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priffe 27 Jul 2010 18:16


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 298867)
Reading and discussing with others, one conclusion is that sadly, M. Germaneau died a few weeks ago, as some sources quietly suggest.

Seems very likely. An ailing 78 yr old would not be a good kidnapping target for those looking for a hefty ransom (MBM) but he could be used for propaganda (Abu Zeid).

Once it's all old news the precedent is set for future French-led ops, although the Spanish are rightly not pleased about it.
The French are always acting out of self-interest, making even Bush look like the blue eyed idealist he was (my personal view of course).

AFAICT all that's happened with Tam CC is that we're told 11 or so gendarmes in a new border patrol unit got wiped out two weeks ago near Tin Z. Must say I'm not so sure about that one.
Do we ever get the real story?

I also suspect the list of 9 DRSE casualties is merely jihadist propaganda (check out the sources by Googling the names). Otherwise GSPC would be crowing about it from the dune tops with mutilated pics of DRSE, not shots of dead muj brothers.

If only for the people who live in the area, one can hope this might be the much anticipated beginning of the end of the GSPC in Mali at least.
That would be just splendid!!


All my speculation of course. Links and sources on my website

How do I find links on your site? :)

priffe 27 Jul 2010 23:17

A little more on the Tam command. Is this division of missions practical or merely a desktop construction?

El Watan :: 25 juillet 2010 :: Comité d’état-major de Tamanrasset�*: Une mission plus formelle qu’active


... Missions were assigned to each country. Thus, Algeria is in charge of air forces, the ground forces Mali, Mauritania transmissions, Niger logistics, while Burkina Faso has an observer role. Each country was represented by a senior military level. However, on the ground, the committee remained completely absent, if not ignored.
Is this situation that led Mauritania to appeal to France to track down a group of terrorists in Malian territory? Nobody knows. What is certain is that this operation shows that states in the region still can not agree on the problems that undermine their relations and jeopardize the future of their people. It is clear that today is a challenge to get back on track this committee and ensure it plays its full role. The security of the region should go exclusively to the states that compose it and not to those who covet her wealth.

Richard Washington 29 Jul 2010 12:25

"According to Mauritanian television, the Mauritanian security authorities have identified the body of the terrorist Bilal among the terrorists eliminated following the military operation conducted by the Franco-Mauritanian forces in which seven French soldiers were also killed.
Bilal El-Djazaïri was one of the pillars of the organization in the Sahel, the right arm of Hamadou Abada, alias « Abdelhamid Abou Zeid » and an expert on desert trails and surrounding areas."

Ennahar Online - Bilal El-Djazaïri, Abu Zeid’s right arm, eliminated in Mali

Ulrich 2 Aug 2010 07:30


It is surprising that the French media continue to believe that the July 22 raid took place in the circle of Tessalit. The famous site wikileaks creates a nightmare at the Pentagon investigated and here the truth that resembles truth itself.

One begins to understand how things happened on Thursday morning, during the operation against Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), thanks to a source familiar with the matter. It was originally an army operation in Mauritania, which has been grafted a French intervention. In early July, Mauritania has been warned by Western sources and by their own networks within the region that a group of AQIM preparing an operation against a post on Mauritanian territory, by the end of July. President Abdel Aziz then warned Paris that he would mount a massive operation against AQIM, using the "right of pursuit" as mutually agreed Mauritania, Mali and Niger to combat terrorism.
Saharamedia - Raid du 22 juillet : Ce qui s’est réellement passé

Gogoonisch - E


Fastship 2 Aug 2010 09:45


Ulrich 3 Aug 2010 06:44


Several jihadist organizations in the Arab world "have renounced violence and changed their position after years of bloodshed," wrote Tuesday maghrebia.com site, whose main focus is represented by the five member countries Arab Maghreb Union (AMU): Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia.
Saharamedia - Erosion de la position d’Al Qaida au sein des groupes djihadistes dans le monde arabe

Gogoonisch - E


Ulrich 3 Aug 2010 06:51


* Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has continued to follow through on its anti-French rhetoric and previous operations by killing 78-year-old French hostage Michel Germaneau, whom AQIM was holding in northeastern Mali.

* Details revealed by a July 22 French-Mauritanian raid against AQIM, including the continued existence of a significant AQIM presence in northeastern Mali and AQIM’s rapid response to the operation, prove that AQIM is an entrenched and organized group that continues to threaten Western interests.

* AQIM’s anti-American rhetoric bears a striking resemblance to its anti-French rhetoric. The momentum created by its threats against the U.S. and pressures for high-profile action created by competition for resources and attention within the al Qaeda network mean American policymakers should not take lightly threats the organization has made against U.S. interests.

* The U.S. is in a war against the al Qaeda network, and AQIM forms a critical part of that network as one of three official al Qaeda franchises. The responsibility for defeating AQIM lies with the entire Western alliance, not just France or other European partners. Western security policies have failed to deter the organization and have even failed to contain the group to previous levels of activity, as AQIM has increased its operations in Niger in recent months.

Critical Threads - The al Qaeda Threat from West Africa and the Maghreb: French Hostage Execution and Beyond


Ulrich 7 Aug 2010 06:14


According to reliable evidence obtained from security sources on the ground, al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) operating in the Sahel corridor, sources said would "structured an illegal immigrant smuggling sophisticated, allowing it to both to fund and send potential sleepers in Europe. The diversification of funding sources for AQIM is at the heart of the concerns of actors involved in securing the Sahel, including the United States, which have already launched a massive offensive to reduce drug trafficking, considered a potential source of funding extremely worrying . Like the mafia groups, AQIM is actually looking for the best financing with a cost / most interesting opportunity, which prompted the terrorist organization to slowly slide into drug trafficking illegal immigration.
AQMI aurait organisé des filières d’immigration clandestine pour se financer

Gogoonisch - E


AQIM has no significant popular support and has no capacity to do harm to even worry about the Algerian government.
L'Expression - «Al Qaîda n’inquiète plus l’Algérie»

Gogoonisch - E


Ulrich 7 Aug 2010 06:38


Yesterday, in his address to the media, the president was adamant that "it washables any French military base on U.S. territory nor Mauritanian." It is important to our modest opinion, certain clarifications may help confirm or refute this statement. In late 2009 and / or following the visit to Mauritania from General Jean Louis Geogelin, Chief of Staff of the French army, dozens of French soldiers landed in Atar (city taxed today to host military base in question).
Saharamedia - Adrar : Les militaires Français viennent s’instruire �* Atar

Gogoonisch - E


Ulrich 8 Aug 2010 06:32


The name of Hassan Hattab, the former "emir" and founder of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), has been withdrawn from the last "black list" of terrorists by the Security Council to end UN July 2010 and made public this weekend.
Liberte - Hattab supprimé de la liste internationale des terroristes

Gogoonische - E


It's a strange case that shakes the jihadist circles in Algeria and elsewhere. A software called Asrar al-Mujahideen (fighters secret), used by groups affiliated with al-Qaeda to encrypt their Internet communications, would be trapped.
Liberte - Le Mossad infiltre le système de cryptage du GSPC

Gogoonisch - E


Ulrich 10 Aug 2010 06:03

Again Keenan


British anthropologist, a recognized expert in the Sahel, Jeremy Keenan says in this article that the Algerian military security has led France in the fiasco of its military operation of July 22 in Mali, to rescue the hostage Michel Germaneau . He said the Algerian army has participated in one of two operations conducted on that day, knowing that the French hostage was not there or more.

The accusations against Jeremy Keenan's Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DRS) of Algeria joined the doubts expressed by some French officials for whom Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) "will advance the interests of the Algerian government". This has not prevented, by the author, the French government to fall into a trap consequences.

We have translated this article, originally broadcast by Al Jazeera's English site, with permission, because it provides many pieces of information, and raises serious questions about a transaction still surrounded by much mystery.
Temoust - Germaneau : la main de l’Algérie dans le fiasco militaire français

Gogoonisch - E


Chris Scott 10 Aug 2010 09:15

Out of interest, the Adrar Tigharghar mentioned is about 20 miles east of Aguelhok village on the Tanezrouft piste, halfway between Kidal and Tessalit.

19.531319,1.115112 - Google Maps

As often JK comes up with plausible suggestions like the raid 150 kms from the Mori border actually being nothing more than a traffickers camp not AQIM. (Heading east on 20°, we once crossed a well-used but unidentified N-S piste between Mori border and the Taoudenni piste).
I believe there is no way Germaneau or indeed anything else of significance was going to be here, other than a fuel dump, as mentioned elsewhere.

Then as usual he finds a way to weave it all into his anti-Alg (DRS), anti-France and, if there's space, anti-US agenda.


priffe 10 Aug 2010 13:55

Mauritanian president says they are going to step up the fight across the borders
Mauritanian president unveils new plan to combat AQIM (Magharebia.com)

Al-Qaeda's execution of an elderly French hostage has shaken much of Europe and the Maghreb alike. What repercussions will the murder, which took place following a Mauritanian army raid on an Al-Qaeda base in Mali, have on the security of Maghreb cou

Algeria, Mauritania absent from summit in Bamako - still mad?

Algeria buys 124 Italian helicopters in its largest arms deal ever

Polisario yet again linked to Al Qaeda
Defector: Polisario in partnership with Al Qaida

Ulrich 11 Aug 2010 07:18

Michel Germaneau "accidentally shot" by the French command groups?


