The Clancy Centenary Ride 2012-2013

Celebrating 100 Years Of Circling The World By Motorcycle

In 1912 Carl Stearns Clancy and his riding partner Walter Storey set out to become the first motorcyclists to “girdle the globe.” Using two of only five Henderson motorcycles produced by the famed Henderson Motorcycle Company in 1912, the duo left Philadelphia and started their land trip from Dublin, Ireland.

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Clancy at the beggiing of his around the world trip in 1912After a frightful crash on Day 1 and miserable weather in October and November, Storey left the 21 year-old Clancy in Paris, and Clancy soldiered on alone.

Clancy spent the next months riding south to Spain, and then across north Africa, only to be halted before attempting to cross India. Undeterred he shipped his motorcycle to Ceylon where he toured for some days, and then shipped again to Penang.  Once there he discovered there was no road to Singapore, so it was back on to a boat for Hong Kong, Shanghai and Japan. 

Landing in San Francisco, Clancy began what he called the most difficult part of his ‘round the world ride: San Francisco, California to Portland, Oregon, and then across the northern part of the United States to return to New York. His journey lasted 10 months and he had ridden over 18,000 miles.

Centenary Ride

Two serious Irish adventurers have decided to organize a global re-enactment of the Clancy record setting ride around the world.  Feargal O’Neill and his colleague Joe Walsh, in conjunction with the motorcycle traveller’s website Horizons Unlimited, have announced the Clancy Centenary Ride for 2012-2013.  According to O’Neill, "I feel that there is a duty on us modern-day motorcyclists to do our bit to honour the memory of this great pioneer of our sport."

The recent release of the book MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURER, a 16 year research project by global road rider (five times around the world) Dr. Gregory W. Frazier, has brought light to the incredible journey made by Clancy.  ‘round the world riders can now follow the original route and incredible ordeal made by one of the first real motorcycle adventure riders.

The Clancy Book, by Dr. Gregory Frazier

The plan, as explained by O’Neill, is for anyone interested - and of course we expect Horizons Unlimited Travellers to be especially interested - to help retrace the route Clancy made in 1912-1913 on any make and model motorcycle. The riders can follow Clancy’s route for one mile or 1,000’s, depending on their time and commitment. There will be no entry fee and each entrant can join with a group or go solo over what can be traversed of the original route.

The start date is 23 October 2012, from Phoenix Park in Dublin, at 10:30 am.

Dr. Frazier has agreed to organize and join in the American leg, from San Francisco to New York. Frazier has already researched much of the original route and even suggested a 1912 Henderson may join the much publicized event. And Mr. Clancy's ORiGINAL boots that he rode around the world in may get to go around a second time!

Carl Stearns Clancy had the motorcycle ride of a lifetime, one which modern day riders can only dream about. The next thing closest is to join with other ‘round the world aficionados and Horizons Unlimited to celebrate 100 years of circling the globe.

Clancy at the end of his historic First Motorcycle Ride Around the World, in 1913

Bookmark the Clancy Centenary Ride and join or follow one of the world’s greatest motorcycles adventures whether through cyberspace or on the ground in the ride around the world.

More in the Motorcycle USA Article by Greg Frazier

The book is available on Amazon!

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