires; hands-on practical for beginners to experts.

Grant Johnson demonstrates the black art of tyre changing at HU South Africa. Grant Johnson demonstrates the black art of tyre changing at HU South Africa.

Grant's tyre changing seminar at HU South Africa meeting

LOTS of presentations to come! As people register to present we'll list them here.

How about you? We're all here to learn, and there's LOTS to learn! We want to do more presentations and seminars - but we need volunteers to give them! Any topic you can contribute having to do with motorcycle travel, maintenance, planning etc, lasting 20 minutes or more, would be great. Please contact us here to volunteer.



Presenters at HU Indonesia 2017 included...

Ted Simon.

Ted Simon

''Jupiters Travels''

On the 6th October 1973 at the age of 42 Ted Simon left London on a 500cc Triumph Tiger to complete a four year solo round the world trip covering 64000miles and passing through 45 countries. On the 27th January 2001, aged 69, Ted repeated the journey, this time on a BMW R 80GS to discover what had changed over 28 years. A journey of 59000 miles through 47 countries.

Ted Simon 'Dreaming of Jupiter'.

Ted's books:- Jupiter's Travels; Riding High and Dreaming of Jupiter are to this day an inspiration to the traveller who seeks to understand the world and his/her place in it through personal adventure.

Ted will show a film (Ken Burns style) about the first part of his first trip, with a voice over by himself. This film was critically acclaimed in the USA, this will be the first showing in Indonesia!

Shannon and Mike Mills

Shannon & Mike Mills, S&M Boiler Works

Motorcycling the Americas
A thousand miles a minute: A kick-a$$ video capturing 16 months by motorcycle from Seattle to the tip of South America.

We are currently two and a half years into a round the world motorcycle journey that started in Seattle, WA, USA going south to Ushuaia, Argentina then from Uruguay we rode a cargo freighter with our motorcycles to Antwerp, Belgium. Once in Europe we rode south to Morocco returning to Europe riding east to Turkey where we put our bikes on an airplane to Nepal. From Nepal we will ride as far south as the HUBB meeting in Indonesia before returning to North America and completing our adventure.

Mike and Shannon Mills in Chile.

The cargo freighter we rode from South America to Europe was a five-week journey, so we used that time to produce a 24-minute video combining photos and video from our 16-months through North, Central, and South America. It is a fun representation of life on the road in Latin America. Following the video we will discuss what it took to prepare for a multi-year motorcycle trip and answer all related questions. We will also take this time to explore the many resources we have available (for free) on our website such as expense, accommodation, and border reports per country as well as budget preparatory tools, weather spreadsheets, and of course our travel articles and photos. We will also touch on having short motorcycle adventures within a life of jobs, mortgage payments, and other commitments.

Mike and Shannon Mills at the end of Ruta 3.

Steve Campbell

Steve Campbell

Singapore to London 1973. Times change.
Head Out on the Highway and go EAST!

1. Singapore to London 1973. Times Change.

I was hooked on the exhilaration of motorcycles at the age of five when I was taken for a ride on a Sunbeam 500 outfit that a mate of my old man's rode from London to Melbourne in 1954. It seemed like a good idea to do the reverse trip myself, so in 1973 I crated my 450 Honda twin and shipped it to Singapore. Seven months later, and a lot wiser, I arrived in London. This is the story of that trip. The past is a foreign country - things may be different there, but the spirit of adventure is the same as ever. And we've still got it!

2. Head out on the highway and go EAST!

The islands east of Bali are an adventurer's nirvana. Open roads, mountains, beaches, jungles, joy! Over the last nine years I've ridden thousands of kilometres around this region. The people I've met have been helpful and friendly, and always made me feel welcome. I've climbed volcanoes, explored lakes, visited ancient sites, swum many a beach, and rounded my share of bends. I've been lulled to sleep by the lapping of the waves and jolted awake by the muzzein's call to prayer. I've trudged lonely beaches and explored caves. I've eaten incredibly good food in incredibly ordinary places and have accumulated a vast store of information and memories which I'm happy to share with you. I've travelled in Indonesia since 1970. Transport connections and roads have improved immensely in that time. Spend a few weeks exploring east of Bali - you won't regret it.

"Give me a blue sky, an open road and a motorcycle." I haven't been everywhere yet - but it's on my list.

Steve Campbell with locals in Sape, Sumbawa.

Anita Yusof

Anita Yusof, Givi Explorer Profile

Global Dream Ride
Without much riding skill and money, Anita rode the world solo and become the first Muslim woman to do so.