The body of the hostage has been deliberately concealed to cover up the failure of the French squad.
L'Expression - Ce que paris voulait cacher

Gogoonisch - E


Ulrich 11 Aug 2010 07:28

Hardline Islam steps out of shadows in Algeria

* Ultra-conservative Salafists snub national anthem

* They exercising growing influence over society

* Critics say Salafism a threat to Algerian way of life

By Lamine Chikhi

ALGIERS, Aug 10 (Reuters) - In a bookshop in an eastern suburb of the Algerian capital, visitors can stroll in off the street and pick up titles such as "Our fight against the West," and "Jihad according to Salafist principles."

After years of keeping a low public profile, Algerian Salafists -- followers of an ultra-conservative brand of Islam -- are becoming bolder, laying down a challenge to a state that is firmly secular and fighting a lingering Islamist insurgency.
Reuters - Hardline Islam steps out of shadows in Algeria


Dave The Hat 12 Aug 2010 00:21

Malian customs officer kidnapped

Au Mali, un douanier et un militaire enlevés par Aqmi - Temoust.org | Le portail du peuple touareg berbère Kel Tamasheq

Libyan consul in Mali urges Tuaregs not to mix with AQIM

Le Consul de la Libye à Bamako à propos de la présence d'Aqmi au Nord du Mali : "Nous avons insisté auprès des ex-combattants touaregs pour qu'ils ne se mêlent pas aux éléments d'Aqmi" - Temoust.org | Le portail du peuple touareg berbère Kel

Dave The Hat 12 Aug 2010 22:07

Al Qaeda gets help from Mali officials: ex-rebel | News by Country | Reuters

priffe 12 Aug 2010 23:08

AFP: Al-Qaeda executes Mali guide: security source, relative

Dunno what to make of this
2 Malians freed in Mauritania: News24: Africa: News

another profile of the Aqim leadership
PENPIX-The main players in al Qaeda's Saharan operations | News by Country | Reuters

this is a rather active blog in French from a sahrawi perspective
Diáspora saharaui: AQMI en guerre contre les Touareg
...wherein Mali is described as a stuffed turkey and Mauritania as a Trojan horse (presumably full of French soldiers)

Ulrich 14 Aug 2010 06:24


"France is trying to thwart the introduction Algeria and Morocco in the Sahel"

Lyes Boukraa, the specialist in Islamist armed groups, has agreed to answer our questions in this interview. "The Western powers such as France attempt to frustrate the efforts of countries of the Sahel in their war against Al Qaeda," he quips.
El Khabar - « La France tente de contrecarrer l’Algérie et introduire le Maroc dans le Sahel »

Gogoonisch - E


Ulrich 15 Aug 2010 06:12


Several days after his murder, the circumstances of the death of the French national Michel Germaneau are not yet elucidated.
L'Expression - La Mauritanie veut ouvrir une enquête

Gogoonisch - E


Ulrich 15 Aug 2010 06:17


The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) has recently undertaken a reorganization of its structures, after losing a significant number of rulers who have either surrendered to authorities or were killed by security forces in different operations in the fight against terrorism.
Ennahar - Ennahar unveils Droukdal’s new organisation plan


Ulrich 16 Aug 2010 06:54


The raid on July 22, 2010 as seen by a specialist in Algeria: "The motives of France were not to free Germaneau"

Lyes Boukraa, the specialist in Islamist armed groups, gave the interview below our fellow Algerian, Alkhabar of Saturday, August 14, 2010. Naturally, Algiers is as white as snow and the other not. La rengaine chauvine est connue. The refrain is known chauvinistic. But this text is worthwhile for the analysis of French Boukraa motivations behind the raid on July 22. Germaneau was not the primary concern of Sarkozy in Algeria believe the specialist.
Maliweb - Le raid du 22 juillet 2010 vu par un spécialiste algérien : « Les motivations de la France n’étaient pas de libérer Germaneau »

Gogoonisch - E


priffe 19 Aug 2010 14:17

Ag Bahanga in Bamako!?
This could mean some serious changes are about to happen.

InfoMali.net Le Mali en Ligne - BAHANGA SERAIT A BAMAKO !


He had arrived in Bamako on special invitation of the highest authorities. For his trip goes safely, it is a special plane was chartered by the State of Mali.
..It seems that the government of Mali has launched its Integrated Programme fight against terrorism could be based on ex-rebel Tuareg integrated into the army to form the backbone of an anti-terrorist brigade (about 2,000 men) . Is there a link with the presence of Bahanga in Bamako? The former rebels are considered the best connoisseurs of the land and they have little chemistry with AQIM.

priffe 21 Aug 2010 16:45

Can't find confirmation that Bahanga is in Bamako.

France says it is "permanently and continously cooperating with all Sahelian countries in the fight against terrorism"
El Khabar

Algeria started opened in May in Algiers a centre for studying terrorism i Africa, funded by Spain. CAERT - "Centre Africain d'Etudes et de Recherche sur le Terrorisme"
They published this document in June

Also, Algeria has decided to let organizations like Amnesty International, HRW etc into the country for the first time in 20 years.
IDN InDepthNews | Analysis That Matters

Ulrich 22 Aug 2010 06:32


Many of the comments that accompanied the recent announcement of the death of Michael Germaneau, the French held hostage by Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), have portrayed a questionable representation of the Sahara: that of a space beyond the reach of central states, political vacuum and therefore ideal to house the activities of terrorists. Consider the desert in this way does not help to understand the political dynamics of the Sahara, and even less to identify effective responses to terrorism. The Sahara has physical characteristics that make it difficult to control, but human activities and forms of governance associated with them are numerous. They are the result of "fraudulent" carrying over long distances all kinds of loads more or less legitimate (including illegal migrants), herders and farmers whose ancestors have occupied these areas for centuries, local representatives NGO or not (like Michael Germaneau) or - until the security situation deteriorates - for tourism operators. In Mali, Niger and southern Algeria, those who lead these activities are often Tuaregs.
Saharamedia - Al-Qaeda se fond dans le désert, par YVAN GUICHAOUA chercheur au département du développement international de l'université d'Oxford

Gogoonisch - E


priffe 25 Aug 2010 07:19

Suicide attack foiled in Mauritania - Africa - Al Jazeera English
Attack in Nema. Incidentally, just across the Malian border from where Omar le Sahraoui lives.

Keenan speculates on how DRS/CIA tricked the French. And how DRS has the Americans by the balls.
Plus an assortment of other outrageous claims, with no sources given.
The heart of al-Qaeda in the Sahel - Focus - Al Jazeera English
He also gives an account of why the tuareg Merzouk was killed, with Kidal.info as the source. If it wasn't the Algies.

priffe 26 Aug 2010 06:39

Droukdal claims the attack in Nema and the execution of an Algerian guide/customs official.
El Khabar

Ulrich 28 Aug 2010 06:48


Algiers- Security forces have succeeded to eliminate an important leader of the "Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat," the terrorist Abdelmoumen Rachid, alias "Abu Hodeifa Younis", head of the military structure of the terrorist organization together with the former emir of the central region.
Ennahar - The military chief for the Salafist Group eliminated


priffe 28 Aug 2010 07:45

Mauritania thwarts suicide bomb attack (Magharebia.com)

Mauritanians are in shock following a suicide bombing early Wednesday (August 25th) at an army garrison in the eastern town of Nema (200km from the Mali border).

The incident began just after midnight, when a Toyota 4x4 vehicle refused to stop at the entrance to the 5th Military Region command post.

"The soldiers guarding the gate fired their weapons at the suicide bomber who ignored their warnings. The bullets killed him instantly," state-run news agency AMI reported. The bomb went off after the SUV rammed into the facility. Three soldiers were injured by the blast.

According to Mauritanian terrorism analyst Salem Ould Mohamed, the incident marks a change in strategy for al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).

"Al Qaeda's terror operations always target the Mauritanian armed forces stationed at the eastern and northern borders. But this suicide bombing operation is different," he said.

"It was executed inside the mainland, which is considered a very dangerous precedent that should be studied carefully. It means that the suicide bomber drove his car through the borders and entered the peaceful city of Nema and chose his target carefully, which was the military base located in the city's heart. He executed his criminal act despite the security forces' vigilance in the area, which was declared a military zone in the month of July," Ould Mohamed explained.

Ulrich 31 Aug 2010 07:37


Seven suspected Libyan nationals have been arrested in Algeria, a couple of days ago; while officials from Tripoli are to arrive to Algiers to discuss the possibility to extradite them to their country of origin.
El Khabar - Algerian security services arrest 7 Libyans suspected of terrorism


Ulrich 31 Aug 2010 07:46


* Farmers say they pay 10 pct of their incomes to al Qaeda
* Town is full of al Qaeda agents, farmers know them
* Government tightens access to urban centres

Local farmers say the killings are designed to show the state still cannot protect those who refuse to pay a portion of their income to al Qaeda.

