Argentina 2015

December 5-6, 2015

Why Come to an HU Motorcycle Travellers Meeting?

You can meet people who don't think you're crazy for wanting to ride your bike to South America or Africa or across Asia, or even around the world! Admit it, all your 'normal' friends and most of your family fears for your sanity! So, this is your opportunity to meet the people who will encourage you in that craziness, share their experiences and advice on how to do it, and maybe you'll meet them again in Mongolia or Timbuktu!

On the road now? Heading for Ushuaia? stop in to the Meeting - you'll meet loads of other travellers heading south - or north! Swap information and make new friends!

all the travellers - and their dogs

Location for 2015 will be in La Boca, the "Los Trentinos" campground as in previous years.

On This Page

How you can help - put up a few posters! NEW Poster available! Event poster available! Please post it everywhere!

The plan

The general plan is simple.

Show up Friday, have a drink, tell some lies, have another drink, eat, talk to people, sleep!

On Saturday, lunch on a boat cruise on the Rio Negro. The cost of ticket for the boat is 40 pesos for the boat, and the price of lunch on board is currently unknown, but will be more or less 30 to 70 pesos. (BUT expect an increase!)

On Sunday we will go to the countryside for Patagonian lamb on the farm of a friend, the price is 110 pesos each, with salad, wine and ice cream too. (Price NOT confirmed but this will be reasonably close)

Monday, time to head south for Christmas and New Years at Ushuaia, or east or west or wherever!


The event is free to attend!

Meals, boat rides etc not included.

Donations to defray Oscars expenses gratefully accepted! See Oscar at the Meeting.

Reservations SVP

We need to let the Oscar know as soon as possible how many we're expecting. NOTE: Food and drink is NOT included, but we're assuming you will want to eat and have a drink, or two...

Meeting Registration

Couples, groups, buddies etc - One registration form per person please! EVERYBODY must register.

Your details

First Name * (*=required field)

Last Name *

Email *

HUBB User Name

What vehicle do you travel on?

On past trips, where have you been?


State / County / Province / District etc


Mobile or Phone number (in case we need to find you)

Donations to Oscar to defray his expenses are up to you, and much appreciated - he puts a lot of work and money into it.

Leave this empty:


I have read and agree to Horizons Unlimited's terms and conditions for entry to this event. I understand I will also be asked to sign a written waiver at the event before I can participate.
Yes spacer No

Please Volunteer to help out at the Meeting!

Would you like to put on a Tech Clinic or slide show?
Any special requirements, e.g. food, any comments?

Let us know below!

Won't submit? Greyed out? Click YES to the Terms and conditions - yes, again!

You can help!

If you have a few minutes, please download the poster - (Adobe pdf format) and print off a few and hand them round your club or your local bike shop or anywhere seems like a good place.

(You may need to right click and choose "save target as...")

Poster in pdf format, in English (885kb) full colour A4

Thanks for the help!

HU Membership

At most meetings you can join HU and become a Member, but it's too complicated for this meeting, so just go to the Membership page on HU for details. Thanks for your support, it helps us to bring meetings like this to you!


There are several great rides in the area, and Oscar will take you on at least one! Ask Oscar for details on more when you get there.


Everything is based at the Campground, location details below.

Camp ground per person per day Arg$30.00. Tent is also Arg$30 per day.

Near Viedma, Argentina

GPS co-ordinates: 41º 03.167' W 62º 49.805' - this is for Los Trentinos

Note that your map may say "Balneario Massini" for those coordinates. Whatever, it's at the mouth of the Rio Negro.

Click for a larger more detailed picture
Click the map for a more detailed map. Note smiley faces are HU Communities!

Detail map - so far - of the location of the campground at Balneario Massini.

Weather information

For Yahoo/ forecast click here...

Getting There - GPS, Maps

40° 49' South 62° 59' West.

Viedma is right on the main highway heading south from Buenos Aires. Hard to miss! You shouldn't have a problem finding the campsite once you get there, just ask for the "campground by the river". Phone Oscar for information if you have trouble. 02920-424096.

Other Accommodation Possibilities

There are hotels in town, shouldn't be a problem.

Any suggestions anyone?

Local Hosts

Oscar, Miguel and Nancy
Oscar, Miguel and Nancy

Oscar (email Oscar) and Tel: 02920-424096. and his family have done an amazing job, made a lot of great friends, and helped a lot of people out by putting on this meeting for the benefit of travellers since 2003. He asks for nothing for his efforts, so we encourage you to help him out with a generous contribution.

Information about the area

See the Viedma Community page.

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Next HU Eventscalendar

25 years of HU Events
Be sure to join us for this huge milestone!

ALL Dates subject to change.

2025 Confirmed Events:

Virginia: April 24-27
Queensland is back! May 2-5
Germany Summer: May 29-June 1
Ecuador June 13-15
Bulgaria Mini: June 27-29
CanWest: July 10-13
Switzerland: Aug 14-17
Romania: Date TBC
Austria: Sept. 11-14
California: September 18-21
France: September 19-21
Germany Autumn: Oct 30-Nov 2

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