Language: Common Phrases for the road

This is a permanent work in progress! And you can add to it!

Latest update March 24, 2019

A big thanks to:

Donato Nicoletti, Italian
Paul Henrion, French
Roberto Runyard, Spanish
Antonio Fernandez, Italian
Sergey Serebrennikov, Russian
Bruno Marques, Portuguese
Chris Lockwood, Japanese
Adrian Silindean, Romanian
Dimitris Kissonas, Greek
Dani Rey, German phrases
Ozhan Unverdi, Turkish
Yun-Soo Park, Korean
Esteban Gonzalez, Spanish phrases
Oleg Sklyanchuk, Russian
Additional German by ? oops!
Jean-Francois Landemaine, additional French
Leo Mcleod, Spanish phrases
Piotr Wilkosz, Polish

DOWNLOAD the entire xlsx spreadsheet and take it with you!

Motorcycle and Vehicle Tech Terms Translation

All those tech words you NEED for vehicle travel, but just aren't in the common phrasebook! Brakes, engine parts and much much more!

Motorcycle and Vehicle Technical Terms Glossary

So WHAT IS a cardan? Or an easy out? Or a burr? Or lateral runout? Or an oil slinger? Or a zener diode?
It's all in the Glossary! (an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge!)

Add More Translations:

Here is the Excel 2007+ xlsx spreadsheet of this page. You can open it and save it locally, then add as you wish (ALL changes and additions in red please) and then contact me to let me know you have updates. NOTE: There is a second tab on the spreadsheet for Common Phrases for Travellers. Also, please try to put in a pronunciation guide / phonetic guide or something to help people actually say the word! :)


There is also a book called "Fachwörterbuch der Zweiradtechnik: Deutsch, englisch, französisch = Two-wheeler technical dictionary : English, German, French" available from Amazon. It was recommended to HU by Trui Hanouille.

Here is a link to Cyrillic with Russian pronunciation.

Common Phrases you'll use on the road

NOTE: hover your mouse over the row to clear the background!

English Deutsch Francais Italiano Portugese Espanol Romanian Russian Japanese


Turkish Korean Polish
notes -->             NOTE: [Denotes pronunciation hints.] Capital letters denote stressed characters, and ' denotes a palatalization sign, (meaning that a consonant is softened.) This is important as it can change the meaning. See wikipedia          
How do you say this? (Use to learn the word for something in another language) Wie sagt man (das)? Comment dit-on (ça) ? Come si dice (questo)? Como se diz (isso)? ¿Cómo se dice/llama (esto)?   Как это сказать? [kak Eto skaZAT']   Πώς λέτε (this)?
Pos lete (this)?
Nasıl diyorsunuz? 이것을 뮈라고 하지요? I gut ul mui rago hajiyo Jak (to) sie nazywa?
Full tank of regular (premium) gasoline please. Bitte mit Super 95 (Super 98) voll tanken Le plein de Super 95 (Super 98), s'il-vous-plaît Il pieno per favore. In Italy we have unleaded (senza piombo) gasolio (diesel) Encha o tanque com gasolina comum (aditivada) por favor. Sin Plomo/Súper 95/98, lleno, por favor  

Полный бак 95-го (98-го), пожалуйста. ['POlnyi bak devyaNOsto-PYAtogo (devyaNOsto-vosMOgo) poJAluista]