"If we pay, we become accomplices to terrorists. If we don't pay, we may end up killed," a farmer who said he stopped paying the danger money told Reuters. He refused to be identified, fearing reprisals from the security services.
Reuters - Algeria killings cast light on Qaeda extortion racket


Ulrich 31 Aug 2010 08:04


Belmokhtar alias Khaled Abu El-Abbas, known by the nickname "Laouar" is "a terrorist who was always active. An informed source tells us that the former "emir" of Sahara is still active in northern Mali

with forty men of Algerian nationality, Mauritania and Mali. His strategy, kidnapping foreigners for two objectives: to recover his fellow inmates and pocket the ransom. Ils se retrouvent ainsi dans les camps de l'Aqmi au nord du Mali sous la “protection” bienveillante des autorités maliennes. They find themselves in AQIM camps in northern Mali in the "protection" benevolent Malian authorities.
Liberte - Le Mali, une fausse note dans la lutte antiterroriste

Gogoonisch - E


Ulrich 14 Sep 2010 06:27


The leaders of the intelligence corps of the three countries of the Sahel, Mali, Niger and Mauritania, will meet tomorrow in Algiers. This meeting aims at the implementation of military action and security in the Sahel-Saharan region. An intelligence unit responsible for monitoring the activities of armed Salafist be established at this meeting.
El Khabar - Création d’une cellule de renseignement pour le suivi des activités de l’AQMI

Gogoonisch - E


KoryLGriffin 14 Sep 2010 19:58

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Ulrich 15 Sep 2010 05:30


The staffs of the intelligence services and security in Algeria, Mauritania, Mali and Niger are now in conclave in Algiers. This meeting aims to develop a strategy to parry even prevent al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) to use the ransom money to purchase weapons or finance a network of informants or corrupt officials . "Al Qaeda has millions of dollars he is trying to invest in the region. We must address this problem of money laundering, "said a source in Algiers. Also, it is imperative to "discuss ways to follow the money to Al Qaeda in the Sahel," the source added, especially as AQIM relies on vast expanses of desert and porous borders to create a haven where it could in the future at will kidnap Western tourists. According to a source close to security services in Niger, the fight against money laundering will be on the menu for this meeting.
L'Expression - L’argent d’Aqmi traqué au Sahara

Gogoonisch - E


priffe 18 Sep 2010 01:33

Interesting action in the desert
AFP: Clashes between Mauritanian army and Qaeda militants: source


"The clashes began on the Mauritania-Mali border but then moved on to Malian territory at Hassissidi, about 100 kilometres (about 60 miles) north of Timbuktu," a Malian security source said.
"We are presently in Malian territory and engaged in full combat," added a Mauritanian security source.

Caminando 18 Sep 2010 05:25

A couple of days ago, France 24 reported 5 French uranium mine engineers taken prisoner in Niger.

Ulrich 18 Sep 2010 07:21


Fighting between the Mauritanian army and elements of Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) continued Friday night "in Malian territory" to a hundred kilometers north of Timbuktu, told AFP security sources Mali and Mauritania.
Tahalil - Combats entre l’armée mauritanienne et Aqmi au Mali

Gogoonisch - E


BAMAKO — Mauritanian troops Saturday staged all-out attacks on Al-Qaeda's north African wing, the key suspect in the kidnapping of five French and two African uranium workers, in Mali, security sources told AFP.

"The clashes began on the Mauritania-Mali border but then moved on to Malian territory at Hassissidi, about 100 kilometres (about 60 miles) north of Timbuktu," a Malian security source said.
AFP - Mauritanian troops clash with Al-Qaeda


priffe 18 Sep 2010 12:59

Mauritanian troops kill 12 Qaeda members in clash | World | Reuters

Mauritanian forces had encircled around 20 AQIM vehicles in the border area and the fighting continued Saturday, the Mauritanian source told Reuters.

"The operation was launched because the opportunity presented itself. It was not planned long in advance," said a second security source in the Mauritanian capital Nouakchott with knowledge of the background to the mission.
Mauritanian military says 12 AQIM fighters killed in combat


The military also admitted that two of its soldiers died in the combat which was launched on Friday night in northern Mali and continued on early Saturday.

In its first statement made since the fighting erupted, the military said the army killed "12 armed terrorists" and wounded a number of others on Friday."Two Mauritanian military personnel were killed and four others wounded," it added.

The Mauritanian army rounded up about 20 vehicles of the Al- Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) nearly the northern border town of Areich Hindi in Mali, the military said.

The Malian military has confirmed the anti-terror combat in its territory, but said the fighting later expanded into the Mauritanian territory.
RE: Mauritanian AQIM Members, General Information � The Moor Next Door

also http://twitter.com/themoornextdoor

Ulrich 19 Sep 2010 07:31


PARIS - Air and Earth observation satellites, terrestrial listening stations, special forces: France has a range of intelligence resources in the Sahel to try to locate the kidnappers of five French and two Africans kidnapped Thursday in the north Niger.
AFP - Les yeux et les oreilles de la France dans le Sahel

Gogoonisch - E


... French soldiers participate in the operation, which is denied the Quai d'Orsay aside yesterday the presence of French military units on the battlefield. Residents of the Kidal region (1600 km north-east of Bamako) had said Friday it had seen a French reconnaissance plane flying over the area at low altitude. An Algerian sources confirmed the information. ...
Le Temps d'Algérie - Le commencement de la fin d’Aqmi ?

Gogoonisch - E


priffe 20 Sep 2010 14:13

After suffering some losses, Mauri army resorted to aerial bombing
Conflicting reports - Alg speaks of defeat, Mauri of success and Mali keeps silent.

Accrochages avec AQMI : Les Maliens observent le silence, les Algériens parlent de « défaite » mauritanienne.

Mauritanian army continues fighting with AQIM | NewsyStocks.com

For more info on military involved
French military shares intelligence with Mauretania in battle against AQMI

Also: reports of several carjackings in Kidal region, Toyota 4x4s. East of Kayes on RN1 a number of vehicles including several buses were robbed at gunpoint one night last week. In south Mauretania (Wad Naga) five americans had a car accident and panicked after they were surrounded by curious locals.
Tense situation right now.

Dave The Hat 20 Sep 2010 16:23

Including a short video:

France24 - French troops land in Niger amid row over Areva security

Details of French now in Nimaey and also the Mauritanian offensive, inc civilian casualties:

Au Niger mobilisation pour retrouver les otages alors que la Mauritanie reprend son offensive contre AQMI - Temoust.org | Le portail du peuple touareg berbère Kel Tamasheq

Ulrich 22 Sep 2010 06:04


Details are published for the first time the battles of "Hassi, sir," and "Akhuept Racelma"
El Hourriya - Translated


Mauritanian military forces have eliminated « Yahya Abul Hammam », head of El Forkan phalanx, which depends on Katibet Tarek ibn Ziyad of Hamadou Abada, alias Abdelhamid Abou Zeid.
Ennahar Online - Abul Hammam, "head of El Forkan phalanx " eliminated


Ulrich 23 Sep 2010 05:41


An officer of DST among the hostages

What is behind the "swift and unconditional" of France in the Sahel and the mobilization of hundreds of soldiers?

"The actions that led France to the Sahel are beginning to deliver their secret and the challenge becomes clearer," told us yesterday at the exclusive L'Expression, sources very familiar with the matter and what is coming in region. The puzzle revealed by our sources is "the presence of the seven hostages kidnapped last Thursday in northern Niger, an agent of French intelligence services belonging to the DST.
L'Expression - Un agent de la DST parmi les otages

Gogoonisch - E


priffe 24 Sep 2010 19:20

Aqim managed well after the fight started with "twenty aqim vehicles rounded up by the Mauritanian army".
Here's part of what Aqim managed to lay their hands on.
Day Picture(s): AQIM show of force � Tower'Sight – vue(s) de la citadelle
Mauritanian army set up its headquarters at the airport in Timbuktu,
maliweb.net :: Affrontements entre l'arm

Ulrich 25 Sep 2010 07:44


In its edition of September 22, the chained duck, French weekly magazine, reported on an article about the existence of a secret listening center in Tamanrasset. Information has already been disproved in the past, by official sources in Algeria who have expressed their refusal to Americans "of all military on national soil."
El Watan - Les Américains impliqués contre AQMI ?

Gogoonisch - E

Making it suddenly the weight of Algeria in the region, France seems resigned to seek the support of Algeria to settle this case French hostage by the terrorist Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb.
Liberte - Paris veut Alger comme allié

Gogoonisch - E


The two are taken hostage in Niger and recent offshore Nigeria raised to eleven the number of French people now in the hands of terrorist or criminal organizations. Journalists Hervé Ghesquière and Stéphane Taponier the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan for almost nine months. An intelligence agent, Denis Allex , for its part held for more than a year in Somalia by Islamist Shabab. Very different in their nature, these attacks put pressure on companies employing French nationals abroad and the authorities, faced with increasingly stringent requirements.
Le Monde - Les otages français, une monnaie d'échange prisée

Gogoonisch - E


The deaths of the Mauritanian AQIM: The road to the cemeteries of the "Desert of Islam"

Their friends AQIM fighters call them "martyrs Berber blessed by God for having sacrificed for him," Governments in the subregion and their enemies call them "terrorists who have got what they deserve after choosing the path of terrorism and banditry. "

Others of their opponents feel that they are young people who believed in their God and were swept by the fire of passion in response to the injustice faced by Muslims worldwide. They then left in good faith to correct the mistake before turning into anonymous debris scattered in the Sahara, the remains of some of them were handed over to their relatives for burial.

