Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   3rd party vehicle insurance in Africa, west coast (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/3rd-party-vehicle-insurance-africa-58389)

rsstler 26 Jul 2011 11:47

3rd party vehicle insurance in Africa, west coast
I’m after some advice about 3rd party vehicle insurance for Africa. I’m travelling by motorbike from London to Cape Town via the West coast of Africa.

I’ve received a quote for 3rd party vehicle insurance, but I know that in some countries you need to buy local insurance regardless of whether you have already insurance or not.

My question is - is it worth getting insurance before you leave or should I just get it at each border?

And any idea on how many countries require you to buy their insurance?


rsstler 28 Jul 2011 15:13

After a bit more research I’ve decided NOT to get insurance before I leave, instead I will get local insurance.

Morocco – I will prearranged Green Card insurance. I seem to remember it being cheaper that local cover when I travelled there last, £30 if memory is correct.

Mauritania – Local cover. Unsure of prices

Senegal to Nigeria - Carte Brune insurance which will provide cover for West Africa. Prices seem to be around £40 for 4 months

Cameroon to DRC - Carte Rose insurance covering most of central Africa, I’m not sure if Angola is included. Prices seem to around £40 USD for 2 months

If this is correct, local insurance will cost around £200, which is far cheaper than the £600 I was quoted for pre-arranged cover.

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