Regulā (haioku) mantan
"Γεμάτο απλή (αμόλυβδη). Gemato apli (amolivdi)." Tam dolu kurşunsuz benzin 보통 가득
botong ga duc
Do pelna benzyne (98)
I will pay in cash (by credit card). Ich werde Bar (mit Kreditkarte) bezahlen Je vais régler en espèces (par carte bleue) Pago in contanti (pago con carta di credito) Vou pagar com dinheiro (cartão de crédito). Pagaré en efectivo (con tarjeta de crédito)   Я заплачу наличными (кредиткой). [ya zaplaCHU naLIchnimi (kreDItkoi)] 現金(カード)で
Genkin (kado) de
Θα πληρώσω μετρητά (κάρτα).
Tha pliroso metrita (karta)
Nakit Ödeyeceğim (Kredi Kartı ile ödeyeceğim) 현찰 cash
카드 card
Chcial bym zaplacic karta
Excuse me. Please show me how to use this. Entschuldigen Sie. Können Sie mir zeigen, wie man das benutzt? Excusez-moi, pourriez-vous me montrer comment on utilise ceci ? Per cortesia, può mostrarmi come usare questo? Por favor, você poderia me mostrar como usar isso? Por favor, ¿podría enseñarme como funciona esto?   Прошу прощения. Как это работает? [proSHU proSCHEniya. kak Eto raBOtayet?] すみません、これの使い方を教えて下さい。
Sumimasen. Kore no tsukaikata wo oshiete kudasai.
Πως δουλεύει αυτό?
Pos doulevi afto?
Afedersiniz, şunu nasıl kullanacağımı gösterir misiniz? 이것을 어떻개 쓰지요?
I gut ul, uh ttuk hae sseu ji yo?
Przepraszam, prosze mi pokazac jak to uzyc.
Where is X? Wo befindet sich X? Où se trouve X ? Dov'è x? Onde fica o X? ¿Dónde se encuentra X?   Где X? [gdE X?] ○○はどこですか?
X wa doko desu ka?
Που είναι Χ?
Pou ine X?
X nerede? X 가 어디있지요?
X ga uh di it ji yo?
Gdzie jest X?
Can I camp here? Darf ich hier zelten? Est-ce que je peux camper ici ? Salve; posso piantare qui la mia tenda? Eu posso acampar aqui? ¿Puedo acampar aquí?     ここでキャンプしても良いですか?
Koko de kyanpu shitemo ii desuka?
Μπορώ να κατασκηνώσω εδώ?
Boro na kataskinoso edo?
Burada kamp kurabilir miyim? 여기 켐프 해도 되나요? yugi camp, haedo, doi na yo? Czy moge sie tu rozbic?
Can I park my motorcycle here? Darf ich hier mein Motorrad parkieren? Est-ce que je peux garer ma moto là ? Salve; posso parcheggiare qui la mia moto? Posso parar a minha moto aqui? ¿Puedo aparcar (estacionar Mex) mi moto aquí?   Могу я тут припарковать мой мотоцикл? [moGY ya tyt priparkoVAt' moi motoTSIkl?] ここでバイクを止めてもいいですか?
Koko de baiku wo tomete ii desuka?
Μπορώ να παρκάρω εδώ?
Boro na parkaro edo?
Motorumu buraya park edebilir miyim? 여기 주차 해도 되나요? yugi jucha hae do doi na yo? Czy moge tu zaparkowac motocykl?
I have a flat tire Ich habe einen platten Reifen Un de mes pneus est creuvé. Ho una gomma bucata. Estou com um pneu furado. He tenido un pinchazo / Tengo una rueda pinchada (ponchado Mex)   У меня колесо спустило. [u meNYA kaleSO spuSTIlo] パンクです。
Panku desu.
Έμεινα από λάστιχο.
Emina apo lasticho.
Tekerim patladı 빵꾸 났어요
Ppang ku, nat suh yo
Zlapalem gume.
The engine will not start. Der Motor startet nicht Le moteur ne démarre plus Il motore non parte. O motor não está ligando. El motor no arranca   Мотор (двигатель) не заводится. [moTOr (DVIgatyel') ne zaVOditsa] エンジンがかかりません。
Enjin ga kakarimasen.
Η μηχανή δεν ξεκινάει.
I michani den xekinai.
Motor çalışmıyor 시동이 안걸려요
sidong i an gul ryu yo.
Silnik nie startuje.
How much does it cost for one night? Wieviel kostet es für eine Nacht? Quel est le prix pour une nuit? Quanto costa per una notte? Quanto custa a diária? ¿Cuánto cuesta una noche?   Сколько стоит за ночь? [SKOlko STOit za noch?] 泊いくらですか
Ippaku ikura desu ka?
Πόσο έχει η βραδιά?
Poso echei i vradia?
Bir gecelik ne kadar? 하루밤 얼마애요? harubam ul mae yo? Ile za noc?
Do you have a room available? Haben Sie ein freies Zimmer? Avez-vous des chambres de disponible? Salve; avete una camera libera? Você tem um quarto disponível? ¿Tiene una habitación libre?   У Вас есть свободная комната [u vas est' svoBOdnaya KOmnata?] 空いている部屋はありますか
Aiteiru heya wa arimasu ka?
Έχετε δωμάτιο?
Echete domatio?
Boş odanız var mı?

방 있어요?
bang it uh yo?

Czy macie dostepne pokoje?
motorcycle shop Motorradgeschäft Concessionnaire moto Officina per motociclette. Oficina mecânica de motos. Taller de motocicletas   Мотоциклетный магазин. [mototsiKLEtnii magaZIN] バイク屋
Κατάστημα μοτοσυκλετών.
Katastima motosikleton.
Motorsiklet dükkanı 오토바이 가개
otobai gagae
Sklep motocyklowy
police Polizei Police Polizia Polícia Policía   Полиция. [poLItsiya] 警察
Polis 경찰
gyung chal
ambulance Ambulanz Ambulance Ambulanza Ambulância Ambulancia   Скорая [SKOraya] 救急車
kyu-kyu sha
Ambulans 엠블란스
map Karte Carte Mappa/carta stradale Mapa Mapa   Карта [KArta] 地図
harita 지도
borders with 'x'   Frontières avec X Confine con x   Fronteras con X       Σύνορα με 'x'
Sinora me 'x'
    Granica z X


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