These are young Mauritanians who have joined al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and formerly the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), before dying there, away from the wife and children, friends and relatives in the bush between the plains and plateaus of the desert have to go between the unknown and whose fate is like to return again in life.
A death that will be for some of them in a barracks that has not dreamed of and which was not expected and for others, an appointment to which they went arm of explosive belts or car bombs distributing death by suicide or by slashing innocent lives, leaving behind them ringing, in a district of Nouakchott or in an inland town, a telephone to announce the sad news: "Your son sacrificed himself, Allah accept his martyrdom. " Pain invades the home, doubt and distrust sit around the house, mother and wife are grieving, a few people to slip discreetly offer their condolences. The days pass and then another phone is ringing with another family to announce the death of a son like that which preceded it in a scenario that repeats itself and emerged as the start of this youth to the camps of the great desert. They are now number 21 young Mauritanians in the prime of life, killed in the name and on behalf of AQIM, friends pretending to be hedonist "in Paradise where they will have eternal houris (Women's paradise), houris wide-eyed and beautiful. " "They have taken away the lives and plunged into hell" say their enemies.
Anyway, these young Mauritanians have taken the death or went to get killed in Algeria, Mauritania, and Mali, which in Niger and Tunisia. A distribution which is at the top of the charts Algeria (8) tied with Mauritania (8), followed by Mali (2), Niger (2) and Tunisia (1).
Of these 21 are 4 suicide bombers, two of which were detonated in
- Moussa Ould Zeidane, alias Abu al-Oubeida Bassri,
author of the suicide attack against the Embassy of France in Nouakchott in August 2009 and
- Idriss Mohamed Ould Lemine alias Abu al-Ishagh Chinguitty, suicide bomber foiled the operation against the barracks of Nema in eastern Mauritania, 25 August 2010.
- Ibrahim Al Khalil Ould Haboye alias Nacer, author of the suicide attack against a military barracks in March 2010 and Niger
- Alias Abou Khattary Sidina Ould Al-Zeineb Mouritani, author of a suicide bombing against
a bus transit in the Algerian town of Bouira in 2008.

1 - Ahmed Bamba Ould Baba alias Abu Mohamed Al Jakani: he was the first Mauritanian killed in the ranks of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC). It is a national of the moughataa R'Kiz, mechanical engineer outgoing Jordanian universities where he acquired the Salafi jihadist thought, absorbing leaders like Abu El Chami Enass. Returning to Mauritania, he worked as an engineer at SNIM but without delay, he joined the camps of the GSPC. This is one of the five Mauritanians have participated in the first attack of this organization against Mauritania on June 4, 2005 Lemghaïty in the north, under the leadership of the Emir of the Sahara at the time and current leader of the "Battalion turban" (al Katibat moulathamine), Khaled Abul Abbas. The Islamist will be named after this attack, "Badr Chinguitti" (referring to the historic battle of Badr el-Kubra). The chance that will Bamba Ould Baba Ahmed alias Abu Mohamed Al Jakani will be the first Mauritanian to the GSPC who fall in the territory of Mauritania Mauritanian and ammunition. Indeed, it will be one of six men killed GSPC that day by the Mauritanian army in which Lemghaïty September 10 Mauritanian soldiers including an officer with the rank of captain was killed.
2 - Ould Magham alias Abu Khaïthamata: it is a national of a locality situated between Trarza R'Kiz Boutilimit and who pursued his higher education in Morocco when started the second Gulf War with the invasion of Iraq by the United States of America in 2003. He went to fight in Iraq alongside the Emir Al Bilad al Qaeda vi Ravidein (Iraq), Abu Musab Al Zarqawi. Then he returned to Mauritania before returning to Al Qaeda camps in northern Mali and southern Algeria. He was killed during clashes between Tunisian security forces and armed Salafist near the capital Tunis in late 2006. He was a poet and a great orator famous for a poem circulated widely in sound and pictures on the Net in a video titled "Hell apostates."
3 - Limam Ould Ahah Oumeire alias Abu Asmaa: it is a national of Wad Naga (Trarza) to be killed in Algeria in 2007.
4 - Isselmou Ould Abdallahi Ould Oubeid alias Abu Al Batool: it is a national of Wad Naga (Trarza) which will return to the camps of Al Qaeda in 2004. He was killed in the region of Sidi Bou Aqba in Algeria in January 2009 during a confrontation between the Algerian army and elements of Al Qaeda.
5 - Sidna Ould Khattary alias Abu Al Zeinabou Mouritani. is a national Boutilimit (Trarza) who joined the camps of the GSPC in 2005 in the company of Ahmed Ould Ould Mohamed Idriss and Radhy Lemine. Sidna Ould Khattary be author of a suicide bombing in the Algerian town of Bouira in 2008 killing 12 victims.
6 - Moussa Ould Mohamed Nacer NdeI alias Abu Osama: it is a national of Boutilimit (Trarza), a close relative of Sidna Ould Khattary. He participated in the February 2008 attack against the Israeli embassy in Nouakchott, before being killed in the clash that erupted in Tevragh Zeina (Nouakchott) Mauritanian security forces with elements of the group Ansarou Allah Al Bilad Chinguetti Mourabitoun Vi. It's the battle in which the Islamist give the name of "Badr Nouakchott" (an allusion to the historic battle of Badr el Kubra) and in which orders are most leaders and elements in this group.
7 - Ahmed Ould Radhy alias Abu Mouaze: it is a national Tidjikja (Tagant) who studied in vocational school in Nouakchott, before he became an explosives expert who was trained in camps of Al Qaeda. He was killed with his companion Moussa Ould NdeI after being shot in the head by a bullet during clashes Tevragh Zeina (Nouakchott) between the Mauritanian security forces and elements of Al Qaeda in April 2008. After his injury, Ahmed Ould Radhy had been transported to a military hospital in Nouakchott where he passed away.
8 - Yahya Ould Mahfoudh, alias "Abu Ayman Echarghi" is a national Trarza who was a speaker at the loud voice as described by his companions. He was killed in the wilaya of Ouargla in Algeria during a clash with the Algerian army in early 2008 that perish other elements of Al Qaeda including, among others, "Salman the Algerian" and Noumane Essahraoui "and "Dadallah Tounoussi.
9 - Ely Ould Mohamed Cheikh Ould Meine Ould Ahmed, alias "Abdessamad" is a national Inchiri who lived in the district of Nouakchott Carrefour. Born in the 1980s, he was killed by the Algerian army in May 2008.
10 - Ikhalihenna Ould Sheikh, alias "Abu Dhar Al Ghallaoui" He participated in the recruitment of a large number of young Mauritanians who have joined al-Qaeda. He was killed during the attack by Al Qaeda against the Mauritanian army unit in Turin (northern Mauritania) September 14, 2008. He was the only fighter killed in the ranks of AQIM. He left behind a videotape in which he expressed his last wishes.
11 - Mohamed Salem Ould El Kory, aka "Al Noumane" He was a resident of Zaatar neighborhood, not far from Nouakchott Tensoueilem who worked in the building sector before joining the camps of Al Qaeda. He was killed in July 2009 during a clash between the Malian army in a battle in which the Islamist organization had named the "Battle of Al Wisry.
12 - Sidi Ould Yehdhih, alias "Abu Abdel Hakim Al Yawaqit" He is from the moughataa Wad Naghi and was arrested by the Malian army at the end of August 2008 with Tayeb Ould Sidi Ali as well as Other elements of AQIM. After months of detention in the city of "Gao" in northern Mali, the Malian authorities have decided to transfer to a prison in the capital, Bamako. But the vehicle transporting an accident that will cost the lives of four elements of security in Mali. Sidi Ould Yehdhih will seriously wounded in the head before dying four days later after these injuries while his friend Aly Ould Sidi Tayeb will survive.
13 - Moussa Ould Zeidane, aka "Abu Al Basri Oubeida" originating in the wilaya of Brakna, he is the author of the suicide bombing of the Embassy of France in Nouakchott, August 8, 2009. He failed the Baccalaureate and failed his test of passage to enter the national police school. After trying several small businesses with little return, he joined the camps of AQIM in 2007. Back in Nouakchott, he blew himself up in his suicide when he was not yet consummated his twenty-four.
14 - Maata Ould El Hadj, alias "Abu Mohamed Al Mouritani" is a citizen of the town of Atar (Adrar) who was killed by the Nigerian army in 2010 in an operation against the fighters of Al Qaeda near the town of "Telou" and in which will be killed several other elements of the Islamist organization whose "Said Al Sariya Ebi Jezairi" and the Libyans who were with him.
15 - Ibrahim Al Khalil Haby alias "Nasser" is a national Brakna, who conducted a suicide attack against the army of Niger, in March 2010. The operation was dubbed by Al Qaeda's "Battle of the Martyr Saad Ebi Sariya" came in retaliation against the Nigerian army who had killed a number of elements of the Islamist earlier this year, including "Abu Mohamed al Mouritani "which left behind a videotape of his last wishes.
16 - Sid 'Ahmed Ould El Weli, alias "Abu Oubeid PK (alluding to his inseparable PK weapon, according to statements by his companions): He was killed in 2010 in an ambush by members of the organization, an Algerian police patrol near Tenzaouten in southern Algeria. A Tuareg fighters among the elements of AQIM ET11 Algerian gendarmerie, was killed in the clashes.
17 - Sediq Aboubakr Ould Yahya Ould Abdi aka "Abu Al-Khattar": Born in 1976, married, father of a child, this native of Aleg (Brakna), he joined the camps of AQIM in January 2010 before being killed in the raid against a Mauritanian AQIM camp, July 22, 2010 in northern Mali.
18 - Abdelkader Ould Ahmednah, alias "Abu Ibrahim Merdassi" Originally from the town of Atar (Adrar), aged only 24, he joined Al Qaeda in mid-2006, and was killed in the raid-Franco against a Mauritanian AQIM camp, July 22, 2010 in northern Mali. He has a brother currently held at the central prison in Nouakchott, by the name of Ould Taleb Ahmednah who was arrested by the Senegalese authorities and handed over to the Mauritanian authorities in November 2009.
19 - Ahmed Vall (Baba), alias "Abu Abdel Razaghi Damam" is a citizen of the city Tembédra who lived in Nouadhibou before being killed in central Algeria in January 2010, during his participation in the carrying a cargo of weapons from the Great Sahara flights AQIM camps in central Algeria, according to sources from the Algerian army.
20 - Mohamed Ould Lemine Idris, alias "Ishaq al-Afghani": He is from the town of Kiffa and joined AQIM in 2005, before being arrested by the Malian authorities February 30, 2009. He was released a few months later in a swap of prisoners. He is the author of the suicide car bombing against the military garrison of Nema (Mauritania Eastern), at dawn on August 25, 2010.
21 - "Osama" is one of the first young Mauritanians who have joined the Islamist organization, before being wounded in the head in the mountains of southeastern Algerian Tassili. He was killed in a landmine explosion in Algeria in 2009.
Sorry, translation only in this way possible.

