Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Declan 7 Jan 2016 12:29

ADAC Carnet - return of bank deposit question...
Hi all,
I'm an Irish citizen and I am thinking of using ADAC for a Carnet for my proposed trip from Ireland to Kyrgyzstan this May. I plan to pass through just one Carnet country - Iran, on route. However, I plan to fly home shortly after arriving in Kyrgyzstan leaving my bike there and to return to Kyrgyzstan 10 months later to pick it up and to continue my journey east.

My question is from an ADAC point of view, does my bike have to be back home to its country of registration (Ireland) or just stamped out of the carnet requiring country - Iran, in order to get my deposit money back? I don't wish to have to wait until it is back in Ireland, in fact it may never come back.


Fern 8 Jan 2016 09:14

I rode from UK Nepal in 2012. With the RAC carnet, my carnet was last used to exit the bike from India.

The bike was shipped from India to NZ. The bike entered NZ as a temporary import. The carnet expired when the bike was on a ship between the two.

The RAC discharged my carnet, I had to show that the bike had been 'imported' or entered somehow into another country, and I DHL'd the proof of import/movement into NZ along with the used carnet, back to the UK. Once they received it, they paid the money back to me.

The only true answer will come from ADAC...

Irishrider 15 Apr 2018 11:15

Hi Fern. I am planning on doing that exact trip a few years from now. How much was the carnet and how much did you get back in your deposit? I have been quoted £4000 with £3500 refundable but I have read of a few people that were quoted much lower. This is based on a bike valued around £1000-£1500. I know the real answer will come from ADAC but I have only just started saving and it will take me a few years till I have enough, I just wanted to get a roughly accurate figure in my head early on.

Fern 16 Apr 2018 09:45

what I paid should be irrelevant, as I paid to RAC who no longer issue carnets. you need to check the rates with who ever you plan to get your carnet from, and it depends on what countries you are going to, and how many pages your booklet is.

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