HU Travellers Meeting Germany-Autumn 2017

Horizons Unlimited 19th Deutschland Travellers Meeting

Saturday 28 Oct - Tuesday 31 Oct, 2017
Campingplatz Pfrimmtal, Deutschland


You missed it! Go here for current event!

It's All About Overland Adventure

Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, it doesn't matter if you ride a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drive an expedition vehicle...

Horizons Unlimited meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled.

Horizons Unlimited Germany Autumn Event Schedule

The event is taking place from Saturday, 28 October to Tuesday, 31 October, 2017. Presentations will start Saturday night. Rideouts will start Sunday morning. Organizers will be there most of Friday, hopefully Thursday evening, if anyone wishes to arrive early and just hang out or go for a ride in the area. Please LET US KNOW you will be arriving early.

The schedule is subject to change - stuff happens! Check the latest schedule to be posted at the meeting on the day.

Presenters at HU Germany Autumn 2017 included...

Workshops and Tech Sessions below

Stefan Thiel

Stefan Thiel

Trip Report: Germany to Mongolia in 101 Days
Following the Silk Road

Can you travel from Germay to Mongolia in 101 days? Stefan wanted to find out, so he followed the tracks of Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta on the Silk Road. His trip led him and his Honda Transalp via Turkey and Russia into the vast steppes of Central Asia. Follow him through the narrow alleys of Khiva in Uzbekistan and pitch your tent in the shadow of the 7,000-metre high Lenin Peak in Kyrgyzstan. Enjoy the green of the Siberian Altai Mountains and get a good shaking on the bumpy roads of Mongolia.

Stefan came late to motorcycling. He got his driving license at age 28 and traveled one year later from India to Germany on a Royal Enfield Bullet. Since this experience he only travels on a motorcycle. He has visited Morocco, Ireland, Mongoloia, the Danube from its spring origins to the Black Sea. It doesn't matter where, as long as the trip can be done on two wheels. As a freelancer for motorcycle magazines, he can usually be found at motorcycle events.

Stefan riding beside a river

River crossing

Rolf Lange

Rolf Lange


Rolf Lange hatte einen guten Job, ein tolles soziales Umfeld. Dennoch entschloss er sich, seine Komfortzone radikal zu verlassen und seinem Leben eine vollkommen neue Richtung zu geben: Er ließ lieb gewonnene Gewohnheiten und die Routine des Alltags hinter sich und brach im Juli 2014 mit seinem Motorrad zu einer 17-monatigen Weltreise auf. Fünf Kontinente, 42 Länder, 65.266 Kilometer. Untermalt von faszinierenden Fotos und Videos erzählt er in seinem Live-Vortrag "Die große Ausfahrt" spannend und inspirierend von seinen Erfahrungen und Begegnungen mit Menschen in aller Welt – und welche Erfolgsfaktoren für das Meistern seiner großen Herausforderung entscheidend waren. Rolf Lange betont in seinem Vortrag auch ganz persönliche Erfahrungen: Welche Ängste ihn begleiteten. Vom Gefühl, die Komfortzone radikal zu verlassen. Und wie die Welt mit jedem zurückgelegten Kilometer im Kopf zusammenwächst. Mit seinem Vortrag inspiriert Rolf Lange seine Zuhörer. Er motiviert sie, Umwege zu wagen, Entscheidungen konsequent zu verfolgen und offen und gelassen auf unbekannte Situationen zu reagieren. Und er vermittelt, dass die Welt weit mehr ist als die alltägliche Nachrichtenlage. "Die große Ausfahrt" ist ein sehr persönlicher und authentischer Vortrag – mit einzigartigen Geschichten und mit Erkenntnissen, die auch im Alltag eine inspirierende Bereicherung für Jedermann sind.

I have traveled around the world on my motorcycle for 17 months through 42 countries on 5 continents. Since I came back in December 2015, I am sharing my experiences in my talk THE GREAT JOURNEY.

Women sitting in front of a marble alcove.

Landscape flowing from plains to hills to mountains.

A monk speaking dynamically

Jan Neumann

Jan Neumann, Eisreise

Hochzeitsreise im Januar zum Nordkap
Ich wollte nur meine Tante Besuchen

1. Eisreise - Eiskalte Hochzeitsreise. Im Winter mit zwei Motorrädern ans Nordkap

"Es ist wun-der-schön! Leider auch bit-ter-kalt, denn mit jedem Höhenmeter fällt die Temperatur noch tiefer. Bis auf -36,7 °C. Die kleine Pet will nicht mehr so recht und Jan hat mit seiner Super Ténéré ebenfalls Mühe. Bei -37 °C scheinen wir an der Grenze der Vergasermotoren angekommen zu sein, denn beide lassen sich nur mit Gewalt, viel Drehzahl und konstantem Gas am Laufen halten …" Die Geschichte einer außergewöhnlichen Hochzeitsreise. Ein Abenteuer, das zwei Menschen auf zwei Motorrädern im Winter ans Nordkap führt und für ihr Leben lang zusammenschweißt. Jan und Silke Neumann nehmen bei ihrem Vortrag die Zuschauer mit auf den Soziussitz über 3000 eisige Kilometer durch verzaubernde Winterlandschaften voller Magie. Frösteln garantiert!