Les morts mauritaniens de l’AQMI: La route vers les cimetières du «Désert de l’Islam» - kassataya.com


priffe 26 Sep 2010 15:27

The many events of late condensed by TMND UPDATE: Another Summary of the Hassi Sidi Events � The Moor Next Door

Mauri site claims MBM "Blaouar" was found dead near Timbuktu the other day, killed by his own. He's been reported dead/surrendered/disappeared before so a pinch of salt.
وكالة نواكشوط للأنباء::ونا::

Security summit Mauri-Alg-Niger-Mali in Tam today to "remove the misunderstandings that persist and identify appropriate solutions, to enhance effective and concerted action" maliweb.net :: Sahel: ouverture en Alg

Ulrich 27 Sep 2010 06:36


Somalia has become a real threat to the entire African continent.
L'Expression - Aqmi se lie aux Shebab de Somalie

Gogoonisch - E


ALGIERS (Reuters) — Military chiefs from four Saharan countries met Sunday to set out a joint strategy for fighting Al Qaeda’s North African wing, which is holding seven foreigners hostage in the Sahara Desert.
New York Times - 4 African Military Chiefs Discuss Fighting Al Qaeda Jointly


priffe 27 Sep 2010 20:46

Abu Zeid portrayed in an interview with Pierre Camatte who met him four times
Abou Zeid: le stratège froid d'Al Qaida au Maghreb - De Bagdad �* Jérusalem : L'Orient indiscret
The claim is now that it was the brother-in-law of MBM who was murdered by Abu Zeid the other day. Not MBM himself (but he may be next).
L'Expression Edition OnLine

Richard Washington 1 Oct 2010 10:06

Biting the hand that feeds them
Interesting report on some of the outcomes of the recent intelligence agency meeting in Algeria -

1) smugglers are to be entrained in the effort to hunt down the locations of AQIM camps (I suppose the assumption is they will work for the highest pay)

2) Initially involving Algeria, Mali, Mauritania and Niger, the group will now also include Burkina Faso, Libya and Chad. (still no Moroc)

Smugglers to track al-Qaeda: News24: Africa: News

Richard Washington 1 Oct 2010 10:26


Originally Posted by priffe (Post 306991)
Abu Zeid portrayed in an interview with Pierre Camatte who met him four times
Abou Zeid: le stratège froid d'Al Qaida au Maghreb - De Bagdad �* Jérusalem : L'Orient indiscret

These sort of interviews seem very rare these days. After 2003, there were serials, books, TV interviews. Now, a page or so is all we get and usually with the key, informed, interesting questions left out as some journo blunders through. Has anyone seen anything from the Spanish?

Chris Scott 1 Oct 2010 11:03

just my interpretations
I just read the Camatte ABZ interview too. Every time PC crops up in a trenchant article I see a strategic, French govt-sanctioned 'press release'.

Anyone else ('civilians') is expected to shut up and be grateful to be have their lives back.

Interesting that ABZ asked about real time internet sat mapping on the web but can't see that it might work both ways.

Re: smugglers tracking AQIM. I read it as a clumsy bluff to try and shake AQIM up and make them paranoid. AQ and smugglers surely work closely together, no? Some are bound to have a good idea of the AQ network - but will they tell? Maybe for a suitcase of USD.


Richard Washington 1 Oct 2010 11:40


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 307398)
Interesting that ABZ asked about real time internet sat mapping on the web but can't see that it might work both ways.

I'm a little confused about what ABZ intended in his query about the satellite imagery. If he thinks US spy satellite imagery is available online, then his grasp on the enemy isn't what it should be. If he thinks such imagery is available, he may have been wanting to access it to figure out where counter insurgency forces are.

He may simply have been fishing - he's an older, non-techie guy who lives a long way from civilisation afterall. He may have heard of google earth, for example, and might have been wanting to find out how often it gets updated.

priffe 1 Oct 2010 12:17

Algeria and France are struggling for the initiative in the fight against Aqim.
How will Algeria conduct the fight without letting their troops cross the border, even after they are attacked by Aqim and invited by Mali to pursue the offenders?
Mali leader complaining since he feels this is an Algerian problem that has spread to his country
Le Figaro - deficit-de-cooperation-mali

He said that the meeting of the staffs of four countries Sunday "is just one part of a larger plan should be put in place," and recalled that a meeting of intelligence agencies' s was held Wednesday in Algiers. "I called in September 2006, at a conference Sahel-Sahelian for peace and development in the presence of heads of state," he recalls. "But nobody listened to me for four years, four years lost," complains the president of Mali. About the army offensives against Mauritanian AQIM in Mali, he asserts that his country is "open". "We agree that the neighboring states come to us if we can go visit them," he said.

In this struggle against extremist groups, "the role of France should remain in accompanying and supporting the material level," he said. About a possible French military operation, he said that his country would "consider all requests." "But France must listen to us," he added.
Mauri PM chimes in
Alger "peut faire plus" contre Aqmi - Europe1.fr - International

Even Khadaffi joins in and promises money to northern Mali
Kadhafi backs anti-AQIM effort by Mali tribal chiefs (Magharebia.com)

priffe 1 Oct 2010 13:38

TheMoorNextDoor updated his info re the attacks this July against Tigarghar mtns.
An Algerian source says that the Mauri attack was a decoy and the real attack to liberate Germenau was done by French + Algs using Alg helicopters.
[url=http://themoornextdoor.wordpress.com/2010/08/03/update-re-raids-against-aqim-in-mali/]Update RE: Raids against AQIM in Mali

Richard Washington 1 Oct 2010 13:55


Originally Posted by priffe (Post 307412)
An Algerian source says that the Mauri attack was a decoy and the real attack to liberate Germenau was done by French + Algs using Alg helicopters.
[url=http://themoornextdoor.wordpress.com/2010/08/03/update-re-raids-against-aqim-in-mali/]Update RE: Raids against AQIM in Mali

Most of this makes a lot of sense i.e. Alg+French doing the raid by chopper in NE Mali while Mauri does something else in the west. The conspiracy stuff in the second half of para 4 (i.e. France being shafted by Alg) seems very far fetched. The problem with these raids is most likely quite simply: 1) ensuring surprise 2) getting fresh, accurate intelligence on the camp locations. Taken together 1+2 will explain most of the lack of success.

priffe 1 Oct 2010 14:17

Wait, the msg was cut in half by the forum's messy editor :/
There was more
TheMoorNextDoor updated his info re the attacks this July against Tigarghar mtns.
An Algerian source says that the Mauri attack was a decoy and the real attack to liberate Germenau was done by French + Algs using Alg helicopters.
Update RE: Raids against AQIM in Mali � The Moor Next Door

Here confusion starts.
The other source for this was Menas

Menas Associates: Menas Reports > Focus Monthly Reports > Algeria Focus > Newsroom

and then it gets Keenanesquely foggy, since Menas expert adviser on Algeria/Sahel is none other Keenan himself.
e.g. - The DRS pulled the French into this to make them look bad??

Algeria is in charge of the southern desert by controlling water and fuel supply (ancient desert strategy, I reckon).
Applied to Mali that would mean taking control of Araouane - Tessalit - Aguelhoc - Kidal (there may be a few more reliable waterholes) and not worrying too much about the rest of the territory - correct?

Richard Washington 1 Oct 2010 15:37


Originally Posted by priffe (Post 307417)
and then it gets Keenanesquely foggy, since Menas expert adviser on Algeria/Sahel is none other Keenan himself.

That's really funny. We can spot Keenan even when he's invisible......
Time for Keenan to retire.

Chris Scott 1 Oct 2010 15:56

Menas Associates on AQIM means Jeremy Keenan, who for all his area expertise is slightly unhinged on these issues. It’s all AQIM = DRS = CIA with that guy.
[from TMND]

A relief to see they are no more persuaded by JK than JK Rowling's yarns. Your average newspaper hack is alas less well informed and therefore more credulous.

TMND says: “Russian machines” were used, which would suggest they were Algerian) from southern Algerian positions (likely from Bechar, Tindouf or Tamanrasset...

