Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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bigdoozer 3 Jan 2010 17:59

facinating stuff ladies, passing all this on to my sis who is off this year. maybe I should set up an e-bay overland shop for all these specalist items.

Frankly though I admire a lady that will bare-ass for a piddle, Liberating innit?

Wet ones; still the best all rounder for me and mine. Vodka for cleaning teeth and visors.


Selous 18 Feb 2010 02:47

Hi Girls,
Just a little tip from us guys from the Forces, re Crouch itch sweaty bits,
suggest you buy Silk Nickers/Panties whatever min 85% pure silk.
We found in the Army they dry out very quickly matter of hours & and wick away any sweat they keep you cool in Summer & & quit warm when cold.
I would suggest you look @ patra (on line) that is where I got mine from

loganyellow69 2 May 2010 16:13

Hygiene products
We've done several short (2wk) trips around Europe in prep for RWT trip without time limit.

I've tried the Lush shampoo bars - brilliant, very small, light, smell nice, can be used on the body and (if it's of interest) leaves your hair feeling really nice.

I find thongs work the best, especially if made of soft lace. However the secret is in the size, I'm size 10-12 so wear size 16-18, they don't dig into your hips and don't ride up (Primark's are great). They are v. small so don't use much space.

I use Bodyform Micro Thin Liners (Superdrug/Boots 1.60 stg for box of 22 or wait for frequent deals of 1.00 stg per box) which fit with thongs, can be used with tampons and/or if you can't wash clothes and so as good as having clean knickers.

Wetwipes - priceless, no end of uses, you name it they are good for it.

Plastic ziplock bags - again endless uses. Tesco sell own brand very cheaply and are good for food, to keep items dry/wet e.g. matches, wet wipes etc. and storage for used items.

I tried soap flakes and found them rubbish, once they were wet they transformed into a congealled lump of goo that did nothing - however it may have been the brand as haven't tried more than one type.

Moisturising - I use Niva Visage Oil Free Moisturing Fluid with Witch Hazel & Mattispheres, comes in a 100ml container and contains UVA/UVB protection (avg. price about 3.00 stg, Superdrug, Boots, Tesco etc - can get it on deals for 2.00). It works, evidenced by long walks in unexpected warm weather, friends suffered sunburn I didn't -despite being whiter than white. Guys, my other half also uses it -even though he has tried the various ranges for men, he finds prefers this.

Deodourant - Sanex roll-ons are great, spent two weeks in Spain & Portugal last year with an avg of 30 C (lowest 25 and highest 38) and they worked better than anything else I tried (tested several others whilst there). Widely available and cheap, can usually be found on deals in nearly every UK supermarket and most pharmacies. Haven't tried crystals as suggested on this site so will give these a go.

I have just bought a she-wee so need to test it out but have heard only good things.

Mooncup - don't have one yet but again have only heard good things and am more convinced than ever after reading some of the comments here. I normally use tampons which are fine for short trips but would take some space to stock up several months worth for our RWT and using a heavier flow one just so it lasts longer is one of the things that you are warned against when considering using tampons due to TSS, which is rare but in extreme cases can be fatal.

Wonderful thread, have found it full of helpful tips, especially on where to stash cash! Will continue to dip in to see what else it offers and will post anything useful I discover.

shewolfnz 4 May 2010 01:10

just add water
Eztowels are great, compact and handy alternative to wet wipes.

EZ Towel

They also come in tubes of 10 - on an aside I used an empty tube to carry some chewable Vit C tablets (same size)...my sons found the tube and where trying to add water to a tablet, scratching their heads why it didn't turn into a towel... :rofl:

Selous 21 Jul 2010 13:02


Originally Posted by Debz (Post 140163)
Just back from a wee 3 week trip and before we went Aldi had in cycling underwear - lycra, breathable, quick drying and with an extra bit padding for comfy bums so got a few pairs (boxer style) for Iain and the ladies ones came in boxer style or ordinarly pant style. I would have liked a couple pairs of boxer style but by time I got there only 1 pair left so had to get pant style aswell. The boxer style were by far the more comfy although in hind site the extra padding was not ideal for the hot weather we had but having used these would definately go for this style (with no padding though which also means more seams).

Try Horse riding knickers my other half used to ride they are very comfey

Kirst 31 Aug 2010 21:49

Great thread, plenty of things I never thought of.

I can recommend:
Batiste dry shampoo - fantastic stuff, I have really greasy hair and this makes it look freshly washed. Smells nice too.
Babywipes - world's greatest invention - face, hands, bum, and bike :thumbup1:

Panty liners - help keep you a bit fresher. And handy for wrapping round a bar of soap to keep it dry in your bag (Palmolive lasts long, smells good and can be used to wash your knickers):cool4:

I'm a bit too old to be taking the pill, so am on the mini-pill, Cerazette - my periods were a bit erratic for the first few weeks (had bleed every few days for a couple of weeks) but now stopped altogether. YAY!! :clap:

100% cotton or silk undies and some sexy lacy stuff to make you feel like a woman when you're feeling and looking like crap (oh the joy of helmet hair :thumbdown:)

Sealskinz socks - totally waterproof. Wish I'd put them on before I rode for 5 hours in the rain :freezing:

Hide cash in the lining of your jacket - body armour pockets are very handy.
Don't bother with traveller's cheques, hardly anyone will cash them and the're just extra weight to carry round till you get home (yes, I learned the hard way doh) I love the idea of stashing it in sanitary towel sachets, I'll try that next time. You can also roll cash up in medicine tubs, leave a couple of pills rattling round with the prescription label on the outside. I taped some into the bottom of my panniers, in a waterproof bag, covered in duct tape.

A wedding ring to stop unwanted advances :innocent:

Slippers for those cold tiled floors which are everywhere once you leave the UK.

Happy travelling, girls beerchug

saralou 1 Feb 2011 05:57

Well girls if you want a gynecologist's opinion.....The Mirena is the way to go. I can not tolerate the pill. I have not had a period for over 3 years! Lasts 5 years so that should get me ATW when i get a new one for 2012 trip.

I am for sure getting a she wee! I love the idea of voiding without having to squat and bare your bum.

Thanks for the Marks and spencer control short trip. I wear mens fitted boxers now to avoid the "monkey butt"


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