Bikes parked in the snow.

Riding on a snowy road.

2. Ich wollte nur meine Tante besuchen

2010 brach ich im Januar bei Schneesturm auf, die Alpen zu überqueren. Auch in Damaskus wurde es nicht wärmer und ich durchquerte die ganze arabische Halbinsel bis zum Yemen, um mit einer Dau nach Djibouti überzusetzen und um den Viktoriasee nach Mozambique und weiter über Namibia nach Südafrika und zu Weihnachten zu meiner Tante nach Port Elizabeth zu fahren. Die Begegnungen waren einzigartig, die gebrochenen Federbeine und Rahmen eine Herausforderung, die Landschaft grandios und die Freiheit, unterwegs zu sein sensationell.

Where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet.

Pannier against a starry sky

RTW 2010-2011 with 82,000 km travelling Arabic Peninsula till Yemen, and further to Africa, South and North America. Several other trips up to four months in South America, Iran, Oman, Kasachstan, Russia, and more.

Christian Schlatter

Christian Schlatter, Infinite Road

Started Alone - Three Have Arrived
... or how a baby doesn't stop your travels

After a certain point in my life, I decided that I have to do something different in my life: Traveling around the world by motorcycle was the goal. I started 4.5 years ago to Central Asia, crossed Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and India. Then I met a beautiful Italian girl and for sure we fell in love. We decided to continue on my motorcycle together, so we crossed South East Asia and got stranded in Australia. There we were surprised because Francesca told me that she got pregnant! After many discussion and no idea how to continue traveling with a baby, we just took off and went to Canada. There I found a nice compromise to continue with all three: we bought a sidecar! Slowly we traveled the Americas with Leonardo in the sidecar, or sometime also on the bike. A journey that changed my whole life and my way of thinking.

I was a typical Swiss who worked from 7-to-5, from Monday to Friday, and did many trips by bike in the Alps. Then I had to do something new - traveling around the world by motorcycle!

Christian and family with the Ural

Christian with bike and boat on beach.

Piet Tschöpe

Piet Tschöpe, Bikers Home

Oscar's Journey
From Germany to South Korea

I travelled rom Germany to South Korea with Oscar, a TT600E. Travelling makes happy. So I left Germany in April 2016 and was 10 months on the road. After passing through the Balkans and Turkey, I reached Central Asia, after Russia and finally South Corea. Always looking for another culture and music, I was on my way with my guitar, looking for inspiration. South Korea? Yes, once a Korean girl visited me in Spain, where I lived a long time. She told me a lot of this beautiful country and its culture. Very nice and respectful people, sharing the experience of a seperated country, as it was in former Germany, too. The Korean language is not too dificult to learn. So I hit the road to see her again in Seoul.

Growing up in Germany, the travel virus bit Piet and took over. First, he travelled around Europe, but now he will explore the world with his companion, Oscar.

Piet Tschope

Michael Hoh

Michael Hoh, Lines on Maps

Murphys Silkroad Stress Test for Optimism
Siberia: The Most Insane Ride of My Life

1. Murphys Silkroad Stress Test for Optimism

Murphys Silkroad was planned as the way back home to Germany from Mongolia. Not even the first day of the journey went as planned and this streak of bad luck continued. In Mongolia the bike broke down three times, but I made it through the Gobi. In the Russian Altai, I could hear already a much bigger problem and, shortly after I entered Kazakhstan, I started hitchhiking with my motorcycle. The repaired engine broke a second time and I left the bike there - now as a backpacker. Shared taxis, minibus, busses and trains were a totally new world for me. In Uzbekistan, I had a short break for sightseeing and continued with fixing the problems of others. Thank God, I got a lift from some overlanders and was independent from public transport until we split in Azerbaijan. From there, I continued to Iran and dove deeper into the world of backpackers.

2. Siberia: The Most Insane Ride of My Life

Four riders planned to ride the BAM. Three started, two accomplished the mission. Start and End in Mongolia. The first off-road chapter led us to Gussinojesee to check out the skills of the motley new team. Some technical issues slowed us down, but were fixed quickly. From Irkutsk, we made our way to north of Lake Baikal via the boring Schigalowo Road. Our team was reduced again in Severobaykalsk before we entered the interesting part of the BAM Road. Dirt, water, and mosquitos waited for us there, but also a unique challenge. The few people we meet were the kindest people ever. We made our way on everything a bike can be ridden on or ridden through before we were finally spit out to civilization again in Tynda.

Ever since Maikel Michael)started motorcycle travelling in 2013, he did several more-or-less big journeys through Europe, Siberia and Central Asia. His preferred way is travelling with a light bike and far from tourists.If people don't call it a road anymore, his heart starts to beat faster. He's an absolutely passionate enduro rider.

Michael Hoh along the Murphys Silkroad

More to come...

How about you? We're all here to learn, and there's LOTS to learn! We want to do more presentations and seminars - but we need volunteers to give them! Any topic you can contribute having to do with motorcycle travel, maintenance, planning etc, lasting 20 minutes or more, would be great. Please sign up here.