As we know there are big Russian machines at BB Moktar, surely in range of Tessalit and Kidal.

reliable waterholes [in Mali]...

I believe there are many many more out there (like Timetrine where the Areva people are said to be)
The ones listed are merely along strategic and well-known caravan or trade routes which therefor support settlements.


priffe 1 Oct 2010 16:00

You are right, but Keenan's presence and the influence of his conspiracy theories is so prevalent it isn't really funny. MBM and Abou Zeid are both DRS agents, you know. :rolleyes:
You'll find loads of Keenaniana here https://www.menas.co.uk/sahara_focus/home.aspx
His four decades of experience have given him outstanding knowledge and he must be very well connected, one would think. But when it comes to facts, he seems to be as dependent on the websites you and I and everyone can read for themselves, as in this article about a recent murder.
I think over the last decade or so he has lost the grip over his presumed area of expertise.

Chris Scott 1 Oct 2010 16:32

I think over the last decade or so he has lost the grip over his presumed area of expertise.

Before the last decade his expertise was Ahaggar Tuareg courting rituals circa 1965.
Till 99 He had not been in the desert since then but was an ordinary academic, as he admitted himself. Then he became a born-again Saharan, and JK would know well what born agains can be like.

As mentioned in my PM, priffe, you may have been influenced by JK's energetically promulgated agendas which only took form less than a decade ago.
It's an easy mistake to make but just because he chooses to shout louder and further does not make him knowledgeable, merely someone who craves attention and to be taken seriously, as that book review quote I sent you suggested:

....But to see it, you have to look past the marks of an outsider, the signature of one who likes to say, all too often, "Jeremy Keenan was here."

I say all this because the suggestion of his regional expertise ought not go unchallenged. Level headed TMND see though him, as does anyone who takes an interest because most of them (us) do not get 99 by adding 2 + 2 ;-)

Time for Keenan to retire [RW]
That's the problem, he has, and has nothing better to do, IMO.


priffe 1 Oct 2010 16:43

I am glad we can jointly challenge mr Keenan's assertions. :)
Here's how he is introduced by Menas:
"Our speaker, Professor Jeremy Keenan is the editor of Menas Associates' weekly Algeria Politics & Security report. He is a university professor of social anthropology whose experience in advising on strategic risk, security and the political economy of the Sahara region extends over 40 years. As the author of six books on the subject, he provides briefings for the UN and other international agencies, the US State Department, FCO, a number of EU governments and, most importantly, multinational companies."

A slight exaggeration, then. :D

Too bad the waterhole strategy may not be leak-proof. :(

Chris Scott 9 Oct 2010 20:28

Many interesting articles at Malijet (not a new airline).

Article here about Mali must act against AQIM (dream on).

And another about Ikhalil (just opposite Bordj Moktar but in Mali). Certainly not how I remembered it a couple of years ago which shows how bad it's got there.

Death threats on the security forces and customs officials in Mali, rackets of all kinds of carriers, escorts for drug shipments, firing bursts at each nightfall ... I was so startled that I wondered if we were in an organized country.

And here about the feud between ABZ and MBM (as we heard, MBM's brother in law was killed in Timbuktu by ABZ guys - or something like that) And also how mobility for MBM's group has been restricted. So maybe something is being done.

Meanwhile, ABZ waits with his 7 human shields, knowing that as soon as he lets them go - even for free - it could be all over for him.


Dave The Hat 10 Oct 2010 19:40

What's peoples take on this article? Will the Malian and Nigerien governments be keen to pursue the option of getting Tuaregs to oust AQIM?

D'ex-rebelles touareg attendent de combattre Aqmi au Mali - Temoust.org | Le portail du peuple touareg berbère Kel Tamasheq

CaBRita 11 Oct 2010 21:44

News about the same topic released today in Courier International:

"La présence des terroristes islamistes d’AQMI dans le Sahara indispose de plus en plus les nomades. Ces derniers sont prêts 'a s’engager aux côtés des forces gouvernementales maliennes pour les chasser de leur territoire."

MALI • Les Touaregs s’en vont en guerre contre Al-Qaida | Courrier international

Best Regards,

Chris Scott 11 Oct 2010 22:48

What's peoples take on this article?

I would say, if they are genuinely able to do it then what's been keeping them?

Recently agreed French approval and promised support perhaps?

Much more politically acceptable than non-African special forces going in to do the same job - and the media will love it and simplify it to: Tuaregs v AQ.

But one imagines certain elements in Mali would not want this to succeed which is why it's gone so far, no?


priffe 12 Oct 2010 03:15

And now also on Ennahar Ennahar Online - On former Tuareg rebel expect combat AQIM in Mali

It is expected that these "special units" are made up of former Tuareg rebels, under command of the Malian army, and whose training has been provided by the Algerian government in accordance with the Algiers Agreements.
"We are ready, we wait. In a few weeks, we will solve the problem," says Ahmed Ag Achérid, part of the hundreds of veterans of the Tuareg cause eager to join these elite units and to fight units of Al-Qaeda.
I say, wow! It does lend some credibility to this report InfoMali.net Le Mali en Ligne - BAHANGA SERAIT A BAMAKO ! that Ag Bahanga was in Bamako a while ago (not confirmed elsewhere).
"A few weeks", they say. That should be interesting to watch.
Some thoughts - this will also mean touaregs fighting touaregs, to some extent. There are touaregs who have been aching to show who are the real bosses of the desert. Perhaps those young touaregs who have joined Aqim will switch sides when/if the battle begins, rather than fighting their own.
What will the French say? I suspect they will want to have the hostages released before any action is taken. Abou Zeid will then be on the lookout for a quick grab of a new set of westerners, his treasure chest full so he can pay off whoever needs to be paid off.

Moro, your email is bouncing!

Dave The Hat 17 Oct 2010 19:19

Tuaregs and Drug smugglers clash near Kidal.

Ex-rebels clash with drug smugglers in Mali desert | News by Country | Reuters

priffe 17 Oct 2010 22:26

This could mark the beginning of a new relationship between Bamako and the tuaregs.
Let's hope they get on well. Good news for everyone except the bad guys, and the current hostages I am afraid.

About 12 people were killed when former Tuareg rebels backed by Malian government forces clashed with heavily armed drug smugglers ferrying cocaine across the Sahara desert, Malian officials said on Sunday.
Several smugglers were captured in the clash, which took place on Thursday about 100 km (60 miles) from the town of Kidal in northern Mali, a local government official said."Drug traffickers transporting cocaine from Morocco towards Egypt clashed with (former Tuareg rebel leader Ibrahim Ag) Bahanga and his men, who were given material support by the army," said the official, asking not to be named.
Having faced the corruption in Kidal, I wonder what happens with the coke??
Also: cooperation between Mali and Mauretania
Ennahar Online - Mali: An alleged accomplice of AQIM wanted in Mauritania, arrested in Mali
Mauritanians jailed, one for spying on westerners Mauritanian court jails two Al-Qaeda militants - Yahoo! News

priffe 18 Oct 2010 00:12

G8 met with regional countries in Bamako. Algeria boycotted the talks - but Morocco was in. Can't get both under one roof.
Capital FM Kenya: G8 countries meet on facing Al Qaeda in north Africa
Niger says Europe must reinforce African armies or 'move': Niger -Laredo Sun -World News
If someone is interested in Polisario's involvement in kidnappings and Aqim, here is an article with several links. Don't believe all you read, but it does give food for thought.
Terrorism watch in North Africa - The World Desk, Uncategorized - Macleans.ca
here's Omar Sahraouis SADR birth certificate
(looks suspiciously new?? - refuted as a forgery here)

Algerias top amenokal (tuareg chief) swears allegiance to Algeria but is pessimistic AFP: Providing security is difficult in Sahel: Tuareg chief

donncha 20 Oct 2010 22:16

Mauritania Sentences 3 Al-Qaida Suspects to Death
Mauritania Sentences 3 Al-Qaida Suspects to Death


Chris Scott 26 Oct 2010 23:48

News of this interesting-looking book was passed on to me today. Includes background on Abu Zeid - from Deb Deb not less.

Ennahar Online - "Smuggling in the name of Islam," last publication by Anis Rahmani

Interestingly, it repeats the suggestion made in a few places that M Germaneau died from his medical condition (rather than execution).
If that is made up, it is hard to calculate who benefits by saying it (well, for me at least).

As someone reminded me, things like this published in Algeria (rather than say, France) are likely to have an agenda (possible in Europe too, of course). There is no website for the publisher but they are around.


priffe 29 Oct 2010 04:22

Thx, Chris. The author Mohammed Mokaddem, alias Anis Rahmani is also the editor of Ennahar and a controversial figure in Algeria. I wonder if he explains the kidnappings in Tunisia and how the Austrians were transited to Mali. And if the mentions the DRS. ;)
More on this book:
Ennahar Online - AQIM: a book declares revealing the true identity of Abu Zeid
"The future of AQIM", he said, "is Nigeria not in the Sahel".
Ennahar Online - Why this book?
"... it was necessary to put an end to the great confusion among experts and the media in both Arab and European countries on many issues concerning the development of terrorism in the Sahel region of Africa...".
I like this line: "Algeria has found peace and stability and it is therefore time for documentation and analysis with compelling arguments and evidence." Hear hear, Jeremy Keenan.