Most people picked up riding because of interest or to follow the trend, but Anita Yusof learned how to ride a motorbike to 'escape' relationship conflicts. Riding became addictive and she wanted to ride at every opportunity. Being an avid solo traveler who relied on public transportation, she turned this hobby using her own motorbike. She started riding solo outside of her own country, Malaysia, to Indochina only three months after learning to ride. One year later, she rode solo to the remoteness of the five Central Asia "Stans", including Afghanistan. There's no turning back, so she started to plan a bigger ride - to conquer the world solo on two wheels and became the first Muslim woman to do so.

She wanted to correct the bad perception of Islam and to show to the world that Muslim women are not weak by making herself a good example. Completely self-supported other than some resources from Givi and Yamaha, who sponsored here the bike and some riding gear, Anita set out on her Global Dream Ride on September 11, 2015. She travelled with very little in terms of funds from her own savings (made more difficult by a fall in currency value), off-road riding skills, no other language except her mother tongue and English. Anita flew her bike to Seattle, USA, rode to Alaska and then south to Argentina before crossing the Atlantic Ocean to London and later riding in Europe, Asia, and all the way to Vladivostok, Russia. She faced lots of challenges on the road from extreme temperature to difficult terrain that surpassed her ability, and most of all, fighting crazy winds on Ruta 40 in Patagonia all the way to Ushuaia. How she struggled to keep her small 150cc bike on the road without being blown away by the fierce wind! 370 days after starting out, Anita returned home safely to claim 4 continents, 40 countries and 65,369 km to her experience.

Anita is a mother, lecturer, backpacker-turned-advrider loaded with courage, determination, positive thinking, enthusiasm and a desire to prove that nothing is impossible. She started to learn how to ride a motorbike at the age of 45 and three years later, she embarked on her Global Dream Ride, solo on her trusty 150cc Yamaha FZ150.

Anita Yusof with her bike.

Maggie and Norman Magowan

Maggie and Norman Magowan, Adventures in Yellow

Highlights and wild tales from the ride from Chile to Alaska that spawned the two 'Adventures in Yellow' books, and how we made it from Belfast to Sumbawa.

Veteran overlander Norman Magowan is author of the 'Adventures in Yellow' books and websites. With his wife, Maggie, he spent 15 months on a slow ride through the Americas (2004 – 2006). Currently heading east from UK to Australia on the same pair of yellow BMW F650GS.

1. A Pan-American Adventure

In 2004, Norman and Maggie Magowan travelled the length of the Americas from Chile to Alaska on their two yellow BMW F650GS motorcycles. They spent 15 months and 35,500 smiles chasing a slow road that yielded the website and the pair of gripping saddle yarns in the 'Adventures in Yellow' series of books. Their slideshow will look at the highlights and challenges of being on the road for this time and will hopefully inspire others to go out and chase their dreams!

Maggie at the Orange Temple.

2. From UK to Indonesia

Norman & Maggie Magowan, veterans of the Pan-American (see other presentation) left their comfortable jobs and home in the UK in July 2015 to head out toward Australia. This is the story of their progress so far and how they came to the beautiful island of Sumbawa after 20 months on some of the greatest roads on the planet...

Norman's insane-level crossing.

Nicole Espinosa.

Nicole Espinosa

Soaring on Two Wheels: Africa and Egypt

Nicole finds strength on her recent Joshua Tree solo leading to Africa and Egypt

When faced with adversity, sometimes the best choice is to soar right through it on two wheels. This financial crisis ends up being Nicole's blessing to get her out on the road, where answers and a higher purpose are waiting. Documenting this exciting journey in the healing desert landscape of Joshua Tree, California, encourages Nicole to start Vlogging to share her insights and road magic with the world.

Nicole Espinosa.

This chapter opens her up to global opportunity as she travels to Africa to shoot Lorraine Chittock's film Rallying for a Wild Life that also includes Tiffany Coates. Three motorcycling women taking on Eastern Africa unsupported and raising awareness for the local wild life. Then on to Egypt solo, to uncover ancient wisdom and a Higher Purpose. This time of global travel for Nicole will pave the way to that sidecar motorcycle that will get her kids on the road traveling the world with her.

Nicole Espinosa and kids in sidecar.

