Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Hi from Swiss... Travel trip with freighter from Antwerpen to Montevideo 21.10.17 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/welcome-to-hu/hi-swiss-travel-trip-freighter-93209)

DVDM2017 15 Oct 2017 23:59

Hi from Swiss... Travel trip with freighter from Antwerpen to Montevideo 21.10.17
My name is David and am ready for my big adventure! I will leave Europe on 21.10.17 for a long time. I am on the move with a converted BMW F800 GS. A freight ship from Antwerp will take us across the pond. The journey with Grimaldi Freighter Lines takes + - 28-32 days. Arriving on the other continent, I planned to explore Uruguay first before heading to Buenos Aires in the direction of ushuai. Continue along the Ruta 40 to Mendoza. In Mendoza I will work for 3 months on a large vineyard. As it goes on I leave open once open;))

Who knows, maybe even a fellow traveler is also on HUB.

Looking forward to a lot of information and tips! So enough written, now is traveled ... !!! Goodbye;

Grant Johnson 22 Oct 2017 04:01

Sounds like a great trip David, I look forward to hearing about your travels.

Be sure to check out the Travel Stories section - you can have your own blog there easily!

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