The book
227 pages of average size
Price: 700 AD
Publisher: Casbah Editions

priffe 29 Oct 2010 08:55


Originally Posted by donncha (Post 309636)
Mauritania Sentences 3 Al-Qaida Suspects to Death

Death sentences are normally commuted to prison sentences in Mauritania; it has been a while since they executed someone.

Mauri don't want a French base (at least not an official one) La Mauritanie s’oppose aux bases militaires étrangères - Actualité - El Watan
"We have not conducted a joint raid with the French army. But we have received technical assistance from French and this is not new."
Le terrorisme sème la peur dans le pays - Actualité - El Watan

Mauritania says firmly committed to the fight against terrorism. This desire was expressed at the national conference on terrorism and extremism, opened last Sunday in Nouakchott
Tuaregs chasing terrorists


Faced with the inertia of Bamako vis-a-vis the terrorist activity, former Tuareg rebels in northern Mali have decided to organize themselves to pacify the region. Sources close to the motion "deploring" the critical situation in the North announced that Ag Bahanga, the head of the former rebellion, and its managers organize young veterans to hunt terrorists in their territory.
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priffe 29 Oct 2010 09:48

Mali, summing it up.
Mali Pays the Price of al-Qaeda's Asymmetrical Threat - The Jamestown Foundation


International vs. Regional Solutions Malian President Amadou Toumani Touré says that Mali is both “a hostage and a victim” of AQIM: “These people [i.e. AQIM] are not Malians. They came from the Maghreb with ideas that we do not know. The problem is the lack of regional cooperation. Everyone complains about their neighbor…” (Ennahar [Algiers], October 1). Mali’s government has declared a series of measures designed to deal with the concerns about its security:
• A rational occupation of territory by the state administration.
• Increased mobility on the part of troops for prevention and intervention.
• A social mobilization to reduce the influence of sects and criminal groups.

The G8’s Counter-Terrorism Action Group (CTAG) held a two day meeting in Bamako in mid-October to discuss the AQIM threat. President Amadou Toumani Touré told the meeting that security alone could not resolve the AQIM issue, saying that development of the Sahel region is necessary to undercut support for militant groups (AFP, October 14). Though the meeting was also attended by representatives of the African Union (AU), the UN, the EU and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), its success was hampered by the absence of Algeria, which refused to attend due to the presence of Moroccan representatives (Le Républicain [Bamako], October 14; Ennahar [Algiers], October 13; AFP, October 13). Tensions between the two states remain high due to disagreement over the status of the Western Sahara. ...
The question of allowing foreign military operations in Mali became more complicated when Mauritanian aircraft in pursuit of suspected al-Qaeda fighters killed two civilians near Timbuktu in September (Reuters, September 20). However, with little ability to control its northern region, Mali seems determined to avoid inflaming AQIM by allowing military forces of France (the former colonial power) to be based there (Le Monde, September 22). Mali does, however, accept military training from French forces and has a number of American Special Forces training teams stationed within Mali (see Terrorism Monitor Briefs, June 4). Nevertheless, based on the inability of Mali’s military to even refuel Mauritanian forces during a September 18 clash with AQIM in northern Mali, Algerian authorities have described Mali’s armed forces as “incompetent”

The Arlit Hostage Crisis

The latest crisis involves the kidnapping of seven Areva and Satom employees from the uranium mine at Arlit in northern Niger on September 15. The operation was carried out by the Tarek Ibn Ziyad katiba (military unit) led by AQIM commander Abdelhamid Abou Zeid (a.k.a. Abid Hammadou) (Le Monde, October 11). Five of the hostages are French; the other two are from Togo and Madagascar. Heavy fighting between AQIM forces under Algerian commander Yahya Abou Hamam and Mauritanian forces was reported shortly after the abductions (Ennahar, October 15; Jeune Afrique, October 9). While this latest group of hostages is being held in northern Mali, there are denials from all sides that France ever requested permission to base troops or aircraft involved in the search on Malian territory, though this may be a sop to Bamako’s sensitivity on the issue. The air component of the search is thus based in Niamey in neighboring Niger, while French Special Forces are awaiting deployment in the Burkina Faso capital of Ouagadougou. The Kidal airstrip in northern Mali would be useful in the search, but would have the disadvantage of exposing French forces to direct attacks by AQIM (Jeune Afrique, October 9; Air & Cosmos [Paris], September 29; Le Monde, September 22). Not surprisingly, one of AQIM’s reported demands for the release of the hostages is a commitment from Bamako that further French and Mauritanian military operations will not be allowed on Malian territory (L’Indépendant [Bamako], October 12). When and if the time comes for a military intervention on Malian soil to save the hostages, it is expected that Bamako will look the other way until the operation is completed.

Is Regional Security Cooperation a Mirage?

As a result of the Tamanrasset meeting, a joint Sahel information center (Centre de Renseignement sur le Sahel - CRS) was established by the intelligence chiefs of Algeria, Niger, Mali and Mauritania in Algiers on October 7 to collect intelligence from the security services of the four nations and make it available to the new joint military operations center in Tamanrasset (L’Expression [Abidjan], October 7). In April, Algeria, Niger, Mali and Mauritania formed the Tamanrasset-based Joint Operational Military Committee, designed to provide a joint response to border security and terrorism issues (see Terrorism Monitor Briefs, July 8). Ten days after the Arlit abductions, the committee (composed of the military chiefs of the four nations) met on September 26 to establish a coordinated response against the AQIM threat. The committee is currently headed by Malian Brigadier-General Gabriel Poudiougou, but there is little enthusiasm in Bamako for the new security center in Tamanrasset, which is referred to at the highest levels of the government as “an empty shell” (Jeune Afrique, October 15). The absence of Chad, Libya and Morocco from the new cooperative security infrastructure will certainly hinder efforts to eliminate AQIM from the region. The leaders of Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Mali and Chad held a consultative meeting on the sidelines of the Arab-African Summit in the Libyan city of Sirté on October 10, though this did not seem to ease the admission of new members into the four-nation Sahel security grouping. Mali’s efforts to broaden the group have been continually vetoed by Algiers. Earlier this month, however, Libya donated two much-needed Italian Marchetti surveillance aircraft to Mali to combat local unrest (AFP, October 4). Despite the insecurity in its own northern region and the fact the Arlit hostages were seized in Niger before being moved to Mali, Niamey has been quick to identify Mali as the source of regional insecurity. According to Amadou Marou, president of Niger’s National Consultative Council (which is managing the country in the aftermath of February’s military coup), “Somalia got away from us and northern Mali is in the process of getting away from us"

priffe 6 Nov 2010 14:11

Mauritanians back to Mali � The Moor Next Door

Former Touareg rebels eager to quash al-Qaeda (Magharebia.com)

Five die in clash with al-Qaeda in north Mali: Mauritania | Radio Netherlands Worldwide

Al Qaeda member surrenders to Mauritanian police - People's Daily Online

So with the mauri deploying from the west, Ag Bahanga and his touaregs attacking from Kidal in the east and rival clans in Timbuktu eager to exact revenge for the assasination of one of their leaders, perhaps things aren't looking too good for MBM and Abu Zeid?

Chris Scott 6 Nov 2010 14:24

They may have never left, although this could be a build-up for further action. One of the few things we learned from the Brit Mali ambassador was that Mori has had a permanent base in Mali for a while, and the contact in Mali in September with AQ was a blow.

We were also told is that the EU is co-funding the re-occupation of Mali army bases in the north Mali which, like Ikhalil, were abandoned a couple of Tuareg rebellions ago. However, he added any security benefits in the region would take some time.


priffe 8 Nov 2010 12:54

Mali + Mauri = true
Nouvel élan dans la lutte anti-AQMI - International - El Watan

Cooperation in the fight against Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has gained new impetus with the establishment of joint patrols between Malian and Mauritanian soldiers in northern Mali, a first in the area where the units are AQIM very active.

Hundreds of Mauritanian and Malian military vehicles traveling this weekend, about 80 km north of Timbuktu (northern Mali), said a journalist from AFP. Malians had just joined the Mauritanian troops, arrived last week to address those already present for several weeks. "You see, we are brothers, our goal is the same: to ensure the security of our people, do not leave the ground to terrorists, preventing the organization from attack," said a Mauritanian soldier, taking the arm of his counterpart Malian sign of friendship.

"Today, we are in the Malian desert. Tomorrow we will go in the Mauritanian desert. Together we can fight against insecurity.

Dave The Hat 11 Nov 2010 00:45

Reports that a major operation is under way by Algerian army, possibly 500 terrorists surrounded in Northern Algeria.


TonyTea 12 Nov 2010 04:55

Bit of background
A bit of background about the Algerian security forces activities during the GIA period:

Uncovering Algeria's civil war - In Depth - Al Jazeera English

The accusations about AQIM nowadays all stem from this period originally, and it looks as though people might be starting to turn stones over...


priffe 13 Nov 2010 10:23

More mauri boys giving themselves up

The Mauritanian nationals fled a Mali AQIM camp to benefit from new amnesty measures endorsed by the Nouakchott anti-terror policy forum. Earlier in November, Mauritania declined to press charges against another young Mauritanian who fled a terrorist training camp in Mali and surrendered in Timbedra

Dave The Hat 13 Nov 2010 18:08

Algeria hopes to halt a decline in tourism due to concerns over security

Algeria seeks to halt Sahel tourism decline (Magharebia.com)

priffe 21 Nov 2010 15:00

Keenan again, in defense of tuaregs
The tribulations of the Tuareg - Briefings - Al Jazeera English

mauritanian deserter appears on television denouncing aqim
شاب موريتاني عائد من معسكرات القاعدة يروي قصته مع السلفية وعودته الطواعية الى بلاده
in arabic

Richard Washington 22 Nov 2010 13:50

28 AQIM members hand themselves over
28 members of al-Qaeda's North African branch have defected from the group and have surrendered to the Mauritanian army.