Launching into adventure riding after a divorce in 2008, Nicole found freedom and a new career. Designing aftermarket accessories for her business Rugged Rider, and writing about her journeys led her to a position as contributing editor for Adventure Motorcycle magazine. Currently living on the road after selling everything, Nicole launches into global adventures paving the way to get that sidecar motorcycle that will get her kids traveling the world with her. Nicole is also the co-organizer (with Flip Morton) of Horizons Unlimited's California Travellers Meeting!

Andy Dukes

Andy Dukes, The Marathon Ride

The Big Easy?

We've all dreamed of quitting our jobs and riding around the world, but for many of us it remains an elusive dream, continually dashed by mortgage payments, pension planning and the prospect of exorbitant college funds for the kids. I've decided to push all that to one side for a couple of years, hit the road and worry about it when I return. As I prepare for the longest journey of my life, I wonder whether an armchair traveller can become a true overlander…

If you're looking for a mid-life crisis, you've come to the right place. I quit my job to ride around the world and plan to compete in six marathons on six continents. I'm a complete beginner so please wish me luck.

Andy with his GS bike.

Workshops and Educational Sessions

...because Horizons Unlimited meetings are about information, not just inspiration!

Maggie Magowan

Maggie Magowan, Adventures in Yellow

Yoga for Travellers
A light beginners introduction to the benefits of yoga for those of us on the road.

Try something you may not have done before... Join Mags on the beach for a beginners yoga class with some gentle stretching exercises to limber up for your next journey!

Maggie has been traveling for nearly 40 years on motorcycles with her husband. They are now traveling overland from UK to Australia on our trusty yellow BMWs. She is also a qualified Yoga and Pilates Instructor and loves to practice on the road.

The Adventure Travel Zone

  • Equipment Specialists
  • Manufacturers
  • Tour Operators
  • Adventure Travel Authors and Film-Makers
  • The HU Store

Exhibitors To Be Confirmed

If you know of any motorcycle or travel equipment vendors or tour operators who should be there, please suggest it to them! Vendors please contact me for details.

Facilities for a Fantastic Event!

Where is it?

PADI PADI Beach Resort,
Jl. Raya Lintas Selatan, Pantai Rancabuaya
Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

7°32'5.52"S 107°30'13.96"E


Pantai Rancabuaya, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat, HU Indonesia 2018.

Facilities on site:

  • VIP Room/Cottage
  • Air Conditioning
  • Bathroom
  • Camping Area with toilet / bathing room
  • Military Tent for those without tents (limited numbers, 'first in first serve'
  • Safe Parking for Motorcycles
  • Food vendors on site - price $2-$5

 Pantai Rancabuaya, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat, HU Indonesia 2018.


Camping is included (your own tent, or a few spaces in military tents: 'first in, first serve').



Meeting Entry includes slide shows, workshops and rides

USD 35


please Pay at the event!




days to go!

Horizons Unlimited
Indonesia 2018 Sponsors

Wonderful Indonesia.

Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia - start here for information on where to go and what to see and do in Wonderful Indonesia!

Eiger Tropical Adventure

Leading Indonesian manufacturer of
Apparel, Footwear, Bags and Packs
for your tropical adventure!

Join the discussion:

On the HUBB!
On Facebook!

HU Indonesia 2017 Video

Thanks to Jeffrey Polnaja

Comments about HU Events

"So many trips, tips, subjects, discussions, questions, answers, experiences, insights... I could go on and on. I will be back, and back, and back."

"It was like being with family... a friendly group with shared love of adventure."

"Everyone was humble, genuine, and encouraging, and I really needed that kind of 'we're all just people' kind of atmosphere."

"You'll see and hear the most useful ideas on so many subjects that it boggles the mind."

"Full of very inspiring people who got me fired up again and motivated for my next trip!"

"What a fantastic inspirational weekend...we will be back."

"I have picked up so much information... and met some new friends and wonderful people."

"...a new league of awesomeness."

"Great atmosphere and camaraderie, especially at dinner time, and interesting presentations."

"I have learned so much, made some great mates and met some of the best people. I was buzzing by the time I got home. I have a little trip planned and just can't wait to get out there."

For more about HU Events, see some magazine articles here.

Be a Presenter

We're inviting submissions for presentations, so whether you're attending the event or exploring a distant continent, if you've got a story to tell or expertise to share we'd like to hear from you.

We love to hear stories about your travel adventures, especially if you have great pics! Also, practical how-to sessions such as roadside cooking, navigation / GPS, trip prep and planning, adventure motorcycling medicine, packing light, setting your bike up, communications / blogging from the road, self-publishing your story, yoga for bikers, bodging / bike maintenance, self-defense, photography, videography, tire repair, safe riding techniques, how to pick up your bike, off-road riding, all are of interest.