Panel discussions at most HU events include...

Border crossings - How to get through borders with minimal stress and cost!

Packing light - Tips and techniques from experienced travellers to reduce weight and bulk.

Regional discussions - e.g. travelling in South America or Asia.

For Women Only - A must for the ladies, so be sure to plan on being there! A chance to talk to experienced travelling women without the men around!

Experienced Travellers Panel - ask the experts anything you want!

Walk arounds / Show and tell!

Tents and Bedding discussion (in the camping area) - What works, cheap vs dear and which ones keep you dry, warm and comfy!

Farkle Walk - Take a stroll and talk about your best bike mods - homemade saddle bags, toolbox mounts, GPS mounts, seats, side stands, tank panniers, cup holders, etc.

The Adventure Travel Zone

  • Equipment Specialists
  • Manufacturers
  • Tour Operators
  • Adventure Travel Authors and Film-Makers
  • The HU Store

Exhibitors (To Be Confirmed)

Overland Adventure - our passion for technical perfection and quality standards make your dream trip possible.

Overland Adventure

Overland Adventure is a motorcycle expedition company specializing in parts and accessories for Touring and long on and off road travel. Our passion for technical perfection and quality standards make your dream trip possible. We offer you the best you can get on the market!

SBV International.

SBV International is located in Brussels, Belgium. We are young entrepreneurs and innovation passionates. Our products are designed to make any mechanical tasks easier for the end user. We offer a life time warranty on our tools. We develop tools for motorcycles, cars etc. we have more than 50 patents worldwide. We continuously develop tools by listening the needs of our customers.

Thierry De Schaetzen will be here to show you Moto-PRO Tool sets and other products.

If you know of any other motorcycle or travel equipment vendors or tour operators who should be there, please suggest it to them! Vendors please contact me for details.

If you'd like to secure your place in the Adventure Travel Zone, there's a pre-registration form for Authors & Film-Makers and a booking form for Exhibitors.

Horizons Unlimited Germany Ride-outs

Some folks will be going on ride-outs in this awesome riding area. You are welcome to join them! Note: These are NOT organised by Horizons Unlimited.

Ride-outs are limited to 6 or 10 people per ride, no exceptions.

All rides will be back on site at or before 5.00pm

  • Road Rides - two planned, details to come.
  • Off-road - we could use some help - any ideas, locations, routes, off-road tracks?

All rides are "register on the day." There will be signup sheets for each ride posted the evening before. First in best dressed.

Facilities for a Fantastic Four Days

The event will be held at:

Campingplatz Pfrimmtal
Pfrimmerhof 3
67729 Sippersfeld
Telefon (06357) 9753 -80

Campingplatz Pfrimmtal. Campingplatz Pfrimmtal.

Jens has found a great new venue! Official Campground in beautiful surroundings features:

  • Separate Camping Area for Groups
  • Fireplace
  • Great toilets and real showers – finally!
  • German/Greek Restaurant on the spot (lunch, dinners and breakfast)
  • Swimming in several lakes possible (depends on the weather!)
  • Good for hiking
  • Fishing possible
  • Absolutely quiet – no traffic around!
  • Great Barn for slide shows
  • Cabins/mobilhomes and apartments are also available

Campingplatz Pfrimmtal.

Great riding in one of the best riding areas of Germany – the Pfälzer Wald! The famous Motorcycle Meeting Point "Johanniskreuz" is just around the corner... Endless turns with nearly no traffic! Plenty of attractions in the area - see list!

Tech session in the big tent, HU Germany meeting.

There will stil be the big tent!


Camping is €10 per person per night, which is our cost, no markup, and a super bargain. There is lots of room for camping!

Campingplatz Pfrimmtal. Campingplatz Pfrimmtal.

Cabins/Mobilhomes and Apartments

Are NOT included in your registration fee. You must book soon if you want a cabin or other accommodation, as they WILL FILL UP!

Please book directly through the campground and pay them for your cabin.

PLEASE NOTE: Booking a cabin DOES NOT register you for the meeting, you will still have to register as usual and pay the full registration fee.


Is NOT included in your registration price. There is a Greek/German restaurant serving breakfasts, lunches and dinners.



Next HU Eventscalendar

ALL Dates subject to change.


  • California: April 18-21
  • Virginia: April 25-28
  • Germany Summer: May 9-12
  • Québec: May 17-19
  • Bulgaria Mini: July 5-7
  • CanWest: July 11-14
  • Switzerland: August 15-18
  • Ecuador: August 23-25
  • Romania: August 30-Sept 1
  • Austria: September 12-15
  • France: September 20-22
  • Germany Autumn: Oct 31-Nov 3

2025 confirmed dates:

  • Virginia: April 24-27 2025
  • Queensland is back! May 2-4 2025
  • Germany Summer: May 29-June 1 2025
  • CanWest: July 10-13 2025
  • Austria: Sept. 11-15
  • California: September 18-21
  • France: September 19-21 2025
  • Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2 2025

Add yourself to the Updates List for each event!

Questions about an event? Ask here

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