28 boys from the ages of 14 to 22 on Sunday left al-Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb in northern Mali.

28 defect from al-Qaeda group: News24: Africa: News

All in all, I think we are witnessing the first serious/successful push-back phase against AQIM since they took to the desert in 2003.

Dave The Hat 22 Nov 2010 23:22

Ennahar Online - The terrorist leader Abu Djaffar shot dead

jonathanhfxns 29 Nov 2010 02:46

An initial cable from the Wikileaks leak
Found on the Guardian in a couple of minutes.

Nothing unexpected, but I've just made the briefest skim.

There cannot be too much up yet- nothing at all on Canada for instance.

US embassy cables: Washington launches intelligence trawl in West Sahara states | World news | guardian.co.uk

priffe 29 Nov 2010 13:05

There may well be some interesting info on Aqim and not least on Algeria in the leaked cables.
Ennahar Online - The CIA reveals secrets on the Islamic Salvation Front

Abu Zeid appears in a new video Vidéo Exclusif : la première vidéo d'Abou Zeid, le ravisseur des otages français de LCIWAT (Actualité - LCIWAT) - wat.tv
Ennahar Online - Abu Zeid appears on a video

'The terrorist leader was wearing a watch he kept fiddling all the time; he had his head down and did have neither the look nor the stature of a leader.
The video, broadcast by the French channel, confirms what was reported by repentant terrorists who had met and known him. All called him a "tramp", especially the Mauritanian, for his bad habits and lack of personality.
The video, according to experts, is recently filmed, probably this year, Abu Zeid and his men seemed to ignore that they had been filmed. It was the work of a repentant terrorists who brought it with him.
In this video we could see between twenty and thirty terrorist training on weapons in the Sahara. Among these terrorists, a boy not exceeding 16, talking of jihad.
You could also see very clearly the faces of some terrorist, black, from the region.'

Ulrich 7 Dec 2010 14:30

Some interesting cables from the US embassy in Algiers...

Cable Viewer

Cable Viewer

Cable Viewer

Cable Viewer

... and Bamako

found at WikiLeaks



jonathanhfxns 10 Dec 2010 07:25

Malian and Algy governments don't like each other very much; US electronic surveillance over flights; US/Mali troop training details.

(plus the inclusion of Montreal to receive Algerian news- which stands out quite badly for a Canadian)

It's a little more useful than the same old foreign office warnings.

manfredschweda 10 Dec 2010 22:25

Working paper CEPT INSTEAD
The fuzzy geography of terrorism in West Africa
This just came round through Twitter
Maybe someone interested

subaculture 13 Dec 2010 10:17

Al-Qaeda's new front: terrorism meets crime in a lawless north African desert
Decent interview based article in the Irish Times (Dec 11, 2010) -

Al-Qaeda's new front: terrorism meets crime in a lawless north African desert

Al-Qaeda's new front: terrorism meets crime in a lawless north African desert - The Irish Times - Sat, Dec 11, 2010

The no-go area now includes Timbuktu and all the most popular tourist destinations. Some foreign analysts suggest that Paris may be trying to cut off the tourist industry to exert political pressure on the Malian government, but others say the new warning was based on firm intelligence that Aqim was looking for hostages farther south.

priffe 15 Dec 2010 06:18

I think that interview was rather flawed for instance they had the geography wrong.

Anyway, Mali made several arrests with suggested links to Polisario. From many sources.
Should we give it more credit coming from Malian or Mauri sources with no obvious connection to the Moroccan propaganda machine?
.:Middle East Online �:.
"On Thursday we arrested six major drug traffickers in the Sahara who were associates of the traffickers arrested on Tuesday by the Mauritanian army," the security source said.
She said the men come from the ranks of the Polisario Front which is fighting for the independence of Western Sahara from Morocco.
They were part of "one of the three major networks of traffickers who pass through the Sahara and sell the drugs to Europe," she said.
The Mauritanian army said on Wednesday it had killed two men and captured seven during a raid on a band of drug traffickers on the eastern Mauritanian border with Mali on Tuesday."
AfricaNews - Mali: arrest of narcotics barons linked to AQIM - The AfricaNews articles of rubakana
"The ringleader, a senior in the Sahrawi Polisario leadership Front is Sultan Ould Bady, the leader of the "third largest drug trafficking ring in the direction of Europe" and would also directly involved kidnappings of foreigners in the Sahel perpetrated by Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)."
AFP: Six 'major' drug traffickers arrested in Mali

Some more from a Spanish site
Kidnapping, drug trafficking dominate AQIM crimes, analysts say

On Dec. 6, the Mauritanian army clashed with a group of drug traffickers linked to the terrorist group. Several traffickers were killed and many more arrested during the operation. Significant quantities of arms, ammunition, drugs, phones and vehicles were seized. According to reports, a Malian drug baron wanted by several countries was also captured during the operation.

A similar Mauritanian army raid at the end of February left three suspected drug traffickers dead, while 20 others were placed in custody. The Mauritanian, Malian and Algerian suspects were reportedly carting drugs in off-road vehicles and a small truck when the fight erupted in Lemzarrab, near the Malian border.

In northern Niger, the French hostage crisis drags into its fourth month, with AQIM using the hostages to blackmail France into paying a ransom. The group is reportedly demanding €7 million (US$9.286 million).

In addition, last month Moroccan authorities announced they dismantled a suspected 36-person al-Qaeda affiliated gang that included four foreigners. They allegedly were involved in smuggling and drug trafficking. A security source declared that the group smuggled cocaine eight times from northern Mali to Europe across Morocco and Algeria. The amount of cocaine smuggled was estimated at 600 kilograms (1,322 pounds).
“the overlap of organised crime and terrorism has reached a point where we can emphasise that al-Qaeda no longer relies on crime to finance terrorism. Now, terrorism is used as a cover-up for crime, the sole purpose of which is to make a fortune.”

Dave The Hat 6 Jan 2011 11:05

BBC News - Blast strikes French embassy in Mali

priffe 6 Jan 2011 17:58


Originally Posted by Dave The Hat (Post 318286)

Even in Bamako....but didn't this attack seem ill conceived and rather desperate?
One man with a gun and a grenade. Two pedestrians injured. A very similar attack was launched against the French embassy in Nouakchott in August, 2009.

Meanwhile the Moroccans arrested 27 belonging to a cell in Amghala, West Sahara. http://www.echoroukonline.com/eng/wo...o-algeria.html

And Algeria is launching a large scale offensive against Aqim strongholds in Kabylia Shimron Letters: Algerian Offensive Against AQIM Underway
They are said to have them surrounded and expect it to last a month or so.

jonathanhfxns 8 Jan 2011 03:56

Algerian Riots
Algerian forces attack allies of al-Qaida | World news | Guardian Weekly

A little more of the same on the northern AQIM roundup operation.

Algerian riots resume over food prices | World news | The Guardian

This seems to be much more than the usual low scale stuff that seems to be in the papers there everyday: much more sustained, in more places and with more people. Belcourt and Bab El Oued are basically downtown Algier- on the water to the southeast and northwest of the centre and port, to make it relevant on here. Hopefully if anybody is driving they already have a guide.

Dave The Hat 10 Jan 2011 14:00

Tuaregs intercept drug smugglers at Tamesna, North Mali, with fatalities:

Nord du Mali : Sept morts et plusieurs blessés dans des combats armés - Temoust.org | Le portail du peuple touareg berbère Kel Tamasheq

kirkley 11 Jan 2011 07:23

via the cables:

ATT said he thinks
Algeria's intelligence services and army are holding up
cooperation, and believes the Algerian army is infiltrated
with Salafists."


priffe 11 Jan 2011 22:45

Sadly the last two kidnappings in Niger has caused Point Afrique to cancel the rest of the season
for Atar, Mopti and also Chad.
Ennahar Online - Hostages: Point Africa tour operator suspended its last flights in the Sahel
"AQIM (al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb) won the first round. The fear has been installed. The tourists stop coming," said Mr. Freund.
"There are not enough people. Our financial reserves melt," he summarized, explaining for example that there were only "nine people on the plane in early January between Paris and Atar.
Same for serving the Mopti: "I will maintain the flights until 23 January for the return of holidaymakers. There are 80 people per flight where financial balance is 120".

Dave The Hat 11 Jan 2011 23:39

Will this scare off the tour operaters still running trips in the region?

We have developed several months warning against travel tour operators in this region;" some accept the advice of the Government, others consider that they know better as our diplomats and our experts."

"I want to remind them it's their criminal liability which is committed if, tomorrow, there is an accident," he said.

Fillon met en garde les tour-opérateurs sur les risques au Sahel | News by Country | Reuters

Dave The Hat 13 Jan 2011 18:43

Is this article accuarte? I thought Ag Bahanga returned to mali a while ago?

Mali : un ex-chef rebelle touareg de retour après son exil en Libye - Temoust.org | Le portail du peuple touareg berbère Kel Tamasheq

If he is back there, do you think there is any significance to his return? Preparing to have a go at the AQIM bases and/or sort out the drug traffickers?

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