There are 45 minute and 100 minute sessions available for talks, workshops, demos and live web chats.

Click here to submit your ideas


Submitting a Presenter registration DOES NOT mean you will automatically be included in the schedule, as we can have more presenters than available presentation slots. We will confirm one way or the other as soon as we can (but not immediately!)

You can help!

If you have a few minutes, please download the poster (Adobe pdf format) and print off a few and hand them round your club or your local bike shop or anywhere seems like a good place.

Poster in pdf format (422kb) full colour 8.5 x 11 Event poster:

HU Indonesia 2018 Poster.

Hi-Res Poster (1.3 MB)


Postcard in pdf format (1.6 MB) full colour Event postcard, can be printed 4 to a page:

Horizons Unlimited Indonesia 2018 postcard.

Postcard - 4 to page (1.9 MB)

You may need to right click and choose "save target as..."


HU Indonesia New location! Location

PADI PADI Beach Resort
Jl. Raya Lintas Selatan
Pantai Rancabuaya
Kabupaten Garut
Jawa Barat, Indonesia

7°32'5.52"S 107°30'13.96"E


Local Host

Jeffrey Polnaja, first Indonesian motorcyclist to ride around the world.

Jeffrey Polnaja is our local host. Jeffrey is the first Indonesian motorcylist to ride around the world. We met him during his 'Ride for Peace' trip.

Jeffrey says: "After completing my solo Round the World trip in 9 years, it's time for me to host fellow travellers and friends I met from all over the world, to visit my home country. We welcome you, beginner or experienced. Come and meet your own tribe, chat and have a coffee in a private beach or even share your amazing journey."

Big thanks to Jeffrey for stepping up and making this event happen! We can always use help on the day - please volunteer to help out for a couple of hours when you signup (above)!

HU Events Refund Policy

Like adventures, life can throw surprises our way. Stuff happens. While we would love for you to join the fun and connect with everyone at our events, we understand that you (and the funds) may be needed elsewhere. We'll catch up later!

On our side, we know you appreciate that we have financial commitments to venues and caterers!

The best way to let us know that you're unable to attend an event is to reply to the Registration Confirmation Email you got from us when you first signed up.

Up to 30 days prior to event start, we will refund all fees in full less a $10 (or €9 or £8) handling fee and PayPal charges. At your request, we can apply your Event Registration and all fees to any subsequent HU event you wish in that year or following year.

Up to 15 days prior to event start, we will refund only the camping/accommodation and food packages in full less a $10 (or €9 or £8) handling fee and PayPal charges. At your request, we can apply your Event Registration fee (with no handling fee) to any subsequent HU Event you wish in that year or following year. If you purchased a t-shirt, we will ship it to the mailing address you provide.

Within 15 days of the event start, there will be no refunds. At your request, we can apply your registration fee (with no handling fee) to any subsequent HU event you wish in that year or following year. If you purchased a t-shirt, we will ship it to the mailing address you provide.

If WE cancel an event:

We are constantly evaluating the situation for every event, and very much err on the side of caution. We will endeavour to announce "Final" decision one month or more before the event, but the situation COULD change closer to time, and we could be required by law to cancel.

If we are forced to cancel for COVID or natural disaster, we will roll your registration over to next year automatically.

If you want to transfer your existing registration to any other HU event in the world, just let us know.

Need a full refund? PLEASE REPLY to your original Registration Confirmation email to make it easier for us to find. If you can't find it, please email a request to: events-c (AT) horizonsunlimited(-)com with the subject line: "Refund event-name event-year"

Next HU Eventscalendar

25 years of HU Events
Be sure to join us for this huge milestone!

ALL Dates subject to change.

2025 Confirmed Events:

Virginia: April 24-27
Queensland is back! May 2-5
Germany Summer: May 29-June 1
Ecuador June 13-15
Bulgaria Mini: June 27-29
CanWest: July 10-13
Switzerland: Aug 14-17
Romania: Date TBC
Austria: Sept. 11-14
California: September 18-21
France: September 19-21
Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2

Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!

Questions about an event? Ask here

See all event details


New to Horizons Unlimited?

Horizons Unlimited was founded in 1997 by Grant and Susan Johnson following their journey around the world on a BMW R80 G/S motorcycle. The website, HUBB forum and regular events across the globe have inspired thousands of people to follow their dreams and take the road less travelled.

Susan and Grant Johnson
Read more about Grant & Susan's story